The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1605 Wang Bingzhen, who has been defeated and fought repeatedly

"We lost again!"

Wang Bingzhen looked at Ye Rongrong with a depressed face and said.

In terms of chess skills, Wang Bingzhen has always been very confident. In the Chinese business world, in terms of chess skills, Wang Bingzhen feels that he can be ranked among the top three.

But every time he played chess with Glory Ye, Wang Bingzhen lost miserably.

This made Wang Bing really unconvinced, he had eaten more salt than Ye Guangrong had drunk water, and he had been learning to play chess since he was ten years old, and he has been playing chess for nearly sixty years.

Not to mention the level of proficiency in this chess technique, at least it can be regarded as one of the best among amateur chess players.

So Wang Bing is really not convinced, and must fight Ye Guangrong to the end.

Ye Rongrong was also helpless after repeated defeats and repeated defeats.

"Old Wang, Glory, what's for dinner?"

Liu Qingqing looked at the time. It was time to make dinner, so she stood up from the cool chair and said to Ye Rongrong and Wang Bingzhen.

"Make a few more appetizers at night, and I will have a few drinks with Lao Wang. On such a hot day, drinking some cold beer will make you feel better."

Ye Rongrong said.

In today's midsummer season, having a bottle of cold beer while eating is the first choice for many people to cool off.

No matter taking a break at home, or at a roadside stall, or in a restaurant, a bottle of cold beer plus one or two cold dishes and grilled skewers has become the enjoyment of most people.

Beer is a type of beverage brewed from malted barley as the main raw material.

It has the lowest alcohol content and high nutritional value. Its ingredients include water, carbohydrates, protein, carbon dioxide, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and other substances. Increase appetite and other functions.

Beer is made from fermented grains, so it's rich in B vitamins and other signature nutrients, and has some calories. "Liquid bread" is an exaggeration, but there are similarities.

Beer, especially dark beer, can reduce the incidence of arteriosclerosis and cataract by 50%, and has an antagonistic effect on heart disease.

Regular drinking of beer in men and young women can reduce the risk of osteoporosis in old age.

There is a limit to everything, and drinking beer in moderation is good for your health, but if you drink too much, it is still very harmful to your body.

For the human body, eating and drinking anything has a certain amount, beyond this amount, no matter how good it is, it will be harmful to the human body.


Liu Qingqing nodded, then got up and went to the back kitchen to help Aunt Wang cook.

For Liu Qingqing, who is very traditional in thinking, a woman who caresses her husband and teaches her children must also have good cooking skills. If there are no special circumstances, a woman should cook for her man herself.


Naturally, the matter of drinking must call the old village chief, Dean Ma, and Xiao Si'er over to drink together.

Several people were sitting at the stone table in the yard drinking.

"It's still comfortable to drink at Glory."

After drinking a bowl of beer, the old village head said refreshedly.

"Indeed, Ye Rongrong's house has a nice view, and the food tastes good too."

Ma Xudong nodded and said.

But I still feel a little regretful, this dish was not cooked by Ye Rongrong himself, otherwise this dish would be even more delicious.

However, both Qingqing and Aunt Wang's cooking skills are good, and the dishes they make are much more delicious than those made by star hotel chefs outside.

Ma Xudong is actually very satisfied to be able to eat such delicious dishes at the next best thing.

"Unfortunately, Glory is too stingy, and he doesn't often invite us to drink at home."

Wang Bingzhen said with a smile.

"What? Call me stingy. Originally, I wanted to share the good wine with you. Now...forget it, my heart is hurt."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Good wine? What good wine?"

Ye Xianghai, the old village head, asked hurriedly.

Everyone is a comrade who has been tested by alcohol, so naturally he is particularly interested in good wine.

"Glory, what good wine is there, take it out quickly, this cold beer is good to quench your thirst, but it's not strong enough, you should take it out for everyone to taste!"

Ma Xudong said.

"That can't work, who made me stingy."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and smiled.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, all right, hurry up and get out your good wine!"

Wang Bingzhen is also a wine lover, and when he heard that Ye Rongrong had good wine in his hand, he said hastily.

Now that he has been with Ye Rongrong for a long time, Wang Bing really knows that Ye Rongrong has a lot of good things, not to mention the special tobacco and alcohol, even the new tea from the Dahongpao mother tree in Wuyi Mountain, this kid also has a lot.

One must know that even though Wang Bingzhen is one of the ten richest men in China, he can't get the new tea from the Dahongpao mother tree.

Now that Ye Rongrong can say that it is a good wine, that wine is definitely a very good wine, even better than the wine offered, Wang Bing is really itchy.

"It's okay to be wrong? You must know that my reputation has been damaged."

Ye Rongrong said with some dissatisfaction.

"Isn't Taoyuan Elementary School still short of some sports equipment? I've packed these. Is this the head office?"

Wang Bingzhen said.

I have been in contact with Ye Rongrong for a long time, and I understand that this kid is not the one who is willing to suffer.

"It's almost the same, you wait, I'll get the wine!"

After Ye Rongrong said, he got up and went to the storage room in the middle courtyard to get some wine.

