The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1610 harvesting rice before the rain

In the operating room, Ye Rongrong focused on operating on the patient, and the operation moved smoothly to check the position of the patient's liver.

"There is a small tumor on the right side of the left lobe!"


With a flash of the scalpel, Ye Rongrong removed the small tumor.


With a soft sound, Ye Rongrong put the resected tumor on the stainless steel plate aside, and began to look for other tumors.

"My God, am I not dazzled? This removes the tumor?"

"It's too fast, it's only a few seconds, is this possible!"

"That position is only a few millimeters away from the inferior vena cava, and a slight deviation would be fatal. Dean Ye cut it without even thinking about it? How confident is this!"

"Just now who said that Dean Ye's surgery is not good, if it is not good, we can all hit the wall."

"Indeed, few of the world's top surgeons can achieve such a fast, stable, and accurate surgical technique."

Seeing Ye Glory's operation, the originally silent observation room exploded immediately.

It turns out that Dean Ye can do surgery, and that level can make everyone look up to him.

Soon Ye Rongrong removed a large tumor located in the right lobe, which was considered to have cleaned up the tumor in the liver.

Up to this point, the operation can only be said to be half completed, and the liver still needs to be sutured. Liver suturing is a very difficult operation, but for Ye Rongrong, it is a pediatric surgery.

Ye Rongrong took the suture needle from the assistant and quickly sewed it up on the liver, just like using a sewing machine, completing the liver suture smoothly and quickly as if moist and silky.

"This is not surgery, this is art!"

In the silent observation room, an old doctor watched Ye Rongrong's movements in the operating room and said in shock.

"Perfect, really perfect."

Another attending physician also said in shock.

Everyone has opened their eyes today.

This is the operation of a real top surgeon!

It is a great benefit for everyone to see it once in this life.

In the operating room.

Li Yongjia was dumbfounded, and stood beside the operating table like a wooden stake.

The beautiful eyes of several young female nurses stared at Ye Rongrong without blinking.

This is a man with real skills!

How like the perfect prince charming in my heart!

"Okay, I'll leave the rest to you!"

Ye Rongrong said to Li Yongjia who was standing by the operating table in a daze.

I finished the most difficult part of the surgery myself, and Ye Rongrong naturally had to hand it over to Li Yong's family, after all, he was the chief surgeon.


Half an hour later, Ye Rongrong walked out of the operating room.

"Dean Ye, is my dad?"

As soon as he walked out of the operating room, Ye Rongrong was surrounded by several middle-aged men and women, and asked anxiously.

"The surgery was a great success!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.


"Dean Ye, thank you so much!"

When they heard that the operation was very successful, the family members immediately became excited.

"You don't need to thank me, just thank my aunt if you want to thank me!"

Ye Rongrong said, and walked away. After all, he was wearing a surgical gown, which was very uncomfortable. Ye Rongrong needed to take a shower and change clothes.

"Dean, Dean!"

Ye Rongrong hadn't gone far when he heard the voice of Li Yong's family behind him.

"Is there something wrong?"

Ye Rongrong stopped and looked at Li Yongjia and asked.

"Dean, I..."

Li Yongjia knew that Dean Ye was dissatisfied with his performance on the operating table today, so he hurried over to explain to Ye Rongrong.

"You don't need to explain anything to me. I'm very disappointed with your performance today. However, I still say that, stand up wherever you fall, and only then can you become a qualified doctor!"

Ye Rongrong interrupted Li Yongjia's words.

"Dean, I will remember your words."

Li Yongjia nodded and said.

"Okay, let's go to work!"

After Ye Rongrong nodded to Li Yongjia, he turned and walked outside.


In the summer afternoon, the sun hangs high in the sky, like a big fireball, hot and dazzling, the earth seems to be scorched, and all living things are like being in a steamer, the heat is unbearable.

Even the active little ones at home stayed in the living room watching cartoons and couldn't come out to play, and the cicadas on the tree were all weakly yelling, which made Ye Rongrong irritated.

Originally, Ye Rongrong planned to catch these cicadas and bake them for dinner at night, but after thinking about it, Ye Rongrong finally gave up this idea.

If there is no cry of cicadas this summer, is it still summer?

It calls it what it wants, just sleep on its own.

"It's so hot today, you can burn people in the sun for a while."

Xiao Si'er turned over the rice on the cement road outside the yard and came back, as if he had been fished out of the water.

The scorching sun was like fire, and it was so hot that people couldn't breathe.

"Eat a piece of watermelon!"

Ye Rongrong pointed to the watermelon next to him, and said to the sweaty Xiao Si'er.

At this time, it is the day to dry the millet. There are more than three acres of rice planted in Ye Rongrong's field. It has just been harvested, so naturally it has to be dried quickly.

