(); The next morning, Ye Rongrong rode a mountain bike to work in the PLA General Hospital. When he passed by the entrance of the PLA General Hospital, Ye Rongrong went to ask the newspaper, "Is the Beijing Daily here? How much is it?"

"Here, one dollar. Ω』"

The boss selling the newspaper looked up Ye Rongrong and said.

The newspaper seller always felt that the person in front of him had a sense of familiarity, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

"Give me one!"

Ye Rongrong handed over the money to the boss who sold the newspaper and said.

"Okay, you take it!"

After the boss collected the money, he handed Ye Rongrong a newspaper.

Ye Rongrong took the newspaper, rode his bicycle to the parking spot, and flipped through the pages of the newspaper quickly.

When he was about to walk to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, his eyes finally flashed, and he turned to the middle page, and his figure stood out in the newspaper, especially the headline was particularly attractive——"The hero sacrificed his life to save six people in the fire"!

Yesterday afternoon, a fire broke out in a house in the Zidong Garden Community in the west district of our city. Six residents were trapped in the house and could not get out. A hero used his flesh and blood to catch the residents who jumped from the sixth floor. , and risked their lives, rushed into the raging fire and rescued the trapped...

The above is the whole incident.

It is reported that the hero who rescued people left silently without leaving any personal information after saving the people trapped in the fire.

This kind of hero who sacrifices his life to save others, this kind of hero who does good deeds without leaving his name, makes people moved and admired, this is the real hero, this is the real contemporary "Lei Feng"...


The evaluation is so high, Ye Rongrong's heart flutters.

Have you become a contemporary hero?

Ye Rongrong blushed a little, he didn't seem to be that great!

The contemporary "Lei Feng" really deserves it!

In the Chinese medicine hospital.


Ye Rongrong greeted the nurses who were already working in the hall.

"Hi Dean!"

Several nurses reacted and immediately said excitedly.

Nurse Zhao Xiaoning greeted her excitedly, showing her small canine teeth with a smile, "President, you came just in time, we are all gone, you are a great hero who saves lives?"

"What heroes are not heroes, remember to keep a low profile!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Dean, you don't know, it's so cool and handsome for you to catch people who jumped from the sixth floor with your bare hands."

A female nurse greeted Ye Rongrong with a look of admiration.

"It's not that high, just five stories high."

Ye Rongrong said with a little pride.

Seeing the adoring eyes of these young female nurses, Ye Rongrong felt particularly accomplished.

"Dean, the fifth floor is also very tall!" dudu1();

Zhang Xiaoning said honorably.

When I came to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital, I had always heard legends about this miraculous dean, but those were all legends, and they were not witnessed by newcomers like myself.

But what happened yesterday, everyone was watching the video with their own eyes, catching the person who jumped from the fifth floor empty-handed, and rushing into the fire to save people.

Frequency, but everyone was frightened.

Fortunately, the dean came out of the fire intact.

It can't be said that it is intact. The dean's head and eyebrows were burned by the fire.

But we are all nurses, so we dare not talk about it, for fear that the dean will be unhappy.



At this time, the three daughters of Ouyang Qianqian, who had just entered the lobby of the Chinese Medicine Hospital, spotted Ye Rongrong, immediately ran over and said nervously.

"Teacher... woo..."

The teacher's head and eyebrows were gone, and Ouyang Qianqian and the three daughters couldn't help crying.

They knew that their teacher's eyebrows must have been burned by the fire.

"Why are you crying, I'm not dead yet!"

Ye Rongrong looked depressed, crying early in the morning, how unlucky!

"Teacher, aren't we worried about you?"

Xue Kaiqi said with red eyes.

"Do not worry,

I'm lucky and I'll be fine. "

Ye Rongrong's heart was warm, but his expression was still serious.

There is no way, as a teacher, you must have the airs of a teacher, otherwise this student will not be afraid of you.

It will be difficult to discipline in the future.

It is not easy to be a teacher for one day and a father for life!

"Teacher, don't do such dangerous things in the future, it's really scary!"

Zhang Yang said with tearful glory.

"Well, wipe away your tears, now you are all experts at the doctor level, crying and crying, making people laugh."

Ye Rongrong said to the three women.


Ouyang Qianqian and the three daughters also noticed that everyone was already there, and hurriedly wiped away the tears on their faces.

"Okay, let's go to work!"

Ye Rongrong said, and walked to the elevator.

Now that Ye Rongrong is like this, he doesn't want to show up in the presence of so many people. After all, his eyebrows and head are gone, which makes people feel weird.

