The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1381 You have no right to take me away

"You... who are you?"

The young man with green hair looked at Ye Rongrong with some anxiety and asked. Teana Novel ⒉

After all, it's not easy to mess with a few brothers on his side so easily!


Ye Rongrong turned his head to look at these young men with messy hair.

A faint aura was revealed from Ye Rongrong's eyes, and the cold eyes glanced around, making these young people's calves tremble suddenly.

This gaze is so terrifying, these young people can even feel the "murderous aura".

That's right, Ye Rongrong is really murderous!

It's not that Ye Rongrong really wants to kill people, but that Ye Rongrong wants to teach these young people a lesson.

In today's society, young people are really too impetuous. Looking at their clothes, their hair is dyed in a mess, and their clothes come from a hole in the east and a hole in the west. They also have messy tattoos on their bodies.

As if he was afraid that others would not know that he was a bad boy.

In Ye Rongrong's view, if he were the chief of the police station, this kind of person would arrest one and send him to the police station when he saw one.

Since these young people want to be a bad boy so much, Ye Rongrong doesn't mind letting them know the consequences of being a bad boy.

"You... what are you doing?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong walking towards them, for some reason, the green-haired young people felt a deep fear.

"Are you guys going to break your own hand, or I'll do it!"

Ye Rongrong looked at these young people and said.

I don't know if it's the atmosphere of the disco that brought out Ye Rongrong's sinister side that had been suppressed for a long time.

Opening your mouth will ruin other people's hands.

"You're looking for death, brothers, all of you, hack this bird to death!"

As the saying goes, "a dog will jump over the wall when it is in a hurry!" Let alone people? This group of young people finally let go of the timidity that Ye Rongrong brought to them just now, the green-haired young man said to everyone fiercely.

It is said that there are many people who are powerful, but in fact, there are many people who are more courageous, which is why juvenile crimes always appear in the form of gangs.

After the green-haired young man finished speaking, the group of young men clenched their fists and rushed towards Ye Rongrong.


Ye Rongrong spat out these words fiercely, and his figure started to shuttle among the group of people with an afterimage, blood flying all the way.

It only took a while for Ye Rongrong to return to his standing position, but the ground was already full of people.

" hand!"


"I... I don't feel anything in my left hand!"


The screams kept coming, the music on the dance floor had stopped, and people watched this scene in horror.

Ye Rongrong's method of attacking is very strange, all he removes is his left hand, this is Ye Rongrong's special method of removing bones, which means that the left hands of these young people are almost useless.

Even if I go to the hospital for bone setting and put the dislocated bones back in place, the left hand will not be able to use much strength in the future.

In Ye Rongrong's view, this will also reduce their chances of doing bad things in the future.

I have done a good thing myself.

After all, young people like these are definitely not good birds. If you don't abolish them, they may harm others.

"Let's go!"

Ye Rongrong said to Erbao Angel and Niuniumi who were still standing stupidly.

Ye Rongrong really doesn't like places like disco bars.

Maybe he was frightened by Ye Rongrong's quick killing of so many people just now. Although there are many strong security guards in this disco, they just watched Ye Rongrong walk out of the disco without daring to stop him.

"Didn't scare you?"

Seeing the angels of the second treasure along the way, they didn't make a sound. Ye Rongrong was worried that they would be frightened.

"No, it's just that I didn't expect you to be so powerful, and you can easily defeat those people by yourself."

Angel Erbao looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

Now Erbao Angel feels that this Taoyuan hermit is really mysterious.

"You know the Mizong Fist?"

Niuniumi looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

The scene just now made Niuniumi feel like watching "Fist of Fury". The movements of the hermit in Taoyuan are very similar to the Mizong Quan used by Huo Yuanjia in the TV series.

"No, but I know Tai Chi."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Will you cause trouble if you injured those people?"

The Second Treasure Angel asked uneasily.

After all, this is the magic capital, people like myself are not familiar with the place here, and they don't have any connections, so they are most afraid of getting into trouble.

"Don't worry, there won't be any trouble, but you guys, you should avoid going to such places in the future. You are not so lucky every time."

Ye Rongrong looked at the two women and said.

Fortunately, this time I went out to play with them by myself. If it was accompanied by the rhythm under the lamp, the two of them would really be in danger.

"Our discos don't work like this. It's my uncle who runs the discos. No one dares to bully me."

Niuniumi said.

"Anyway, pay attention to yourself!"

Ye Rongrong didn't say much. We are all adults and have our own opinions. If we talk too much, people may not be able to listen to them.

Anyway, it's not his relatives, Ye Rongrong is too lazy to take care of it.


When we got back to the hotel, it was already past one o'clock in the morning. Ye Rongrong washed up and lay down to sleep.

It's just that Ye Rongrong was woken up by a strong knock on the door before he slept for a long time.

"Who? Do you want someone to sleep in the middle of the night!"

Ye Rongrong didn't want to open the door, but the constant knocking made Ye Rongrong unable to sleep, so he lay on the bed and shouted unhappy.

