The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1611 Dirty and smelly country

"It's better to come to Dean Ye's house to collect millet, there are such delicious watermelons to eat!"

Zhang Linlin said happily while eating watermelon without a ladylike image.

In Taoyuan Village, no one knows that Dean Ye's family grows sky-high watermelons, and one watermelon can sell for tens of thousands of dollars.

Zhang Linlin's salary for several months is not enough to buy such a watermelon.

Fortunately, Dean Ye's family is very nice. Every time everyone comes here, they can eat a few slices of such delicious watermelon.

Take the matter of helping harvest the millet today, everyone wants to come here to harvest the millet.

Because everyone knows that after harvesting the millet, the enthusiastic Mrs. Ye will bring out this delicious watermelon to quench everyone's thirst.

"If you like to eat, bring a watermelon back when you go back."

Liu Qingqing said with a smile.

Each of the watermelons in my house is very big, and the smallest watermelon weighs over a hundred catties. Young people in the new era like Zhang Linlin basically can't carry it, so Liu Qingqing asked them to carry it back.

"No, no, it's too expensive!"

Zhang Linlin hurriedly shook his hand and said.

If it was an ordinary watermelon, Zhang Linlin wouldn't mind asking for a watermelon, but Zhang Linlin wouldn't dare to take a watermelon worth tens of thousands of dollars a piece!

It is too precious.

My salary for half a year may not be enough to buy such a watermelon.

"Let you carry one back, why are there so many words!"

Ye Rongrong, who entered the living room after taking a shower, heard Zhang Linlin's words and said immediately.

Ye Rongrong's family doesn't have many other things. There are a lot of watermelons. Although many of them have been sold, it is the season of high watermelon production, and many watermelons are ripening in the fields every day.

For Zhang Linlin and the others, this is a sky-high watermelon, but for Ye Rongrong, it is the watermelon grown in his own field.

Ye Rongrong is very rich now, and he doesn't expect to make money by buying this watermelon.

send a watermelon,

For Ye Rongrong, it was a drop in the bucket.

"Thank you Dean Ye!"

Seeing that Dean Ye had spoken, Zhang Linlin accepted the big watermelon with peace of mind.


The rain in summer was so heavy that it poured so hard that people couldn't walk, but it came and went quickly, and the rainstorm stopped in less than half an hour.

"Uncle, look, the seven-colored rainbow!"

The rain stopped, and the air is not so hot anymore, Xiao Mengmeng ran out of the living room, pointed to the sky and said to Ye Rongrong excitedly.

"There really is a rainbow!"

Ye Rongrong was a little surprised to see a set of beautiful seven-color rainbows hanging in the sky, like an arch bridge, spanning the horizon.

A rainbow is an atmospheric phenomenon. When the air is enriched with a large amount of water vapor, and the sunlight shines on the small water droplets in the water vapor at a small angle, colorful ribbons will be refracted.

It's just that Ye Rongrong hasn't seen this kind of rainbow atmospheric phenomenon for a long time, and he doesn't know if the air pollution is worse now than when he was a child.

Ye Rongrong remembered that when he was young, after the summer rainstorm, he could often see a beautiful rainbow of seven colors, but in the past ten years, Ye Rongrong has basically never seen such a beautiful rainbow of seven colors a few times.

"Dad, the rainbow is so beautiful! It's even more beautiful than in the book."

Dudu pointed to the sky and said.

Except in books, this is the first time that Dudu has seen this beautiful rainbow in reality.

"It's beautiful!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

The beautiful seven-colored rainbow is really too difficult for people nowadays to see. Girls like Liu Xixi took out their mobile phones to take pictures of this beautiful scene.

Some post on WeChat, some post on QQ. After all, seeing a rainbow after the rain is already a very rare thing, and it is worth showing off.

"Uncle, why do rainbows appear after rain?"

Xiao Mengmeng looked at Ye Rongrong curiously and asked.

"Because after the rain, there is a lot of water vapor in the air. At this time, the sun comes out and shines on the water vapor, reflecting the colorful sunlight."

Ye Rongrong explained.

Ye Rongrong does not understand the specific principle, and there is no need to understand it. After all, Ye Rongrong is not going to be a meteorologist, but there is one thing Ye Rongrong knows. This rainbow is formed by the raindrops in the sky refracting and decomposing sunlight like a prism. of.

So rainbows usually appear during the day when the sun is shining. Of course, rainbows also appear in the sky at night, but they are not solar rainbows during the day, but lunar rainbows, which are seven-color rainbows formed by reflecting the light of the moon.

After all, moonlight is much weaker than sunlight, so the moonbow formed is not as bright as the sunbow, and can only be seen when the moon is close to full and when special weather is required. Moonbows are basically difficult to see.

Many people may not be able to see the appearance of a moonbow once in a lifetime.


The weather after the rain is not so low and hot, because the watermelons in Ye Rongrong's family are too big, and they are close to two hundred catties.

Although there were two boys among the young people who came to Ye Glory's house with Zhang Linlin to help harvest the rice, but the two boys couldn't lift such a heavy watermelon.

