The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1631 Reliance


Ye Rongrong nodded and said affirmatively.

"Principal Ye, your great kindness will never be forgotten by our mother and daughter, and we will repay you."

the woman said excitedly.

To be honest, the woman doesn't care about herself, but her two poor children are the most worrying thing for the woman. She didn't think that there are many good-hearted people in this world.

"As long as your daughter studies hard and gets good grades in the exam, that is the best gratitude to me."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"I will work very hard."

Xu Mengjie looked at Ye Rongrong gratefully and said,

In fact, Xu Mengjie has always wanted to take her mother to see a doctor in a big city, but her poor family has no money to send her mother to see a doctor.

Although the town provides subsistence allowances for my family, the money is not enough for my family's usual living expenses. On weekdays, I and my sister go out to check plastic bottles and sell them to supplement the family.

This time finally a kind person is willing to help his family.

This made Xu Mengjie very excited.

"Eldest sister, I don't think you are much older than me. I don't know what is your last name?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the woman and asked.

"My surname is He, and my name is He Lingfei."

The woman said to Ye Rongrong.

"He Lingfei, that's a nice name. You can tell from the name that the elder sister must have been very beautiful when she was young."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"It's old, how beautiful it is!"

He Lingfei said with a blushing face.

In fact, when she was young, He Lingfei was really very beautiful, she was a well-known beauty in the neighborhood, but it's a pity that her beauty was so bumpy.

"Meng Jie, why are you staring at me?"

Seeing Xu Mengjie staring at him vigilantly, Ye Rongrong turned his head and said with a smile.


Xu Mengjie said nervously.

"Hehe, are you worried that I'm a liar?"

Ye Rongrong understood what Xu Mengjie was worried about.

It seems that this is a very vigilant girl.

"I didn't say it, you said it yourself."

Xu Mengjie stared at Ye Rongrong and said.

It wasn't that Xu Mengjie wanted to be suspicious, it was just that there were too many scammers now, and no kind-hearted people came to the door for such a long time. Suddenly, a group of kind-hearted people came to send her sisters to school, and paid for her mother's medical treatment.

There will be no pies in the sky for no reason, and some are basically liars.

You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others!

Now that she is the only pillar of the family, Xu Mengjie has to be careful.

"Hehe, not bad, not bad, very vigilant!"

Ye Rongrong said in admiration.

He will not be given preferential treatment by superficial interests. From Ye Rongrong's point of view, this Xu Mengjie will definitely be someone in the future.

"Principal Ye, don't take children's words to heart."

He Lingfei immediately looked at Ye Rongrong anxiously and said.

A few well-meaning people finally came, but don't be let go by your daughter's words.

"It's okay, I don't mind."

Ye Rongrong waved his hand and said.

There are too many liars in this society now, there is nothing wrong with being vigilant.

"How do you trust me?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xu Mengjie with a smile and asked.

"I... I don't know!"

This question really stumped Xu Mengjie.

"Why don't you invite the village cadres from your village and let them prove our identities?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xu Mengjie with a smile and said.

It seems that Xu Mengjie's family will not go to Taoyuan Primary School without proving their identities today.


Xu Mengjie nodded,

He walked out of the house, said softly to the little girl who was washing clothes, and went back to the house.

"I asked my sister to invite the village cadres."

Xu Mengjie looked at Ye Rongrong and the others and said.

About ten minutes later, the little girl brought a middle-aged man and an old man. After introduction, they were the village head and accountant of Xiajia Village.

Ye Rongrong told the two of them his identity and the reason for looking for Xu Mengjie's house.

The two briefly checked Ye Rongyao's identity. After all, they both belonged to the same county, and soon they confirmed Ye Rongyao's identity.

"Hehe, now believe that we are not liars!"

Ye Rongrong said to Xu Mengjie with a smile.

"Sorry, I misunderstood you."

Xu Mengjie blushed and apologized to Ye Rongrong.

"Hehe, it's nothing. If there is no problem, you can clean up. I will call a car later, and you can go to Taoyuan Village with me!"

Ye Rongrong said.

After all, this "lazy system" gave him very little time, and Ye Rongrong wanted to complete the task of this "lazy system" as soon as possible.

"Principal Ye, we mother and daughter don't know how to thank you."

He Lingfei said to Ye Rongrong movedly.

With the proof from the village head and the village accountant, He Lingfei naturally felt relieved to leave with Ye Rongrong and the others.

"It's noon now, let's go, let's go to the restaurant for dinner first, pack up our things when we come back, and let's go."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Principal Ye, we can just eat at home."

He Lingfei looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

After all, it costs money to eat out, and there is not much money at home.

