The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1324 The matter of Fan Xiaoxiao

"Hello, Uncle Ye!"

Fan Xiaoxiao ran to Ye Rongrong's side and said happily.

Finally seeing Dean Ye, Fan Xiaoxiao was very happy.

"You... are you Fan Xiaoxiao?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the slim girl standing beside him with surprise.

"Yes, Uncle Ye, am I beautiful in this outfit?"

Fan Xiaoxiao asked happily.

After being cured, her shrunken body has turned into a normal girl's body. Fan Xiaoxiao's self-confidence has returned, and the smiles on her face have also increased.

Especially when some of Fan Xiaoxiao's classmates came to see him, the surprised and disbelieving eyes made Fan Xiaoxiao very happy.

Even these days, Fan Xiaoxiao received many gifts from former male classmates, and it was obvious that these boys wanted to pursue her.

But Fan Xiaoxiao didn't like any of them.

Fan Xiaoxiao made up her mind that she should study hard and apply for medical university in the future to be a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded.

If possible, Fan Xiaoxiao has already thought about it, and wants to worship Dean Ye as his teacher.

Fan Xiaoxiao heard from Dr. Ouyang that in the first half of the year, they were students that the professors of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Zhejiang University did not want to accept. They just learned medical skills from Dean Ye for half a year. Now they are all top doctors in the medical field in Beijing. .

Even if you encounter a disease that they have no solution for and don't know about, as long as you ask their teachers for advice, you will get a satisfactory answer.


Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Now Fan Xiaoxiao is wearing a pink and purple SODPOSFJ short shawl coat, which sets off her excellent figure, and is paired with a light yellow velvet knee-length skirt, a pair of black high boots, and her jet-black hair has a natural undulating arc. shoulder.

Clear and bright pupils, curved willow eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, fair and flawless skin with a hint of pink, and thin lips as delicate as rose petals.

This looks like a seductive angel.

"Uncle Ye, thank you!"

I don't know why, but since her recovery, Fan Xiaoxiao doesn't want to call Ye Rongrong Ye Dean anymore, she likes to call him Uncle Ye.

"Okay, haven't you been discharged from the hospital? Is there anything you need to ask me?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Fan Xiaoxiao and asked.

"Uncle Ye, can I come into your office and talk?"

Fan Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhang Hua, then turned to look at Ye Rongrong and said.

"Hehe, okay, come in!"

Ye Rongrong understood that this little girl Fan Xiaoxiao had something to say, and she didn't want Zhang Hua to hear it.


"Okay, tell me what you want!"

Walking into the office, Ye Rongrong said to Fan Xiaoxiao.

"Uncle Ye, that...that...I told you, can't make fun of me!"

Fan Xiaoxiao glanced at Ye Rongrong with a blushing face, lowered her head and said hesitantly.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, tell me, what's the matter?"

Seeing Fan Xiaoxiao's shy look, Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Uncle Ye, I... I'm a little small there."

Fan Xiaoxiao plucked up his courage, raised his head and said to Ye Rongrong with a blushing face.

"Small? Where is it small?"

Ye Rongrong didn't respond immediately and asked.

"right here!"

Fan Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth, put his hands on his chest and said.

Although Fan Xiaoxiao's body is no different from that of a normal girl now, the chest part that girls care about the most seems to have no development.

Women are born with a love of beauty, but it hasn't developed there. For Fan Xiaoxiao, this is really a blow.

But it's hard for Fan Xiaoxiao to tell others about this matter. Even her attending doctor, Ouyang Qianqian, Fan Xiaoxiao didn't mention this matter to her.

In Fan Xiaoxiao's heart, he believed in Ye Rongrong.

No, Fan Xiaoxiao rushed to the hospital as soon as she knew that Ye Rongrong was returning to the hospital.

Tell Ye Rongrong about your troubles, hoping that he can take care of himself.

"Oh, you said there!"

As Ye Rongrong said, he looked at Fan Xiaoxiao's chest.

As Fan Xiaoxiao said, her position is really too small, it looks as if she has not developed.

"Uncle Ye..."

Seeing Ye Rongrong staring at him, Fan Xiaoxiao blushed like a monkey's ass.

"Cough cough."

Ye Rongrong coughed a few times in embarrassment, and said, "That's the problem. How about it, I'll give you a prescription. After you take it for a month or two, you'll basically develop."


Hearing that his position can still develop, Fan Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and asked.

For the sake of beauty, Fan Xiaoxiao forgot to be shy at this time.

"Really, but if you eat it for two months at most, you can't eat it. If you eat too much, it will be bad for your health."

Ye Rongrong said.


Fan Xiaoxiao said gratefully to Ye Rongrong.

"wait for me a while!"

After Ye Rongrong finished speaking, he came to the desk and wrote a few words on the A4 paper.

"Take the medicine according to this prescription. Remember to take it every day before going to bed. You can only take it once a day, and you can't take it for more than two months at most."

Ye Rongrong handed the written note to Fan Xiaoxiao and explained.

