The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1617 Move the car

?Led by the middle-aged woman, Ye Rongrong and the others came to the director's office on the third floor, and the middle-aged woman knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

A middle-aged man's voice came from inside.

"Xiao Qin, what's the matter?"

Director Zhao asked suspiciously when he saw the middle-aged woman leading two people into his office.

"Director, this is Professor Ye Rongrong Ye from Taoyuan!"

The middle-aged woman pointed to Ye Rongrong and said to Director Zhao.


Director Zhao, who was still sitting firmly on the boss chair, froze for a moment, then stood up abruptly from his seat, looked at Ye Guangrong with a surprised face and said.

Now in the government department of Yangping County, no one does not know Professor Ye Rongrong. Regardless of his own social status, his close relationship with the main leaders of the county party committee is enough for Director Zhao and other county bureau officials to look up to.

It's just that Director Zhao didn't expect that this person with a special status in Yangping County and the highest official position would come to his small county education bureau.

"Ye...Professor Ye, welcome, welcome!"

Director Zhao rushed up to greet him, and excitedly held Ye Rongrong with both hands and said.

"Didn't disturb your work?"

Ye Rongrong said politely.

"No, no, Professor Ye can come to my place. This is what I wish for. Professor Ye, you can sit, and this gentleman can also sit."

Director Zhao respectfully invited Ye Rongrong and Zhang Hua to sit down on the sofa in the office.

Ye Rongrong sat down on the sofa directly, but Zhang Hua was a little excited, and he couldn't believe it when he was sitting on the sofa. One day, the director of the Education Bureau asked him to sit down so respectfully.

After all, for Zhang Hua, the county director of education was too far away from him. Even if he had the opportunity to meet the director of education, he would sit behind him and listen to his speech.

This was definitely the first time that Zhang Hua met the director of the County Education Bureau at such a close distance, and was honored as "you" by the other party, which made Zhang Hua feel restless for a long time.

But Zhang Hua also knew that the reason for this was because of the principal's blessing, and Director Zhao respected his boss, not himself.

"Xiao Qin, hurry up and make tea, make good tea!"

Director Zhao said to the middle-aged woman.

"Don't be so troublesome, we're here to talk about things, and we'll leave right away after we finish talking."

Ye Rongrong said.

Now Ye Rongrong's mind is full of hurrying to recruit this student, so that he can complete the task of the "lazy system" earlier.

"Professor Ye, if you have anything to do, just call me directly. I will definitely deal with it for you as soon as possible. Why do you need to come here in person from such a distance?"

Director Zhao said respectfully.

"The main reason is that this matter is urgent and we need to get it done immediately, so I came here in person."

Ye Rongrong said.

After all, for some things, there will be a big difference in the outcome between coming here by yourself and sending Zhang Hua over.

Letting Zhang Hua come over to handle this matter, Director Zhao may buy his own face and pass this support application, but he will definitely not pay attention to it, and will not attach great importance to it. This efficiency will definitely be much slower.

But now I personally go to the door to handle this support application, which is a great face for Director Zhao. There is a principle in the officialdom that "everyone carries a sedan chair". Ye Rongrong gave Director Zhao such a big face. The Secretary will not understand the principle of "reciprocate favors".

"Professor Ye, what needs you to come in person?"

Director Zhao looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

"It's like this. Our Taoyuan Primary School has just been established, and we still need the support of the county education bureau. We came here mainly to apply for policy support."

Ye Rongrong said.

"What kind of support do you need?"

Director Zhao asked.

As long as it is within the scope of one's own responsibility,

Director Zhao gave it the absolute first time to approve.

"Director Zhang, give this application to Director Zhao for a look."

Ye Rongrong said to Zhang Hua.

"Director Zhao, here are our application materials!"

Zhang Hua hurriedly took out the application materials from the briefcase and handed them to Director Zhao.


In the compound of the County Education Bureau.

"Whose car is this, it even took my parking space!"

Deputy Director Wu drove to his fixed parking space, and found that his fixed parking space had been taken by someone, and his face immediately turned bad.

Although the parking spaces of the County Education Bureau did not clearly stipulate the ownership of these parking spaces, the best parking spaces were basically reserved for a few leaders in the bureau, and others were not allowed to occupy the parking spaces of the leaders.

This is an unspoken rule in the bureau. Everyone is very conscious, and will not park their cars in the best parking spaces, and take the initiative to reserve these best parking spaces for the leaders to park.

Gradually, this unspoken rule became a clear rule. Everyone knows that the parking lot is the leader's fixed parking space. No matter how tight the parking space is, they will not occupy the leader's exclusive parking space. To avoid taboo.