After all, the boys nowadays are like the treasures of the family. Basically, they have never done physical work, so they are a little better than girls who have no strength to restrain chickens.

In the end, Ye Rongrong simply put the big watermelon on the electric tricycle at home and asked them to take the watermelon to the "Taoyuan Elderly Community".

"Glory, what are you having for dinner?"

Aunt Wang came over and asked Ye Rongrong.

After all, Ye Rongrong is the head of the family, so Ye Rongrong has the final say on what to eat at night.

"It's so hot, why don't we all eat cold noodles at night."

Ye Rongrong thought about it and asked Liu Qingqing.

With the hot weather this day, this person's appetite has decreased a lot, and some of them don't want to eat, and they can't eat.

In fact, this has something to do with the enzymes in the human body. Enzymes will lose their activity in a high-temperature environment, but enzymes are indispensable participants in human metabolism. If the activity of enzymes decreases, people will lose their appetite.

Of course, the human body sweats a lot this summer, so the loss of some mineral elements will also cause poor appetite.

"it is good!"

Liu Qingqing nodded and said.

In such a hot summer, Liu Qingqing didn't have much appetite, nor did she want to eat much.

So Liu Qingqing also agrees with eating cold noodles at night.

On this hot night, it is still refreshing to eat cold noodles.

"Aunt Wang, it's time to eat cold noodles tonight. I'll make them myself later."

Ye Rongrong said to Aunt Wang.

To make delicious cold noodles, Ye Rongrong felt that it would be better to make them by himself, and Aunt Wang didn't know how to make that kind of cold noodles.

in the kitchen.

After Ye Ronghui washed his hands with hand sanitizer, he started kneading the noodles. The noodles had to be kneaded repeatedly, so that the rolled noodles tasted stronger, so rolling the noodles is a physical effort.

In such a hot weather, rolling noodles is a sweaty job, but Ye Rongrong’s kitchen has an air conditioner, and the air conditioner is adjusted to 18 degrees. After the cold wind blows through, it’s not very hot, and it doesn’t make Ye Rongrong feel any heat sweat.

After kneading the flour, Ye Rongrong started rolling the noodles by hand.

Ye Rongrong's family basically does not eat dried noodles made by machines, but rolls them by hand.

This kind of hand-rolled noodles is not only hygienic, but also tastes strong, unlike dried noodles made by machine, who knows what kind of flour is used to make it, has the machine been cleaned, and how is it hygienic?

Anyway, in Ye Rongrong's opinion, the food made by machine is not as hygienic and delicious as the food made by hand.

The hand-rolled noodles are boiled in a boiling water pot, filtered with cold water several times, poured into a large basin, and then poured with tomato scrambled eggs with a little soup, and cold water celery.

Speaking of the origin of this cold noodle, it is said that during Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, Wu Zetian was 14 years old at that time, and was selected by Tang Taizong as a talent in the palace.

When Wu Zetian was young, when he was not studying, he often swam in the river bend with Jianfeng, and there was a noodle shop at the ferry of the river bend. Every time they swam across the river, they always went to the noodle shop to eat a bowl.

Therefore, I became familiar with the shop owner, and I often talked about making noodles while eating. After a period of time, I also got a deeper understanding of this.

Later, they thought it would be nice to eat a kind of cold noodles in summer, so they experimented with the noodle shop chef and finally developed a kind of cold noodles that are soft, delicious, tough and non-sticky.

"The cold noodles are here!"

Soon Ye Rongrong straightened the big washbasin and came to the yard.

This summer, rural people are used to eating in the yard of their homes with the open, so that it is not only cool, but also can enjoy the beauty of the beautiful summer sunset.

"Brother-in-law, the cold noodles you made look very appetizing."

As Liu Xixi said, she reached out to grab a cold noodle and eat it.

"Go get the bowls and chopsticks!"

Liu Qingqing patted Liu Xixi's hand away and said.

"Sister, let me eat a little first, just a little!"

Liu Xixi looked at Liu Qingqing pleadingly and said.

"No, there is no one like you who is good at grabbing food with your fingers, and you can't talk about hygiene."

Liu Qingqing was as blunt as her sister said.

"Sister, look at your particularity, Indians are good at eating!"

Liu Xixi said unconvinced.

"People in India still defecate everywhere, and everywhere smells like a latrine. Why don't you marry there? You can eat with your hands and defecate anywhere."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Ye Rongrong has never been to India, but he has read reports about India.

Ye Rongrong's deepest impression from the news reports in this country is that the "Indian Asan" is very unhygienic. The whole people are used to urinating everywhere. Three "Like animals, they like to drag their feces and urine wherever they go. This is a dirty and smelly country.

Indian women are a little bit better, and they know some etiquette and shame. They usually find a remote place to shit and pee.

Because of this, young Indian women often encounter accidents, because the more remote the place, the more likely the bad guys are to haunt them.

In the usual news, you can often see a lot of reports about young Indian women being raped by that.

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