The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1382 Motoyama Village

The next morning, without informing anyone, Ye Rongrong took a taxi to the train station and took the train back to Yangping County.

Ye Rongrong knows that if he informs everyone, he will definitely not be able to go back today.

"It's you?"

Just as Ye Rongrong sat down on the seat, the woman next to him looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and said.

"We know each other?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the young woman next to him with some doubts and asked.

This young girl was wearing a cute cartoon t-shirt on her upper body, and snow-white capri pants on her lower body. Her big wavy golden curly hair shone brightly.

Ye Rongrong always felt that he had seen this girl before, but he just had no impression.

But listening to this girl, she should know herself.

"Hehe, why don't you recognize me?"

The young woman looked at Ye Rongrong and said with a smile.

"Sorry, I really have no impression!"

Ye Rongrong still couldn't remember where he had seen this young girl.

"I really can't remember, let me remind you, you bought me a beer last night!"

The young woman said to Ye Rongrong with a smile.

"It's you?"

Ye Rongrong was stunned for a moment, and continued: "Last night, you looked different from now, didn't you? Yesterday you had red hair? And you don't speak coquettishly anymore?"

If the young girl hadn't said it herself, Ye Rongrong would never have associated her with the young girl who asked her to buy her a drink in the disco last night.

The main reason is that the young girl now looks very pure, just like the little girl next door, but the young girl Ye Rongrong saw last night had a thick layer of rouge on her face, and she was dressed like a prostitute.

It is completely different from now.

"That's the result of dressing up. Don't you know that this girl can be a different person when she dresses up? I was wearing a fake one yesterday."

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Li Xia, and I work as a teacher in Yuanshan Primary School, Anrui County, Wenzhou City."

Li Xia introduced herself to Ye Rongrong.

Every time she went to a disco, Li Xia would dress herself so that others would not recognize her. After all, she was a people's teacher, and if she was recognized by others, going to a disco in the middle of the night would not affect her well.

"Is it Yuanshan Village, Anrui County?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"Yes, you heard about Yuanshan Village?"

Li Xia looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"I've heard, I heard it's very poor there!"

Ye Rongrong said.

Many people say that Wenzhou people are very rich, but this is not the case. The rich people in Wenzhou are very rich, so that people outside think that Wenzhou people are rich.

In fact, the poor still account for the majority in Wenzhou, but with the economic development of Wenzhou, most people have basically solved the problem of food and clothing.

However, there are still many marginal mountain villages. Because of the geographical environment, people still live very hard and are extremely poor.

Yuanshan Village, Anrui County, Wenzhou City is one of the very famous poor mountain villages. It is said that people there have problems eating.

"It's very poor, not ordinary poverty, it's a kind of poverty that you can't imagine."

Li Xia nodded and said.

"Can you give me an example?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Li Xia and asked.

"Yes, there is a family in Yuanshan Village. There are three daughters in the family, but there is only one set of clothes at home. Usually, these three girls can only wear that set of clothes when they go out. They usually stay at home in the bedroom. , dare not go out."

"Because they are too poor, the biggest wish of the girls in Yuanshan Village is to marry outside the village, even if it is to marry an old man, they are willing."


Li Xia gave an example and told Ye Rongrong about the situation in Yuanshan Village.

"So poor!"

Ye Rongrong asked in surprise.

There are only one set of clothes for a few daughters in a family, and such things as whoever goes out wears clothes still existed in the last century. I did not expect that this phenomenon still exists today with the development of the economy.

This made Ye Rongrong feel a little unbelievable.

"Can't believe it?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong's expression of disbelief, Li Xia continued: "At the beginning, I also thought that such a prosperous city like Wenzhou City, how could there be such a poor place? If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would I can't believe it either."

"I really can't believe it, the local government doesn't care?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

Now the country has always paid attention to poverty alleviation work, how can such a poor place exist.

"Poor people have their hateful places. The local government has mobilized people in the village to live outside many times, and resettled them in a new living area outside. But these people just don't want to part with the fields in the mountains. They just don't want to Walk."

"After a few times of communication, the local government stopped talking about this matter. You also know that land is very expensive now, and the local government is now reluctant to approve such a large piece of land to house these people."

Li Xia said.

"Maybe these people know that after leaving the place they are familiar with, they don't know how to survive without survival skills. After all, if they stay in the place where they live, there is land and land, and the family will not starve to death!"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

This is a very traditional way of thinking. It was like this in the generation of Ye Rongrong's grandfather and father. As long as there is land and the land is not enough to starve to death, they will not think about taking risks.

