The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1496 Dangerous?

Soon, everyone sprayed Ye Rongrong's special "insect repellent" all over their bodies, and everyone sprayed their entire body.

I'm afraid that there is some place that has not been sprayed by this "insect repellant", so that the centipede has a place to take advantage of.

After finishing, Ye Rongrong and his group walked towards the densely packed centipede area.

The section of the road that was originally crowded with centipedes was suddenly separated by these centipedes to let Ye Rongrong and the others pass. In order to make way for these centipedes, Ye Rongrong and the others did not advance very fast.

Just when everyone was going to pass through this centipede dense area.

A golden figure was as fast as lightning, rushing towards Ouyang Qianqian beside Ye Rongrong. This creature usually chooses the weakest target to attack.

"Be careful!"

The soldier walking behind Ouyang Qianqian immediately shouted in horror.

The golden figure was too fast, and these soldiers couldn't protect Ouyang Qianqian effectively in time.


Ouyang Qianqian also felt that something was coming towards her quickly, and immediately screamed in fright, and wanted to run, but she couldn't react at all.

At this critical moment, Ouyang Qianqian felt that she was being pulled back. She looked up and saw that it was her teacher Ye Rongrong.

Now my teacher is standing in front of me, seeing that the golden figure is about to attack my teacher, Ouyang Qianqian couldn't help but turn pale with fright.

At this time, the golden figure had already arrived in front of Ye Rongrong, and the huge mouth bit Ye Rongrong fiercely.

I rely on!

This guy is fierce enough!

Ye Rongrong didn't react too slowly. He kicked hard with his left leg, directly hitting the big golden centipede's abdomen.

Others couldn't see what the golden figure was, but Ye Rongrong saw clearly at a glance that the golden figure was the giant centipede nearly one meter long.

To be honest, Ye Rongrong was also very surprised that this centipede could attack people at such a fast speed, and even attack people in the air.

Really, the world is so big, there are so many wonders!

Even centipedes can't be underestimated sometimes.

One carelessness can put oneself in danger.


With a loud noise, the big golden centipede hit the cave wall directly, and fell off the cave wall very quickly. Under Ye Rongrong's strong kick, the nearly one-meter-long big golden centipede didn't immediately Dead, but almost dying.

"Don't worry, with the teacher here, you will be fine."

Ye Rongrong looked back at Ouyang Qianqian's pale face, so he comforted her with a smile.

Ye Rongrong understood that Ouyang Qianqian was really scared this time.

It seems that the next time you go to such a dangerous and terrifying place, you must not take women with you. If something bad happens, they will get sick from fright.


Ouyang Qianqian looked at Ye Rongrong and nodded.

If it weren't for the teacher just now, I would have been bitten by that big centipede, and the teacher's side is the safest.

Isn't what a woman wants most in her life is a man who can give herself a sense of security?

It's a pity that he is his own teacher.

In this life, I have nothing to do with my teacher!

This feeling, I can only hide silently deep in my heart.

"Professor Ye, look quickly!"

Major Wu suddenly pointed to the place where the big golden centipede landed just now, and said to Ye Rongrong in surprise.

Ye Rongrong looked back and saw that the big golden centipede was dying, surrounded by many big centipedes, and they kept devouring the big golden centipede.

The law of the jungle preys on the strong, and it is the same in the insect kingdom.

Vicious poisonous insects like centipedes will be eaten by groups as long as their companions are injured or die.

Now this seriously injured centipede is being devoured by its own group of centipedes, even though it was the king of this group of centipedes before.

"You deserve it! Who told you to attack me!"

Seeing that the big golden centipede was divided and eaten by other centipedes, Ouyang Qianqian immediately said bitterly.

"Professor Ye, why did this centipede attack us?"

Li Jiansheng looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

Isn't this "insect repellent" very effective?

Along the way, all the centipedes, big and small, gave way one after another, fearing that people like themselves would approach, why would this golden centipede attack people like themselves.

"It is estimated that this big golden centipede is a mutated king centipede, and it is very resistant to my insect repellent!"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

Any creature will mutate. Take mosquito coils as an example. The previous mosquito coils are very effective and can kill many mosquitoes.

But the current mosquito-repellent incense is no good. At most, the mosquito will fall asleep. When the mosquito-repellent incense is extinguished, it will be alive and kicking again.

Even some mosquito-repellent incense has lost its effect, and mosquitoes are not afraid of mosquito-repellent incense.

This is all caused by the mutation of creatures. Ye Rongrong thinks that the centipede that is nearly one meter long is a mutated centipede.

After all, this centipede can grow to be one meter long, which is an abnormal phenomenon in itself.

"Okay, let's move on!"

