The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1616 Ye Glory Gets Angry

"Hello, comrade, we are here to find Director Zhao, look..."

Zhang Hua walked to a work window and said to the young man inside who was staring at the computer.

Without raising his head, the young man interrupted Zhang Hua impatiently and said, "Why are you in such a hurry, don't you see that I'm busy?"

Hang Zhang Hua directly on the work window.

"Principal, they say we have to wait for a while."

Zhang Hua walked over helplessly and said to Ye Rongrong.

What does it mean to have an ugly face and difficult things? That is, anyway, I have no choice but to ask the principal to do it himself.

"I want to see what he's up to!"

When Ye Rongrong heard Zhang Hua's words, he immediately became angry.

The whole person stood up from his seat at once, and walked out directly to the office window.

Now the service windows of all government departments in southern Zhejiang Province are no longer separated from the bank service windows by glass as before, but are now open, which is convenient for people who come to do business to communicate with the staff.

It is no longer separated by a thick layer of glass, like people from two worlds.

This is a pragmatic progress made by the government of Southern Zhejiang Province, which has narrowed the distance with the common people.

Before the young man could react, Ye Rongrong turned his computer monitor to his side.

"You... what are you doing?"

Suddenly, the young man was startled immediately.

"Hmph, that's what you said you were busy!"

Ye Rongrong pointed to the computer screen with a sneer and questioned the young man.

Although Ye Rongrong doesn't play games very much, he also knows that the picture on the computer screen is the game picture, and Ye Rongrong can tell at a glance that this is the most popular game this year, "Glory of the King".

When he thought that he was waiting here for more than ten minutes, waiting for this kid to play a game, Ye Rongrong suddenly became furious.

You have to know that if you don’t talk about anything else, you just write novels, and you pay millions of dollars in taxes a year. With the money you pay as a taxpayer, you actually support these people to go to work and play games instead of doing business. There are five taxpayers and six taxpayers, Ye Rongrong is naturally very upset.

"What are you doing, you know where this is, get out!"

This "Glory of the King" hit a critical moment, but was interrupted by someone. The young man was also angry, slapped the table and stood up and yelled angrily at Ye Rongrong.

"When I go out, you still look up and look at the words on your head, public servant of the people, serve the people, I want to ask, are you ashamed looking at these words?"

Ye Rongrong pointed to the golden characters on the wall and shouted at the young man.

"Who are you, you still control me, get out for me, do you hear me clearly!"

The young man stared at Ye Rongrong and said.

"If I don't talk to someone today, I really won't go out!"

Ye Rongrong sat on the chair in front of the office window and said coldly.

If you don't give yourself a word about this matter, Ye Rongrong will not leave.

"Security, call me security."

Seeing that Ye Rongrong dared to ignore him in his own territory, the young man immediately shouted loudly.

"What's so noisy, it's like a vegetable market."

Hearing this movement, a middle-aged woman walked out of the office and asked with a frown.

After all, this is a government department, so it would be bad if the noise disturbed the leaders working upstairs.

"Director, this person is causing trouble!"

The young man immediately said to the middle-aged woman.

"I'm making trouble? I'm looking for you to do business. You are all too busy playing games and not doing business. I want to ask you, is this the Yangping County Education Bureau or an Internet cafe?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the middle-aged woman coldly and asked.

"Xiao Yang, are you playing games at work?"

At this time, the middle-aged woman also noticed the game screen on the computer screen,

Suddenly his face darkened, and he asked the young man very unhappy.

Since it was exposed on the Internet that some civil servants play games and watch movies at work, the superior leaders have strict requirements on the discipline of civil servants at work, and clearly stipulate that they are not allowed to do things unrelated to work during work, especially playing games and watching movies.

Unexpectedly, I have repeatedly emphasized that this "Xiao Yang" would dare to play games on the computer under his nose.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he was caught by the people who were doing business. If this is posted on the Internet, it will be a very big trouble.

If I don't do it well, I will lose my black hat.

"Director, I..."

The young man immediately said to the middle-aged woman anxiously.

After finally being admitted to the position of civil servant, young people don't want to lose their job!

"I'll deal with you later!"

After the middle-aged woman glared at the young man fiercely, she stopped paying attention to him, looked back at Ye Rongrong and said apologetically, "Sir, I'm so sorry, we will deal with this matter seriously."

"I hope you didn't fool me!"

Ye Rongrong said coldly.

It's not that Ye Rongrong doesn't believe the middle-aged woman's words, but ordinary people have been fooled a lot and don't trust her anymore.

