The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1363 Uncle and Grandpa

"Yes, Uncle Ye, what you said is true, I will definitely change it."

When Ye Rongrong said this, Wang Zeyi blushed slightly, and said hastily.

As the rich second generation, Wang Zeyi has no other problems except that he likes to go to entertainment venues.

"This is for your own sake. People in their forties must exercise restraint!"

Ye Rongrong said earnestly.

Now this Wang Zeyi's face is yellow and thin. If he doesn't control it, his body will die prematurely.

As an elder, Ye Rongrong felt that he had an obligation to admonish him.

As for whether he can listen to it, that is his own business.

"I understand, I understand, Uncle Ye, get in the car!"

Wang Zeyi opened the car door and said to Ye Rongrong.

As for what Ye Rongrong said about letting him go less to entertainment venues, Wang Zeyi didn't take it very seriously.

This man must have something to like.

I don't like smoking, drinking, or gambling, just like this woman.

Really cut off his only hobby, what's the point of this man living.

Of course, Wang Zeyi didn't dare to say this to Ye Rongrong.


"Datang Clubhouse" is a very famous private club in Shanghai, and it is a place where rich people in Shanghai like to go.

The entire clubhouse is decorated in the style of the Tang Dynasty, and the waiters and even the chefs inside are all dressed in Tang Dynasty costumes.

Of course, the consumption here is also very high, and the annual salary of ordinary people may not be able to afford one consumption here.

"When your uncle and grandpa come over, you all should be smart and be polite, understand?"

At the entrance of the clubhouse, Qi Jiayi exhorted her son Wang Shilei and daughter Wang Xixi, with a trace of nervousness in her eyes.

Qi Jiayi has been to Taoyuan Village and met Ye Rongrong, and knows that this "Uncle Ye" has excellent medical skills, and he is optimistic about his nephew's illness.

That is a miracle doctor, and a miracle doctor with status.

Qi Jiayi was really worried that her two spoiled children would be ignorant, that she would neglect "Uncle Ye" and make that "Uncle Ye" unhappy.

"Understood, my mother, you have explained it several times."

This is less than half an hour of the world, my mother has said it many times, and Wang Shilei's ears can hear calluses.

"That's right, that's right, Mom, you are almost becoming a Tang monk."

Wang Xixi immediately agreed.

Isn't it just that a grandpa's elder in the country is coming, seeing how nervous my parents are.

Wang Xixi was a little puzzled.

Why are my parents so nervous.

In Shanghai, my parents are often the guests of the mayor's house, and I haven't seen how nervous they are.

An elder from the countryside actually made them nervous like this.

As for?

"You stinky girl, you're not even married yet, so I think your mother is long-winded."

Qi Jiayi patted her little daughter on the head lightly, and said dissatisfied.

"Mom, if you hit someone without the head, you will be beaten stupid!"

Wang Xixi said dissatisfied.

"Just be skinny!"

Qi Jiayi said helplessly.

This child has grown up and has her own thoughts. She can no longer listen to what adults say.

"Come on, give me some energy."

Qi Jiayi noticed that her husband's car was coming.

"Uncle Ye!"

As soon as Ye Rongrong got out of the car, he heard a familiar voice.

Ye Rongrong looked back and saw that it was Wang Zeyi's wife, Qi Jiayi, and beside her was a young man and a young girl who looked exactly like Wang Zeyi.

"So it's Jiayi. This must be your son and daughter, right?"

Ye Rongrong smiled happily.

This Qi Jiayi has been to Taoyuan Village once, and Ye Rongrong met her once.

At that time, Qi Jiayi saw that Ye Rongrong was younger than herself, and she couldn't help feeling a little disapproving of this "Uncle Ye", but due to her father-in-law's affection, she still respected Ye Rongrong on the surface.

But this "Uncle Ye" could tell at a glance that he had a gynecological disease,

I prescribed a Chinese herbal medicine and took it for a week, and the gynecological disease that had troubled me for many years was cured.

Only then did she really understand why she was so respectful to this "Uncle Ye" with her father-in-law's identity and age, and why she still associates with him in the same generation.

This is a miracle doctor in action!

"Yes, this is my son Wang Shilei, and this is my daughter Wang Xixi, Shi Lei, Xixi, please call me uncle."

Qi Jiayi respected Ye Rongrong from the bottom of her heart, and when she saw him questioning, she nodded hurriedly and said.

Both Wang Shilei and Wang Xixi met Ye Rongrong for the first time.

I originally thought that the "Uncle Ye" my parents were talking about was an old man who was about the same age as my grandfather, seventy or eighty, but now I saw that he was younger than my parents, and only a few years older than my siblings.

Now my mother is urging my siblings to call this young man "uncle and grandpa", is it a mistake?

The two siblings, Wang Shilei and Wang Xixi, couldn't help being so surprised that they really couldn't call such a young man "uncle and grandpa".

If my friends and classmates found out about this, I wouldn't laugh my ass off!

"Shi Lei, Xixi!"