The sun-dried millet needs to be turned frequently. Only by turning the millet frequently can the millet be dried evenly, and all the millet can be well-dried.

Only when there is enough exposure to the sun can the millet be stored for a long time without spoiling.

You know, Ye Rongrong didn't think about selling the rice grown in his own field, but kept it for his own family to eat, so naturally he should treat it well.

Of course, Ye Rongrong would not do this kind of thing of sun-drying millet himself. There are so many people employed in the family, and some of them are working.

"On such a hot day, I still eat watermelon to quench my thirst!"

Picking up a piece of watermelon and biting into it hard, Xiao Si'er regained his strength.

"The sun is hot now, so it's better not to go out to dig millet, lest you get heatstroke."

Ye Rongrong said.

"The sun is hot right now, so hurry up and dry them in the sun. A typhoon will come in a few days. We have to dry all the millet before the typhoon comes."

Xiao Si'er said.

"Then when you go out later, remember to put on your straw hat."

Ye Rongrong said.

There will be a typhoon coming in a few days, and the village radio is reminding everyone of this every day, asking everyone to finish harvesting the rice in the field before the typhoon, and it is best to dry it.

After all, after the typhoon passes through, it will rain for a few days, no one can say for sure.

If the rice is harvested and has not been dried for a week, and it is rainy, the rice will be easily broken.

"Okay, this person is sleepy on such a hot day, I'll take a nap first."

Saying that, Xiao Si'er leaned back on the chair, put her feet on the trunk of the longan tree, closed her eyes and took a nap.

Like Ye Rongrong, this Xiao Si'er is also a person who can fall asleep anytime and anywhere.

The animals in the yard are also afraid of the heat. The couple of parrots hid in the bird's nest on the tree to escape the heat. The "six ears" who are usually very active are also sitting listlessly on the chair in the living room at this time, accompanying the children at home. watching cartoons.

Looking out from the gate of the yard, the chickens in the yard stayed in the shade of the trees in twos and threes, not even daring to put their heads in the sun.

Those ducks and geese are all in the lake, hiding on the water surface that the hot sun can't reach, splashing a little water from time to time.

"Xiaobai" and "Wangzai" stretched out their tongues and lay panting heavily on the edge of their own kennel, while "Tiger Head" slept on the girder.

The mountain wind blew past, and Ye Rongrong felt a little drowsy.

Putting the phone in his pocket, Ye Rongrong also closed his eyes and fell asleep on the armchair.


"Dad, Dad!"

When Ye Rongrong was soundly asleep, he was woken up by Xiaodudu's little hand.

"Dad, it's going to rain. Mom asked you to get up and help harvest the rice together."

Seeing Ye Rongrong's eyes open, Dudu hurriedly said,

"It is going to rain?"

Ye Rongrong looked up, only to see that the sun in the sky had disappeared, and the clouds were densely covered. Looking at the posture, it was pouring rain!

This is the case in summer, the hotter it is, the closer it is to the evening, the more likely it will rain heavily.

This is the case now.

However, this summer's heavy rain will have a warning in advance, the sky is covered with dark clouds, but the rain will not fall all at once. This may be the time God specially gave farmers to harvest millet.

"Dudu, you are awesome! Let's go harvest the millet!"

Ye Rongrong picked up Dudu and walked out of the yard.

The millet in the family's three mu of land is drying on the cement road in the yard. There is so much millet, and I don't know if I can harvest it all before the downpour.

"Brother-in-law, you are awake, hurry up and harvest the millet!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong coming over with Dudu in his arms, Liu Xixi immediately said to Ye Rongrong.

Now everyone in Ye Rongrong's family is here, including the little girl Xiao Mengmeng, who is also helping to harvest the rice. Ye Rongrong even saw many staff members in the elderly community helping to harvest the rice here.

"Why are you here?"

Ye Rongrong asked Zhang Linlin suspiciously.

"Isn't it going to rain heavily? Many villagers had no time to harvest their rice on the road. Dean Wang arranged for us to come out to help harvest the rice. Several of us were arranged here to help harvest the rice."

Zhang Linlin said.


Ye Rongrong nodded. It was Lao Wang who was thoughtful. At this time, it was time to harvest the millet. With the help of the staff of "Taoyuan Elderly Community", the villagers could harvest the sun-dried millet faster and avoid being caught by the rain. Drenched away.

There are many people and strength, and within ten minutes, Ye Rongrong's family's three acres of rice were harvested and transported to the storage room in the yard.

"Bang bang bang..."

Just then, it rained cats and dogs.

With such a heavy rain, everyone can't go out and can only stay in the house.

"Everyone has worked hard, eat watermelon!"

Liu Qingqing brought the sliced ​​iced watermelon to the living room and invited everyone to eat iced watermelon.

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