The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1496 Zero-legged Bug Nest

Ye Rongrong used the "detection technique" to check the cave, even some corners, and found nothing unusual.

There are no living things in this cave at all.

"Could it be my intuition is wrong, or maybe I'm subconsciously thinking too much."

Ye Rongrong couldn't help being a little puzzled!

"Teacher, teacher!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was stunned for a long time without speaking, Ouyang Qianqian said softly to Ye Rongrong.

"Hmm... what's the matter with you?"

Ye Rongrong came back to his senses, looked at Ouyang Qianqian suspiciously and asked.

"I... I'm fine!"

Ouyang Qianqian said with some embarrassment.

It seemed that he wanted to ask the teacher him, but he asked him back.

But fortunately, my teacher finally stopped being in a daze like just now. In this gloomy cave, Ouyang Qianqian didn't want her teacher to be in a daze.

Then if there is another sudden attack like just now, it will be troublesome.

"Strange, this place is a bit weird!"

Although Ye Rongrong used the "detection technique", he didn't find anything dangerous in this cave.

But because there is no trace of danger in this place, Ye Rongrong is most disturbed.

Because this cave is too quiet, there is no other sound except the sound of "dong dong" water droplets falling to the ground.

What disturbed Ye Rongrong the most was that when Ye Rongrong used the "detection technique" to check this place just now, he didn't find any traces of biological activity in this place.

This is very abnormal. There is no trace of biological activity in such a large cave, which is inconceivable.

And along the way, Ye Rongrong found a very strange phenomenon, that is, the closer to the end of the cave, the fewer living creatures.

Even Ye Rongrong didn't see insects moving around the cave.

There are only two reasons to explain this. The first explanation is that the environment at the end of the cave is not suitable for the activities of those poisonous insects; the other explanation is that there are some kind of creatures in this cave that make those insects afraid.

But what is it?

Ye Rongrong has no clue now.

"Professor Ye, are we still going in?"

Li Jiansheng looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

Now Li Jiansheng doesn't understand why Ye Rongrong doesn't enter this cave.

Is it really dangerous?

But I took a few times with a flashlight, and the cave is very empty, and there are no living things at all, because there is no place for animals to hide in this empty cave.

It was this Professor Ye who wanted to go to the end of the cave just now, but now that the end of the cave has been reached, he won't go in again.

If Professor Ye was afraid, Li Jiansheng really didn't believe it.

After all, along the way, I was scared to death, but Professor Ye didn't even frown.

He is much more courageous than these few soldiers.

"Wait a moment!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

After thinking for a while, Ye Rongrong turned to Major Wu and said, "You just said that you brought incendiary bombs here?"

"Yes, with incendiary bombs."

Major Wu was taken aback by Ye Rongrong's question, but he nodded quickly and said.

When going out this time, each soldier carried various weapons in his backpack to deal with complicated situations, and this incendiary bomb was also one of the special weapons. "

"Then throw one in and have a look."

Ye Rongrong said.

Regardless of whether there are terrible creatures in this cave, Ye Rongrong believes that if a fire bomb passes by, there will be no danger.

"Aren't you worried that the use of incendiary bombs will cause insufficient oxygen?"

Major Wu repeated Ye Rongrong's words to Ye Rongrong.

"This cave is so wide, throwing an incendiary bomb into it shouldn't cause hypoxia."

Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong wanted to see what was in the cave, which made him feel dangerous.

"it is good."

Major Wu nodded,

Take out something that looks like a mine from a soldier's backpack.

"Is this the incendiary bomb?"

This is the first time Ye Rongrong has seen the appearance of an incendiary bomb, and he couldn't help asking curiously.

"Yes, this is an incendiary bomb!"

Major Wu nodded and said.

The weight of incendiary bombs generally ranges from 0.5 to 500 kg. According to the burning materials, they can be divided into two types: thermite incendiary bombs and napalm incendiary bombs.

Thermite incendiary bombs have a combustion temperature of up to 3000°C and are mainly used to burn down buildings and fortifications.

The combustion temperature of napalm incendiary bombs can reach about 850°C, and the combustion time is about 1 to 15 minutes. It has strong adhesion, and its destructive effect on flammable targets is more than ten times higher than that of explosive bombs.

And this mine-type incendiary bomb belongs to the thermite incendiary bomb, because it is light in weight, powerful, and easy to carry, and is widely used in individual equipment.

"How do you use this?"

It was also the first time Ouyang Qianqian had seen this kind of incendiary bomb, so she asked curiously.