Over time, some leaders of the county education bureau took it for granted that this parking space was their own, and other people's cars were not allowed to park in this space.

"Director Wu, I'll ask the guard to come over and ask."

The driver who drove Deputy Director Wu said immediately.

In fact, the parking lot is very empty now, and this deputy director Wu can completely ask the driver to park the car in another empty parking space.

However, this deputy director Wu did not do this, because in the view of deputy director Wu, this person deliberately occupied his parking space. If he swallowed his anger like this, what prestige would he have in the education bureau in the future.

Will everyone be able to park this car in their own exclusive parking space in the future, and everyone will feel that they are easy to bully and don't take themselves seriously.

This is absolutely not allowed.


Deputy Director Wu nodded, agreeing that the driver would go to the guard to come and see who had the guts to park the car in his exclusive parking space.

Soon, the middle-aged guard came over. Seeing Deputy Director Wu from a distance, he hurried over and said respectfully, "Brother-in-law, did you call me?"

It turned out that the middle-aged guard was the brother-in-law of Deputy Chief Wu.

If Ye Rongrong was here, he would understand why this middle-aged guard was so arrogant, talking like he was a leader. It turned out to be a brother-in-law who was the deputy director of the county education bureau.

"Whose car is it?"

Deputy Director Wu asked, pointing to the Borui parked in his exclusive parking space.

"This car?"

The middle-aged doorman glanced at the Borui parked in his brother-in-law's exclusive parking space, and immediately felt happy.

Okay, that's really great, I didn't expect that the Borui car that broke in just now was parked in the parking space dedicated to my brother-in-law, it's really a narrow road!

Immediately the middle-aged guard was very proud, I can't take care of you, can't my brother-in-law also take care of you, my brother-in-law is the deputy director of the county education bureau, you two are here to work in the county education bureau, just let my brother-in-law take care of you .

At the very least, let your affairs fail, and get out of the county education bureau compound in despair.

"Brother-in-law, you came just in time. Just now two people drove in this car. They didn't understand the rules at all. They said they were here to do business. They didn't even want to register, so they forced their way in. I explained to him that our education The registration system in the bureau has also been scolded, brother-in-law, those two people are too disrespectful to our county education bureau..."

The middle-aged guard said emphatically.

"Where are they?"

Deputy Director Wu frowned and asked.

"I don't know, I should go into the office hall."

The middle-aged guard said.

"Director Wu, what to do with this Borui car?"

The driver who drove Deputy Director Wu asked.

"Call the DMV and ask them to come with a tow truck and take this car away."

Deputy Director Wu said coldly, and walked towards the office building.

Since this person doesn't know the rules, even the county education bureau dared to be so arrogant, barging in without registering, not only scolded his brother-in-law, but also dared to occupy his own exclusive parking space.

If you don't show any color, do you really think you are easy to bully?

"Brother-in-law, I'll call the vehicle management office to tow this car away."

The middle-aged doorman shouted excitedly to his brother-in-law who had gone away.

Damn, dare to be arrogant with me, I will make your car disappear.

Especially thinking of the anxious look of those two people who didn't take themselves seriously just now, but couldn't see the car in this parking space.

The middle-aged guard couldn't help feeling proud.

In the eyes of the middle-aged doorman, the person who drove this Borui car must be a poor man, and the car might have been bought with a loan.

This car is gone, they must be very anxious, and they will definitely ask me to come to them at that time, and see how I repair them.


"Professor Ye, there is no problem. I will sign and approve this support application now."

Director Zhao nodded and said after reading the application materials.

After all, this is not a big deal for Director Zhao, it is within his scope of power and responsibility. He is the head of the County Education Bureau, and he doesn't even need to hold a meeting to study and discuss, he can make a decision by himself.

"That's very grateful to Director Zhao."

Ye Rongrong said gratefully.

As long as Director Zhao signs it, there will be a few more attractive conditions for his enrollment.

In addition to giving recommended places to several of the best junior high schools in Yangping County, a discount of 20 points was also given to the top 20 students of Taoyuan Central Primary School in the junior high school entrance examination.

Don't underestimate these 20 points. Many parents want their children to enter a better junior high school, but they need huge sponsorship fees to get in.

If there is this 20-point bonus, a huge amount of sponsorship fees can be saved.

"It's all small things!"

With that said, Director Zhao signed the application and handed it over to Director Qin to handle the follow-up matters.

"It's time for us to say goodbye."

Ye Rongrong stood up and said.

"Professor Ye, sit down for a while!"

Director Zhao immediately asked to stay and said.

"No, there is something else to do."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Then I'll see you off!"

Director Zhao said.

"no, I'm fine!"

"This is what it should be. If you don't let me send it, I will feel uneasy."



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