The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1348 Get out

"Okay, my five hundred thousand is five hundred thousand, now we will take it away!"

Old Mr. Zhao thought about it and agreed.

Although these Qing Dynasty furniture are a bit dilapidated, if it is really calculated by value, it can be sold for at least one million, and the purchase price of fifty is not a loss at all.


Ye Rongrong wished that these old furniture could be removed quickly. After the removal, people from the decoration and design company could be invited in the afternoon to redecorate and design the courtyard.

The 500,000 yuan is completely enough for the advance payment for the decoration.

Ye Rongrong plans to renovate the yard before the Chinese New Year. After all, during the Chinese New Year, this wife's natal family will definitely come to pay New Year's greetings.

At that time, you can live in this yard, this is your own home, and it is convenient for everyone to visit relatives and friends.

Living in Liu's house is different, not to mention that Liu's house is heavily guarded, even if it is an ordinary family, it is not good for Ye Rongrong, the son-in-law, to receive friends in the old man's house.

It is not good for Ye Rongrong's friends or subordinates to go to Ye Rongrong's old man's house to pay Ye Rongrong's New Year's greetings.


"Dean, there are a few people outside who claim to be Huaxia Huaxia Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Association want to see you!"

Zhang Hua walked into Ye Rongrong's office and said to Ye Rongrong who was working.

"Huaxia Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Association?"

Ye Rongrong was stunned for a moment, this was the first time Ye Rongrong had heard of this association.

Now there are a lot of Huaxia associations. For those who open Internet cafes, there is an Internet cafe association; for those who produce instant noodles, there is an association for instant noodles;

Anyway, there are all kinds of associations, there are not 10,000 in China, but there are 8,000.

"Want to see them?"

Zhang Hua asked.

"Let them in!"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

I don't know anyone from the "Huaxia Huaxia Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Association", but today someone from this association came to me.

Ye Rongrong felt that most likely he came here for his own jade.

So Ye Rongrong wanted to see why these people came to him?

Soon, Zhang Hua came in with three people, two men and one woman, the woman was still young, about twenty-six or seven years old, wearing glasses, she looked like a secretary or something.

Two men, one in his sixties, with no hair in the middle of his head. According to what people call it today, this is called "Mediterranean head", and he looks like a leader.

The other is a middle-aged man, in his forties, tall, but a little shorter than Ye Rongrong, and looks like a successful man.

"This is our dean!"

Zhang Hua pointed to Ye Rongrong and said to the visitor.

"Hi Dean Ye, I'm Zhang Guodong, the president of Huaxia Huaxia Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Association, this is Zhao Xiaoyuan, the vice president of the association, and this is Qian Qingqing, the secretary general."

Zhang Hai greeted Ye Rongrong and said.

"Hello, please sit down!"

Ye Rongrong invited the three of them to sit down on the sofa in the office.

"I don't know what you want from me?"

After everyone sat down, Ye Rongrong looked at them and asked.

"Dean Ye, our Huaxia Huaxia Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Association is a joint association of people who are engaged in jewelry and jade jewelry and jewelry and jade jewelry lovers throughout China. We are here this time to invite you to join the Huaxia Huaxia Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Association. "

Zhao Xiaoyuan said to Ye Rongrong.

Since Ye Rongrong unraveled the seven-colored jade the day before yesterday, Ye Rongrong's reputation has become famous in the entire jewelry and jade industry. In addition, Ye Rongrong himself is a celebrity, so the people from the Huaxia Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Association also quickly found Ye Rongrong's information .

So several heads of the Huaxia Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Association came to visit and wanted to invite Ye Rongrong to join the Huaxia Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Association.

"I'm not in the jewelry business, why should I join this association!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

Ye Rongrong has no interest in this so-called Huaxia Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Association, nor does he want to join this so-called association.

"Dean Ye, although you are not in business,

You are the Emerald King! "

Qian Qingqing said.

"Jade King, what Jade King?"

Ye Rongrong was a little confused.

"You unraveled the legendary colorful jade, you are the well-deserved king of jade."

Qian Qingqing said.

It turned out that since Ye Rongrong solved the "colorful jadeite" that only existed in myths and legends the day before yesterday, it immediately caused a sensation in the entire jadeite industry, and was recognized by the world as the contemporary jadeite king.

It's just that Ye Rongrong himself doesn't know about it.

"Jade King? I'm not interested in this, nor in joining your association. If you have nothing else to do, then that's it."

Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong didn't want to join the Huaxia Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Association, nor did he want to have more contact with people in this association.

"Dean Ye, think again!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong refused to join the Huaxia Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Association, Zhang Guodong said hastily.

After all, Ye Rongrong's reputation is very big now, and joining the Huaxia Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Association is very important for the association's reputation.

More importantly, Ye Rongrong's official status also provides a layer of protection for the Huaxia Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Association.

"Sorry, I'm not interested."

Ye Rongrong shook his head directly and said.

For this kind of non-governmental association, Ye Rongrong didn't like it at all.

