The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1325: Ye Glory's First Press Conference

"It's time to start!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

This is the first time Ye Rongrong has a press conference like this, but although he has never experienced it, he often watches the news. Ye Rongrong has also seen the press conferences of various ministries and commissions in China. Still no problem at all.

Now Ye Rongrong is not the same as Ye Rongrong two years ago, so he is not intimidated by such a scene.

"You start first!"

Ye Rongrong pointed to Guan Xiaoxiao who raised his hand and said.

This CCTV news channel reporter, Ye Rongrong met last time.

Ye Rongrong has a characteristic, that is, nostalgia.

"Hello, Dean Ye, this is the second time we have met, isn't your brother the last time I was with you?"

Guan Xiaoxiao picked up the microphone, stood up and asked Ye Rongrong.

"Is this a question for you? If so, I can answer you."

Ye Rongrong looked at Guan Xiaoxiao with a smile and said.

This woman still can't offend her, she still holds a grudge.

"Not counting!"

Guan Xiaoxiao shook his head and said.

"Hehe, then I can't answer you, why don't you ask questions quickly?"

Ye Rongrong said to Guan Xiaoxiao.

"Excuse me, Dean Ye, how did you discover the specific medicine for bird flu? Did you go through countless experiments and research?"

Guan Xiaoxiao asked.

"It's not that complicated. The bird flu isn't that scary. As long as you practice Chinese medicine well, you'll find that treating bird flu is actually very simple. It only takes a few medicines."

Ye Rongrong said.

No way?


How many medicines?

Hearing Ye Rongrong's words, one of the reporters present was stupid.

This infectious disease that has troubled the world's medical community for more than a hundred years is actually very simple in the eyes of this Dean Ye!

Just learn Chinese medicine well!

This cowhide is also blown too big!

Especially the authoritative figures in the medical field who watched the live broadcast on the Internet almost vomited blood!

I hate your second uncle!

You will die if you don't pretend!

You are the one who is capable of co-authoring, we are all idiots!

Immediately, many Western doctors who were watching this video wanted to strangle Ye Rongrong to death.

What is Chinese medicine is good, the treatment of this bird flu is very simple.

In your eyes, western medicine is scum!

But hate turns to ruthlessness, and everyone has nothing to do.

Who made this Ye Glory have the ability to develop a special medicine to treat bird flu, and now he has the capital to brag, no matter how bragging, no one else can do anything about it.

Someone said, "If you have the ability, you have developed a special medicine to treat bird flu!"

It can make you misfire!

"Dean Ye,

You mean Chinese medicine is better than Western medicine? "

Guan Xiaoxiao asked immediately.

"Your problem is over, the next one is you!"

Ye Rongrong pointed to a young female reporter and said.

This female reporter Ye Rongrong also felt familiar, she must have seen it last time, for the nostalgic Ye Rongrong, he likes to give convenience to acquaintances.

"Dean Ye, hello, I'm Zhao Yan, a reporter from Mango News, my question is also to ask, do you think Chinese medicine is better or Western medicine better?"

Zhao Yan immediately stood up and asked Ye Rongrong.

In the current era when Chinese medicine is declining and Western medicine is flourishing, it is basically unheard of that Chinese medicine is better than Western medicine. Now Zhao Yan believes that the audience in front of the TV series would also like to know the answer.

"It's really hard to answer the question you asked, but since you asked, I can only bite the bullet and answer."

Ye Rongrong said with some headaches.

In China, the dispute between Chinese and Western medicine has a history of hundreds of years, but in the past half a century, the prosperity of Western medicine has made the status of Chinese medicine weaker and weaker, so that in the eyes of many people, Chinese medicine is inferior to Western medicine.

It is true that in this era, there are very few people who study Chinese medicine, and many of them are nondescript combination of Chinese and Western medicine.

Because the overall level of Chinese medicine is not enough, so in many cases, people feel that Chinese medicine is not as good as Western medicine.

Moreover, even traditional Chinese medicine hospitals like to prescribe western medicine, and very few people use prescriptions.

After all, this western medicine is simple, convenient and effective.

So much so that common people have almost forgotten Chinese medicine.

"Dean Ye, please tell us."

Zhao Yan stared at Ye Rongrong and said.

In fact, everyone has investigated this mysterious Dean Ye before coming here, and they all know that he is a Chinese medicine doctor with high medical skills, and he has cured many patients with difficult and miscellaneous diseases in the Chinese medicine hospital.

"It can only be said that each has its own advantages. The outstanding points of our Chinese medicine are looking, smelling, asking, and feeling."

"This is why some people say that Chinese medicine can tell fortunes. In fact, Chinese medicine is good at observation. For example, if a child's stool is green, it is hot, if it is coughing, if it is mushy, it is hot, if it is dry cough, it may be cold or blush. Eat enough to resist pulling, then digest or keep warm..."

"It's just that there is a saying in China that teaches apprentices to starve to death of masters, so no one knows the secrets of Chinese medicine. They don't understand why Chinese medicine relies on a pair of eyes, a pair of ears, a mouth, a nose, and two hands. To put it bluntly, it is just one People can diagnose and treat a patient’s disease.”