"It's very simple, just like a grenade, just pull the string hard and throw it over, but the temperature of this mine-type incendiary bomb is very high when it burns, everyone stay away later, otherwise the heat will come to you Feeling very uncomfortable.”

Major Wu said.

"Everyone, step back!"

Ye Rongrong said to everyone.


At this moment, a mouse was frightened by Ye Rongrong and the others, and ran into the big cave in a panic.

"Wait a minute and throw the Molotov cocktail!"

Ye Rongrong said immediately.

After speaking, Ye Rongrong cast his gaze into the cave.

As the little mouse entered the cave, Ye Rongrong heard a faint rustling sound, as if something was crawling.

"Did you hear anything?"

Ouyang Qianqian asked Ye Rongrong and the others.

"Don't talk, just watch!"

After Ye Rongrong said, he took a military flashlight and shone inside. With this photo, Ye Rongrong's and the others' faces instantly turned pale.

I saw crawling bugs coming out of the ground all over the sky, and the scalps of people who watched densely were numb. Under the light, there was a commotion among the bug swarms, rushing upwards like a tide.

The mouse that ran into the cave was instantly submerged in the swarm.

This poor mouse didn't even have time to utter a scream before it was devoured to nothing.

"what is that?"

Ouyang Qianqian asked in horror with her scalp tingling.

This is even more frightening than the centipede I saw just now. The body of this insect is cylindrical and has countless tentacles. It is frightening to look at one of them, let alone such a dense swarm of insects.

If people like herself walked into this cave just now, Ouyang Qianqian didn't dare to think about the consequences.

Fortunately, fortunately, there is a powerful teacher here.

"Okay... so dangerous, this... this is a millipede, also called Malu!"

Major Wu's face was pale, and he said with a long breath.

It's dangerous!

If they walked into this cave, no matter how capable they were, they would be swallowed up by countless millipedes just like that mouse.

Although a single millipede is not scary, but such a dense group of millipedes will eat all the creatures they encounter in an instant, and there will be no bones left.

"It's really dangerous!"

Ye Rongrong also said in a cold sweat.

Ye Rongrong never thought that there would be such a huge swarm of millipedes hidden in the ground, and there was no way to count the numbers because the ground was so overwhelming.

A single millipede is not a threat at all, but such an overwhelming swarm can swallow people like yourself in an instant.

Although his "Iron Cloth Shirt" is great, these millipedes can't bite him, but Ouyang Qianqian and the others are not so lucky, and there is not a drop of blood left to swallow them in an instant.

Even if he uses "ten seconds of time stillness", it is too late.

Ye Rongrong now understands why he has such a strong sense of danger.

Fortunately, he didn't enter this cave, otherwise, no one would have survived except himself.

In fact, this was mainly due to Ye Rongrong's carelessness. In fact, he should have used the "detection technique" to detect the underground situation of the cave just now, but Ye Rongrong ignored it.

If it weren't for Ye Rongrong, he would have discovered this huge millipede swarm long ago.

Fortunately, Ye Rongrong believed in his intuition, which saved Ouyang Qianqian and the others' lives.

"Professor Ye, what should we do now!"

Li Jiansheng's feet are weak now, and he can hardly stand upright. He is born with trypophobia, and seeing the densely packed millipede swarms, it is not bad to pass out without being frightened.

"Burn them all with incendiary bombs!"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

Ye Rongrong wouldn't care if it was a small group of millipedes, but the existence of such a terrifying and dense group of millipedes is very dangerous.

If left unchecked, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Once they rush out of the cave due to insufficient food, it will definitely threaten the ecological balance in this area, and even pose a terrible threat to humans.

So Ye Rongrong decided to use incendiary bombs to destroy this millipede nest.

"it is good!"

Major Wu nodded in response, and took out the gas mask from his backpack.

"This millipede has poisonous gas in its body, and it will emit poisonous gas when it burns, so everyone wears this gas mask!"

Major Wu said to everyone.

"You guys wear it, I don't need it!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

This gas mask is particularly uncomfortable to wear, and Ye Rongrong doesn't want to wear it.

"Professor Ye, this poisonous gas is very poisonous, it's better to wear something safe."

Major Wu handed Ye Rongrong his gas mask and said.

Every soldier has a gas mask in his marching bag, but when he entered the cave this time, just in case, Major Wu put the gas masks of the other soldiers who did not enter the cave in his marching bag. Just came in handy.

"I really don't need it. Hurry up and throw this incendiary bomb in. I'm worried that these millipedes will rush out to find food!"

Ye Rongrong said.

Looking at the millipedes swarming densely and densely in the cave, Ye Rongrong felt a little nauseous, this thing looked really disgusting.


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