The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1328: Mu Yuhan's Suitor

"My surname is Ye!"

Ye Rongrong took off the eyepiece and said.


The sales lady couldn't help screaming.

But he quickly reacted and said apologetically, "Sorry, I didn't mean it!"

"It's okay, I didn't scare you!"

Ye Rongrong said.

When the sunglasses were taken off, his face without eyebrows was revealed, it was normal to scare the sales lady.

It seems that I have to get these eyebrows out quickly.

"No, Mr. Ye doesn't know what kind of house you want. We have ordinary buildings, boutique houses, and villas here."

The sales lady looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

For some reason, the sales lady was a little disappointed, because she found that Ye Rongrong looked at her very flatly, like looking at ordinary people.

You must know that although you are not considered stunningly beautiful, you can still be considered a beauty. With this special uniform and well-dressed clothes, you are very attractive to men.

The men who usually came to the sales office to look at the house would stare at her incredulously, as if they wanted to strip her naked. As an adult woman, the sales lady knew very well what these people wanted to do.

But this gentleman, except for the first glance at himself, basically never looked at himself again. The sales lady can be sure of her beauty and not be seen by others.

Although I feel a little unhappy, after all, the beauty that I have always been proud of is not taken seriously by others, but it can also prove that people are here to buy a house, not to see women.

You know, there are a few male customers in the sales office, they are particularly annoying, and they often come to the sales office to pick up girls under the banner of buying a house.

Thinking that this gentleman is here to buy a house, the sales lady's smile became sweeter. After all, every time a house is sold, the commission can cover half a year's salary.

The income from real estate sales is very high, hundreds of thousands or even millions a year, not because their wages are high, their wages are actually very low, only a little higher than the minimum wage standard.

The income from these real estate sales basically comes from the sales commission. Although the commission points are not high, they can't stand the high housing prices.

In Beijing, the selling price of a house of 100 square meters will not be less than 2 million. Even if a house is sold with a 1% commission, the commission will not be less than 10,000 yuan.

"Sir, how about I take you to see the sample house."

The sales lady said happily to Ye Rongrong.

"Wait a minute. I'm here with two people. She's going to park the car and she'll be here soon."

Ye Rongrong said.

This place is so big and there are so many people, it's better to wait for Mu Yuhan at the door.

"In this case, sir, please come with me and sit over there for a while."

Hearing what Ye Rongrong said, the sales lady took Ye Rongrong to sit in the rest area next to her.

Ye Rongrong thought that it would not be a problem to stand at the door like this, he could just sit there, so he followed the sales lady to the rest area.

"Excuse me sir, what would you like to drink,

We have coffee, tea, drinks..."

Seeing Ye Rongrong sitting down, the sales lady asked attentively.

Customers are God, so it is natural to treat them well.

After all, as long as he is willing to spend money to buy a house, he will have a commission.

"Is there mineral water? I'll drink mineral water."

When Ye Rongrong heard the sales lady say this, he really felt a little thirsty.

As for coffee, thinking that coffee is picked from animal dung, Ye Rongrong will never drink coffee in his life.

As for the tea, forget it, I'm thirsty now, and I don't have time to wait for the tea to cool down.

"Yes, just wait a moment, I'll get it for you."

Although the sales lady was a little surprised that Ye Rongrong's request was so simple, she still complied. The customer's request is the most important thing, and she just needs to serve the customer well.

After a while, a small bottle of mineral water was brought. These things are available in the sales office, just go to the front desk to get them.

After bringing the mineral water to Ye Rongrong, the sales lady stood quietly aside, watching over every potential customer, otherwise if you turn around and walk away, another sales lady might take you away. customers snatched away.

Such a thing has never happened in the sales office.

After all, for the sales lady, colleagues are competitors.

Because the person with the worst sales every month will not get commissions and bonuses, and if there is no order for three consecutive months, he will be fired by the company.

This line is also very cruel!

Ye Rongrong sat on the sofa, drank mineral water, looked at the entire sales office, and waited for Mu Yuhan.

At this moment, Ye Rongrong heard Mu Yuhan's voice, and was a little unhappy when he heard that voice.

Ye Rongrong frowned and looked towards the gate.

I saw Mu Yuhan coming in from the gate, followed by a man in his thirties. This man looked like an upstart, wearing a gold necklace with thick fingers, like a dog chain. Gold ring, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was rich.

I saw him following behind Mu Yuhan, looking like he wanted to please Mu Yuhan.

But from Mu Yuhan's expression, it can be seen that Mu Yuhan doesn't want to see this man.


