The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1333 Appraisal

"This hot pot uses waste oil."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Dean, you...are you kidding me?"

After recovering, Mu Yuhan asked uneasily.

I often come to this hot pot restaurant with a few good sisters to eat hot pot. What if the bottom material of this hot pot restaurant adds waste oil?

Mu Yuhan couldn't help but want to vomit after thinking about it.

"No kidding, there is waste oil in this base material."

Ye Rongrong said affirmatively.

For his "identification technique", Ye Rongrong is very confident, and believes that it will not make a mistake.

"How do you know there is waste oil in this base material?"

Mu Yuhan looked at Ye Rongrong with some doubts and asked.

After all, my dean is not the back kitchen staff of this hot pot restaurant, so how could he know that there is waste oil in the hot pot base.

You must know that after the waste oil is extracted and processed, you can't tell whether it is waste oil or not.

This is also the reason why waste oil is the most harmful.

Because in normal consumption, you can't tell the difference between this gutter oil and normal cooking oil.

"I'm a chef at the level of a master chef. Once I smell this smell, I can smell it."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Dean, are you sure!"

Mu Yuhan looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

It's not that Mu Yuhan doesn't believe Ye Rongrong's words, it's really too powerful, he can smell the gutter oil when he smells it.

This nose is just...

"I'm pretty sure it's gutter oil."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Waiter, waiter!"

When Ye Rongrong was so sure that there was gutter oil in the bottom of the hot pot, Mu Yuhan became very angry.

I didn't expect that I often spend so much money here to eat hot pot. Is it because I have been eating waste oil all the time?

Thinking of the gutter oil he had eaten for so long, Mu Yuhan felt extremely sick.

"Hello, is there anything I can help you with?"

The waitress walked by and asked Mu Yuhan politely.

"You guys use waste oil, can you give me a reasonable explanation?"

Mu Yuhan stared at the waitress and said.

Thinking that all he ate was gutter oil before, Mu Yuhan became angry.

If he had known that this hot pot restaurant used gutter oil, Mu Yuhan wouldn't come here to eat hot pot if he was killed.

"Beauty, do you have any misunderstanding? Why do our hot pot restaurants use waste oil?"

The waitress froze for a moment and said hastily.

As a waiter in a hot pot restaurant, the waitress vaguely heard some people in the store say that the hot pot base in the store is made of waste oil.

Of course, whether to use waste oil or not, as a waiter in the hot pot restaurant, she is still not very clear, because according to the regulations of the hot pot restaurant, the waiter can go to the back kitchen without permission.

"Could it be that my words are false? Your black heart shop actually uses waste oil."

Mu Yuhan said angrily.

Anyone who has eaten gutter oil for so long and only knows it now will get angry.

"Waste oil?"

"No way, such a high-end hot pot restaurant actually uses waste oil!"

"Don't...don't mention the gutter oil to me, I want to throw up!"

"Damn it, the hot pot I ate turned out to be gutter oil."

"Maybe this woman is talking nonsense. Such a high-end hot pot restaurant shouldn't use waste oil?"

"It may be that there are too many unscrupulous businessmen now. In order to make money, they will do all kinds of unscrupulous things."

"If this hot pot restaurant uses gutter oil, I will smash the shop. I spend so much money here to eat hot pot, not to test poison."

"It must not be true, waste oil, just thinking about it makes me want to vomit!"


Hearing the conversation between Mu Yuhan and the waitress at the hotpot restaurant, the people who were eating hotpot in the hall hurriedly put down their chopsticks and began to discuss.

Everyone dare not eat this hot pot.

If this is really made of waste oil, can it still be eaten?

Everyone knows the dangers of waste oil.

Not to mention the hazards of the waste oil, just think about the fact that the waste oil is extracted from the gutter, and everyone loses their appetite.

No matter how delicious the hot pot is, once it has something to do with waste oil, no one can eat it, and no one dares to eat it.

There are even a few women who have a cleanliness disorder, and now they want to vomit.

"what happened?"

At this time, a manager of a hot pot restaurant came over and asked the waitress.

"Manager, this customer said that our hot pot uses waste oil."

The waitress hurriedly said to the middle-aged man.

"Beauty, please don't slander our hot pot restaurant, otherwise, we will use the law to protect the reputation of our hot pot restaurant."

The middle-aged man's face changed slightly, and he quickly came back to his senses, and said threateningly to Mu Yuhan.

As a senior manager of this hot pot restaurant, the middle-aged man knows about the use of waste oil in his hot pot restaurant.

But this is a very secret matter, except for a few chefs in the kitchen, only a few bosses like myself know about it.

Others don't know about this at all, even waiters who have worked in hot pot restaurants for many years may not know about it.

The middle-aged man really couldn't figure out how this young and beautiful woman knew that her hot pot restaurant used gutter oil.