Soon, Ye Rongrong walked over with a small wine jar.

"Try it, everyone, what kind of wine is this!"

Ye Rongrong poured a bowl of wine for everyone with a small wine jar and said.

"this is……"

Wang Bingzhen looked at the bowl suspiciously, and then smelled the strong aroma of wine, but he couldn't smell what kind of wine it was.

You must know that Wang Bingzhen is a comrade with a proven track record of drinking. He has basically drank all the well-known domestic liquors, even the special wines. Wang Bingzhen has also drank.

As long as Wang Bingzhen drank the wine, he could basically remember it, but the color and taste of the wine in front of him was something Wang Bingzhen had never encountered before.

"What kind of wine is this, so mellow?"

Ma Xudong asked curiously.

The best wine Ma Xudong had ever had was the special Moutai, but even the special Moutai didn't have such a mellow smell.

This is a mellow wine that makes people intoxicated when they smell it.

No matter in terms of vision or smell, this is definitely the most outstanding wine that Ma Xudong has encountered.

Ma Xudong was really curious about what kind of wine this was.

"Old village chief, what kind of wine do you think this is?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the old village head Ye Xianghai with a smile and asked.

At this time, the old village head Ye Xianghai kept staring at the bowl of red wine in front of him.

He didn't even pay attention to Ye Rongrong's question.

"Glory, don't play tricks, tell us what kind of wine this is."

Wang Bingzhen asked anxiously.

Now smelling the aroma of the wine, Wang Bingzhen was in a hurry to drink.

" this monkey wine?"

At this moment, Ye Xianghai, the old village chief who had a dignified expression, shouted in surprise.

When Ye Xianghai was young, he was lucky enough to drink monkey wine in the next village.

People at that time were very simple, and private sales were not allowed, and the villagers shared the monkey wine with everyone when they got it.

Ye Xianghai happened to visit relatives in the next village that time, and was lucky enough to drink a small bowl of monkey wine.

That time, for Ye Xianghai, was definitely unforgettable for the rest of his life.

The smell and aroma of the wine are definitely the best wine Ye Xianghai has ever drank in his life.

It's a pity that this monkey wine is rare, and it is very lucky to drink it once in this life. Ye Xianghai didn't expect that he would be able to drink this monkey wine even when he was old.

"Hehe, old village chief, how do you know?"

Ye Rongrong asked in surprise.

There is no real "monkey wine" in the world, and very few people know it. Ye Rongrong never thought that the old village head would know about this monkey wine.

You know, even well-informed people like Wang Bingzhen and Ma Xudong don't recognize this monkey wine, but I didn't expect the old village head to recognize this monkey wine.

"Have had the pleasure of drinking it before."

The old village head happily picked up the bowl, took a deep breath, and there was a look of enjoyment on his bearded face. After taking a big sip of wine, he couldn't help admiring: "It's really a monkey. The wine still tastes so intoxicating, if you can drink monkey wine twice in this life, you will die without regret!"

"Hehe, old village chief, you will die without regret if you drink it twice? It seems that I won't invite you to drink this monkey wine next time."

Ye Rongrong looked at the old village head Ye Xianghai with a smile and said.

"No, no, glory, if you don't invite me to drink monkey wine next time, I'll be in a hurry with you!"

Ye Xianghai, the old village head, became anxious when he heard that Ye Rongrong would not call him next time he drank monkey wine.

"This... is this the legendary monkey wine?"

"It turns out that monkey wine is like this. I thought monkey wine was just something in a novel, but I didn't expect it to really exist."

Looking at the wine in the bowl in front of him, smelling the rich aroma, and listening to the conversation between Ye Rongrong and Ye Xianghai.

Although Wang Bingzhen and Ma Xudong had never smelled monkey wine, they had heard of this magical monkey wine.

This is something that has only appeared in legends. They looked at the wine in their bowls with burning eyes.

This is the "monkey wine" that is hard to buy, and it is hard to come by.

"Ye Rongyao, how much monkey wine do you have, how much will I buy at a high price, how about it?"

Wang Bingzhen couldn't help looking at Ye Rongrong and said.

"You think beautifully!"

Ye Rongrong rolled his eyes at Wang Bingzhen and said.

This monkey wine is something that cannot be found, and it cannot be measured by money.

"Yes, it's great to have money, Glory, let's not sell this wine to Old Wangtou."

Ye Xianghai, the old village head, said.

What a joke, this monkey wine is in the hands of Ye Rongrong, and everyone can still drink a little, but if it is in the hands of an old guy like Wang Bingzhen, it will be difficult to drink.

"Let's not talk here, let's drink."

Ye Rongrong said.

There is a lot of monkey wine now, so it is no problem for everyone to drink some.

As for selling, Ye Rongrong never thought about it.

"Yes, drink!"

Wang Bingzhen said.

Waiting to drink this monkey wine now.

Holding a small bowl, he gently sipped the dark red monkey wine in the cup. The soft, smooth and mellow taste made Wang Bingzhen deeply intoxicated and unable to extricate himself...

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