The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1380 Please drink


Ye Rongrong nodded, went to buy a ticket, and walked into the disco with Erbao Angel and Niuniumi. Vertex Novel Updates Fastest

I don't know if it's because the public security of the disco is poor. There are more than a dozen security guards in black standing at the entrance of this disco, each of them is tall and big, which is very shocking.

Walking into the disco, Ye Rongrong found that he really hated this kind of place, especially when he saw those young people shaking their heads like crazy on the dance floor, Ye Rongrong shook his head for a while.

I don't know what's so good about this place, so many young people like it, maybe it's because I'm old.

Taking the two girls to find an empty seat and sat down, the angel Erbao couldn't help it, and asked loudly: "Hermit, we are going to dance, do you want to go?"

This place is very noisy, if you don't speak loudly, the people around you can't hear you clearly.


Ye Rongrong shook his head and said firmly.

Ye Rongrong really doesn't like dancing like people who are shaking their heads and dancing on the dance floor. It's hard to say that he wants to, but he doesn't like it anyway, he doesn't like it very much.

Ye Rongrong even regretted agreeing to accompany Erbao Angel and the others into this di bar.

"Hmph! It's boring! Don't worry about it, let's go dance."

After the second treasure angel finished speaking, she took Niuniumi to the dance floor to dance.

Seeing Angel Erbao and Niu Niu Mi dancing on the dance floor, shaking their heads like those young people, there is a round glass platform on the dance floor, and a young woman in revealing clothes surrounds a steel pipe, Pole dancing.

All of this made Ye Rongrong very disliked, and Ye Rongrong found that he was really out of place here.

After looking at the dance floor for a while, Ye Rongrong stopped looking at the dance floor.

Anyway, with me here, nothing will happen to Erbao Angel and Niuniumi, just let them indulge!


"Handsome, can I sit here?"

Just as Ye Rongrong was playing games with his mobile phone, the voice of a coquettish young woman came.

Ye Rongrong looked up, she was a very young woman in her early twenties, with decent makeup, she looked very beautiful, and of course she was also very seductive.

A glance at the young women here, they are all very revealingly dressed.


Anyway, there are four seats here, and Ye Rongrong doesn't mind this young woman sitting here.

"Handsome, why don't you go dancing?"

asked the young woman.


Ye Rongrong said without raising his head.

"Handsome, I'm tired from dancing, can you buy me a bottle of beer?"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was only playing with his mobile phone and ignoring herself, the young woman couldn't help but said a little depressed.

You must know that when you take the initiative to talk to a man in a disco, his eyes cannot be separated from your body.

Wherever he ignored people like him.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Ye Rongrong was in a good mood today. He signed a contract of 500 million yuan at once, and in two days he would have an income of more than 300 million yuan. He didn't mind treating this young woman to a bottle of beer.

"Waiter, waiter!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong agreed to treat herself and beer, the young woman said happily to the waiter not far away.

"You two, what can I do for you?"

The male waiter came over and asked.

"Give me a bottle of draft beer!"

The young woman said to the waiter.

"OK, just a second!"

The waiter said and went to get a beer.

"Beauty, your beer is here."

Soon, the waiter brought over a bottle of draft beer.

This bottle of pure draft beer is very small, Ye Rongrong estimated that it only has a volume of 200 milliliters, which is as small as the beer in ktv.

"Would you like a drink?"

The young woman looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"don't want!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Sir, the total is thirty yuan!"

The male waiter said to Ye Rongrong.

Drinks in this disco are paid for on the spot.


Ye Rongrong was a little surprised. Just such a small bottle of pure draft beer costs 30 yuan, which is more expensive than the price of beer in ktv!

But Ye Rongrong didn't say much, and paid the bill with 30 yuan.

"Handsome, thanks for the beer!"

This young woman is really good at drinking, she drank a bottle of beer in one gulp.


Angel Erbao's avant-garde dress and cute face stood out on the dance floor, and soon a large group of flies surrounded her, encircling Angel Erbao and Niuniumi.

This is not the first time Erbao Angel and Niuniumi have come to Di Bar, so they are familiar with such a situation, they are just a group of perverts, ignore them.

Generally, there are two types of women who come to disco to play, one is open and dances on the dance floor, if a man secretly takes advantage of it, they will ignore it, and some even enjoy the feeling of being taken advantage of.

To be honest, under the dim lights of the disco, some middle-aged women in their 40s made thicker flour, and they looked like women in their 30s on the dance floor.

As for whether she is beautiful or not, it is still unclear under the dim light. People can only roughly see a woman's face and clothes.

