The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1327 The car was hit

"Is this your car?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the Porsche 911 red sports car in surprise.

You must know that the price of this imported car on the market is about 3 million yuan, which is not something ordinary rich people can afford to drive.

It seems that Mu Yuhan's family background is very good, at least at the level of a rich man.

"It's my car. It was a gift from my grandfather on my birthday last year."

Mu Yuhan nodded and said.

"Oh, it's pretty."

Ye Rongrong nodded and got into the car.

"Dean, what's the matter?"

Sitting in the driver's seat, Mu Yuhan saw Ye Rongrong frowning and asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, let's go!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

Sitting in this sports car, Ye Rongrong felt oppressed. The main reason was that Ye Rongrong was very tall and built. In the small space of this sports car, Ye Rongrong felt uncomfortable sitting in it.

In Ye Rongrong's view, sports cars are not very useful except for pretending. The space is small, and it feels depressing to sit on.

The only advantage is speed, but in Huaxia, no matter how good your car is, the speed limit will be imposed, which is useless.

As for the appearance, Ye Rongrong didn't find anything good-looking, and his appearance was not as good as some sedans and SUVs.


"Dean, are you thirsty?"

Passing by a small supermarket, Mu Yuhan stopped the car on the side of the road and asked Ye Rongrong.

"A little thirsty."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"I'm going to buy some water!"

With that said, Mu Yuhan opened the car door to go shopping.



Suddenly there was a noise from behind the car, and the car shook.

"what happened?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and got down from the passenger seat of the car. Looking back, he saw an old man in his seventies riding a tricycle and crashing into Mu Yuhan's red Porsche.

"Master, the road is so wide, why did we bump into it?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.


The old man's face turned pale and he was speechless.

It turned out that the old man was riding a tricycle on the road just now, when a large truck rushed past the side suddenly, the frightened old man hurriedly turned the tricycle to the side, and hit the red sports car.

Although the old man doesn't know the brand of this sports car, he knows that this car is called a sports car, and the price is very expensive. It costs tens of thousands of yuan to repair it.

What's more, if my tricycle was hit directly, even if I took out all my wealth, I couldn't afford it!

"Master, is it worth the compensation?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the old man whose face was pale with fright, and asked in a daze.

"I can't... I can't afford it!"

The old man wanted to cry. Originally thinking about the activities he could still do, he rode a tricycle to sell some fruits to earn some money to reduce the burden on his children.

Who knew that this would crash into a luxury car, and I would have to pay for it...

Thinking about it, the old man's face began to turn purple.

"That's it, then you go!"

Ye Rongrong saw that the old man was quite frightened, so he spoke.

"is this OK?"

The old man froze for a moment and asked uneasily.

This is a sports car, and this is a matter of hundreds of thousands of compensation, so let me go like this?

"Let's go, let's go!"

Ye Rongrong waved away and said.


The old man is still a little uneasy!

"It's okay, let's go!"

Ye Rongrong said comfortingly to the pale old man.


Hearing Ye Rongrong's words, the old man rode away on a tricycle, but the old man stopped and looked back at Ye Rongrong after he hadn't ridden very far.

"It's okay, let's go!"

Ye Rongrong knew what the old man was worried about, so he waved his hand and said.

"Dean, are you talking to me?"

At this time, Mu Yuhan came over to buy something, looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

"I don't know, an old man."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"my car,

What happened to my car? "

At this time, Mu Yuhan noticed that something had knocked out a big hole in the rear of his sports car, and a large piece of paint had come off the surface.

This made Mu Yuhan feel distressed to death.

"I was hit by a tricycle!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"What about the person, what about the person who hit the car?"

Mu Yuhan asked unhappily.

He ran away with his car like this, but Mu Hanyu would not agree.

You must know that the car has been hit like this, and the maintenance cost is at least two to three hundred thousand. My family has money, but it is not caused by strong winds.

Moreover, he dared to escape. Mu Yuhan must seek an explanation for this matter.

"I let him go. I will pay for the maintenance of this car."

Ye Rongrong said.

For myself, the hundreds of thousands of maintenance fees are not too much pressure, but just now I saw the old man's frightened face and the fruit behind the tricycle.

Ye Rongrong knew that the old man's family background was not good. If his family background was good, he wouldn't be in his seventies and eighties, and he would still come out to earn money.

If it really required him to pay hundreds of thousands of yuan, it might really kill him.

Therefore, Ye Rongrong thought he should help him to pay for it himself!

Who let himself meet it.

"No, no, there is not much maintenance fee."

When Mu Yuhan heard that Ye Rongrong was going to pay the maintenance fee, he hurriedly shook his head and said.

