? "Who is who? Let our director personally accompany you? From the look of our director, it seems that we are still trying to please the other party."

"I don't know, but this person looks familiar, maybe the leader of the county or city?"

"You are a leader at such a young age?"

"There are many young cadres now. Don't you know that there is a policy requiring cadres to be younger?"

"I'm also very young. Why can't I become a cadre or a leader? This person is probably a related family."

"It's very possible!"


Along the way, many staff members of the Education Bureau saw that the director who was usually casual in his own words and smiles accompanied a young man with a smile on his face, and everyone immediately started talking in low voices.

Walking to the entrance of the building, Ye Rongrong pointed to where his Borui car was parked and said to Director Ma and the others: "No need to send it away, my car is right there..."

But before Ye Rongrong finished speaking, he suddenly froze.

"Principal, our car is gone!"

Zhang Hua whispered to Ye Rongrong.

"I saw."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

My car is Borui, which is easy to recognize, but the car parked in that parking space is not my Borui, but a black Audi A4.

My own Borui car is not parked in this parking lot near the office building at all.

What is the situation, Ye Rongrong was also a little confused for a moment.

"Professor Ye, Professor Ye, what's wrong?"

Director Zhao naturally saw the change in Ye Rongrong's expression and asked suspiciously.

"My car is gone!"

Ye Rongrong said.

With such a big car, Ye Rongrong believed that it would not disappear out of thin air for no reason. Ye Rongrong felt that it was either stolen or moved away.

No matter what the reason is, it was lost in the compound of the County Education Bureau. Ye Rongrong can only ask Director Zhao to help investigate this matter.

If the Borui car was stolen by a thief, the thief would be too courageous.

"Professor Ye, where did you park the car just now, I'll have someone check the surveillance."

Hearing that Ye Rongrong's car was parked in the yard of the Education Bureau and disappeared, Director Zhao was frightened.

After all, if Professor Ye's car was really stolen in his education bureau, he, the director of the bureau, would be more responsible. If it got to the ears of the county leaders, he would be the director of the education bureau. .

"My car was parked next to that black Audi A4 just now."

Ye Rongrong pointed to the black Audi A4 car and said.

"Stop there?"

Director Zhao couldn't help being stunned. Those parking spaces are usually reserved for the leaders of the bureau, and the Audi A4 that Ye Rongrong pointed at was the private car of Deputy Director Wu Xin.

"What? Is there a problem?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Director Zhao suspiciously and asked.

"No... no problem."

Director Zhao immediately shook his head and said.

After finishing speaking, Director Zhao said unhappily to Director Qin beside him: "Call the doorman over, how does he work as a doorman, such a big car, if he can't see it, he will disappear, what does this doorman do?"

"I'll call the guard room right now."

After Director Qin finished speaking, he called the duty room at the door.


About a minute or two later, the middle-aged guard came over. When he saw Director Ma, he immediately ran over and respectfully said to Director Ma, "Hi Director, are you looking for me?"

"Did you see a Borui driving out?"

Director Ma asked.

"Borui car?"

The middle-aged guard was stunned for a moment, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, because a Borui car drove into the yard today, and now he called a tow truck to tow it away.

that's not the point,

The point is that at this time the middle-aged guard noticed Ye Rongyao and the others standing beside Director Ma, and his legs became weak from fright.

It never occurred to them that these two poor bastards who drove Borui knew Director Zhao.

"Where did the white Borui car parked in this parking space just now go?"

Director Zhao pointed to the parking space where the black Audi A4 was parked.

"That...that car..."

The middle-aged guard was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

"You didn't take my car away, did you?"

Seeing the middle-aged guard turned pale with fright, Ye Rongrong couldn't utter a complete sentence for a long time, without guessing, he knew that his Borui car was missing, and it must have something to do with the middle-aged guard.

Probably because he forced his way in, the middle-aged guard ordered his Borui car to be taken away in order to retaliate against him.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Director Zhao looked at the middle-aged guard coldly and said.

Looking at the appearance of the middle-aged guard, Director Zhao understood that 99% of the disappearance of Bai Borui had something to do with the middle-aged guard.

"That Borui was... pulled to the vehicle management office by a tow truck!"

The middle-aged guard said tremblingly.

Now this middle-aged guard hates Ye Rongyao and the others to death. If you had said that you knew Mr. Chief, how would you dare to stop you!

"Towed away by a tow truck? Who gave you the courage to tow this car away!"

When Director Ma heard that Professor Ye's car was towed to the vehicle management office by a tow truck, he immediately became furious.

This shit is pushing himself into the fire pit!