Dressed up avant-garde women, the most attractive men.

Of course, there is another type of women who play in the disco and know how to protect themselves. Erbao Angel and Niuniumi are good at this, so although there are many men around her, none of them take advantage of them.

However, in a place like a disco, there are all kinds of people. Not all of them just stealthily take advantage of women in the disco, and they don't make too many moves.

Soon Erbao Angel attracted the attention of two young men with green hair, and the green-haired young man squeezed to Erbao Angel's side and began to touch her.

The Erbao angels tried their best to dodge and dodge, but they really couldn't escape their deliberate wolf claws. After a while, they were attacked on the buttocks.

Seeing someone taking advantage so boldly, someone took the lead, and the other men suddenly became bolder, and soon a group of unscrupulous young people with various weird hairstyles quickly surrounded Erbao Angel and them.


Angel Erbao finally couldn't bear it any longer, and slapped a young man with green hair standing behind her who was twisting around.

This "green hair" was so disgusting that he took out his "guy" and rubbed it against Erbao Angel's body, which made Erbao Angel couldn't bear it anymore.

"You hit me!"

The young man with green hair didn't expect that the Erbao Angel would kill him and slap him. Before he could react, he was easily slapped by the Erbao Angel.

This strangely dressed young man is especially good-faced. Now that he was slapped in the face in front of so many friends, he suddenly became angry from embarrassment.

"Stay rogue!"

After the Erbao Angel cursed, she was about to leave the dance floor with Niuniumi.

"I want to leave, but there is no way!"

The young man with green hair grabbed the tender little hand that Erbao Angel just hit her, and said viciously.

"What do you want, let me go!"

The second treasure angel immediately shouted uneasily.

"What do you want to do, the little girl dares to slap your uncle in the face, and I will taste the consequences today!"

After finishing speaking, the young man yelled at the group of unscrupulous youths around him: "Brothers, we are here today to give her a refreshment, how about it?"


"Let them taste the power of our men!"

The young people around followed suit, and some even approached Erbao Angel and the others with malicious intentions.

"What are you doing, go away!"

"We called security!"

Angel Erbao and Niuniumi screamed.

"Shouting, it's useless to shout Potian!"

"Wait will make you comfortable."

"Hahaha, this is called hello, hello, hello, everyone, what a wonderful thing."

The young people watching followed suit.

"Don't come here, I'll call someone if you come here again!"

Angel Erbao anxiously looked for the place where Ye Rongrong was sitting, but the young people surrounding her surrounded her so tightly that she couldn't see Ye Rongrong at all.

"Hermit! Hermit! Help..."

Angel Erbao's cries for help were drowned out in the disco with loud music, before even taking a bubble.

After all, in this wave of music that is about to blow over the roof, the cry for help from Erbao Angel seems so insignificant.

The music in the disco was still playing, and the young people on the dance floor were still shaking their heads. Many people chose to turn a blind eye to what happened in the corner.

In fact, this kind of thing often happens in disco bars, and I can't control it, and I don't dare to control it.


Ye Rongrong, who was playing the game, froze for a moment.

Although the music in this disco was loud and noisy, Ye Rongrong, who had amazing hearing, could still hear the screams of Erbao Angel and the others.

Although the voice of the Erbao Angel was very weak amidst the deafening music, Ye Rongrong could still hear the scream of the Erbao Angel.

Looking up at the dance floor, although the dance floor was very dark, Ye Rongrong still spotted Erbao Angel and Niuniumi surrounded by several young people with messy hair in a corner of the stage.


"Go away!"

Erbao Angel and Niuniumi did not give up resistance, and even tried to forcefully break through the siege of those young people several times, but in the end they all failed.

Seeing the young men with messy hair getting closer and closer, Angel Erbao and Niuniumi turned pale with fright.



"It hurts..."


The sudden screams scared the messy-haired youths who surrounded Erbao Angel to stop their movements and looked in a certain direction.

"Are you all right?"

Ye Rongrong grabbed a young man who was surrounded by Erbao Angel, threw him out, approached Erbao Angel and Niuniumi, and asked with concern.

"Fortunately, if you come later, our sacrifice will be great!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong approaching, Angel Erbao let go of her uneasy heart.

Among other things, the appearance of Ye Glory made Angel Erbao feel very safe.

Especially when he saw the five or six young people who wanted to bully him, who fell to the ground and wailed, Erbao Angel was in a particularly good mood.

It seems that it is right to find Ye Rongrong as the flower protector.


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