Those who really take risks are those whose families have no land, no food, and are starving to death.

Those who went out to find a way out and ventured into their fortunes became rich.

Those who are not starved to death, can still live on three meals a day, and those who live in the deep mountains and old forests are still living an unbelievably poor life.

"Yeah, these people are thinking like this. They won't listen to what you say, but now no one wants to talk to them about it."

Li Xia said sadly.

If you haven't been to that kind of place, you can't believe how poor it is, and you can't feel the shock of the soul.

"The task of the lazy system will lead the people of Yuanshan Village to become well-off within two years. The lazy system rewards 200 points of glory. The task is not mandatory, and there will be no reward if it is overdue!"

The electronically synthesized sound of "Lazy System" came from Ye Rongrong's mind.


Ye Rongrong had the urge to slap himself.

I'm fine, why are you curious about this Yuanshan Village?

They are poor because their ideas have not been transformed, and the local government has nothing to do with them. Isn't this "lazy system" just looking for trouble for itself?

Now Ye Rongrong discovered this "lazy system", just to prevent himself from being lazy.

"what happened to you?"

Li Xia saw that her face was a little ugly, so she asked.

"No... nothing."

Ye Rongrong came back to his senses and asked, "Why did you become a teacher in Yuanshan Village, Anrui County?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

"Supporting education, there is a lot of competition for teacher positions now. Although my family has some connections, it is difficult to transfer me to a key elementary school in Shanghai to become a teacher. My uncle arranged for me to go out of the province to support teaching. After two years of teaching, I will go back. It can be arranged to be a teacher in the key primary school in Shanghai."

"I'm unlucky, so I was assigned to be a teacher in a poor place like Yuanshan Village."

Li Xia said with a smile.

"There is still an elementary school in that place?"

Ye Rongrong asked in surprise.

There is still a primary school in a place that is so poor.

"There is a Hope Primary School, from the first grade to the sixth grade, there are only about 20 students in total, three teachers, and one teacher has to teach several grades."

Li Xia said.

"Same as when I was a kid."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

The first and second grades of Ye Rongrong's childhood were in the primary school on the mountain. At that time, there were only two teachers in the primary school, teaching the first, second and third grades.

There are only two classrooms in total, one classroom for the first grade students, and one shared classroom for the second and third grade students. After the teacher teaches the second grade students in the first half of the class, the second grade students are taught by themselves, and the third grade students are taught in the second half of the class. class.

The first three grades of Ye Rongrong's primary school were all in this way, and in the fourth grade, when he went to the elementary school in the village, there was no such thing as different grades sharing a classroom.

"Was your village poor before?"

Li Xia asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, when I was young, Wenzhou was still very poor."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"By the way, if I go to Yuanshan Village to play, you can be my guide."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said to Li Xia.

Although the task of the "lazy system" this time is not mandatory, Ye Rongrong still wants to complete it.


Someone was chatting, the time passed quickly, and before I knew it, I had already arrived at the Anrui County Railway Station.

After leaving a contact information for each other, Li Xia got off the train with her luggage.

Anrui County and Yangping County are two connected counties. Within a few minutes, they arrived at the train station in Yangping County. Ye Rongrong got off the train with his things in hand.

It’s rare to come to Shanghai once, so I have to buy some special products to take home for everyone to try.

"Brother Glory, here!"

As soon as Ye Rongrong walked out of the train station, he heard Xiao Si'er's voice.

Xiao Si'er drove here to pick up Ye Glory.


"I heard that you had a conflict with your wife recently?"

Sitting in the car, Ye Rongrong asked Xiao Si'er.

"Brother Rong, don't listen to nonsense about things that don't exist."

Xiao Si'er hurriedly shook her head and said.

"Hehe, so your sister-in-law Qingqing is talking nonsense to me?"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"How could sister-in-law Qingqing talk nonsense? It's absolutely impossible."

Xiao Si'er said hastily.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

For this little brother, Xiao Sier, Ye Rongrong is still very concerned.

So I want to resolve this young couple.

"Actually, it's nothing. I'm the oldest and my parents are eager to have grandchildren, but Chenchen just doesn't want to have children, saying that her career is the most important thing now. No, I said a few words to her, and she is not happy. , ignore me these days."

Xiao Si'er said dejectedly.

Because of this matter, Xiao Si'er's head turned pale.

He wanted to bow his head to his daughter-in-law to admit his mistake, but found that he still couldn't admit his mistake.

If you admit it, wouldn't it be right to become a daughter-in-law and not have children.


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