?When we returned to Taoyuan Elementary School, it was past four o'clock in the afternoon. Although the heat had receded a lot, when everyone got out of the car, it was still too hot, and they were sweating profusely in just a short while.

"Mom, isn't it beautiful here?"

Getting off the car, Xu Mengjiao glanced at the beautiful campus scenery, and said excitedly to her mother.

"Yeah, it's really beautiful here!"

Looking at the beautiful campus here, feeling the sweet smell of flowers in the fresh air, He Lingfei only felt that the previous anxiety was much less, and her heart became more stable.

Although confirmed by the village chief and the village accountant, He Lingfei was actually a little worried.

After all, I am a sick patient, and my two daughters are both underage girls. If these people are liars, it will be called every day and the earth will not work.

But fortunately, everything is true.

God is good to his mother and daughter.

"Do you like it here?"

Ye Rongrong looked at sister Xu Mengjie with a smile and said.


“Love it here!”

The two sisters Xu Mengjie nodded and said.

This school is the most beautiful school that the two sisters Xu Mengjie have ever seen.

Thinking of living and studying here in the future, the two sisters Xu Mengjie are very happy.


Seeing Ye Glory come back, Chen Manshan hurried out of the office building.

"You came at the right time. This is Sister He Lingfei. You arrange two dormitory rooms on the first floor for them, and then find someone to move all these things in."

Ye Rongrong explained to Chen Manshan.

Except for some teachers, the rooms in the dormitory building of this school are basically empty. Considering He Lingfei's physical condition, Ye Rongrong arranged them on the first floor, which is convenient.

"Okay, I'll arrange it now."

Chen Manshan glanced at He Lingfei's family, and then arranged for people to come and unload the car.

It just made Chen Manshan a little puzzled, isn't this dean recruiting students? How to attract a family to come back with a mouth.

Although she was puzzled, Chen Manshan didn't dare to ask more questions.

Soon a lot of people came, most of them were young teachers from the school and the cleaning staff of the school. There were so many people and strong strength. It didn't take long for all the things on the car to be moved out, and they were also arranged for He Lingfei's family.

"Manshan, Sister He's family are new to the school, and Sister He is not in good health, you need to take care of them."

After the room was tidied up, Ye Rongrong explained to Chen Manshan.


Chen Manshan nodded and said.

"Dean Ye, I've made you worry!"

Everything settled down, He Lingfei said gratefully to Ye Rongrong.

"You're welcome, you guys stay here first, the enrollment is quite busy recently, and I'll treat you after school starts."

Ye Rongrong said to He Lingfei with a smile.

"Principal Ye, do you know how to see a doctor?"

He Lingfei looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and asked.

"Our principal is the world's top doctor. It is impossible for many people to ask the principal to treat them. You are really lucky if the principal can treat you. Don't worry, there is no disease that our principal can't cure."

Chen Manshan said.

Like the young people who have worked in the Taoyuan Elderly Community for a year, Chen Manshan's admiration for Ye Rongrong has reached the bottom of her heart.

In Chen Manshan's eyes, President Ye's medical skills are the best in the world.

"Uncle, as long as you can cure my mother's illness, I will marry you when I grow up!"

Xu Mengjiao raised her head and said to Ye Rongrong.


Hearing a six or seven-year-old girl say that she will marry her when she grows up, Ye Rongrong couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"My friend Mengjiao, uncle is married, you just need to study hard,

It is the best gratitude to my uncle. "

Ye Rongrong touched Xu Mengjiao's head and said.

For a girl of six or seven years old, she still doesn't understand what it means to be married, but at such a young age, Ye Rongrong thinks it is very rare for her to have this kind of filial piety.


Xu Mengjiao nodded in response.

"Sister He, I have to leave beforehand, you should settle down here first, if you need anything, ask Chen Manshan, she will help you."

Ye Rongrong said to He Lingfei.

"Okay, Principal Ye, you can go to work, this place is already very good, we are really satisfied."

He Lingfei nodded and said.

"Shanshan, I'll get someone to bring quilts, leaflets, washbasins and other daily necessities to Sister He and her family later."

Ye Rongrong explained to Chen Manshan.


Chen Manshan nodded and said.

"By the way, is the school cafeteria open yet?"

Ye Rongrong remembered something and asked Chen Manshan.

After all, there will be many students and teachers in Taoyuan Elementary School, so they must not eat outside, but in the school cafeteria.

After all, if you eat in the school cafeteria, you don't have to worry about food problems, because your own cafeteria will definitely be strictly controlled. Ye Rongrong has always attached great importance to the hygiene of the cafeteria.

Take the canteen of "Taoyuan Home for the Elderly Community". The vegetables and meat in it are the freshest. Every day, different personnel are arranged to check the canteen. Responsible.

"not yet!"