"Western medicine pays attention to science. As long as you know how to sterilize, take medicine and infuse night, can understand the inspection report, and understand pathology, you can master western medicine. In a word, it is simpler than traditional Chinese medicine. Everything has scientific basis and scientific basis. follow."

"To put it simply, Chinese medicine is somewhat mysterious, while Western medicine has a scientific basis."

Ye Rongrong expressed his point of view.

"Can you go into more detail?"

Zhao Yan said.

"Okay, let me give you an example. Some time ago, a patient came to see me. She had an ovarian cyst on her right side. When she went to see a western doctor, the doctor told her that there was nothing to do about the ovarian cyst, and she had to remove it. Lost."

"So she came to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine to see me, and asked if there was any way for Chinese medicine to cure her disease without removing it."

"I told her that since it can grow, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, it can be eliminated. Unfortunately, she didn't listen to me. She said that it can only be removed, not eliminated."

"I was not happy when I heard it. You said that you came to see a doctor and asked me if I could get rid of this cyst. I said yes, but you told me that the doctor of Western medicine said that it can't be cured, but can only be removed. Are you saying that this is obviously not playing with me?"

"As soon as I got upset, I told her, come on, don't ask me for treatment, go back to your Western medicine doctor, I can't cure your serious illness."




Hearing what Ye Rongrong said, everyone in the conference room couldn't help laughing.

No one expected that the young Dean Ye was so humorous.

"Then what happened next?"

Zhao Yan looked at Ye Rongrong curiously and asked.

"Later, she went abroad for a cutting operation and removed the right ovary. In less than a week, she came to me and told me, Dean Ye can't do it. My left ovary grew again. This time I don’t dare to pick it anymore, I’m just 30 years old, and I don’t have any children yet, she asked if I could take some traditional Chinese medicine to cure this disease.”

"Doctors are parents, and I didn't bother with her. I prescribed a prescription for her and asked her to take it for a week. In less than a week, she went to a Western doctor for an examination. When she came back, she told me that Chinese medicine is amazing. The Western doctor said Here, the ovarian cyst is gone, and she said that the Chinese medicine doctor did not use a knife or scissors, so how could the cyst be eliminated, and she couldn’t figure out the reason.”

After Ye Rongrong said this, he didn't say any more.

Unlike western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine has so many scientific basis. It can be explained from the principle that traditional Chinese medicine tends to be more mysterious and mythical.

Ye Rongrong couldn't explain this pathology, so he didn't explain it at all.

"Dean Ye, we also want to know the reason, can you explain?"

Zhao Yan asked curiously.

"Your question is over, replace it!"

After Ye Rongrong finished speaking, he pointed to another reporter and said, "It's you!"

"Dean Ye, hello, I'm Li Ying, a reporter from China Evening News. My question is also the one asked by my colleague Zhao Yan just now. We are also curious about the reason. Can you explain it to everyone?"

Li Ying stood up and said.

Li Ying was very curious about this question, and I believe that the audience watching the live broadcast also wanted to know the reason, so Li Ying continued to ask.

After all, in the eyes of the world in Chinese medicine, whether it is the theory of yin and yang, the theory of meridians, and the more complicated theory of the five elements, they are all very mysterious.


This question is really difficult for Ye Rongrong. After thinking about it, Ye Rongrong said: "Let me give you an example!"

"Everyone knows that wood can grow mushrooms, as long as it is wood, if it is steel, it can only rust."

"Mushrooms can grow on wood, but not all wood can grow mushrooms? Only in a specific environment can wood grow a mushroom."

"There is something growing somewhere in the human body, like a mushroom growing on a piece of wood. What should I do? There are only two ways. One way is to pick off the mushroom. It grows, and you pick it off."

"This method of removing the mushrooms is not a fundamental cure, because since it is wood, it will grow mushrooms in one environment. If the environment remains the same, if the mushrooms are removed, the mushrooms will definitely grow again. , only when the wood is no longer wood, the mushrooms are gone.”

"There is another way. What effect does it have after taking traditional Chinese medicine for a period of time? Actually, it is to change the environment in which this mushroom can grow."

"Using the medicinal properties of traditional Chinese medicine has changed the internal environment of the body. It is still the bias of the medicinal properties that corrects the bias of the human body, and adjusts the environment that can grow mushrooms. The mushrooms will stop growing, and they will disappear when they grow. of……"

After speaking, Ye Rongrong pointed to another male reporter and asked him to ask questions.

You can't always let female reporters ask questions, but you have to give male reporters a chance!

After all, the problems involved in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine are too deep, and Ye Rongrong doesn't want to go on talking about it. If he goes on talking about it, it will seem to involve some mythology, which is feudal superstition and cannot be talked about.

"Dean Ye, hello, I'm Yu Qiang, a reporter from Nanfang Daily. What I want to ask is, in Dean Ye's opinion, is it the science of Chinese medicine or the science of Western medicine?"

Yu Qiang looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.


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