The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1347 The Kung Fu of the Guards


Nangong Ziyan and the guards blushed involuntarily.

People like myself should be too unreasonable, why do we still protect them for a long time?

This has all been followed, and I don't know yet.

The result is a long reminder.

"Boss, I'll deal with them!"

Li Jiayu came back to his senses and said something, then walked out behind him.

These guards have all undergone very professional training. If they were not distracted, they would naturally not be followed without knowing it.

Now that I came back to my senses, I could tell right away who was following them just by looking behind them.

"Why did you follow us, who sent you here!"

Li Jiayu approached the three young people angrily, and said in a cold voice.

The three of them were startled, they didn't expect that they would be found following them so soon.

The man in front showed a fierce look in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Beauty, you'd better hand over your belongings, and don't show up here in the future, or we won't be polite!"

"Tell me who sent you here, and I won't let you suffer!"

Li Jiayu said with a sneer.

The three of them were all startled, with a gloomy look on their faces, the other one said in a deep voice, "Brother, don't talk nonsense with them, just grab it with your hands."

After finishing speaking, each of the three had a gleaming dagger in their hands, and the leading man said viciously: "Since you don't know how to praise, don't blame me."

The man jumped forward fiercely, and the dagger in his hand stabbed at Li Jiayu's lower abdomen, while the remaining two took advantage of the situation to surround Li Jiayu in the center to prevent Li Jiayu from escaping.

Now that the three men had made up their minds, after subduing Li Jiayu, they threatened Ye Rongrong to hand over the jade in his hand.

As long as they get the emerald, the three of them have made a plan, they will not go back, they will go away and live the life of a rich man abroad.

Regarding these gangsters, Li Jiayu felt that there was no need to hold back, so she rushed forward, buckled under the wrist of Wei Man, bent lightly, and with a click, accompanied by a scream, Li Jiayu kicked out. .


With a sound, the man's strong body fell heavily to the ground, and with a scream, he limply lay on the ground, apparently unconscious.

Without waiting for the other two to react, Li Jiayu jumped up and made a beautiful maneuver in the air, hitting a man on the right side of the head.

With a muffled groan, his body flew high and fell to the ground with strands of blood gushing from his mouth and nose. Before he could scream, he lost consciousness.

"Good work!"

Ye Rongrong couldn't help but gave Li Jiayu a thumbs up and said.

These three people were actually Ye Rongrong deliberately wanting his guards to take action, mainly because he wanted to try the skills of these guards.

After all, they will be responsible for the safety of their own families in the future, so their skills can't be too bad.

Seeing how Li Jiayu brought down the three gangsters with murder weapons, Ye Rongrong was quite satisfied with their skills.

"Boss, you are laughing at me!"

Li Jiayu looked at Ye Rongrong with a slightly red face and said.

If it wasn't for seeing Ye Glory's skill just now, Li Jiayu would definitely be complacent after hearing this, but now, Li Jiayu is really embarrassed!

Compared with myself, I really can't do this skill!

"I'm not kidding you, your kung fu is really good."

Ye Rongrong spoke the truth.

After all, to kill three big men with murder weapons so cleanly is not something ordinary people with good kung fu can do.

Even in the world of bodyguards, such skills are rare.

Li Jiayu has such skills at such a young age, it is really amazing.

"Boss, how do you deal with these people?"

Nangong Ziyan asked.

"Follow the procedure!"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

Like Ye Rongrong's current level, although he is a civilian major general, his safety is protected by the military. If he is attacked, he should report to the security department according to the procedure, so that they can deal with the matter and avoid such danger from happening again.


Nangong Ziyan responded, and immediately called the security department to ask them to send someone to deal with the matter.


In the evening, a video about colorful jade appeared on the Internet, causing a sensation all over the world. The appearance of the priceless colorful jade is not attractive to ordinary people at all.

Although Ye Rongrong also appeared in the video, there are only a very few people who really remember Ye Rongrong and associate Ye Rongrong with the life-saving hero and bird flu special drug developer reported in the news a few days ago.

After all, in the era of highly developed information, people are always shocked by information, and it is easy to forget.

Because of his background in the military and being a celebrity, the procedures for the courtyard house were completed within two days. After paying all the money in one lump sum, the courtyard house completely belonged to Ye Rongrong.

After buying the courtyard house, Ye Rongrong looked at the old-fashioned furniture in the living room, which looked like antiques. Although he didn't understand these things, it didn't mean that Ye Rongrong didn't know how to look at them.

These furniture do not look like modern things, they are probably objects left over from the Qing Dynasty. If this is the case, it would be a pity if they are accidentally damaged here.

