The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1604 Childlike

"The main reason is to eat the iron rice bowl for a long time. I am afraid that if the private school is unstable, I may lose my job at any time."

Zhang Hua hesitated for a while, but still told the truth.

"Since they still want to hold their iron rice bowls, let them continue to hold them. Our school doesn't need to ask others to come."

Ye Rongrong said directly.

Come if you want, don't force if you don't want to, and opportunities will not be left to those who hesitate.

"I'm afraid..."

Zhang Hua was a little worried.

After all, these are some new teachers with no teaching experience, how can they teach this student well!

"There is nothing to be afraid of. I don't believe that a group of college students can't teach elementary school students well. By the way, don't you have more than ten years of teaching experience?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Zhang Hua and said.

"I have more than ten years of primary school teaching experience?"

Zhang Hua didn't understand the meaning of Ye Rongrong's words.

"Isn't this simple? You can train these new teachers. These college students who have just come out of school are very receptive. I think after more than a month of training, they basically understand everything. Others, in the future Just teach and guide.”

Ye Rongrong said.

"That's the only way to go!"

Zhang Hua nodded and said.

After all, this is a way out of nowhere.

After all, Taoyuan Primary School is a newly established private primary school. No one knows how long it will last. Most of the experienced teachers are unwilling to come. They can only recruit college students who have graduated from the school. The school has gradually cultivated them.

"Mr. Manshan, Mr. Zhang, you have to work hard these few days. Go to universities in the city to recruit teachers. I will find someone in the province to help introduce some college students who have just graduated from normal universities this year. When the time comes, you will gather them together. , train them."

Ye Rongrong said.


Both Chen Manshan and Zhang Hua nodded in response.

"If you don't have enough people, you can go to the Taoyuan Elderly Community to ask some people to come and help, just say what I said!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"This is great!"

Chen Manshan said happily.

After all, in more than a month, this "Taoyuan Primary School" will start. There are too many things to do to recruit teachers and admit students, and there is a serious shortage of manpower.

It would be great if we could transfer some people from the "Taoyuan Elderly Community" to help. Now "Taoyuan Elderly Community" is full of talents.

The "Taoyuan Elderly Community" is also a waste of talents. It would be great if some of them could be allocated to the "Taoyuan Primary School".

"By the way, tell those new teachers that as long as they start to report to the school, whether it is work or training, they will be paid according to the contract salary."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

"it is good!"

Chen Manshan took a notebook and memorized it.

This is a little secretarial skill that Fang Bolin taught Chen Manshan, that is, always carry a small notebook and pen with her at all times.

As long as the boss has an explanation, write it down with a pen immediately, so that it is not easy to forget.

More importantly, it will make the boss feel that you attach great importance to what he said, and you will be very happy in your heart.

"Okay, that's it. If you have any difficulties, come to me at any time."

Ye Rongrong stood up and said.

That's what being a boss is like, explain things to others and keep others busy, all you have to do is move your lips.

You must know that it is very simple to talk about it, but if you do it, you can break your legs.

As a "lazy person", Ye Rongrong naturally couldn't be so narrow-minded and wide-ranging, and the guidance was given, and the things to do were the people below.

"Boss, I really have a problem."

Zhang Hua said to Ye Rongrong with some anxiety.

After all, as a newcomer, Zhang Hua was a little worried that his boss would be unhappy if he raised difficulties.

"It's just that our school lacks a financial manager. Many things are very inconvenient."

Zhang Hua said.

After all, money is inseparable from everything now. "Taoyuan Elementary School" does not have a financial department. When you need money, you can only ask the boss. Sometimes, the boss gives a lot of money at once, and there is no person in charge of finance. If it takes a long time, it is easy to go wrong.

"That's a problem, then I understand that someone should be transferred to be in charge of the finances of 'Taoyuan Primary School'!"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

Now Ye Rongrong has a candidate in his mind, and that is Chen Xiaoyou who works at "Qingyao Charity Foundation".

"Then there is no other problem!"

Zhang Hua felt much more at ease when he heard that a person in charge of finance would be transferred tomorrow.

After all, Zhang Hua is in charge of the current money. After all, he is not professionally in charge of finances. If he makes a mistake, the responsibility will be great.

More importantly, now that I am in charge of the specific affairs of "Taoyuan Primary School", I am also responsible for the finances, so it is easy for people to gossip.

There is nothing that can be bluffed out of things.

Now that Zhang Hua has resigned from the public school, she doesn't want to lose this hard-won high-paying job.

Seeing that there was no problem, Ye Rongrong left.


The life at home was very leisurely. After lunch, Ye Rongrong brewed a cup of Dahongpao and sat under the longan tree in the front yard to drink tea.

Dahongpao, produced in Wuyi Mountain, is an oolong tea with excellent quality. It is a special famous tea in China.

The shape of Dahongpao is tightly knotted, the color is green and brown, and the color is bright orange and yellow after brewing, and the leaves are red and green. The most outstanding quality is the fragrance of orchids, which is high and long-lasting.

