The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1329 Your trousers fell off

"This is the villa in our villa area. Our villas are divided into three types: large, medium and small. The architectural styles are also divided into Chinese style and European style. Large villas..."

The sales lady introduced the situation of the villa area to Ye Rongrong and Mu Yuhan. Vertex Novel Updates Fastest

"Take us to the villa to see the physical house. If there is a suitable one, I will buy it."

Ye Rongrong looked at it and said.

After all, the model is a model, and there is still a big gap with the real house.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

After hearing Ye Rongrong's words, the sales lady was very excited.

As long as he sells a villa, the commission can cover his working here for several years, and the sales lady looks at Ye Rongrong in the same way as she saw her own father.

"Hehe, buy it if it's suitable, the bragging is too big, the cheapest villa is more than 50 million yuan, can you afford it?

Hearing the conversation between Ye Rongrong and the sales lady, Li Jiahai couldn't help but sarcastically said.

Li Jiahai was unhappy seeing Ye Rongrong, mainly because he felt that Ye Rongrong snatched away his beloved woman Mu Yuhan.

The hatred of taking one's wife is irreconcilable!

Now that he finally seized the opportunity, he naturally went up with cynicism.

"Li Jiahai, have you had enough?"

Mu Yuhan stared at Li Jiahai with a dark face and shouted unhappily.

Now Mu Yuhan really regrets not going to see the almanac before going out, why did he meet such a disgusting guy today.

"Hanhan, as long as you are willing to follow me, I will buy you a villa like this."

Li Jiahai didn't care about Mu Yuhan's tone, he still looked at Mu Yuhan with a rascal face and said.


Mu Yuhan's face turned pale from anger, and he was speechless.

"Okay, ignore this mad dog."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said to Mu Yuhan.

This Mu Yuhan seemed to have received a very high education since he was a child, so he didn't even know how to swear.

"You... who are you calling a dog!"

Li Jiahai looked at Ye Rongrong angrily and said.

It was the first time for Li Jiahai to be scolded like this when he grew up so big, and he felt like killing Ye Rongrong.

"Your pants fell off!"

Ye Rongrong glanced at Li Jiahai coldly and said.

"Your pants are..."

Li Jiahai said angrily, but before he finished speaking, he felt his lower body go cold, looked down, and was dumbfounded.



"It's too shameless, and you don't have any sense of public morality!"

"Damn it, a guy who looks like an earthworm is so embarrassed to show it.


"Stay rogue!"


Seeing this scene, the people in the hall cast a contemptuous glance at Li Jiahai and started discussing dissatisfiedly.

"How did it fall?"

Li Jiahai was dumbfounded, not understanding why his pants fell down when he was wearing them properly, and his underwear also fell off, this is unscientific!


"Sir, please put your pants on quickly."

A sales lady said to Li Jiahai dissatisfied.

Now the sales lady doubts whether Li Jiahai came out of a mental hospital.


After reacting, Li Jiahai hurriedly put on his pants.

Looking up at the mocking eyes around him, Li Jiahai blushed and ran out of the hall in a hurry.

I really have no face to embarrass myself here.

"Okay, the annoying flies are gone, let's go and see the house!"

Ye Rongrong said to Mu Yuhan after seeing that Li Jiahai fled in despair.


Mu Yuhan was stunned and replied.

Now Mu Yuhan still can't figure it out, why did Li Jiahai drop his pants inexplicably?

But think back to what you saw just now.

Mu Yuhan despised Li Jiahai very much.

A "guy" the size of a matchstick is also ashamed to chase girls.

In the hospital, the "guys" who saw children were all older than him.


Without Li Jiahai, the annoying "fly" disturbing,

Ye Rongrong and Mu Yuhan happily looked at one villa after another.

After looking at more than a dozen villas, Ye Rongrong took a fancy to a large Chinese-style villa located on the top of the mountain. This villa is not only beautiful in appearance, but also has a good surrounding environment. According to Ye Rongrong's Feng Shui theory, this is the entire villa area. House with the best Feng Shui.

"Just this one."

Ye Rongrong said to the sales lady.


The sales lady looked at Ye Rongrong with some embarrassment and said.

"What's the matter? Has this house been sold?"

Seeing the sales lady hesitate, Mu Yuhan asked suspiciously.

"Not really, it's just that this villa is the most expensive villa here, and the price is 300 million Huaxia coins."

The sales lady said.

It was because the price of this villa was too high. Although the location was very good and there were many people interested in it, no one paid for it.

Now this Mr. Ye is also interested in this villa. The sales lady is really worried that he will be like those previous clients, who are interested in it and are reluctant to spend money to buy it. In the end, the list will be ruined.

"Why is it so expensive?"

