After driving for half an hour, I arrived at a street behind the Forbidden City, which is basically a courtyard.

These courtyards are basically buildings from the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. In the past, bureaucrats, landlords, and wealthy businessmen in the capital lived in large and medium-sized courtyards.

However, after the end of the Qing Dynasty, great changes took place in Chinese society, and the economic situation went from bad to worse. Many ordinary people who used to live in single-family homes could no longer afford more houses, so they had to rent out and sell the extra houses to supplement their families.

In the past, the single-family courtyard house began to become a multi-family mixed-living courtyard. It is no longer an exclusive occupancy, but has become a multi-family property.

No matter how difficult it is for the courtyard house to maintain the profoundness, tranquility, elegance and warmth of the past, it has become a common phenomenon for the courtyard house to be divided, transformed, and carved up.

Driving into the alley, Ye Rongrong looked at many courtyard houses, and many people lived in a courtyard.

I saw a lot of houses, and many of them were willing to sell, but they were willing to sell, but Ye Rongrong was unwilling to buy. What Ye Rongrong wanted to buy was an independent courtyard house, not a room in a courtyard house.

Ye Rongrong didn't want to be crowded in a big courtyard with others, and he could hear clearly when the husband and wife next door quarreled.

Ye Rongrong bought this courtyard because he liked the profound, quiet, elegant and warm features of the courtyard.

So when he saw many households living in the small courtyard, Ye Rongrong would turn his head and leave, and move on to the next household.

Finally, Ye Rongrong and the others found a courtyard house with a sale sign on the door at the bottom of the alley.

"Dean, shall we go in and ask?"

Mu Yuhan said to Ye Rongrong.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and went up to knock on the door.

Soon, the gate of the courtyard was opened, and a white-haired old man looked at Ye Rongrong and Mu Yuhan, frowned and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Master, is this courtyard house yours? We are here to buy the courtyard house."

Ye Rongrong said directly.

"Then please come in!"

Hearing that Ye Rongrong came to buy a courtyard house, the old man's eyes lit up, and he invited Ye Rongrong and Mu Yuhan into the house to have a look.

I went to the courtyard and looked around. Although this courtyard house is quite old, it is well maintained. As long as it is repaired a little, it will be very good.

Moreover, the courtyard is divided into two principals, the front and the back, with a small garden at the back. In the capital where every inch of land is expensive, that is, in the past, such a large courtyard could only be built.

In modern times, it is basically impossible to build such a large courtyard in the location of the capital, and the land department will not give you approval.

Ye Rongrong is basically very satisfied with this courtyard. With the door closed, this courtyard is an independent space with a strong sense of privacy.

"Uncle Zhao, does this courtyard house belong to you personally?"

Back in the front yard, Ye Rongrong asked the old man.

The old man who sold the courtyard house was surnamed Zhao, and Ye Rongrong called him Uncle Zhao.

"It's mine. This yard is the inheritance left by my ancestors. My ancestors were a senior member of the second rank in the late Qing Dynasty. A few years ago, my family lived here. Later, my children all went abroad. Now I married a wife and had children abroad, and they all settled abroad. Since my wife passed away, I was left alone..."

The old man said to Ye Rongrong.

"This yard is pretty good. Uncle Zhao, why are you selling it? Selling this yard, where do you always live?"

Mu Yuhan said doubtfully.

It's not that Mu Yuhan cares about Mr. Zhao's affairs, but because he's afraid that there will be troubles in the future. If there are other tenants in this house, after buying it, there will be lawsuits in the future.

"It's not my son and daughter. They are all abroad. They want me to go abroad to enjoy my old age. I am over seventy years old this year. Although it is difficult to leave my homeland, I also know that I will not have a good life for a few years. If I don't go abroad to follow If they live together, I'm afraid I won't be able to see them in a few years."

Uncle Zhao said with some sadness.

It was a very good thing for the children to be capable, but when they became capable, their wings became stiff, and they stopped listening to what they said. They all immigrated and settled in foreign countries directly.

Originally, Uncle Zhao was very angry and felt that his children had lost their ancestors. Although the children repeatedly took the old man abroad to enjoy his old age, the old man and his wife disagreed.

It's just that since his wife passed away the year before last, Uncle Zhao was left alone. The lonely days were really uncomfortable. Not long ago, Uncle Zhao's youngest son gave birth to a fat grandson for him.

Uncle Zhao thought, he is over seventy years old, if he doesn't go abroad to live with his children, maybe he won't be able to see his little grandson.

After thinking about it, Uncle Zhao decided to go abroad to live with his children.

After going abroad, Uncle Zhao also knew that it was unlikely that he would return to China, so he wanted to sell this courtyard house and exchange it for money.

After all, the consumption level in foreign countries is much higher than in China, and my children's lives abroad are not very good, so I can help them by exchanging this yard for money and bringing it there.

"Uncle Zhao, I don't know how much you want to buy. If it's suitable, I'll buy it."