In addition to the health functions of general tea, such as refreshing and thinking, eliminating fatigue, promoting body fluid and diuresis, antipyretic and heatstroke prevention, sterilization and anti-inflammation, detoxification and disease prevention, digestion and greasy, weight loss and bodybuilding, it also has special functions such as cancer prevention, blood fat reduction, anti-aging, etc. effect.

And the Dahongpao that Ye Rongrong is drinking now is the tea picked from the Dahongpao mother tree in Wuyi Mountain. You must know that there are only six Dahongpao mother trees in China.

These six Dahongpao mother trees are protected by the state, and the surrounding areas of these six Dahongpao mother trees are surrounded by the state for special protection. Tea picking has been explicitly prohibited, and maintenance and repair are required. The tea produced every year must be specially provided. Yes, ordinary people can't drink it no matter how rich they are.

The reason why Ye Rongrong had the tea from the Dahongpao mother tree was that Mr. Huang and Mr. Liu sent him some. Usually, Ye Rongrong would not bear to entertain guests with the Dahongpao tea, and basically kept it for himself.

To drink this kind of "Dahongpao" tea, you must follow the procedure of sipping slowly in a small pot and a small cup, in order to truly taste the Zen tea charm of the top of rock tea.

Dahongpao tea has been known to the world since the eighteenth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty.

It is said that in the 18th year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, he sent his son Ding Xian to Beijing for an examination. When he passed by Wuyi Mountain, he suddenly fell ill and had unbearable abdominal pain. He happened to meet a monk in Tianxin Yongle Temple.

The monk of Tianxin Yongle Temple took the Dahongpao tea he had kept and made it for him to drink, and the pain was relieved.

After Ding Xian won the first prize in the examination, he came to Tianxin Yongle Temple to thank the monk, and asked the source of the tea that saved him.

Knowing the origin of the tea, Ding Xian took off the Dahongpao official uniform worn by the number one scholar, walked around the tea bushes three times, and put the Dahongpao official uniform on the tea tree. This is the origin of the name "Dahongpao"

Ding Xian packed the Dahongpao in a tin can and brought it back to the capital. Not long after returning to the capital, the Queen happened to be ill, and all the doctors were ineffective, so Ding Xian took out the can of tea and offered it. At the same time, he ordered the number one scholar to go to the Kowloon nest and put it on the tea tree to show the dragon's kindness.

Since then, Wuyi rock tea Dahongpao has become a tribute tea exclusively enjoyed by the royal family, and the reputation of Dahongpao has also been spread by the world.

It is said that the officials sent by the imperial court wear Dahongpao every year, and hang the robes on the tree of tribute tea, so they are called Dahongpao.

Drinking the special Dahongpao, Ye Rongrong was in a very good mood. He sat on the chair and watched Dudu playing hide-and-seek with a few village kids in the big yard.

Seeing Ye Rongrong drinking tea, Mengmeng also felt thirsty, so she ran over to ask for tea, leaving only Dudu facing the wall, covering her eyes with her small hands and counting the numbers.

After counting, Dudu asked several times, "Is it hidden?"

Ye Rongrong thought that no one would answer, but unexpectedly, there was a crisp voice from the living room: "Hide it!"

Ye Rongrong couldn't help but find it funny.

Although it is a bit funny for adults, children enjoy it.

Simple-minded children are the happiest.

At their age, they don't know what affliction is.

But childhood is also the easiest to forget, Ye Rongrong can't remember many bits and pieces of happiness in his childhood now.

After all, there were no mobile phones at that time, and you could take pictures of children's interesting things anytime and anywhere.

More importantly, food and clothing were a problem for everyone at that time, and everyone was busy working to earn money to support their families. Who cares about the child's childhood, as long as you don't cause trouble for yourself and don't cause accidents, children can play as they like.

Not to mention following the children with a mobile phone, videotaping and taking pictures of them, and passing them on Moments.

"Glory, I want to play chess with you!"

At this time, Wang Bingzhen walked into the yard and said to Ye Rongrong.

"Hehe, you are not afraid of losing!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Every time he played chess with Ye Rongrong, Wang Bingzhen lost, but within a few days, he came to play chess with Ye Rongrong again.

Mei Qi said: "Failure is the mother of success."

It's a pity that after failing so many times, I have never seen Wang Bingzhen win once.

"I will definitely win you this time. I have studied your chess moves last time."

Wang Bingzhen said confidently.

"Okay, I'll see how you beat me!"

Ye Rongrong smiled and took out a chess set from the living room, and set it on the stone table.

Soon, the two started playing chess.

A person's personality can be seen from the chess game. Wang Bingzhen has a sophisticated and mature personality.

Recommend a friend's new book White Rice "Retrograde My 1997".

Lee Wan in 1997.

Li Wenxiu was reborn.

Gaining a new life, Li Wenxiu once again used the eyes of two generations to examine this era that people love and hate, the land that gave birth to him, and the pitiful and admirable people in this land.

However, freshman does not mean that he can reverse the rolling wheel of history.

All of this has to start from scratch!

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