"That's fine, Xiaosi, you can drive to the restaurant and get some food. Let's have dinner here at noon."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.


"Come, eat a piece of braised pork."

While eating, Ye Rongrong saw Xu Mengjiao's eyes staring at the braised pork, but he didn't dare to put down his chopsticks, so he picked up the braised pork and said to Xu Mengjiao.

This Xu Mengjiao is the youngest daughter of the Xu family and Xu Mengjie's younger sister. She is seven years old this year and happens to be in the first grade this semester. It can also be said that Ye Guangrong has solved a student source problem.

"Thank you uncle!"

Xu Mengjiao said to Ye Rongrong, and happily ate the braised pork.

Only after the death of his father, the family was so poor that they could hardly eat meat. Generally, when people in the village slaughtered pigs, they would send some pork to their families so that they could eat pork.

"Uncle, can I eat meat while studying in Taoyuan Primary School?"

Xu Mengjiao quickly finished a piece of braised pork, looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"Yes, there will be meat every day from now on."

Ye Rongrong gave Xu Mengjiao another piece of braised pork, nodded and said.

Although the social economy is developing rapidly and most people are living a well-off life, there are still a small number of people living in poverty. For them, eating meat is still a luxury.

"Mom, sister, we can have meat every day from now on."

Xu Mengjiao happily said to her mother and sister.

For Xu Mengjiao, being able to eat meat every day is a very happy thing.


Seeing how happy her little daughter was, He Lingfei couldn't help but replied with tears.

Since her man died of illness, and she was so unable to work in bed every day, He Lingfei even wanted to commit suicide many times, so as not to drag her two daughters down.

But every time he looked at his two young daughters, He Lingfei couldn't make up his mind to commit suicide. If he left, his two daughters would become orphans.

Whether they will be bullied or meet bad people who are lonely is the reason why He Lingfei can't make up his mind to commit suicide.

Now that the end of all hardships has finally come, there are kind-hearted people who are willing to take in their mother and daughter.

Thinking of this, He Lingfei couldn't help looking at Ye Rongrong.

He Lingfei must remember this man who helped her family, and he will keep it in his heart for the rest of his life.

After lunch, everyone helped Xu Mengjie's family pack their things together.

"This table is no longer needed, there are new ones in the school."

"I don't want these old quilts anymore, the school has uniform quilts."

"The TV series are old, don't want them anymore, there are TV sets in the school."

"You pick up some important things, take the good ones with you, and don't want other old things, the school will send them to you."

Like many poor families who moved, so did Xu Mengjie's family. They wanted to take everything with them, and they were reluctant to throw away everything.

In their eyes, these are valuable things.

So Ye Rongrong had no choice but to stop them from taking everything away, otherwise even a small truck wouldn't be able to hold so many things.

With Ye Rongrong's intervention, Xu Mengjie's family reduced the items to be taken away by more than half.

According to Xu Mengjie's family's thinking, even the family's broken bed is ready to be taken away.

Hearing that some kind-hearted people wanted to take in He Lingfei's family, many people in the village were happy for them. Many villagers came to help, and it took an hour to put all the things to be moved on the pickup truck.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the afternoon that Xu Mengjie's family finished packing up the things they wanted to take away. The main reason was that they couldn't bear to take this one, and they wanted to take it all away.

Like some washbasins with broken sides and deformed shapes, they all wanted to take them away.

When people are poor, any junk is valuable to them, and it is a pity to throw it away.

The small truck is so big, how could it be possible to take away so many things, not to mention that Ye Rongrong did not allow them to take so many things, after all, the dormitory of Taoyuan Primary School is so big, how can it hold so many messy things!

If it hadn't been for Ye Rongrong's repeated promise to buy them new ones when they arrived at Taoyuan Primary School, all of them were free and free of charge, they reluctantly packed them up and put them at home.

After all the things to be taken away were moved to the car, Xu Mengjie went into the house, closed all the windows of the house, and locked the door with a padlock.

Although there is nothing valuable in this house, but this is my home, the last haven for my family.

If one day life becomes difficult, this house is still there, and my family will still have a place to live.

Seeing that they were about to leave here, He Lingfei, mother and daughter three looked deeply at this old house, after all, this was their root.


Ye Rongrong said to He Lingfei, mother and daughter.


He Lingfei nodded and got into the car with the support of Zhao Wenwen and Hu Lili.

Although she was very reluctant, but for the sake of her children and her own family, He Lingfei knew that her family must listen to President Ye's words and leave here to start a new life.

Thinking of this, He Lingfei couldn't help but look at Ye Rongrong beside him, her face turned slightly red.

This man will be the support of his family of three from now on.


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