Ye Rongrong said.

Zhang Wannian, who originally led the way, had followed the professors out of the cave, but now Ye Rongrong and the others didn't understand the terrain of the cave, so they could only walk down slowly step by step.

The cave is getting bigger and bigger as you walk in. From time to time, you can hear the sound of running water, and you can occasionally see some plants in it. After walking for about half an hour, you saw a small pool. The sound of running water came from here. .

"Dragon... Son of the Dragon!"

Suddenly, Li Jiansheng pointed to the creatures swimming in the small pool and shouted in surprise.

"What son of a dragon?"

Ye Rongrong followed the position of Li Jiansheng's finger with some doubts.

I saw a small lizard-like creature swimming around in the pool. It was about 30 centimeters long, its whole body was white, and its limbs were small. From its physical appearance, it looked a bit like an ancient Chinese dragon.

Of course, it is a dragon that has shrunk countless times.

However, it is very different from the ancient Chinese dragons. At the very least, it does not have the beautiful scales on the dragon.

If it is said to be the youngest son of Longgang, it would have some image.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with Li Jiansheng calling this guy the "son of the dragon".

"Is this creature that swims in the water called 'Children of the Dragon'?"

Ouyang Qianqian looked at Li Jiansheng curiously and asked.

It was the first time Ouyang Qianqian had seen this kind of strange creature when she was so old. She had never heard of any "son of the dragon" creature before.

"The ones swimming in this pool are the 'sons of the dragon'. The biological name is 'olm'. When it was first discovered in 1689, it was called 'the sons of the dragon' because it looked like a Chinese dragon. Darwin called them 'The remains of ancient life'."

"In fact, it is an amphibian. If they live in a dark cave, they have no eyes and no pigment in their skin."

"If they live in a place with light, they will have eyes and brown skin, but the eyes are not complete, and the important optic nerve is missing, so although the 'children of the dragon' have eyes, they are still blind."

"I really didn't expect to find this 'son of the dragon' in this cave. When I get out, I will definitely report the situation here."

Li Jiansheng said to Ye Rongrong and the others excitedly.

"Okay, let's go from the side!"

Ye Rongrong has no interest in this so-called "son of the dragon". In Ye Rongrong's opinion, these things are not as beautiful as lizards.

Along the way, I didn't encounter any particularly rare creatures. There were quite a few poisonous insects such as scorpions and spiders, but everyone sprayed "insect repellant" on their bodies, and these poisonous insects dared not approach.

As for small animals such as mice and snakes, to be honest, they are much less courageous than humans. They walked all the way, and these animals dodged far away, but they did not cause any trouble to Ye Rongrong and the others.

The biggest problem is that the road to this cave is getting more and more difficult to walk. It took half an hour for everyone to walk to the end of this cave. This end is a large cave with an area of ​​about 100 square meters.

But Ye Rongrong didn't go in, but stopped suddenly at the entrance.

For some reason, Ye Rongrong felt a strong sense of danger.

This is a kind of intuition, and Ye Rongrong has always believed in his intuition.

Many facts have also proved that my self-consciousness is not wrong.

"Don't go in!"

Seeing a soldier about to go in, Ye Rongrong grabbed him and said.

"What's wrong?"

Li Jiansheng asked.

"There is danger inside!"

Ye Rongrong said.


Li Jiansheng looked inside, but didn't find any dangerous creatures!

"Teacher, there is nothing inside!"

Ouyang Qianqian took a look in the cave with a military flashlight, but she didn't find anything dangerous.

The entire cave is empty, and there are no dangerous creatures at all!

"Wait a little longer!"

Ye Rongrong still said solemnly.

Ye Rongrong believes that his intuition will not deceive him, there must be something very dangerous here, maybe the source of the Lishan virus is in this cave.

It's just that people like myself haven't discovered anything unusual in this cave.

At this time, Ye Rongrong absolutely does not allow everyone to venture in.

Because there is no regret medicine in this world.

Although Ye Rongrong believes that even if he is in danger, he has the ability to retreat completely, but he doesn't know how many of the people around him can be rescued by himself.

Therefore, before finding out where the source of danger is, everyone must not venture into this cave.

"Then what do we do now?"

Li Jiansheng looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

Although Li Jiansheng was much higher than Ye Rongrong in terms of rank and position, but facing Ye Rongrong, this Li Jiansheng was like Ye Rongrong's soldier, asking Ye Rongrong for everything.

It has to be said that this is a manifestation of Ye Rongrong's ability and charm.

"I'll think about it before I say it!"

Ye Rongrong said something to Li Jiansheng, then closed his eyes.

In fact, Ye Rongrong is using the "detection technique" to check the scene inside the cave.


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