When Mu Yuhan heard that the price of this villa was 300 million, he was also taken aback.

This price is really too high, even my own villa does not have 300 million yuan.

Could it be that people like herself are being taken advantage of? She is asking prices all over the sky.

"No, this is the price set by our company, not us."

The sales lady said hurriedly.

"Dean, this villa is too expensive, should we look at other places?"

Mu Yuhan looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"Let's go in and take a look first!"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

Although 300 million is a bit expensive, it is still within the range that Ye Rongrong can afford. Now Ye Rongrong wants to see the interior of this villa. If he is satisfied, Ye Rongrong is willing to spend 300 million to buy this villa.

"I'll take you in and have a look."

According to Ye Rongrong's words, she still has the idea of ​​buying this villa, the sales lady hurriedly said.

It is true that people cannot be judged by their appearance, and the sea cannot be measured!

This Mr. Ye is not well dressed, and he did not expect to be so rich.

Listening to his tone, there is no pressure to buy this 300 million villa.

This is definitely the fifth king of diamonds!

But looking at Mu Yuhan standing next to Ye Rongrong, some of the sales ladies who were still thinking about it, seemed to have been poured with cold water, and immediately woke up.

The sales lady is quite self-aware. She knows that in terms of beauty, the gap between herself and Mu Yuhan is too big. There are such beautiful girls around her diamond king, how could she fall in love with her.

The villa is only three stories high, and the shape and design of each floor are different. Entering the gate of the villa is a path paved with beautiful cobblestones. Beautiful flowers and plants are planted on both sides of the path.

The yard of the whole villa is very large, and the planning is very neat. There are a few paths paved with cobblestones in the middle, and the rest are flowers and plants. The layout is very beautiful.

In front of the house of the villa, there is a large swimming pool surrounded by golden marble floors.

Walking into the house, Ye Rongrong went around every room. The design of each room is different, with various unique designs.

The design of the entire villa is particularly grand and noble.

It is not unreasonable for such a villa to sell for 300 million yuan.

"Dean, this villa is really beautiful!"

After walking around with Ye Glory, Mu Yuhan couldn't find any dissatisfaction with this villa.

If I had to pick a fault, it would be that the villa is too big and looks very empty.

"Mr. Ye, what do you think of this villa?"

The sales lady looked at Ye Rongrong nervously and asked.

Now it's a close step, success or failure depends on the words of this Mr. Ye.

"That's right, this is the one, but you have to lower the price!"

Ye Rongrong said.

Although Ye Rongrong is not short of money, he doesn't want to be slaughtered by the developer as a fool with a lot of money.

Now everyone knows that the reason why the current housing prices are so high is that these developers have fired them up, so take this villa that I am looking at now.

The price is 300 million, and its cost is only 100 million at most.

"Here, I can only discount you by three percent at most, any more, it's not my authority."

The sales lady said.

In fact, the sales lady didn't tell the truth. She actually has 5% authority. As long as it is within 5% authority of the selling price, they can make their own decisions.

It's just that the more discounts they give, the less their commission will be, because the largest proportion of their commission is within this five percent.

That is to say, the price of the villa that Ye Rongrong bought was too high, and she was worried that the discount she would give was not big, and Ye Rongrong would not buy it, so the sales lady would offer a 3% discount.

You must know that a 3% discount is 9 million yuan, and you can buy a commercial house of about 100 square meters within the third ring road in the capital.

If Ye Glory buys an ordinary commercial house, the sales lady usually says that she only has 1% authority, and at most she can tell you to apply to the higher-ups to get a 2% discount.

In fact, these are just means.

Otherwise, how could these sales girls earn hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars a year.

“Too little discount!”

Ye Rongrong still shook his head and said.

"That Mr. Ye, let's go back to the sales office first. I will apply to our manager and I will definitely give you a satisfactory discount."

The sales lady said hurriedly.

As long as you make this sum, you will send it by yourself, so the sales lady hurriedly said when she saw that Ye Rongrong was not satisfied with the strength of this discount.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded.


"Dean, do you really want to spend 300 million to buy that villa?"

Sitting in the VIP room, Mu Yuhan looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"Yes, that villa is nice!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Although this villa is a bit expensive, it is worth the money in Ye Rongrong's opinion.

"This is Mr. Ye, hello, hello, I am the sales manager, and my surname is Zhang."

At this moment, a middle-aged man walked into the VIP room and said to Ye Rongrong excitedly.

The sales lady followed behind him.


Ye Rongrong nodded, shook hands with this Manager Zhang and said.

"Xiao Zhang, go out to work first!"

After Manager Zhang asked Ye Rongrong to sit down, he said to the sales lady who followed in.


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