The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1362 Annual meeting


Qilin looked at Ye Rongrong with surprise and said.

Originally, Qilin was thinking about how to get the contact information of the beautiful woman just now.

He didn't expect Ye Rongrong to take the initiative to help him.

You must know that Ye Rongrong is the savior of that beauty, and it is much easier to get her contact information than myself.

What's more, Ye Glory is already married and will not compete with her.

"Of course, but what good am I doing?"

Ye Rongrong asked with a smile.

"Simple, I'll invite you to the Great Health Care Center tonight!"

Qilin said to Ye Rongrong.

"Big healthcare?"

Ye Rongrong hesitated for a while, then shook his head and said to Qilin: "Forget about that, just take me around the magic capital."

Since Ye Rongrong joined the "Wuji Shenmeng", he often listened to the rhythm under the desk lamp, Meng Feiyang and other great writers talking about "big health care", so he naturally knows what "big health care" is.

To be honest, Ye Rongrong is also yearning for this "big health care". If this man doesn't have that idea, is he still a man?

Ye Rongrong also wanted to see what the wonderful "big health care" called by the rhythm under the lamp and Meng Feiyang was like.

However, Ye Rongrong's strong will still suppressed this flame.

This kind of thing is actually a kind of desire.

Once a certain human desire is opened, it will be out of control in the future.

Thinking of his stunning wife and lovely daughter, Ye Rongrong felt that he could not do anything that would destroy the family.

A man has to be a man's responsibility. Since he married Liu Qingqing as his wife, he must be responsible to her and his actions.

The happiness of the family cannot be ruined for the sake of temporary happiness.

"Good man!"

Qilin gave Ye Rongrong a thumbs up and said.

"That's right, I'm one of the few good men in the 21st century!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.


This matter is not complicated. Ye Rongrong and the others can leave after finishing the record at the police station.

As for the two young men, what awaited them was legal punishment.

Skynet is not leaking, and those who do bad things will get the punishment they deserve sooner or later.

"Thank you!"

Walking out of the police station, Wang Xiaoyan thanked Ye Rongrong.

"It's nothing. Be careful when you go out in the future. Not everyone in this world is kind like me."

Ye Rongrong said a little brazenly.


Wang Xiaoyan nodded and said.

After experiencing this incident, Wang Xiaoyan will never dare to ride in a stranger's car again.

"Okay, let's leave it alone!"

Seeing that it was getting late, Ye Rongyao spoke up.


As soon as Ye Rongrong said that he was going to leave, Qilin immediately became anxious.

This Ye Rongrong is really unreliable, just now he said to help him get the WeChat account of this beauty, he is just talking about it!

"Oh, almost forgot!"

Called by Qilin, Ye Rongrong remembered that he forgot that this beauty named Wang Xiaoyan asked for a QQ number.

"Beauty, can you tell me your QQ number?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Wang Xiaoyan and said.

"I don't play QQ very much, let's add WeChat friends!"

Wang Xiaoyan took out her mobile phone and said to Ye Rongrong.

For this man who saved her, Wang Xiaoyan had an inexplicable affection, and naturally wanted to associate with Ye Rongrong more.

"You can add him on WeChat, my phone is dead."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said for a reason.

"Beauty, let's add friends!"

Qilin hurriedly took out his mobile phone and said to Wang Xiaoyan.

"it is good!"

Wang Xiaoyan nodded without thinking too much.

"Let's go!"

Seeing that Qilin and Wang Xiaoyan had finished adding friends, Ye Rongrong said.

It's getting late now, so I hurried to the hotel to take a shower, I still have things to do at night.


Shall I drive you to school? "

Qilin said to Wang Xiaoyan courteously.

"No, I asked my friend to pick me up in a car."

Wang Xiaoyan shook her head and said.

"Okay, let's go."

Ye Rongrong dragged Qilin to the parking lot.

This Wang Xiaoyan has just experienced such a thing, and now she is very wary of men. At this time, Qilin is licking his face to show courteousness, which can easily backfire.

Ye Rongrong was really worried that this unicorn would scare the girls.


The annual meeting of the China Literature Group, which only authors above the master level can participate in, is also a gathering of the big figures of the China Literature Group, which can be said to be quite important.

These master-level authors who can come to the annual meeting of China Literature Group have an annual income of more than one million. In the online literature industry, those with an annual income of more than ten million are called platinum, and those with an annual income of more than one million are called masters.

Even though China Literature Group has millions of registered Internet writers, there are only a few hundred people who can become masters or above.

Therefore, there will be no more than 200 authors who are eligible to participate in the annual meeting of the China Literature Group.

This is still the number of masters after the merger of Qidian and Chuangshi, which shows that there are very few people who really make money in this online literature.

Even the annual income of a great god of China Literature Group is not as much as the monthly income of ordinary Internet celebrities on live broadcast websites.