"The police are handling the case, open the door quickly!"

A middle-aged man's voice came from outside the door.


Ye Rongrong froze for a moment, got up and put on his clothes to open the door.

"come in!"

Ye Rongrong opened the door, saw seven or eight policemen standing outside the door, and said to them.

"We are from the Southern District Police Station. You are suspected of intentional injury. Please follow us back to assist in the investigation."

The middle-aged police officer who led the team looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

It turned out that after Ye Rongrong crippled the hands of those young people, the person in charge of the disco called the police.

Because Ye Rongrong and the others walked back to the hotel openly and aboveboard all the way, the police department investigated the road monitoring and found the hotel where Ye Rongrong and the others were staying soon.

Naturally, he found the room where Ye Rongrong lived.

"Police, can I see your IDs? There are a lot of people pretending to be policemen now, and I don't want to be cheated."

Ye Rongrong looked at the middle-aged police officer calmly and said.

"This is my identification!"

The middle-aged police officer took a deep look at Ye Rongrong, and still showed his ID to Ye Rongrong.

It was the hotel where Ye Rongrong lived, and Ye Rongrong's calm expression, which made the middle-aged police officer feel jealous.

After all, if they were ordinary people, they would be terrified when they saw the police coming to their door.

To be so calm, there must be some background!

Ye Rongrong took the police officer's card, looked at it, and returned it to the middle-aged police officer.

To be honest, Ye Rongrong really couldn't understand whether the police officer's certificate was real or fake, but he still pretended to read it.

The main reason is that Ye Rongrong knows that according to the regulations of the police department, when the police go out to the police, they must show their police cards.

It's just that many police officers are not used to showing their police cards when they call the police.

This kind of bad habit should never be used to, and these policemen must develop the habit of showing their documents.

"Please follow us to the police station to assist in the investigation!"

The middle-aged police officer looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

"You have no right to take me away."

Ye Rongrong looked at the middle-aged police officer and said.

"What do you mean? Do you want us to take you to the police station?"

A young policeman looked at Ye Rongrong unhappily and said.

No one would be in a good mood to go out to the police in the middle of the night, and this young policeman would not give Ye Rongrong a good look.

Besides, what kind of disco is it? There, people who pretend to be fake and fight there are basically not good birds.

"This is my identification!"

Ye Rongrong ignored the young policeman and handed over his military certificate to the middle-aged policeman.

As a technical officer with the rank of major general, Ye Rongrong has a military officer's certificate just like a formal military officer, and his military officer's certificate has always been placed in the Qiankun ring by Ye Rongrong.

Didn't expect it to come in handy today.

It was so late, Ye Rongrong was very sleepy, so he didn't want to go to some police station to stay up all night.

With this military certificate, you can save a lot of things.

After all, according to the regulations, the police station cannot enforce

"Military certificate?"

The middle-aged police officer was stunned for a moment while holding the certificate, and when he opened it, his eyes were wide open, and his face looked a bit ugly.

"Wu Suo, what's wrong?"

Seeing that something was wrong with his leader, the young policeman asked.

"Sorry, we need to verify your identity!"

The middle-aged police officer said to Ye Rongrong politely.

After all, it was clearly written in the military certificate that the young man in front of him was a major figure with the rank of major general, and he, a small deputy director of the police station, could not afford to offend him.

The middle-aged police officer would not dare to offend Ye Rongrong until he knew the authenticity of the certificate.

If the officer in front of him is an officer with the rank of major general, if he gets angry, his black hat will be lost.


Ye Rongrong said calmly.

Anyway, this certificate is real, and Ye Rongrong is not worried about them going to check it.

Five or six minutes later, the middle-aged police officer walked into the room.

"General Ye, I'm really sorry to bother you so late!"

After the middle-aged police officer handed over the certificate to Ye Rongrong, he said respectfully.

It was verified just now that the young man in front of him is indeed an officer with the rank of major general.

This young man already has the rank of major general, which makes the middle-aged police officer feel even more in awe of Ye Rongrong.

"Do I still need to go with you to the police station to assist in the investigation?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the middle-aged police officer and asked.

"No, no, we have actually investigated the whole incident. The main responsibility lies with the other party. You are in self-defense and have no responsibility. You don't need to go to the police station to assist in the investigation."

The middle-aged police officer said hurriedly.

He is a general with the rank of a major general. If he was brought into the police station by himself, it would really be "easy to invite the Buddha and difficult to send the Buddha away".

A middle-aged police officer would not do such a thing foolishly.

"Since you knew I was not responsible, why did you disturb my sleep?"

Ye Rongrong said depressedly.


The middle-aged policeman was speechless for a long time.

In fact, I was thinking in my heart: "It's not because of your special status. Otherwise, no matter whether you are acting in self-defense, you will have to go to the bureau to investigate. At the very least, it is an over-defense."

Of course, if this is the case, the middle-aged police officer can only think about it in his heart, but he dare not say it.



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