As soon as Mu Yuhan entered the gate of the sales office, he looked around, and found Ye Rongrong sitting in the rest area, with a happy expression on his face, he quickly walked to Ye Rongrong's side.

"Hanhan, who is he?"

The man following Mu Yuhan looked at Ye Rongrong with hatred and asked.

"He is my leader, Li Jiahai, I told you that we are not suitable, and I don't like you, please don't pester me."

Mu Yuhan looked at the man behind her with an unhappy expression and said.

It turned out that this man named Li Jiahai was Mu Yuhan's senior in college. He had been pursuing Mu Yuhan in college, but Mu Yuhan didn't like him and didn't accept him.

Originally thought that after graduating from university, everyone would never see each other again, but who knew, when we were parking the car just now, we ran into him.

No, he was entangled all the way here.

No matter what Mu Yuhan said, this Li Jiahai still pestered him all the way, making Mu Yuhan really helpless!

When meeting such a scoundrel, there is really nothing to do with him.

"Hanhan, you have changed. You who were originally innocent, never thought that you would be willing to be someone's lover for the sake of money. If you really need money, you can find me, I have money!"

Li Jiahai looked at Mu Yuhan with dissatisfaction and said.

I really didn't expect that Mu Yuhan, who looks very innocent, turned out to be a gold digger. If I had known this, when I was in college, I would pretend to be infatuated and pursue it hard.

All right.

Now it's good, people have the first.

"Li Jiahai, you bastard, get out!"

Mu Yuhan was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood the meaning of Li Jiahai's words.

This Li Jiahai regards himself as Dean Ye's lover.

Immediately, Mu Yuhan's face changed, this Li Jiahai was really an asshole.

"Isn't it just money? I'm richer than him. If you pay him a month as a secretary, I'll give you double."

Li Jiahai said indifferently.

In Li Jiahai's view, Mu Yuhan was so angry because he was hit by what he said, so he became angry from embarrassment.

But it doesn't matter, for the gold digger, as long as she gives her a starting price, she will definitely follow her obediently.

"Should I teach him a lesson?"

Ye Rongrong couldn't take it any longer, and asked Mu Hanyu.

"Dean, please ignore him, he is sick."

Mu Yuhan shook his head and said.

"Get out of here quickly, and don't blame me for doing it."

Although Ye Rongrong doesn't like to hit people directly now, but if someone commits a crime, Ye Rongrong doesn't mind doing it.


Seeing Ye Rongrong's physique and that threatening gaze, Li Jiahai became a little afraid.

After all, Ye Rongrong's current image, coupled with his tall physique, puts a lot of pressure on him.


Ye Rongyao shouted with wide eyes.

" wait..."

Li Jiahai glanced at Ye Rongrong, said a harsh word, and walked to the side in desperation.

From the looks of it, she still doesn't give up on Mu Yuhan!

"Waiter, where are the waiters? I didn't see any customers coming to the door, and no one came up to greet me. Is there any quality? Believe it or not, a phone call from me can get you all fired."

Not daring to show prestige in front of Ye Glory, Li Jiahai had no choice but to run aside, angry at the waiter here.

Hearing Li Jiahai's words, all the sales ladies frowned slightly, feeling very upset, but seeing Li Jiahai's appearance as a nouveau riche and a lot of money is stupid.

Immediately, several sales girls gathered around. This is a standard fat sheep, and it is hard to come by. Since he came to the door and wanted to be slaughtered, no one would make trouble with money.

Seeing several sales girls surrounding him, Li Jiahai felt complacent, snorted coldly at Ye Rongrong, held his head up like a proud big rooster, and entered the sales office accompanied by several sales girls. .

"Sir, beauty, shall I show you the building?"

The sales lady said to Ye Rongrong.

"Okay, what I want to buy is a villa, you can take us to see the villa."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Okay, okay."

When Ye Rongrong wanted to buy a villa, the sales lady became excited.

You must know that the cheapest villas here are 50 million yuan. As long as you sell a villa, you will have millions of commissions.

Enough to buy a nice small villa in the small city of my hometown.

I must work hard, and I must serve in place, so that this customer can buy the villa with satisfaction.

Generally, there are house models here in the sales office. When customers come, they will look at the models first. When they see the model and choose a house, the sales lady will take it to see the real thing, and the models are placed in the sales office.

Following the sales lady, I soon arrived inside. In the hall inside were all house building models. These models were very delicate, as if the place had been shrunk down and moved in.

Inside, Ye Rongrong also saw Mu Yuhan's annoying classmate.


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