The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1634 annoyed meeting

"Brother Ye, eat watermelon!"

Xu Xiuxiu held a plate of sliced ​​watermelons, picked out the best one and handed it to Ye Rongrong and said.

That expression is like that of a maid who served the male master of the house in ancient times.


Ye Rongrong took a few mouthfuls of the watermelon, and he felt much more comfortable. In such a hot summer, eating his own watermelon is like bathing in nectar.

"Xiuxiu won't make up lessons today?"

Ye Rongrong asked Xu Xiuxiu.

Xu Xiuxiu is studying in the junior high school of Xinao Middle School, and she will take the senior high school entrance examination next year, and she is also making up lessons this summer vacation.

This Xinao Middle School implements a semi-military management, the school only has a holiday once a month, because every time Xu Xiuxiu has a holiday, it is when Ye Rongrong goes out, and Ye Rongrong has not seen Xu Xiuxiu for half a year.

For girls who are developing, seeing each other for half a year is a complete change.

"I will register for the new semester in a week, and the school is on holiday. I can rest at home this week."

Xu Xiuxiu said.

Junior high school and high school are the hardest and most tiring period in people's study life. It may be hard work to get through it. If you can't make it through, you can only work hard in the society early.

"The combination of work and rest is very important. The next semester will be the third year of junior high school. Work hard to see if you can be admitted to the 'Wenzhou No. 1 Middle School'."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile,

"Wenzhou No. 1 Middle School" is the best high school in Wenzhou City. As long as you are admitted to this middle school, the chances of being admitted to a key university in the college entrance examination are much higher.

"I will try my best to get into the 'Wenzhou No. 1 Middle School'."

Xu Xiuxiu nodded and said.

My elder brother Ye wanted to be admitted to "Wenzhou No. 1 Middle School", Xu Xiuxiu made up his mind that he must work hard to get into "Wenzhou No. 1 Middle School".

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, just work hard."

Seeing Xu Xiuxiu's serious face, Ye Rongrong spoke.

Don't put too much pressure on her about learning.

Stress can stimulate people's potential and turn them into motivation; stress can also overwhelm the body and make people sick.

Ye Rongrong didn't want to make Xu Xiuxiu sick.


Xu Xiuxiu nodded in response.

As for what she thinks in her heart, only she knows.

"Husband, how is the admissions process?"

Liu Qingqing asked.

"not bad!"

Ye Rongrong said happily.

Forty-nine students were recruited at one time today, and yesterday a middle-aged man intends to send his daughter to "Taoyuan Primary School" to study. The task of enrolling fifty students is almost completed, and we just need to wait for them to come over and sign up. up.


Starting at 6:30 in the evening, many villagers came to the large meeting room of Taoyuan Primary School, and they all actively participated in today's meeting.

On the one hand, Ye Rongrong's appeal is very high now, and on the other hand, there is a bucket of free Golden Dragon Oil to get, so everyone naturally came early.

"The glory is coming!"

"Principal Ye is here!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong walk into the conference room, everyone greeted Ye Rongrong one after another.

Ye Rongrong is different now, he is a rich and powerful person now.

In the old concept of rank and file among rural people, Ye Rongrong belongs to the highest rank in the village.

"I called everyone here for a meeting in the middle of the night. I'm really sorry to delay everyone's time."

Ye Rongrong walked to the front of the conference room and said to everyone.

"It's okay, what can happen to the rural people's congress at night!"

"There is air conditioning here, which is much more comfortable than at home."

"I have something to take during the meeting, so I have no problem coming to the meeting every day."


The villagers all said one after another.

"Thank you for coming tonight. I am here today to ask everyone to help promote our Taoyuan Primary School."

Speaking of which, Ye Rongrong pointed to the enrollment brochures on the table just now, and said to everyone: "There are hundreds of copies of Taoyuan Primary School enrollment brochures, and you can take them back later to promote them to your relatives and friends whose children are in elementary schools. .”

"Of course we won't let everyone's hard work be in vain. If you introduce a student to Taoyuan Primary School, you will be rewarded with 500 yuan."

Ye Rongrong said.

If you don't give me a sweet treat these years, others will not do their best to work.

Anyway, Ye Rongrong is not short of money now, and Ye Rongrong is not stingy at all if he can use money to solve problems.

As soon as I heard that I would give 500 yuan to introduce a student to "Taoyuan Primary School", the villagers below started talking in low voices.

"It's too easy to earn five hundred yuan in this way."

"My sister's grandson is just in primary school this year, and she can send him to Taoyuan Primary School."

"In my family, there are quite a few relatives whose children are in primary school, and I don't know if they would like to send their children to Taoyuan Primary School."

"I will give 500 yuan for introducing one student to Taoyuan Primary School. If I introduce ten students, I will give 5,000 yuan. This is really good money."

Listening to Ye Rongrong's incentive measures, the enthusiasm of the villagers is very high.

"Okay, now let's talk about the children in our village going to Taoyuan Primary School to study."

