The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1620 Wu Qiang is angry

?By the time Wu Qiang ran out of the office building angrily, his black Audi A4 car had been smashed into a pile of scrap metal. Even if it was brought back to the car manufacturer, it could only be sold as scrap metal. up.

Seeing this scene, Wu Qiang almost fainted out of breath.

"You are courting death!"

Wu Qiang turned pale with anger, rushed over, grabbed the collar of a young man who smashed a car and said angrily.

"Wu...Director Wu,'s not that I want to smash your car, it''s the order of Director Zhao!"

The young man who was caught by Wu Qiang's collar tremblingly pointed to the door of the office building and said to Wu Qiang.

After all, it can be seen from Deputy Director Wu's eyes that he wants to kill someone.

"The director's order?"

Wu Qiang was stunned for a moment, and when he looked back, he did see Director Zhao and a group of people standing at the door of the office building watching.

Immediately, Wu Qiang somewhat believed the young man's words.

After all, my car was smashed under Director Zhao's nose. Without his order, how could these staff dare to smash their car.

"Zhao Gang, what do you mean?"

Wu Qiang ran over angrily and asked Director Zhao angrily.

"Hmph! You can ask someone to move Professor Ye's car away, why can't I smash your car!"

Anyway, it's all like this, this enmity can't be resolved, Director Zhao responded unceremoniously.

Now that so many people are watching, if I, the director, is suppressed by Wu Qiang, the deputy director, what prestige will I have in the future, and I will not be made fun of by outsiders.

So no matter whether there is reason or not, I just can't back down.

The most important thing is that Professor Ye is still watching from the sidelines, so I can't admit being cowardly.

Anyway, with Professor Ye as his backing, Director Zhao is not afraid of Deputy Director Wu's backer.

Others don't know who the backstage of Deputy Director Wu is, how can I not know? Isn't it that the executive deputy county magistrate is Wu Qiang's classmate?

This matter involves Professor Ye. I believe that Wu Qiang's backstage is as far away as possible, and he will not get involved in this matter.

"Grass, then you go to die!"

At this time, Wu Qiang didn't care about the relationship between superiors and subordinates anymore, and stretched out his hand to push Zhao Gang's shoulder vigorously.

"Director Wu!"

"Director Wu, calm down, calm down!"

Several staff members on the side hurriedly stopped Wu Qiang and tried to persuade him, fearing that something might happen.

What is this really called?

What kind of place is the Education Bureau?

Zhao Gang's shoulders were pushed to one side, and he was also angry. He said to Wu Qiang angrily, "Ha, fight with me? Don't even ask. No one dares to fight with me yet. Try pushing me again!"

"Director Zhao!"

"Director Wu!"

"Everyone calm down! Calm down!"

"Everyone is a leader, pay attention to the influence!"

"If you have something, please sit down and talk about it! Don't do anything!"

When everyone saw that this posture was not good, they quickly persuaded them to fight.

But Wu Qiang was provoked by Zhao Gang, and he slapped him up again, this time pushing Zhao Gang's chest!

Pushing, it's considered pushing and shoving, it's normal when quarreling, but for Zhao Gang, this is enough, what Zhao Gang lacks now is a reason.

"Everyone saw it, he was the one who hit me first!"

After Zhao Gang finished speaking, he immediately swung his fist at Wu Qiang.

Wu Qiang wanted to dodge, but he was pulled by the crowd, and he had no time to dodge, watching Zhao Gang's fist hit him in the face.

"Go to hell with me!"

After being punched by Zhao Gang, Wu Qiang became angry, struggled to get away from others holding his hand, and attacked Zhao Gang with his fist.

According to age, Wu Qiang is ten years younger than Zhao Gang.

This body is also much stronger than Zhao Gang's. In a real fight, Zhao Gang is really not Wu Qiang's opponent.

No, Wu Qiang's fist struck quickly, and Zhao Gang was shocked.

Originally, Wu Qiang was held back and couldn't move, Zhao Gang had the upper hand, but now that Wu Qiang broke free, Zhao Gang knew himself, he was not Wu Qiang's opponent at all.

At this moment, Ye Rongrong moved his body and flashed his right foot. Before others could see clearly, they only saw the shadow of a thigh walking over!


The next moment, there was a scream, and Wu Qiang's expression twisted for a moment. He was kicked away by Ye Rongrong under everyone's stunned eyes!

I was really kicked away!

It flew five or six meters away!



Everyone was stunned by Ye Rongrong's kick. Seeing Wu Qiang's body flying in mid-air, many people looked in disbelief.

This kind of picture, which is seen in TV dramas, is basically the result of special effects, and I have never seen it in reality!

Today everyone is an eye-opener!

What strength is this man!

This kick is too powerful, right? It was able to kick a 150-60-pound man into the sky.

Everyone watched Wu Qiang fly on the concrete floor five meters away.


