The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1560 Rich Harvest

"Okay, let's put this fish in the bucket first!"

As Ye Rongrong said, he took out the bamboo pole from the body of the one-foot-long fish, and put the one-foot-long fish into the bucket.

This foot is so long that the fish is as high as a bucket, and when you put it in, it fills up the bucket, but it is not dead yet, and it is still alive and kicking.

"Husband, shall we have this fish for lunch?"

Liu Qingqing asked.

"It's so boring to eat fish alone, boss, can you get something else?"

Nangong Ziyan asked.

"let me see!"

After thinking about it, Ye Rongrong said, "I'll see if I can get crabs and shrimps."

"wait for me!"

Ye Rongrong said, and went to the bamboo forest just now to cut bamboo, this time he cut a bamboo that was as thick as the mouth of a bowl.

"Husband, what are you going to do?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong curiously and asked.

"Make a basket for fishing!"

Ye Rongrong said, the movement of his hands did not stop, he quickly split the bamboo into bamboo strips, and after flattening the bamboo strips, Ye Rongrong began to weave baskets, that movement was amazingly fast.

"This action is too fast!"

"This person is too powerful!"

"If there is a Guinness World Record for compiling a basket, this will definitely be the Guinness World Record."


The tourists near Ye Rongrong and the others were all attracted by Ye Rongrong's movement of weaving baskets. The main reason was that Ye Rongrong's movement of weaving baskets was so fast that everyone was a little dazzled.

Soon a basket full of round eyes the size of rice beans was woven in Ye Rongrong's hands, and Xiao Si'er found it and tied it with a thick rope.

In this way, an exquisite fishing basket is completed.

Ye Rongrong went back to the tent again, took out a box of biscuits, and put them in the basket.

"Brother Glory, you won't use this basket to catch crabs and loaches, will you?"

Seeing Ye Glory busy, Xiao Si'er asked in surprise.

"Yes, just use this basket, I believe I will gain something!"

Ye Rongrong nodded affirmatively and said.


Anyway, Xiao Si'er is not optimistic about what this basket can catch unless it is left overnight.

"Hehe, you have to have faith in me!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile, and directly put the small basket of more than 30 centimeters high on the bottom of the water. The frame has a small mouth and a big belly, and the mouth is only five centimeters in diameter.

Ye Rongrong's purpose is to prevent the big fish from entering. Once the big fish enters, the biscuits will not be swallowed up in one bite.

"Husband, how long will it take to catch crabs?"

Seeing the basket slowly sinking into the water, Liu Qingqing asked curiously.


After Ye Rongrong said, he concentrated on looking at the place where the basket sank.

The biscuits that Ye Rongrong put in just now, Ye Rongrong dripped some "plant high-level nutrient solution".

With the allure of "plant high-level nutrient solution" to creatures, Ye Rongrong believes that creatures in the water will definitely swarm into this basket.

"Honey, look!"

Not long after the basket was put down, a large school of fish swam over immediately, wanting to get into the basket, but because the mouth of the basket was so small, the big fish couldn't get in at all.

"Wait a little longer!"

Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong's purpose is not to catch fish, a one-inch big carp is enough to eat, now Ye Rongrong wants to catch some crabs, river prawns and so on.

These creatures are not as fast as fish, so wait a little longer.

"Look, there are so many fish there!"

"There are so many fish, what's going on!"

"It's really strange, why so many fish gather together!"

Many people on the shore noticed the gathering of fish schools and started talking about it.

There were even a few people who were fishing, and they moved directly to the place where the fish gathered.

But to their disappointment, although there are many fish densely packed under their noses, none of these fish can catch the bait on their hooks.

No fish took the bait, and even took a lazy bite.

"Why is this happening? Why doesn't this fish take the bait!"

"What kind of treasure is placed in that basket to attract these fish so much?"

"What's in this basket, so many fish have to squeeze into it."

Seeing that there were no fish biting the hook for a long time, these fishermen couldn't help wondering what was in the baskets in the water that attracted the fish so much.

Ten minutes passed, and the school of fish gathered around the basket slowly dispersed, and they all went deep into the reservoir instead of circling around the small basket.


Seeing this scene, Ye Rongrong knew that all the biscuits in the basket must have been eaten, otherwise the school of fish would not have dispersed.

If you don't bring up the basket at this time, all the "little guys" inside will run away.

So Ye Rongrong immediately pulled the rope to pull up the basket.

"My God, there are so many crabs!"

When the basket was pulled up, Liu Qingqing cried out in surprise.

It turned out that there were more than a dozen crabs crawling on the surface of the basket, and they were all about to retreat from the basket, but before they could retreat, they were all pulled out of the water by Ye Rongrong.

"No, these crabs ran away."