Ye Rongrong saw that the discussion was almost over, so he spoke.

"Glory, it's not that we don't support our Taoyuan Primary School. It's mainly because my children are in the third grade in the elementary school in the town. The teachers and classmates are familiar with each other. He doesn't want to transfer."

"Yeah, our child doesn't want to transfer schools either. He said he's used to the teacher's teaching methods."

"My baby is going to be in the sixth grade this year. I'm afraid he won't get used to it when he transfers to another school, and his grades will come down!"

"My daughter-in-law does not agree to transfer the child to another school, for fear of delaying the child's education."

When Ye Rongrong said this, the villagers said one after another.

After all, due to the country's family planning control, there are not many children in every household now. Even in rural areas where boys are preferred to girls, most families now only have two.

Everyone usually treats children like treasures, and takes children's grades very seriously.

Now the teachers in Taoyuan Primary School are all young teachers who have just graduated from school and have no teaching experience. In addition, Taoyuan Primary School does not allow teachers to make up lessons for students.

Everyone is worried that if they transfer their children to "Taoyuan Primary School", their grades will drop, so those parents whose children's grades are not bad are still worried about letting their children study in Taoyuan Primary School.

Some even want to wait for the "Taoyuan Primary School" to get good grades before they dare to transfer their children to "Taoyuan Primary School".

Why is this family working so hard, not for the future of the children!

You can let other people's children go to "Taoyuan Primary School" to study, but you don't want your own children to be used as experimental products.

Of course, not everyone is unwilling to send their children to Taoyuan Primary School. There are still quite a few villagers who send their children to "Taoyuan Primary School" to study.

"I think our Taoyuan Primary School is quite good, and the school's scenery is also good. I went to see it a few times, and the facilities in the teaching building are better than the primary schools in the town. My baby is going to let him study in Taoyuan Primary School this year."

Ye Ronghua said.

"As far as the grades of your second child are concerned, it's the same wherever you go to study."

Immediately, some villagers satirized Ye Ronghua.

After all, the second child's academic performance is notoriously bad, and many parents in the village don't let their children play with the second child, fearing that he will spoil their own child.

"What do you mean?"

Immediately, Ye Ronghua said without anger.

"Okay, stop arguing!"

Seeing that the capital meeting was about to quarrel, Ye Guangrong shouted unhappily.

Hearing Ye Rongrong's angry shout, the whole meeting immediately fell silent.

Now Ye Rongrong's prestige in Taoyuan Village is much higher than that of the old village head Ye Xianghai, and no one dares to make Ye Rongrong unhappy.

"Twisted melons are not sweet, and I don't force everyone to transfer their children to Taoyuan Primary School. Today I am here to make it clear that those who are willing to transfer to Taoyuan Primary School will be free of all fees in the future. , I don’t want to transfer this year, but if I transfer to Taoyuan Elementary School next year, I will have to pay a transfer fee of 2,000 yuan.”

Ye Rongrong looked at everyone and said.

Originally, Ye Rongrong had kindly discussed with the villagers, asking them to transfer this child to "Taoyuan Elementary School" to study, and to give various preferential measures.

But many villagers had no confidence in themselves and in Taoyuan Primary School, which made Ye Rongrong unhappy.

Alright, now you have kindly asked you to transfer your child to another school. You have so many reasons, so you are not welcome. After passing through this village, there will be no such shop.

In the future, if you feel that the teaching level of "Taoyuan Primary School" is high, and the students get good grades in "Taoyuan Primary School", if you want your children to transfer to "Taoyuan Primary School", it is not impossible, but there will be a fee.

"No way, two thousand yuan will be added!"

"Didn't you say that all fees are free for the children of our Taoyuan Village?"

"Didn't you understand? What Glory means is that there will be a transfer fee for those who are currently studying in an outside school and want to transfer back to study in the future."

"It seems that Glory is really angry!"

Everyone could clearly feel that Ye Rongrong was angry, and the voices of talking to each other were much lower.

"Okay, that's all for today."

Ye Rongrong was not in the mood to hold a meeting with these villagers, so he broke up the meeting and left.

Knowing this, Ye Rongrong prepared some golden dragon oil for everyone.


the next morning!

Ye Rongrong had just woken up, and before he had time to eat, he received a call from Ma Xudong. Lin Zhiyun had already been taken to the inpatient department of "Taoyuan Home for the Elderly Community Hospital".

"Honey, I'll buy bread in the village for breakfast."

Ye Rongrong said something to Liu Qingqing and walked out of the yard.

Now there are a lot of people coming to Taoyuan Village every day, especially the most floating population at the gate of "Taoyuan Home for the Elderly", so many villagers have set up breakfast shops at the gate of "Taoyuan Home for the Elderly".

Some sell noodles, some sell bread, steamed buns, and some sell various snacks, but the business is very small.

Now "Taoyuan Community Hospital for the Elderly" has driven the economic development of Taoyuan Village.


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