Ye Rongrong still remembers very clearly that seven or eight years ago when he went to the Internet cafe by himself, there was a notice at the entrance of the Internet cafe, which read the following words: "In order to regulate the market and avoid malicious bidding, the Yangping County Internet Cafe Association stipulated that All Internet cafes in Yangping County must charge no less than three yuan per hour for Internet access, and if it is less than three yuan per hour, violators will be given heavy fines, please actively report."

The co-author's Internet cafe charging standard still has a minimum standard. Before this notice was posted, Ye Rongrong basically charged two yuan and five yuan to surf the Internet in Internet cafes, and even some Internet cafes charged up to two yuan an hour in the morning and early morning.

It's just that after the notice came out, Ye Rongrong never paid less than three yuan to go online in an Internet cafe.

In addition to the Internet Cafe Association, Ye Rongrong still remembers the Instant Noodle Association. At that time, the instant noodle price increase was also decided by the Instant Noodle Association.

At that time, Ye Rongrong didn't have a good impression of this kind of shopping mall associations. They had nothing to do with price reductions, and there were shadows behind price increases.

"Dean Ye should stop thinking about it and join our association, there are many benefits."

Zhao Xiaoyuan advised Ye Rongrong.

"No interest, just no interest, I still have work to do, so come here!"

Ye Rongrong said.

This is to see off guests.

"Since Dean Ye is unwilling to join our association, we can't force it. We have one more thing to do today, and I beg Dean Ye for help."

Seeing that Ye Rongrong really didn't want to join his association, Zhang Guodong could only state his second purpose.

"Help? How can I help you?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and asked.

To be honest, Ye Rongrong was really upset when suddenly some people who claimed to be some kind of association came to ask him for help.

Who are you all? You don't even know yourself. How can you have the face to ask yourself for help.

Are people so shameless now?

"It's like this, Dean Ye, you have a seven-colored emerald, we think..."

"What? Do you want to sell? How much will you pay?"

Ye Rongrong immediately asked with interest.

To be honest, what kind of seven-color emerald or eight-color emerald, in Ye Rongrong's opinion, it is a beautiful stone, and it is really worthless without money.

Ye Rongrong disagrees with the hobbies of these rich people.

For the past few days, Ye Rongrong has been thinking about how to sell all the pieces of jade in his hand at a high price and exchange them for money.

Now that someone wants to buy this jadeite, Ye Rongrong is of course willing to sell it.

As soon as I heard about the Huaxia Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Association, I knew that the people in this association had a lot of money, and it was very possible that they could afford their colorful jadeite.

"Dean Ye, you misunderstood. We didn't want to buy your seven-colored jadeite. It is too expensive and no one can afford it."

Zhao Xiaoyuan said hastily.

Seven-colored jadeite is a priceless treasure. Among the richest people in the world, there are no more than 20 super-rich people who can afford it and are willing to spend money to buy it.

There is really no such super rich in the Huaxia Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Association.

"Not to buy, what do you want to do?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

The three of Zhao Xiaoyuan looked at each other, and finally Zhang Guodong said: "Dean Ye, it's like this, there will be an annual international jade exhibition in Meiguo in a few days, and we would like to borrow your colorful jadeite to participate in this exhibition." The next international jade exhibition, after the exhibition is over, we will definitely complete it..."


Ye Rongrong didn't wait for Zhang Guodong to finish speaking, and shouted unhappy.

Who are you, really damn shameless.

I didn't even know where they came from, they were bastards, so I dared to ask myself to borrow this colorful jade.

I really think I am a three-year-old child!

Ye Rongrong regretted meeting these people now, he was just trying to find anger for himself.

"Dean Ye, we..."

Unexpectedly, Ye Rongrong would lose such a big temper, which made Zhao Xiaoyuan and the others feel a little uneasy immediately.

"Go away, do you hear me clearly!"

Ye Glory stared and shouted.



Hearing Ye Rongrong's scolding, Nangong Ziyan, the guards and Zhang Hua rushed into the dean's office.

"Get them out of here!"

Ye Rongrong explained to Nangong Ziyan and the others.

"Dean Ye, you misunderstood, we..."

Zhao Xiaoyuan hurriedly explained to Ye Rongrong.

"Go away, before I change my mind."

Ye Glory stared and said.

For such shameless people, Ye Rongrong was lazy to be polite to them.

It wasn't that Ye Rongrong had a bad temper and got angry easily, but he was really pissed off by these three.

Whoever meets a few strangers come to the door and says to lend them hundreds of millions of dollars to pretend to be local tyrants, and guarantee that they will return to Zhao in a few days, will be very popular.

This is simply a neurosis!

Seeing Ye Rongrong's frightening black face, Zhao Xiaoyuan and the others hurried out of the office in fright.

"Zhang Hua, don't let people like this come in from now on."

Ye Rongrong explained to Zhang Hua.


Zhang Hua nodded in response.


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