"Dean, you..." dudu2();

When Zhang Hua saw Ye Rongrong walk into the office, he hurriedly greeted him and said.

"Don't ask, I'm fine, everything is fine!"

Ye Rongrong directly interrupted Zhang Hua's words.

Ye Rongrong was getting annoyed by being asked all the time if he was okay, what could he do, there really was something going on, and he wouldn't come to work so early.

It's really a good thing not to go out, this embarrassing story spreads thousands of miles!

No, I have to find a way to let my head and eyebrows grow out quickly, otherwise it will really affect my glorious image too much.

"Dean, yesterday, I was really worried to death."

Zhang Hua said.

"Well, I see, what time is today's press conference scheduled?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"Arrange at eleven o'clock in the morning. According to your intention, a half-hour meeting will be held at the press center of the General Hospital."

Zhang Hua said.

"Okay, tell me in advance."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"By the way, there are people who come to report to me in the morning. You let them in. If there is nothing important, you tell them not to disturb me."

Ye Rongrong said.

There was such a big news yesterday, and there must be a lot of people who came to ask about their health and well-being. Ye Rongrong is most annoyed by this, so he might as well not see these people.


Zhang Hua understood the meaning of the dean's words, nodded and said.

"That's it!"

With that said, Ye Rongrong walked into his office.


He quickly finished commenting on the documents in his hands. In fact, there were not many things that Ye Rongrong needed to comment on. Most of them had already been handed over to Nalan Hai and several other vice presidents.

Ye Glory doesn't have much workload right now, he's just responsible for directional control.

After closing the files, Ye Rongrong started looking for a house online.

When he came to the capital this time, Ye Rongrong planned to buy a house in the capital. After all, he would come to the capital frequently in the future, so he must have a place to live in.

As long as the status of the capital city remains the same, the housing prices in this capital city will not drop, and you will not lose money if you buy it.

And as time goes by, this currency will become less and less valuable, but the housing prices in this capital will only rise, not depreciate.

Consider buying a house as an investment!

Chinese people are keen on houses, and even enthusiastic about buying houses, which makes foreigners incredible.

I don't understand why Chinese people must use all the money they earn through hard work to buy a house?

Many foreigners' houses are just a place to sleep at night, and they don't need to be so big or gorgeous. dudu3();

In fact, foreigners don't understand that in the hearts of Chinese people, a house is the home of home, and only when there is a house can they feel a sense of security.

Especially now that there are more women than men in China, this makes many girls start to be picky when they marry.

Without a house or a car, why would someone want to marry you? If you can pass her test, you can't pass the test of the mother-in-law. Without a fixed residence, who can guarantee a happy marriage?

Moreover, the housing of Chinese people not only involves marriage, but also social security, and even dignity.

If you don't have a face in the company, you still have a face when you go home. When will life be free?

Buying a house is just to live with dignity, not to depend on others.

With China's current contract spirit so weak, anyone who says they won't buy a house is just playing hooligans!

In fact, in China, buying a house is more about getting rich.

Now there is a saying in the society that if you buy one right house, your quality of life will be improved by one level, and if you buy two right houses, your quality of life will be improved by two levels.

This is the common people in China, the experience that I have summed up in my life in the past twenty years.

You can get rich not by starting a business or by hard work, but by buying the right house.

Prices in Western countries have been stable for so many years, and social security is also sound.

But in China, in the past ten years, the hard-earned money in the hands of ordinary people has become less and less valuable.

Just like a certain real estate boss advocates every year, "If you haven't bought a house this year, it will be a waste of work for another year, because the bonus amount is not as big as the increase in real estate, so start as soon as possible."

In addition, in major cities today, the policy is not conducive to the homeless people, and various obstacles are set up in terms of education and social security for employed children. If you do not buy a house, many places will be restricted.

Among other things, as long as Ye Rongrong buys a house in the capital, he can let his children settle in the capital without asking for help.

The college entrance examination score is 100% lower than that of other places, and they can study in several top universities in the country in the capital.

"You can't go in!"

"Sister, just let me in!"

"What's the matter, you tell me, I just tell the dean, you can't go in, be obedient."

"Some things, I want to tell the dean personally!"

"You told me the same!"

"It's different, I have to tell the dean in person."


Just as Ye Rongrong checked the house, when he was lamenting that the housing prices in the capital were frighteningly high, there was a noise outside the office.

"what happened?"

Ye Rongrong walked out of the office frowning, and asked the noisy two beauties.

"Dean, she insists on seeing you!"


Zhang Hua pointed to Fan Xiaoxiao helplessly and said to Ye Rongrong.

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