The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1621 Slander


Seeing Ye Rongrong's tall and mighty physique, Wu Qiang breathed out his heart to fight Ye Rongrong alone, he really couldn't beat it!

"Beat him to death, I am responsible for killing people!"

Wu Qiang didn't dare to face Ye Rongrong by himself, but this is Wu Qiang's territory, although Wu Qiang's popularity is not very good, but there are still many cronies under his command.

Following Wu Qiang's shout, more than a dozen men were ready to attack Ye Rongrong.

"Whoever dares to touch him, I will tell anyone to leave tomorrow!"

Zhao Gang shouted immediately!

A group of men who were about to attack Ye Rongrong couldn't help but pause. After all, what Director Zhao said didn't look like he was joking.

In terms of authority, Director Zhao is the official director after all. This power is much greater than that of Deputy Director Wu, and he also holds the power of personnel.

Everyone doesn't want to lose their jobs.

Now these people have the taste of sandwich biscuits, neither left nor right!

It's really a fight between gods and fish in the pond!

Ye Rongrong also looked at Director Zhao in surprise, he really didn't expect that Director Zhao would protect him so much.

This guy is nice!

Ye Rongrong thought to himself.

"Zhao Gang, you are determined to fight me to the death!"

Wu Qiang said angrily.

"Anyway, don't even try to hurt Professor Ye!"

Zhao Gang said in a confrontational manner.

"Don't even say a few words!"

"Don't do it! How decent! Do you still look like a leading cadre!"

"What's the matter with you? We are all comrades in the same team. If there is any conflict, it is necessary to fight."

"Everyone calm down, calm down!"


Soon the other leaders of the county's education bureau rushed over, and hurriedly grabbed the two of them and tried to persuade them.

"Old Leng, I can't calm down, this bastard has someone smashing my Audi car, I can't swallow this breath for the rest of my life!"

Wu Qiang said to a veteran cadre who was pulling him.

"Whoever you call a bastard, try another sentence!"

Zhao Gang immediately shouted in dissatisfaction.

"You all don't say a few words, what's going on?"

The old cadre known as "Old Leng" frowned and asked.

On weekdays, Director Zhao and Deputy Director Wu had conflicts, and everyone was aware of it, but we were all leading cadres, and if we knew what to do, it was nothing more than bickering.

Like this time, smashing cars and fighting again, this is too much.

Where is the image of a national cadre!

"Who asked him to call a tow truck to move Professor Ye's car away."

Zhao Gang said angrily.

The cause of all this was caused by Wu Qiang first. If he hadn't called a trailer to tow Professor Ye's car away, there would not have been so many things.

"Professor Ye?"

Immediately, many people didn't understand. Where did this "Professor Ye" come from?

And who is this "Professor Ye" who can actually make the two directors of the Education Bureau fight with each other.


Just when Zhao Gang was about to introduce Ye Rongrong to everyone, a police car drove into the compound of the Education Bureau.

After all, such a big thing happened, and the car was smashed. Naturally, enthusiastic people helped to call the police.

After receiving the report, the police station dispatched the police as soon as possible. After all, there was a car smashing incident in the Education Bureau compound.

"Who... who called the police!"

The police car stopped, and four policemen got out of the police car. One of them turned on the body camera and started recording.

Now the police department of South Zhejiang Province has regulations that the police must use the recorder to truthfully record the whole process of the police when they dispatch the police, and hand over the data of the day to the designated personnel for safekeeping within 24 hours.

According to the system settings, the police cannot delete any recorded information.

This can ensure that law enforcement officers enforce the law fairly and impartially, avoid the appearance of brutal law enforcement, and facilitate on-site evidence collection.

"Director Ma, you guys came just in time. My car was smashed up, and you have to deal with it fairly."

Wu Qiang said to the middle-aged policeman who came over.

After all, they all belong to the official circles of Yangping County, and the Education Bureau compound belongs to the jurisdiction of this police station. Wu Qiang naturally knows Director Ma.

"Director Wu, I've seen it all. Who has the guts to smash your car in the Education Bureau compound in broad daylight?"

In the car just now, Director Ma noticed the smashed black Audi.

How much hatred is this, to smash Wu Qiang's car like that.

"The murderer is him!"

Wu Qiang pointed to Zhao Gang and said to Director Ma.

"Zhao...Director Zhao! Director Wu, you are taking a big joke. How could Director Zhao smash your car!"

Director Ma saw that the person Wu Qiang was referring to was Zhao Gang, director of the County Education Bureau, and immediately said in disbelief.

No matter how big the conflict between Director Zhao and Wu Qiang is, they wouldn't do such absurd things.

"Director Ma, it's Zhao Gang who ordered someone to smash up my car. If you don't believe me, investigate."