"That's all. After the repair is completed, you can reimburse me."

Ye Rongrong said.

"No, really no."

Mu Yuhan said.

Although he felt sorry for his car being hit like this, Mu Yuhan didn't want the dean to pay for the maintenance.

"That's it, don't be polite to me, let's go."

Ye Rongrong walked towards the co-pilot seat as he spoke.


Sunhe Villa Area is located on the third ring road of the capital. It is a well-known villa area in the capital. It is surrounded by Wenyu River and has a warm and moist environment. There are a lot of trees planted around it. There are water and trees, and the environment is quite good.

Later, it was contracted out and developed into a villa area. The prices of villas in this villa area are very high, and the cheapest ones cost tens of millions.

Those who can live here are basically rich or expensive, or even very rich.

If you don't have tens of millions, you don't dare to live here, because you will almost have no money to buy a house, and if you are worth tens of millions here, you are just poor.

According to Ye Rongrong's information on the Internet, there are several Everbright stars living in this villa.

Mu Yuhan drove to the edge of the Sunhe villa area, looking all the way, Ye Rongrong found that the environment here is really good.

The location at this time is on the half slope of a hill. Although the location is not high, but because of the relative height difference, the vision is still wide open, and the place near the foot of the mountain is a vast green area.

The green is lush and verdant, showing incomparable vitality. Farther away, there is a green river, which is an artificial river built by the developer with huge sums of money.

The lush trees on the surrounding hills, coupled with the rippling blue river, make this villa area look extraordinarily beautiful.

Even if Ye Rongrong looked at it from the perspective of feng shui, this community is very satisfactory, with mountains and rivers, and a wide view, it is an excellent feng shui treasure.

Moreover, the layout of the entire villa area can fully meet the requirements of Tibetan wind gathering gas, sand ring surrounded by water, dragon slightly stronger than tiger slightly weaker, square terrain, clean foundation, quiet surroundings, winding waterways and affectionate...

In addition, the buildings in this villa area are surrounded by mountains and rivers, and are well coordinated with the surrounding and internal environments, achieving the goal of "harmony between man and nature".

From the perspective of Feng Shui theory, it can have the effect of seeking good luck and avoiding evil.

"Dean, it's not bad here!"

Mu Yuhan said.

"It's pretty good, let's go to the sales office."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Ye Rongrong is still very satisfied with the environment and architectural style of this villa area.

The first floor of the building at the entrance of the villa area is the sales office. Mu Yuhan drove to find a place to park, and Ye Rongrong walked in first.

Looking at the entrance, there are many people looking at houses in the lobby of this sales office. After all, in addition to selling villas in the villa area, this sales office also sells several high-rise residential buildings next to it.

In China, people have a morbid attachment to houses. In the eyes of Chinese people, a house is not only a place to live, but also a destination for a person's soul. Only a house can give you a sense of security.

Without a house of their own, in the eyes of Chinese people, they feel that they are adrift and do not have a complete home. "How can you have a family without a house?" This sentence shows the degree of attachment of Chinese people to houses.

All in Huaxia, as long as the population does not drop significantly, the houses in Huaxia will not have to worry about being sold.

As soon as Ye Rongrong walked into the sales office, a well-dressed sales lady in business attire greeted her immediately.

"Hi sir, how can I help you?"

The sales lady bent slightly towards Ye Rongrong, and said with a smile on her face.

The sales lady was very polite and decent, and she didn't look at Ye Rongrong with any contempt when she saw Ye Rongrong's simple clothes.

This is different from Ye Rongrong's stories in the novels. In many urban novels, the sales ladies are recognized by their clothes, and they have a very bad attitude towards people in ordinary clothes, and they are a little indifferent.

Ye Rongrong thought that he would meet the scene described in the novel, but he didn't expect the service attitude of the sales lady here to be so good.

It seems that the scenes in this novel cannot be completely believed. After all, it is a novel. For the sake of pretense, the specially designed story scenes are different from reality.

You must know that for the sales lady to sell a house, there is a big commission, as long as there is hope, he will not give up.

There is no reason, and there is no need to judge people by their appearance!

To know the possibility of buying a building now

"Hi sir, how can I help you?"

The sales lady bowed slightly to Ye Rongrong, and said with a beautiful smile.

"I'm here to buy a house."

Although the sales lady was well-dressed and pretty, she was far behind her own wife.

Ye Rongrong spends all day with Liu Qingqing, and her vision has grown. Although this sales lady is very attractive in front of others, she can't attract Ye Rongrong.

"What's your name, sir?"

The sales lady asked with a smile.


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