Chen Manshan shook her head and said.

"what happened?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and asked.

It's been a few days, and Ye Rongrong is very dissatisfied with the work efficiency.

"It's mainly the chef's problem. Ordinary chefs cook mediocre dishes. Better chefs charge higher prices. Each asks for more than 10,000 yuan. This fee is too high."

Chen Manshan said.

After all, this school has not even recruited a few students, and it will cost tens of thousands of dollars to hire a few cooks. The number of students depends on the number and level of chefs hired, which can save a lot of money.

After all, for a school to continue running, the balance of income and expenditure is very important. We can't let the boss run the school at a loss!

People like myself take the salary from the boss, so they naturally want to save the cost for the boss.

"Prices are rising so much now, and it's normal for skilled chefs to earn a lot. Hurry up and recruit two great chefs. Now that there are more and more people in the school, it's not convenient to go out to eat in restaurants all the time."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

"Okay, I'll hurry up and do it now!"

Chen Manshan nodded and said.

"Have you settled for the meeting tonight?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"It's fixed. At seven o'clock in the evening, it will be held in the big conference room of the school."

Chen Manshan nodded and said.

It is summer now, the sky has not yet darkened after six o'clock, and many rural people are still working in the fields, so Chen Manshan set the meeting time for seven o'clock in the evening.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.


"Brother Ye, you're back!"

Just as Ye Rongrong walked into the courtyard, a young girl excitedly ran to Ye Rongrong and said.

"Hehe, Xiuxiu is back, it's really the eighteenth female college student, Xiuxiu, you have grown into a beautiful woman."

Ye Rongrong looked at Xu Xiuxiu in front of him and said with a smile.

When I met Xu Xiuxiu last year, this Xu Xiuxiu was only thirteen years old, and she looked like a girl who hadn't grown up, but it's only been a year, and this Xu Xiuxiu is already a slim big girl.

Maybe it's been more than a year, Xu Xiuxiu's nutrition has caught up, and the whole person has grown up. She is only fourteen years old, and she is more than 1.6 meters tall. watching her transformation into a beautiful maiden.

Now Xu Xiuxiu is more and more beautiful!

"Really? Am I really pretty?"

Xu Xiuxiu blushed and looked at Ye Rongrong excitedly and asked.

Xu Xiuxiu would not be too excited if anyone said that he was beautiful, but Xu Xiuxiu was particularly excited when Big Brother Ye said that he was beautiful.

Because in Xu Xiuxiu's heart, she had already sold herself to Brother Ye.

In the most difficult time in my own home, when I was most helpless, Brother Ye bought my own, and Brother Ye saved my mother.

Xu Xiuxiu still remembers that last year, in Wanda Plaza, she knelt on the ground and sold herself for 200,000 yuan, only hoping to save her mother, but no one bought herself with money.

In the end, I met Big Brother Ye. Although he didn't spend money to buy himself, he directly cured his mother's illness, and let his mother and daughter live in this beautiful yard.

In Xu Xiuxiu's heart, this is more kind and affectionate to her family than paying 200,000 yuan to buy herself, so Xu Xiuxiu has already determined herself to be Brother Ye's woman in her heart.

Regardless of whether Big Brother Ye knew it or not, in her heart, he was the only man in her life, Xu Xiuxiu decided to guard herself like a jade for Big Brother Ye in this life.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, ask your sister-in-law Qingqing!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"I told you, but if this girl doesn't believe it, she will believe what you said."

Liu Qingqing said with a smile.

"Brother Ye, are you thirsty? I'll get you iced watermelon!"

After being told by Liu Qingqing, Xu Xiuxiu blushed slightly, said hurriedly, and ran to the kitchen in the backyard to fetch iced watermelon for Ye Glory.

"Little vixen!"

Looking at Xu Xiuxiu in the distance, Liu Xixi muttered softly.

A woman's intuition is very sensitive, and Liu Xixi naturally felt Xu Xiuxiu's feelings for her brother-in-law, which made Liu Xixi very tasty.

In Liu Xixi's eyes, her brother-in-law belongs to her sister and herself.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Liu Xixi's muttering in a low voice naturally did not escape Liu Qingqing's ears, Liu Qingqing glanced at her sister and said.

For Xu Xiuxiu's affection for her husband, as a woman, Liu Qingqing could of course see it.

But Liu Qingqing chose to ignore it.

After all, my husband is so good, and the beautiful girls around him are all interested in him in nine out of ten.

If it weren't for my husband already married, I would have my wife here.

They have been madly pursuing their husbands for a long time.

But fate is something that no one can tell, a step late often means missing a lifetime.

That's why Liu Qingqing doesn't take the jealousy of these women, because there is no need for it. If she really wants to be jealous, so many beautiful women like her husband, this jar of jealousy can drown herself out.


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