If Professor Ye mentioned this matter to the leaders of the county party committee, his own future would be affected.

"Yes...it's what Deputy Director Wu meant!"

The middle-aged guard said hurriedly.

The middle-aged guard didn't dare to resist this matter, and hastily sold out his brother-in-law.

In the eyes of the middle-aged guard, his brother-in-law is also the deputy director of the Education Bureau, and in terms of rank, he is only a little lower than Director Zhao. Director Zhao can't do anything to his brother-in-law.

"What does Wu Qiang mean?"

Director Ma was stunned. Immediately understood, it must be that Wu Qiang was upset when he saw Professor Ye's car parked in his parking space, so he called a tow truck to tow Professor Ye's car away.

On weekdays, Deputy Director Wu relied on his background in the county party committee, so it was fine to be arrogant in the county education bureau, but this time he dared to call Professor Ye's car tow truck to the vehicle management office, it was courting death.

This time, even Wu Qiang's backer in the county committee dared not speak well of him.

"Director Qin, you send someone to the vehicle management office to bring Professor Ye's car back immediately."

Director Ma immediately explained to the middle-aged woman beside him.

"Professor Ye, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Director Ma blushed and said to Ye Rongrong in embarrassment.

In any case, for what happened in the courtyard of the County Education Bureau, the director himself cannot escape the blame.


Ye Rongrong sneered twice, but didn't say anything.

Is it too late to say "I'm sorry"?

Ye Rongrong didn't think this would be enough.

My car didn't stop at the illegal parking spot, but was parked in the parking lot of the county education bureau compound, why should I drag my car to the vehicle management office.

Which traffic regulation did you violate?

If I don't give myself an explanation today, Ye Rongrong still won't leave!

"Xiao Liu, are you sure that car belongs to Wu Qiang?"

Director Zhao obviously felt Ye Rongrong's dissatisfaction, frowned, and asked a young man beside him.

No matter what, today's matter must be handled to satisfy Professor Ye.

"That black Audi A4 is Deputy Director Wu's private car."

Xiao Liu nodded and said.

In the entire compound of the County Education Bureau, there was only such a black Audi car, which belonged to Deputy Director Wu. This young man would never admit it wrong, after all, he still had the license plate number.

"Immediately find a few people to come over and smash this and that car!"

Director Zhao said.


This "Xiao Liu" stared straight at Director Zhao, completely stunned.

Did I hear wrong?

The director actually asked himself to find someone to smash the car of deputy director Wu?

This is so unbelievable!

"Didn't you hear clearly? I told you to find someone to smash this black Audi A4 for me."

Seeing "Xiao Liu" stupidly refusing to call for someone, Director Zhao suddenly said unhappily.

"Oh, I... I'll go right away!"

After recovering, "Xiao Liu" hurriedly responded.

It seems that it's not that I heard it wrong, but that the director really wants to find someone to smash Deputy Director Wu's black Audi A4 car.

"Director Zhao, don't do this!"

Ye Rongrong didn't expect Director Zhao's reaction to be so violent that he wanted to smash the Audi A4.

"Professor Ye, don't worry about this matter. If I don't vent your anger on you today, I won't do it."

Director Zhao said respectfully to Ye Rongrong.

In fact, Director Zhao has opinions on Wu Qiang on weekdays. Because of his connections in the county party committee, Wu Qiang has contradicted Director Zhao many times and formed cliques, which made Director Zhao very unhappy.

It's just that Director Zhao has been helpless with this Wu Qiang. After all, in terms of rank, Director Zhao is half a grade higher than Wu Qiang, the difference is not too big, and he doesn't have much control over this Wu Qiang. .

In addition, Wu Qiang has a lot of connections in the county party committee. Although Director Zhao has been trying to transfer Wu Qiang away, he has not succeeded.

This time, with the help of Professor Ye, Director Zhao wanted to show off to Wu Qiang.


Since Director Zhao was so eager to vent his anger on himself, Ye Rongrong was naturally happy, how could he stop him.

Just said a few words just now.

If it's true, Director Zhao's EQ is too worrying.

Soon, the young man brought seven strong young men over.

"You go and smash that black Audi A4 to pieces."

Seeing people coming, Director Zhao immediately explained to the seven people.

"Smash... smash the car?"

Several young men were dumbfounded.

This director let me smash the black Audi A4 car, he didn't have a fever, did he?

That was Deputy Director Wu's car. No one in the county education bureau's compound would recognize it.

If this smashed Deputy Director Wu's car, wouldn't that offend Deputy Director Wu to death?

Could it be that the relationship between Director Zhao and Deputy Director Wu has reached the point where fire and water are incompatible?


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