Mu Yuhan looked at Ye Rongrong in puzzlement. After moving into the courtyard, the dean just stared at the furniture, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Dean, is there something wrong with these furniture?"

Mu Yuhan looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

"Hehe, these are all valuable things!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Dean, such a crap is worth money!"

Mu Yuhan said in disbelief, these seats are all tattered, and if I gave them to myself, I would despise them and would not even take them.

Why, in the eyes of the dean, these crap things are worth money.

"You don't understand this!"

Ye Rongrong smiled at Mu Yuhan, and continued: "Don't look at these shabby things, they are all antiques, and there are so many people who like to collect these rags."

"Someone wants all these rags!"

Mu Yuhan said in surprise.

Mu Yuhan didn't understand anything like antiques.

Anyway, in Mu Yuhan's view, no one would want these tattered things even if they were thrown on the street.

In fact, people with this kind of concept definitely account for the majority in China. In fact, there is not a big circle of antique collectors, and they are all played by wealthy people of a certain age.

Few young people like these junk things.

In particular, some things were stolen from gloomy ancient tombs. This kind of thing makes people shudder to think about it. Few people want to give it to young people.

"Of course, otherwise, if I am full, I must buy all these broken furniture together!\

,"Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Then what to do with the old furniture?"

Mu Yuhan asked.

"I asked someone to take these to Panjiayuan and sell them."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

After all, Ye Rongrong didn't have a penchant for antiques. If it wasn't for the value of such dilapidated furniture, Ye Rongrong would not have kept it, and someone would have cleaned it up long ago.

Nowadays, mobile phones are very convenient, and many merchants can be found on the Internet. In recent years, the antique market has been booming, and the collection value of antiques is very high.

In order to keep up with the new era, many antique shops have stores online, where you can buy antiques online or come to buy antiques.

Ye Rongrong contacted the owner of an antique shop and took a few photos of the old furniture in the house. Within an hour, an old man in his sixties came with a few people to buy them.

After a brief exchange with Ye Rongrong, the old gentleman began to look down at the old furniture carefully, and took out a magnifying glass to observe the carpentry, excuses, and carvings. It took a full two hours to calculate it. Check out these furniture pieces.

"Mr. Zhao, how about my things? Not bad, right?"

Ye Rongrong asked with a smile.

"From the perspective of texture, weight, patina and carving, these old furniture are all good old red sandalwood furniture, but they are a bit worn out."

Old Mr. Zhao said with some pity.

The main reason is that these Qing Dynasty furniture lacked maintenance and were seriously damaged, otherwise the value would be very high.

"These are a whole set of things, all of which are old objects from the Qing Dynasty. Although they are a bit old, they still have value. If it weren't for redecorating the yard, I really don't want to sell these things. You know These old things are hard to see in the market.”

Ye Rongrong said with a look of reluctance.

"They are indeed good things, Mr. Ye, I don't know how much you want to sell them for?"

Mr. Zhao looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

Mr. Zhao has seen all these things. They are basically furniture from the middle and late Qing Dynasty. Although they are a little worn out, they are all high-quality red sandalwood furniture.

"How much can you give?"

Mu Yuhan interrupted and asked.

Old Mr. Zhao glanced at Mu Yuhan, probably thinking that it was Ye Rongrong's lover, and felt that women were tall and short-sighted, and he didn't understand these antiques, so he could open the door from women.

So he said with a smile, "I can't give you too much. I can give you one hundred thousand yuan for these furniture. This is more than you can sell as scrap, and you can earn too much."

Mu Yuhan was stunned, right?

Just give these to myself, I hate the shabby and don't want it, but I can sell it for a price of 100,000.

"One hundred thousand yuan, it's too cheap!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

Although Ye Rongrong is a billionaire now, he has lived a hard life since he was a child, so he will not take money seriously, and it is a little bit to earn a little more.

To be honest, Ye Rongrong was very dissatisfied with the price given by Mr. Zhao.

"Two hundred thousand, this is the highest price I can give!"

Mr. Zhao saw that Ye Rongrong was not satisfied, so he doubled the price. After all, the value of this antique is like a bottomless pit, and no one knows.

But the most basic point is that the market value of these Qing Dynasty furniture will definitely not be less than 200,000.

"Two hundred thousand is too little, five hundred thousand, if you want it, take it away today, don't, I'll find someone else."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

Although I don't know how much these old furniture from the Qing Dynasty are worth, in Ye Rongrong's opinion, they must be worth at least 500,000 yuan.


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