Seeing that his son and daughter were stunned and silent, Wang Zeyi, who handed over the car keys to the waiter, looked at his son and daughter unhappy and said.

"Hi, uncle!"

"Hi, uncle!"

The Wang family was taught very strictly, so when they came back to their senses, the two siblings, Wang Shilei and Wang Xixi, still honestly called Ye Rongrong "Uncle and Grandpa".


Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Ye Rongrong was really uncomfortable being called "Uncle Grandpa" by two young people who were not a few years younger than him.

However, he and Wang Bingzhen were peers, Wang Zeyi called himself uncle, and his children called themselves "uncle grandpa" in terms of seniority.

Maybe there is nothing in the countryside, but in a big city like Shanghai, in this kind of public place, passers-by will look at Ye Rongrong very strangely when they hear such a title.

He is an uncle at such a young age, who is this?

"Uncle, let's go to the box now."

Wang Zeyi said to Ye Rongrong.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and walked into the hotel while talking.

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was so entrusted to him at such a young age, he really regarded himself as a grandpa, the two brothers and sisters of the Wang family were secretly unhappy, and their emotions inevitably fluctuated accordingly.

The two brothers and sisters of the Wang family really couldn't figure out why their parents were so respectful to this young and cheap "uncle" who suddenly appeared.

Even the two brothers and sisters of the Wang family are complaining about their grandfather in their hearts. You said that you made friends with this young man in the same generation, so just make friends.

If my friends knew that I called a man who was not a few years older than me "Grandpa", everyone would laugh out loud.

"Why are you still standing there, let's go!"

Qi Jiayi turned her head and saw that her two children were not at the door in a daze and did not follow, so she said to them.


The two brothers and sisters of the Wang family looked at each other and followed helplessly.

The brothers and sisters of the Wang family really didn't want to eat this meal.

Whenever I want to call a man who is not a few years older than me "uncle grandpa", I feel bad.


Soon several people walked into the box, which was luxuriously decorated.

This is because the Wang family is rich, otherwise they would not be able to afford such a luxurious box.

"Uncle, sit up!"

Wang Zeyi pulled away the chair he was sitting on and invited Ye Rongrong to speak.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong sat down unceremoniously, after all, in this box, Ye Rongrong belongs to the elders, so he should be in the upper position.

"A sycophant!"

Seeing her father serving this "uncle" so attentively, Wang Xixi said unhappily.

In any case, in Shanghai, my Wang family is also a rich and respectable family. Is my father supposed to be so courteous to such a young man?

Does this still have the aura of the boss of a large group company?

"Uncle, you order!"

Wang Zeyi handed over the menu and said to Ye Rongrong.

"No, I'm not a picky eater, just look at it."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Then I'll order."

Seeing that Ye Glory was unwilling to order, Wang Zeyi opened the menu and ordered more than a dozen dishes.

"Uncle, what wine shall we drink?"

After handing over the menu to the waiter, Wang Zeyi asked Ye Rongrong.


Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said,

In such a high-end hotel, it is estimated that there will be no medium or low-end drinks such as Erguotou and Jiannanchun.

"Xiao Lei, Xixi, right? I don't have any preparations for coming here, so I'll give each of you a red envelope as a meeting gift!"

Ye Rongrong took out two red envelopes from his pocket and handed them to Wang Shilei and Wang Xixi.

In the countryside, when a younger generation meets an elder for the first time, the elder will give a red envelope. No matter how much money there is or how little it is, it is very festive.

That's why Ye Rongrong's Qiankun ring has a lot of red envelopes, and when he needs it, he usually takes out the red envelopes to give out.

"Red envelope!"

The two siblings Wang Shilei and Wang Xixi stared at Ye Rongrong with wide eyes.

This "granduncle" actually wanted to give red envelopes to his siblings as a meeting gift.

He is too old-fashioned!

"Why are you standing still, don't you thank your uncle!"

Seeing that his two sons and daughters were stunned and not talking, Wang Zeyi immediately said unhappily.

"Thank you, uncle!"

"Uncle, thank you!"

The two brothers and sisters Wang Shilei and Wang Xixi reluctantly thanked Ye Rongrong and took the red envelope from Ye Rongrong.

"How stingy!"

Wang Xixi squeezed the thickness of the red envelope, and immediately felt a little dissatisfied.

As far as the thickness of the red envelope is concerned, Wang Xixi estimates that the money is only five or six hundred yuan. One must know that Wang Xixi's pocket money is more than one hundred thousand yuan a month.

The five or six hundred yuan was not enough for her to go out for a meal.

I have to say that Wang Xixi's guess was very accurate, and the red envelope that Ye Rongrong gave was only five hundred and eighty yuan.

"Xiao Lei, have you had a girlfriend recently?"

Ye Rongrong glanced at Wang Shilei, frowned and asked.

"You investigate me?"

Wang Shilei looked at Ye Rongrong dissatisfied and asked.

I had a girlfriend. I didn't tell my family about it. They didn't know. How did this "uncle" know.

He must have investigated himself.


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