The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1630 Poor students

"Professor Ye, can Zhiyun's illness still be cured?"

Zhao Mili looked at Ye Rongrong nervously and asked.


Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Although Lin Zhiyun had reached the late stage of AIDS, Ye Rongrong was still sure of curing the AIDS disease, it was just a little troublesome.

"That's great!"

When Ye Rongrong said that Lin Zhiyun's illness could be cured, Zhao Mili jumped up happily.

"Tomorrow we will arrange for Taoyuan Community Hospital to send a car to take her to Taoyuan Community Hospital for treatment. The environment here is not suitable for treating her disease, but she is in a very bad mood now. It will be convenient for you to do ideological work and stabilize your mood. Transfer her to the hospital for treatment."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Well, we'll do her mindwork well."

Zhao Mili said.

After returning to Jiang Xiaoqi's office, knowing that Ye Rongrong could cure Lin Zhiyun's illness, Jiang Xiaoqi's family was very happy, and they kept saying hurry up to Ye Rongrong.

Because the number of enrollment tasks required has not been met, and Ye Rongrong didn't stay in the "Sunshine Children's Home" for a long time, he took people out of the "Sunshine Children's Home".

As for Lin Zhiyun, who is in the late stage of AIDS, after Jiang Xiaoqi's family has mentally prepared Lin Zhiyun, they can arrange for an ambulance from Taoyuan Community Hospital to pick her up tomorrow.

Although Taoyuan Community Hospital is just a rural hospital, the facilities of the entire hospital are no worse than those of county-level hospitals. There is a special isolation ward for highly infectious diseases, so there is no need to worry that there is no place to house Lin Zhiyun.

If it was in the past, Ye Rongrong might have been helpless for this late-stage AIDS patient, but now Ye Rongrong's medical skills are advanced, and it is no longer difficult to treat late-stage AIDS patients.

"Brother Glory, shall we go back?"

In the car, Xiao Si'er looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"No, go to Xujia Village."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

Now the number of students enrolled is still three short, and Ye Rongrong must make up for these three students.


Xiao Si'er didn't ask any more questions, and drove to Xujia Village. Anyway, Xujia Village is on the outskirts of the county, and it's not very far away.

Ten minutes later, the car drove into Xujia Village.

Compared with the prosperity of the county seat, Xujia Village in the suburbs is much dilapidated, basically old-fashioned houses built in the last century.

Because many people have moved to the county town, this Xujia Village is the same as the previous Taoyuan Village, dilapidated, and more than half of the houses are no longer inhabited.

Weeds were growing in front of many houses, and some houses were even dilapidated and half collapsed, completely uninhabitable.

The people in the village I saw along the way were either old people or migrant workers.

It's a hunch, a local instinct.

Because the way of dressing is different in different places, local people can tell at a glance whether they are migrant workers from other places.

Now people are used to distinguish between locals and outsiders based on a city as a unit. People who are not in this city are called outsiders.

"Where does little Xu Mengjie live?"

Parking by the side of an old house, Ye Rongrong asked a group of old people sitting under the eaves to enjoy the shade.

Like many villages, young people work outside for a long time, and they don’t know much about the people in their own village, or many people in the village don’t know them. They all know that it is best to ask these old people if they want to ask people.

"Xu Mengjie? Are you talking about the girl from Xu's family?"

An old man looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"Is the third Xu's name Xu Zhiya?"

Ye Rongrong asked.


It should be him! "

The old man nodded and said.

"That's right, I'm looking for their home!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"His house is the innermost one. Go straight along this road, and the house on the side of the mountain is his."

The old man walked straight ahead and said.



The car drove forward along the concrete road, and soon arrived at a dilapidated house on the side of the mountain that the old man had just mentioned.

This is a very old-fashioned wooden house. When Ye Rongrong was young, he often saw it. Now it is basically listed as a dangerous house and has been demolished.

Ye Rongrong didn't expect to see people still living in this kind of old-fashioned buildings decades ago in the suburbs of the county seat.

This is very dangerous, and it is prone to collapse safety hazards.

"Let's get out of the car!"

Ye Rongrong opened the car door and said.

A group of people walked towards the old wooden house along the path.

Walking to the front of the wooden house, I saw a six or seven-year-old girl washing clothes.

Seeing Ye Rongrong and his group approaching, the little girl raised her head and looked at Ye Rongrong and the others vigilantly.

"Excuse me, is Xu Mengjie at home?"

Ye Rongrong asked the little girl with a smile.

Seeing the clothes full of clothes in front of the little girl, some of which were grown-up clothes, Ye Rongrong couldn't help but sigh with emotion, it's really a child from a poor family who is already in charge.