For Ye Rongrong, breast enlargement is really not a difficult problem, a simple prescription can solve it.

If this gets out, it will be terrible.

We must know that many women are willing to give up everything for the sake of beauty.

"Thank you Uncle Ye, but I didn't bring much money!"

Fan Xiaoxiao said with some embarrassment.

"I don't need your money, go back early, lest your parents worry."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and explained to Fan Xiaoxiao.


Fan Xiaoxiao wanted to stay here longer, but she also knew that Uncle Ye had a lot of things to do, so she couldn't disturb him. After talking to Uncle Ye, Fan Xiaoxiao left the office.


"Dean, what does Fan Xiaoxiao want to do with you?"

Zhang Hua walked into the office and asked curiously.

"Nothing, are you going to the press release center now?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the time, it was only twenty minutes before eleven o'clock.

"It doesn't need to be so early, it's okay to let the reporter wait for a while."

Zhang Hua said.

"Forget it, let's go now. I'm not a very good person. I still have the virtue of being punctual."

Ye Rongrong stood up and said.

Waiting is the happiest thing. It can be said that life is like a year. Ye Rongrong has a deep understanding of this.


The press release center of the PLA General Hospital is now full of journalists. In addition to the Huaxia journalists, there are also a few fair-skinned and blond-haired foreign reporters interspersed among them.

"Sister Guan, are there a lot of journalists here today? Basically all the big domestic media reporters are here, and there are also several western countries."

A CCTV news channel staff member said to Guan Xiaoxiao.

"Of course, bird flu is a medical problem that plagues the world. It was solved by Huaxia. This is huge news. It is also one of the biggest news in China's medical field in the past century. It naturally attracts a lot of news media. .”

Guan Xiaoxiao said.

In the past few days, Guan Xiaoxiao has not been idle, and has been collecting personal information about Ye Rongrong through various relationships.

I don't know if I don't collect it. This collection really shocked Guan Xiaoxiao.

This young Dean Ye Rongrong is an extraordinary person.

Although he was born in a poor family and his educational level is only a junior high school graduate, he is very capable. He is a visiting professor at the School of Medicine of South Zhejiang University, the chairman of the Qingyao Charity Foundation, the largest private charity foundation in China, and the TCM Hospital of the PLA General Hospital. Long, major general rank.

And he also has a special identity, that is, the eldest son-in-law of the Liu family, the top family in Beijing.

Judging from Guan Xiaoxiao's interview and investigation information, this Ye Rongrong did not rely on the Liu family to achieve such an achievement, but was recognized by the Liu family in the capital entirely on his own efforts.

"This Dean Ye is really amazing. He can become the dean of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital at such a young age, and he is still a major general."

"People are here, everything is ready!"

Guan Xiaoxiao noticed Ye Rongrong who walked in through the gate, and immediately stood up and said to the people around him.

The news interview is about to start. With so many reporters, if you don't work harder, there will be no chance to ask questions.

"Dean Ye, you are here!"

Zhang Kaiyu, the director of press release at the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, hurriedly greeted Ye Rongrong and said to Ye Rongrong respectfully.

According to the military rank, this Zhang Kaiyu is a lieutenant colonel, far worse than Ye Rongrong, and his real power is not as great as Ye Rongrong. Of course, Zhang Kaiyu is so respectful to Ye Rongrong, not only Ye Rongrong's rank is much higher than him, but also Ye Rongrong's superb medicine.

In particular, Ye Glory's development of a specific medicine for bird flu this time is the greatest achievement of the entire Chinese medical community in the past few decades.

Once the World Health Organization passes the verification, Dean Ye Rongrong Ye will be able to win the Nobel Prize this year.

"Well, are all the journalists here?"

Ye Rongrong nodded and asked.

"The reporters from the news media units that applied for interviews have basically arrived. There are only a few news media reporters who are still on the way. They called and said that there was a traffic jam and they would be here in a while."

Zhang Kaiyu said.

"Don't wait for them, let's start now!"

Ye Rongrong said.

He wasn't even late, yet some journalists were late. Ye Rongrong didn't have the mood or time to wait for those people.

"it is good!"

Zhang Kaiyu nodded, and asked Ye Rongrong to sit down on the stage.

"Good morning, fellow journalists."

Zhang Kaihui picked up the microphone and spoke to the journalists below.

Almost all the media that could come were here today, they were all domestic mainstream media newspapers and TV stations, plus a few foreign news media reporters.

As soon as Zhang Kaiyu spoke, everyone knew that the press conference had begun. Countless reporters were sitting in their seats, eagerly waiting to ask questions.

"Everyone, don't worry. Today we have invited Major General Ye Rongrong, the director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of our People's Liberation Army General Hospital. He will answer your questions. Please follow the rules and ask questions one by one."

He opened his hands and said to the journalists below.

Hearing Director Zhang Kaiyu's words, these reporters sat in chairs and waited for questions.

"Dean Ye, can we start?"

Zhang Kaiyu asked Ye Rongrong for instructions.


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