The annual meeting of the China Literature Group is held at the Shangri-La Hotel in Shanghai, which is one of the best hotels in Shanghai, an absolute five-star hotel.

It can be seen that the China Literature Group attaches great importance to this annual meeting, and the Internet authors who came to the annual meeting also stayed in the rooms of the Shangri-La Hotel.

After all, most of the income of China Literature Group comes from these master-level Internet authors, so it is natural to treat authors above the master level well.

"This room is yours, are you satisfied?"

Qilin took Ye Rongrong into a guest room and asked Ye Rongrong.

"Not satisfied, can you change me to the presidential suite?"

Ye Rongrong joked.

"You think beautifully!"

Qilin said with a smile.

The presidential suite at the Shangri-La Hotel in Shanghai is extremely expensive, costing tens of thousands of yuan a night. Even if China Literature is rich, it would not be willing to pay for the presidential suite!

"How stingy!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Hehe, I have something else to do, so I won't accompany you. I'll call you during dinner at night."

Qilin smiled and said Ye Rongrong said.

"No, I have dinner tonight!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

I am not unaccompanied in Shanghai, but I do have people I know.

"That's up to you! There will be an author exchange meeting at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and the starting point annual meeting will start at six o'clock in the evening. Don't forget."

Qilin emphasized.

"Okay, I remember."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.


After Qilin left, Ye Rongrong put the bath water in the bathroom, and soaked comfortably in the hot water. After riding the train for a day, he took a bath and felt comfortable.

The bathtub in this hotel is very big, and it is very comfortable to soak in it. Ye Rongrong thought about expanding his bathroom when he went back, and bought a bathtub like this. One day, he would be able to take a mandarin duck bath with his wife.

Don't ask me where I come from,

My hometown is far away,

why wander,

Wandering far away, wandering.


Ye Rongrong's mobile phone by the bathtub rang. Ye Rongrong picked up the mobile phone and pressed the answer button.

"Uncle, have you arrived in the magic capital?"

A middle-aged man's voice came from the phone.

"Here, I'm at the Shangri-La Hotel now!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"Uncle, I'll go to the Shangri-La Hotel to pick you up!"

The middle-aged man said respectfully.

"Okay, let's do this first!"

Ye Rongrong said, and hung up the phone.

The middle-aged man on the phone is Wang Bingzhen's second son. Because Ye Rongrong and Wang Bingzhen are in the same generation, even though Wang Bingzhen's two sons are older than Ye Rongrong, they still have to be called Ye Rongrong's "uncle".

If you are from the city, you may not be used to this kind of address. People who are over half a century old must feel very awkward and unnatural to call a young man who is about 20 years younger than him "uncle".

Of course, young people in the city are not used to being called "uncle" by people much older than themselves, and feel that they are calling themselves old.

But for a farmer like Ye Rongrong who grew up in the countryside, he didn't feel any discomfort.

After all, in rural areas where feudal etiquette is more serious, people are very particular about seniority, especially among the same family.

Everyone is accustomed to this phenomenon. In rural areas, in many cases, there is a big gap between seniority and age, and it is often not proportional. It is very common for the younger generation to be older or the older generation to be younger. It is not uncommon for a baby to be an uncle or a grandfather.

There is a saying in the countryside: "Brothers have different sizes, but uncles and nephews have no age."

Because brothers are arranged according to age, but uncles and nephews are not arranged according to age, but according to seniority.


"Uncle Ye!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong walking out from the gate of Shangri-La Hotel, Wang Zeyi rushed to greet him.

For this "Uncle Ye" who saved his father's illness, Wang Zeyi was only grateful to him before, after all, he cured his father's illness.

But now Wang Zeyi is a little in awe of this "Uncle Ye".

As a businessman, Wang Zeyi reads the news every day, so he naturally knows Ye Rongrong's current identity, the director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital, the rank of major general, and the developer of a special medicine for bird flu.

No matter what his identity was, Wang Zeyi was terrified!

He really didn't expect that this "Uncle Ye", whom his father had met in the same generation, turned out to be such a powerful big shot.

Now Wang Zeyi really admires his father too much.

In the past, my brothers still couldn't figure out why my father would lick his face and associate with this "Uncle Ye".

He didn't even hesitate to talk about brothers with his peers.

Now Wang Zeyi understands a little bit, his father should have seen it long ago, this "Uncle Ye" is not a simple person.

Now Wang Zeyi called Ye Rongrong "Uncle Ye", which became very natural, not like before, reluctantly, and even dared not go to Taoyuan Village for fear of calling Ye Rongrong "Uncle".

"Ze Yi, long time no see, you don't look good, you are your age, you should know how to control yourself and avoid going to entertainment places."

Ye Rongrong took a look at Wang Zeyi, frowned and said.

This Wang Zeyi was obviously weak due to excessive indulgence.


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