With a sound of landing, Wu Qiang's whole body fell to the ground.


Wu Qiang clutched his stomach and screamed!

"Director Wu!"

"Beat someone! Beat someone!"

"Why do you hit someone, you?"

"Who are you, you dare to hit us Director Wu!"

Seeing Deputy Director Wu being kicked away by Ye Rongrong, Wu Qiang's cronies jumped out immediately, some shouted at Ye Rongrong, others rushed up to support Deputy Director Wu, and kept asking if he was okay.

Director Zhao and Deputy Director Wu were fighting, and everyone was embarrassed to help, after all, it was a matter between the leaders.

But Ye Rongrong, an outsider, went out to beat Deputy Director Wu, and these trusted associates of Deputy Director Wu naturally quit.

Letting outsiders bully my leader will make my own face ashamed!

"What? Just let him take advantage of his youth and strength to bully Director Zhao, and I won't allow me to see injustice!"

Ye Rongrong said lightly.

That look was like he had done a good deed, which made sense.

Why beat someone?

Dare to move my car! I'm going to beat you!

Don't talk about you, Deputy Director Wu! Even Wu Sangui is useless to you!

After speaking, Ye Rongrong took out a piece of chewing gum from his pocket and chewed it in his mouth. His expression was still calm, and he didn't feel that he had caused a catastrophe at all. The people around him were also breathing heavily.

This person is too arrogant. In the compound of the county education bureau, he dared to beat up the deputy director of the education bureau. It really seems that there are no men in the education bureau.

In fact, Ye Rongrong also has a sense of proportion in his heart. After all, he has no deep hatred with Deputy Director Wu, so Ye Rongrong also controlled some strength with his feet. It's meat, and it can't cause any fractures or other serious injuries.

As a genius doctor, Ye Rongrong is very good at controlling this point, making the other party hurt, but not seriously hurting the other party.

Anyway, Deputy Director Wu's Audi A4 car was smashed to pieces, and Ye Rongrong's anger was also released, and this kick was considered merciful.

Hearing Ye Rongrong's words, everyone downstairs was blown up!

Especially the staff upstairs watching the excitement, some even almost fell out of the window in surprise, but fortunately they were supported by someone!

"I'll go, this person is too arrogant!"

"If you hit our deputy director, he's justified!"

"Is he thinking that the compound of our County Education Bureau is deserted?"

"Is it tolerable or unbearable!"


Suddenly, many people in the County Education Bureau were dissatisfied with Ye Rongrong, and some even wanted to stand up for Deputy Director Wu and teach Ye Rongrong a good lesson.

"It's a bad thing!"

Seeing that everyone looked at Ye Rongrong with unkind eyes, Zhao Gang immediately felt uneasy.

After all, none of the people below me knew the identity of Ye Rongrong, so it would be troublesome if anyone impulsively hurt Professor Ye.

"Everyone, don't be impulsive, stop for me!"

Zhao Gang immediately stepped in front of Ye Rongrong, and shouted to several of Wu Qiang's cronies who were approaching him.

Professor Ye must not make any mistakes in his own county education bureau compound.

Otherwise, it would not be as simple as throwing away the black hat.

"Director, you..."

Everyone didn't expect Director Zhao to protect the person who beat Deputy Director Wu so much, and they were suddenly dissatisfied.

What happened to Chief Zhao?

Isn't it chilling for everyone to help outsiders bully their own people?

You ordered people to smash Deputy Director Wu's Audi car, and Deputy Director Wu came down to reason, because he was a little impulsive, but he couldn't be beaten by outsiders in vain.

At this time, Wu Qiang had recovered a little bit, and stood up from the ground while holding his stomach, and when he heard that Zhao Gang was protecting the person who beat him, he became very angry, pointed at Zhao Gang and shouted furiously: "Okay!" Zhao Gang! Today was premeditated, and I deserve to be bullied?"

"Wu Qiang, I'm doing this for your own good!"

Zhao Gang looked at Wu Qiang coldly and said.

"For my own good? For my own good, let people smash my car. For my own good, let people plot against me. Very good, very good!"

Wu Qiang said angrily.

Now Wu Qiang is really mad and angry. His car was smashed into pieces in front of so many people, and he was beaten into a dog. How could this make his face hang? Gotta live!

This Zhao Gang even shamelessly said it was for his own good!

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people, who bullied me like this, yet he can still say such shameless words.

Cao Nima, I will never live with this Zhao Gang from now on!

Although Wu Qiang was very angry, he still hadn't lost his mind. He knew that this was not the time to settle accounts with Zhao Gang, but to settle accounts with the person who plotted against him just now.

When Wu Qiang looked at Ye Rongrong, his eyes could become angry!

"What do you mean? Do you want to fight with me? All right, come on!"

Ye Rongrong felt like going back to when he was young. At that time, fighting was a common occurrence for Ye Rongrong.


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