Did she guess?

Soon the middle-aged man felt that this possibility was very high.

You must know that more than half of the hot pot restaurants are using waste oil. After all, this hot pot restaurant uses a lot of oil.

If normal cooking oil is used, the cost is very high, but the cost of using this recovered waste oil is very low.

Moreover, the gutter oil in my hot pot restaurant is extracted from the grease trap in the sewer of the hot pot restaurant. After a night of filtration, heating, precipitation, and separation, these foul-smelling garbage can be transformed into clear "edible oil". This process is done by the boss's cronies, and it is guaranteed that no one will notice.

"Whether it's waste oil or not, let the people from the health department come and check it."

Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong is very sure about the use of waste oil in this hot pot.

Ye Rongrong is absolutely not polite to such merchants who use waste oil.

These people are so black-hearted that they don't take the health of ordinary people seriously.

This is why, in recent years, more and more people have died of cancer, and they are getting younger, mainly because of food safety.

It is these unscrupulous traders who, in order to earn unscrupulous money, disregard other people's health and use poisonous and harmful things like gutter oil for ordinary people to eat.

If you eat too much of this kind of thing, incurable diseases like cancer will naturally appear.

"Go and call the security guard over and drive these two troublemakers out of here."

The middle-aged man said to the waitress.

We can't let these two people keep fighting in the hot pot restaurant, otherwise it will affect the business of the hot pot restaurant.

Once the information about the use of waste oil in your hot pot restaurant is spread, it will definitely attract everyone's attention. It will be difficult to cover the fire with this paper, and accidents will easily occur.

More importantly, this hot pot restaurant of mine is a high-end hot pot restaurant. The consumption level is very high, and the people who can come to the restaurant to consume are basically rich and powerful people.

If they knew that they came to this hot pot restaurant to eat hot pot, what they ate was waste oil.

This hot pot restaurant is not as simple as closing its doors. If some people get angry, they may kill themselves.

So middle-aged men will not admit that their hot pot restaurants use waste oil even if they are killed.

As for asking people from the health department to come and investigate.

The middle-aged man is not afraid. Being able to open such a big hot pot restaurant in the capital must have a relationship. Basically, the investigation is just a formality.

The final result is definitely unsubstantiated.

Soon, two security guards from the hotpot restaurant came over.

"Invite these two guests out!"

The middle-aged man said to the two security guards of the hot pot restaurant.

The most important thing now is to get these two people out of the hot pot restaurant.


The two security guards responded, and walked over to Mu Yuhan with eyes wide open.


Seeing the two security guards approaching him, Mu Yuhan said to Ye Rongrong a little uneasy.

"It's okay, I'm here!"

Ye Rongrong stood up from his seat, walked to Mu Yuhan, and looked at the two approaching security guards.

"Are you going by yourself, or are we asking you out?"

A security guard frowned and looked at Ye Rongrong, then said threateningly.

It's because Ye Rongrong's physique is so strong that the security guards don't have the confidence to get him out with two people.

"Go, I will definitely go, but there must be an explanation for the waste oil matter."

Ye Rongrong said forcefully.

Whoever came out to have a meal instead, encountered gutter oil, and was in a bad mood.

Thinking about extracting those gutter oils from extremely dirty gutters, if I didn't have the "identification skill", wouldn't I have eaten all of them.

"You are talking nonsense, the oil used in our hot pot restaurant is all qualified cooking oil, and we have never used waste oil. Please don't listen to his nonsense. He must have been sent by our hot pot restaurant competitors to make trouble. Our high-end hot pot restaurant , how can you use waste oil?"

The middle-aged man said hurriedly.

"He's right. How can such a high-end hot pot restaurant use waste oil?"

"The consumption here is so high, there is no need to use waste oil, right?"

"I came here because of the cleanliness and good environment of this hot pot restaurant. If such hot pot restaurants use waste oil, who would dare to eat hot pot in the future!"

"That's not necessarily the case. Some unscrupulous businessmen will do anything unscrupulous in order to make more profits."

"Anyway, I don't believe that this high-end hot pot restaurant uses waste oil. I have been eating at this hot pot restaurant for five or six years. I am very assured of the hygiene here."

"I hope these two people are sent by competitors to make trouble. If waste oil is really used... don't think about it, it's too disgusting!"


Hearing the middle-aged man's words, many people dining in the hall started talking, and most of them chose to believe the middle-aged man's words.

After all, if this hot pot restaurant uses waste oil, what I have eaten all these years is poisonous food, which is not acceptable to everyone.

"Why are you still standing there, hurry up and invite these two troublemakers out of here."

Seeing that the people in the hall believed his words, the middle-aged man let go of his uneasy heart. Seeing that the security guard hadn't moved, he immediately shouted in dissatisfaction.


I have a cold, it's really uncomfortable! Go get an IV!

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