Many people's six or seven-year-old children have to be dressed by their family members, but the little girl in front of him has started working for the family at such a young age.

"Sister, someone is looking for you!"

The little girl yelled loudly into the room.

"Who is looking for me?"

A childish voice came out of the room, and soon a little girl came out of the room. This girl was very thin, with exquisite facial features, a pair of watery eyes, a small nose under the eyes, and a small nose under the nose. Cute little cherry mouth.

"Are you Xu Mengjie?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the ten-year-old girl and asked.

"Well, who are you?"

Xu Mengjie looked at Ye Rongrong and the others warily and asked.

After all, few people visit her home, and Xu Mengjie is very sure that she doesn't know the brightly dressed people in front of her.

Xu Mengjie has always been very wary of strangers.

"Hello, I'm the principal of Taoyuan Primary School. I have something to do with your parents."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Then come in!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong and the others didn't look like bad guys, Xu Mengjie thought for a while and said.

Ye Rongrong and his group followed Xu Mengjie into the wooden house. The lighting in this wooden house is not very good, because there is no light, the room is a little dark.

In the room, a woman in her early thirties was lying on the bed. When she saw Ye Guangrong, she came and tried to get up, but she was too weak to get out of bed.

Ye Rongrong looked at the woman's appearance and found that although Xu Mengjie's mother had a sick face, she was obviously not too old, probably in her early thirties at most.

Although the woman was haggard, it could still be seen that her original appearance was not bad.

"Mom, I'll help you!"

Xu Mengjie hurried over to help her mother sit up from the bed.

"There are guests at home, it's a mess, Meng Jie quickly move a stool for the guests to sit on!"

The woman sat up and said.

"You're welcome, we'll do it ourselves."

As Ye Rongrong said, he moved a stool and sat down.

"I am really grateful to the government, who often come to our house to condolences, which makes us really..."

This woman regarded Ye Rongrong and the others as government personnel.

Now the state stipulates that local government departments should pay more attention to poor families, so there are more people from the government departments who come to Xu’s house. Although they don’t help much, they often send dozens of catties of rice and some golden dragon oil. , Sometimes giving a hundred and eighty yuan is already a timely rain for the Xu family.

"Sister, we are not government workers."

Ye Rongrong said to the woman.

Because this woman is not a few years older than himself, Ye Rongrong called her eldest sister.

"Not from a government department?"

The woman couldn't help but froze.

After all, except for people from the government departments in the town, basically there would not be so many well-dressed people coming to my house.

"Sister, we are from Taoyuan Primary School, and this is Principal Ye of our school."

Hu Lili introduced to this woman.

"Hello, Principal Ye!"

The woman did not expect that the person who came to her home today was the principal of an elementary school.

"Sister, I came here to let your family, Xu Mengjie, come to our school to study. I have seen your eldest daughter's academic performance. It is very good. Every time she can get into the top three of her grade, it is really a shame that she does not study anymore. What a pity."

Ye Rongrong smiled kindly and said to the woman.

"It's all because of my body, I'm the one who hurt the children, woo woo woo..."

Saying this, the woman couldn't help crying.

"Mom, I don't want to study!"

Xu Mengjie hugged her mother and said.

Although this Xu Mengjie was young, she already had the fortitude of an adult.

"Sister, where's your husband?"

Zhao Wenwen asked suspiciously.

"My dad is there!"

Xu Mengjie pointed to the photos hanging on the wall and said.

"Ah... I don't know, I'm really sorry!"

Only then did Zhao Wenwen notice a posthumous photo of a middle-aged man hanging on the wall.

"Sister, our Taoyuan Primary School is a newly established primary school. We have support policies for poor families. When your daughter goes to our Taoyuan Primary School, all the expenses will be borne by the school."

Ye Rongrong said.

"I don't study, let my sister study, I will take care of my mother at home!"

Xu Mengjie shook her head and said firmly.

"Silly girl, how can you not study."

The woman looked at her daughter tenderly and said.

"Mom, I'm going to study, what do you do? Who will take care of you."

Xu Mengjie said.


Thinking of her own body, the woman could not help but sigh.

"Sister, before I came here, I basically understood the situation of your family. Let me tell you this, as long as your two daughters are studying in Taoyuan Primary School, your family can live in the dormitory of Taoyuan Primary School. Everything in your family I will be responsible for the expenses, including your medical expenses, what do you think?"

This warm scene is easy to make people cry, Ye Rongrong couldn't bear to watch such a warm scene, and said.


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