"Excuse me, what are you here to do, I'll let others handle it for you!"

The middle-aged woman looked at Ye Rongrong and Zhang Hua and asked.

"Director Qin, we want to see Director Zhao."

Zhang Hua said hastily.

Although the middle-aged woman didn't remember who Zhang Hua was, Zhang Hua did remember Director Qin of the Office of the County Education Bureau.

After all, he has worked in the education industry for more than ten years, and has come to the office of the County Education Bureau several times to do business, so he naturally remembers Director Qin.

"You are?"

The middle-aged woman looked at Zhang Hua and asked.

Director Zhao, as the director of Yangping County Education Bureau, not everyone is qualified to meet.

"I'm Zhang Hua from Taoyuan Primary School, and this is the principal of our school."

Zhang Hua introduced.

"Taoyuan Elementary School?"

The middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment, then her expression changed suddenly, her eyes hurriedly stared at Ye Rongrong, and after a while, she asked Ye Rongrong with a look of trepidation, "Are you Professor Ye Rongrong?"

In fact, it's not my fault that this middle-aged woman can't recognize Ye Rongrong, the main reason is that Ye Rongrong rarely appears in the news, and this person has the problem of being easily forgotten.

No matter how famous you are, if you don't appear in public often, you will be quickly forgotten by people.

Take the heads of state of a country as an example. The top three often appear in news reports, and people can still remember him. If they meet on the street, people may recognize them at a glance.

Other heads of state who don't often appear in news reports will probably not be recognized by anyone when they walk on the bustling streets.

There was once a head of state who made a private visit via Weibo, but after a few days of private visits via Weibo, no one recognized him.

Although Ye Rongrong won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, he was the first in China to win the world's highest award in this field of medicine, and he is also the developer of a specific medicine for bird flu, so he is well-known internationally.

But what can it do, the common people just take a look at the news at most, knowing that there is such a number one person in Huaxia, but when they turn around, they forget his appearance.

Take the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering as an example, each of them is a top existence in their respective fields, but how many people remember his appearance.

Sometimes you know what you know, but there are very few people who really remember the looks of these celebrities.

Unless they are celebrities, they show their faces on TV shows and news reports every three days, and sometimes they walk around and fart, and they can report overwhelmingly on the Internet.

Such a 24/7 coverage of a star makes it difficult for everyone to remember what he looks like.

But Ye Rongrong didn't do that, he only showed his face in the news a few times, especially in the past six months, Ye Rongrong didn't appear in the news at all, and he didn't show his face in public places.

According to people's forgetful habits, Ye Rongrong has almost been forgotten.

The reason why the middle-aged woman recognized Ye Rongrong was mainly because Zhang Hua introduced Ye Rongrong as the principal of Taoyuan Primary School. Now, in the government departments of Yangping County, as long as the word "Taoyuan" is mentioned, everyone will think of the school in Taoyuan Village. big shot.

The middle-aged woman, as a middle-level cadre of the Yangping County Education Bureau, naturally knew that the newly established village primary school in Taoyuan Village, and also knew that this private village primary school belonged to that big man. It was recorded in the county education bureau's files.

Director Zhao has repeatedly emphasized that as long as it involves "Taoyuan Primary School", one must be cautious, let him know, and special matters must be dealt with.

Fortunately, this little Yang actually provoked the anger of this big man, and the middle-aged woman's back was sweating immediately.

This is really a terrible thing!

"it's me!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Professor Ye, this matter is all our fault. It is a loophole in our management. We must deal with this matter seriously and give you a satisfactory result."

The middle-aged woman came back to her senses, and hurriedly said to Ye Rongrong in fear.

"I'm here to find you Director Zhao."

Ye Rongrong said.

Now Ye Rongrong doesn't care much about how the Education Bureau will deal with this young man. What Ye Rongrong cares about is the support policy he wants to apply for.

As for this young man, Ye Rongrong believes that his identity has been exposed, and he doesn't need to say anything now. The Education Bureau will naturally deal with this young man seriously.

"Director Zhao is upstairs, I'll take you there right now."

The middle-aged woman hurriedly and enthusiastically led Ye Rongrong to the stairs.

As for that young man, his face has turned pale with fright now, he never dreamed that he would offend such a big shot.

"It's over, if you don't die this time, you will also peel off your skin."

The young man said to himself with a pale face.

The reason why this young man was able to work in the County Education Bureau was because of his family's network, but now that he had offended such a big shot, the family probably couldn't keep him.

This comfortable job is probably going to be ruined.


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