Wu Qiang said.

"Director Zhao, what Director Wu said is..."

When Director Ma said this, he was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that he walked towards Zhao Gang excitedly.

Just when many people thought Director Ma was going to talk to Director Zhao, Director Ma walked past Director Zhao and said excitedly, "Mr. Ye, why are you here?"

"You are?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the middle-aged man with some doubts and asked.

The main reason is that Ye Rongrong really can't remember where he saw this middle-aged policeman.

"I'm Ma Zhizhi. I used to work in the county police station. I had the honor to meet Mr. Ye a few times."

Director Ma said excitedly.

The "Mr. Ye" in front of him is a big shot, and he is a major general. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the relationship between this "Mr. Ye" and his Director Wang is a close friend.

As Director Wang's confidant, he was naturally excited to see Ye Rongrong.

If this "Mr. Ye" can give himself a few good words in front of the director, he will be promoted.

I heard that Wang Daming's promotion to the city police station was due to the kind words of "Mr. Ye".

Now that I have the opportunity to meet this "Mr. Ye", Director Ma is naturally excited.


Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Among the government agencies of Yangping County, Ye Rongrong is most familiar with the police department, after all, he has a lot to deal with!

"Who is this person? How can our director general protect him like this, and director Ma treat him so respectfully?"

"I don't know, I've never seen it before!"

"I think this person looks familiar, but I just can't remember where I saw him."

"It's okay if you don't say it. I feel the same way when you say it. I also look familiar with this person!"

"To make Director Ma so respectful, and to make Director Zhao dare to smash Director Wu's car for him, this person's identity is definitely not simple."

"Nonsense, you don't need to talk about it, you don't know who he is?"

"Wait...wait...Mr. Ye...Professor Ye? Could it be him? Yes...yes, it's him. Why do I look so familiar?"

A staff member suddenly remembered a person.

"Do you know who he is?"

Suddenly, the people next to the staff member asked curiously.

"Think about who is the best in our Yangping County now, and you will be able to think who he is."

said the staff member.

"The most awesome person? Surnamed Ye, could it be him?"

"Damn, how could I have forgotten such a big Buddha!"


Soon, some spectators suddenly remembered who this "Mr. Ye" was.

"Director Ma, just now this person sneaked up on me and wounded me. The wound on my body was caused by him."

Seeing Director Ma approaching Ye Rongrong as soon as he came up, Wu Qiang pointed to the scraped wound on his arm and said loudly to Director Ma dissatisfied.

Although from Director Ma's attitude towards the person who attacked him, Wu Qiang understood that the identity of the person who attacked him just now is not simple.

But think about it, my old classmate is the deputy magistrate of the Standing Committee of the county party committee, and he is my best buddy, so Wu Qiang has no worries.

"Director Wu, are you kidding me, Mr. Ye is such a respected person, how could he sneak attack you!"

Director Ma looked at Wu Qiang coldly and said.

In this matter, Director Ma naturally stood on Ye Rongrong's side.

In Director Ma's opinion, Ye Rongrong is a well-known figure in the world, a person of great status, how could he do such a sneak attack.

It must be Wu Qiang talking nonsense.

"Director Ma, what do you mean by favoring him?"

Wu Qiang did not expect that Director Ma would stand on the other side without principle.

"I'm telling the truth! Mr. Ye won't do such things as sneak attacks. If you continue to talk like this, I have the right to take you to the police station and charge you for slander!"

Director Ma looked at Wu Qiang coldly and said.

Who is "Mr. Ye"? He is the winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine, he is the pride of the country, and he is also a senior official in Huaxia.

With the skill of "Mr. Ye", is there still a need to sneak attack you Wu Qiang?

"Mr. Ye" can beat you with one finger!


Hearing Director Ma's words, Wu Qiang opened his mouth wide, unable to make a sound in surprise.

What does the director of the horse mean?

Want to grab yourself?

Charge yourself a defamation charge?

What's happening here?

Could it be...?

Thinking of this, Wu Qiang broke into a cold sweat.

Wu Qiang, who was dazzled by anger, calmed down and his mind became clear again!

Although he and this Zhao Gang do not deal with each other on weekdays, it is impossible for Zhao Gang to smash his own car into pieces, but today he has someone tow away this "Mr. Ye"'s car because of himself. He didn't hesitate to form a deep hatred with himself, and smashed his Audi car to pieces to vent his anger on this "Mr. Ye".

What does this mean?

This shows that the identity of this "Mr. Ye" is worthy of Zhao Gang's actions.

This reminded Wu Qiang of a certain important person in Yangping County.

Wu Qiang broke out in a cold sweat when he thought that he had actually towed away this important man's car.


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