As soon as the basket fell to the ground, the crab ran to the ground.

"See where you run, I'll catch, I'll catch!"

Liu Qingqing and the girls hurriedly caught these fleeing crabs.

"Be careful, don't get caught!"

Ye Rongrong reminded.

After all, if it is caught by this crab, it will really hurt. You must know that this crab has a tough temper and will not let go of its bite until it dies.

"Understood, long-winded!"

Liu Qingqing responded.

Only Liu Qingqing dared to say this, others did not dare to say that Ye Rongrong was long-winded.

"I'm long-winded!"

Ye Rongrong is a little depressed. He is such a taciturn, cold and handsome person, but his wife talks about it.

It seems that this woman is really "not beating for three days, going to the house to expose the tiles", it seems that I will have a good beating at night.

Regardless of Liu Qingqing and the others, Ye Rongrong poured the basket facing an empty bucket, and immediately a dozen small fish two to three centimeters long, as well as a large pile of river prawns and crabs were poured into the bucket. There are also several large eels that are more than half a meter long.

In addition to these, Ye Rongrong also found a lot of loach sounds.

A bucket that was full couldn't hold it, so Xiao Si'er hurriedly went to the small shop to buy another bucket to hold these guys.

"so much?"

"When did the fish, shrimp, and crabs in this reservoir become so easy to catch?"

"Damn, this harvest is too rich!"

"We can catch so many in this way, do we still need to work hard?"


People around also noticed Ye Rongrong's basket full of harvest, they couldn't help being surprised, and started talking about it.

Many people are even jealous of Ye Glory's gains.

"That is?"

Ye Rongrong suddenly found a different figure.

"Brother Glory, I didn't expect even water snakes to enter this basket."

Xiao Si'er said in surprise.

"Hahaha, this water snake soup is the most nourishing, luck is really good!"

Ye Rongrong said happily.

"What's the best thing?"

At this time, Liu Qingqing and the others came over after catching crabs and asked curiously.

"Snake, I caught a water snake, this stew is a great tonic!"

Ye Rongrong grabbed the one-meter-long snake out and said to Liu Qingqing and the others.


"Husband, quickly take this snake away."

Seeing the water snake in Ye Glory's hand, both Liu Qingqing and Pan Chengchen's expressions of fright changed.

This woman is naturally full of fear of things like snakes and insects.

"This water snake is not poisonous, nor will it bite."

Ye Rongrong put the water snake into the bucket and said to Liu Qingqing and the others.

"Husband, you still let the snake go, this guy makes me feel hairy!"

Liu Qingqing said hastily.


For such a small request, Ye Rongrong naturally satisfied Liu Qingqing, and Ye Rongrong grabbed the water snake and threw it into the water.

"Okay, adjust these guys again, put all the small ones, and I will make these fish, shrimp and crabs for everyone myself later."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Okay, okay, I haven't eaten Brother Ye's cooking for a long time."

Pan Chengchen said excitedly.

Now it is getting more and more difficult to eat the dishes made by Brother Ye himself.

Now Pan Chengchen is a little thankful that he came to visit the Nanshan Reservoir together today.

The restaurant in this reservoir has a place for guests to cook their own food. Ye Rongrong and the others paid 100 yuan to get a stove, and the restaurant provided salt, monosodium glutamate, and oil.

Nowadays, this kind of farmhouse is popular in many places. It only provides places for eating, bowls and chopsticks, stoves, gas, and seasonings.

"Husband, we will help you get fish and shrimp, and I will leave these crabs, loaches, and eels to you."

Liu Qingqing said.

Crabs, loaches, and eels are not easy to handle. Crabs are easy to be bitten when cleaned, and loach and eels are not slippery.

However, although the one-foot-long carp was pierced by Ye Rongrong, it is still alive and kicking. The wild fish is so powerful that Liu Qingqing and the girls are in a hurry. Two girls and four jade hands They can't be pressed together.

In the end, it was Nangong Ziyan and the others who helped them solve the problem.

"Finally, I can taste Brother Ye's craftsmanship again."

After cleaning up the fish, Pan Chengchen, Liu Qingqing and the others stood aside to watch Ye Rongrong show off his cooking skills. Everyone couldn't help here, and they wouldn't help.

As far as Ye Rongrong's cooking skills are concerned, it is a hindrance for everyone to help.

Pulling Pan Chengchen, Pan Chengchen pulled Liu Qingqing again, and the three began to stand by and watch.

"What's the smell, so fragrant?"

"This smell makes my mouth water."

"Go and have a look!"

As the taste of Ye Rongrong's dishes slowly spread, successive ups and downs of exclamation sounded from the edge of the reservoir, and many people couldn't help leaning over, deeply boiled by Ye Rongrong's current cooking. Attracted by the special aroma of fish fillets.


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