Ye Rongrong said.

"You also know that the current courtyard houses are very valuable, and the price is very high."

Hearing that Ye Rongrong was willing to buy this courtyard house, Uncle Zhao couldn't help being happy.

You know, Uncle Zhao wanted to go abroad to see his little grandson at the beginning of the year, but he just couldn't sell this courtyard house.

Although this kind of old-fashioned courtyard house is very valuable now, there are too few people who can afford it at such a high price. Anyway, since Uncle Zhao listed this courtyard house for sale, there are not many people who come to ask about it. More than a hundred million people turned around and left.

"You can set a price. As long as it is suitable, I am willing to buy it. If it is not suitable, then forget it."

Ye Rongrong said.


Uncle Zhao hesitated for a while, afraid of being too high, Ye Rongrong turned around and left just like the previous house inspectors, but was too low, Uncle Zhao felt that he was at a loss.

Ye Rongrong didn't urge him either, and let Uncle Zhao think about it himself. After all, this kind of thing can't be forced.

Uncle Zhao hesitated for a long time, then looked at Ye Rongrong and said, "At least 150 million yuan. A few years ago, a courtyard house on the side was smaller than my yard. I bought 130 million yuan. My yard It’s much bigger than his, if it wasn’t for the eagerness to exchange money to go abroad, I wouldn’t be willing to sell it.”

150 million?

Ye Rongrong was stunned for a moment, the price was really beyond Ye Rongrong's expectation, not that the price was too high, but that the price was a bit low.

Take the villa I looked at just now, the selling price is 300 million yuan, which is not as good as this courtyard house in terms of geographical location and land area.

But Ye Rongrong thought about it, and understood why Uncle Zhao gave such a price.

Although the price of this courtyard house is very high in the market, the actual transaction volume is very small. It is obvious that there is no market for the price, and few people are willing to pay a high price for this courtyard house.

This has something to do with the nature of the courtyard house. Although the courtyard house in the capital is now a private property, it is also a national protected building, and it is not allowed to demolish and rebuild without permission, which makes the use of the courtyard house very narrow.

This makes many real estate developers and real estate speculators not optimistic about this courtyard house, and they are unwilling to spend huge sums of money to buy this courtyard house.

Moreover, young people nowadays are used to living in that kind of modern house, and they have no love for old-fashioned houses like courtyard houses.

This also makes the courtyard house have a high price, but it cannot be sold.

"Uncle Zhao, although the price of this courtyard house seems high, it is all priceless and basically cannot be sold. The price of 150 million yuan is a bit high, but it seems that Uncle Zhao, you are also in a hurry to spend money. , I won’t bargain with you anymore, but I have a request.”

After thinking about it, Ye Rongrong said to Uncle Zhao.

"Say it, say it!"

When Uncle Zhao heard that Ye Rongrong accepted the price he offered, he immediately said excitedly.

If it can be sold for 150 million yuan, Uncle Zhao is really satisfied.

With so much money, going abroad can lead a very comfortable life.

"There is no special request, but you have to keep all the furniture and furnishings in this house for me. I like these old items quite a lot."

Ye Rongrong said.

"This is no problem."

Uncle Zhao nodded and said.

I am going abroad soon, and there is no way to take away the furniture and decorations in this yard. Even if I sell them to buy broken ones, they are not worth much.

Everything was settled, Uncle Zhao brought Ye Rongrong to the street to complete the formalities with the formalities and certificates. After all, it involved a courtyard, and Ye Rongrong didn't want anything to go wrong.

This is a real estate worth hundreds of millions of dollars. To avoid any disputes in the future, these procedures must be completed in one go now.

This sub-district office has information on these courtyard houses, whether it is Uncle Zhao's house, and what the property rights are, you can check it there.

Moreover, it can avoid a lot of troubles when trading in the street office, and it will be much more convenient when transferring ownership in the future.

The procedures are actually very cumbersome. If Uncle Zhao hadn't lived here for decades, he would know everyone in the neighborhood and the street would help, but obviously it couldn't be done in a day or two.

Ye Rongrong was not in a hurry, and directly handed over the matter to Mu Yuhan, and he only had to pay at the end.

There's no need to run errands with Tiantian on this matter, Ye Rongrong doesn't have that time, and he doesn't have that kind of leisure.

"Come on, I've kept you busy all day, and I invite you to dinner."

Coming out of the sub-district office, Ye Rongrong said to Mu Yuhan.

"Dean, that's what you said. I'm not going to be polite, and I went to pick the expensive ones."

Mu Yuhan said to Ye Rongrong with a smile.

"It doesn't matter if it's expensive, the key is to have delicious food."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Let's go eat hot pot. I know there is a hot pot restaurant in Beijing that tastes very good. Everyone who has eaten it says it is delicious."

Mu Yuhan thought for a while and said.

"Okay, let's go eat hot pot."

Anyway, if I invite Mu Yuhan to dinner today, she can make up her mind.


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