The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1635 Access control invalid?

"Sister-in-law Su Rong, give me three big buns with meat filling."

Ye Rongrong walked to a breakfast stall next to the gate of "Taoyuan Community Hospital for the Elderly", and said to a middle-aged woman who was busy.

"Glory, it's rare for you to patronize sister-in-law's breakfast stall."

When Su Rong turned her head, seeing that Ye Rongrong came to buy breakfast, she said in surprise.

It has been more than half a year since the breakfast stall was set up here, and this is the first time I saw Ye Rongrong come out to buy breakfast.

"Aren't you here to taste the steamed buns you made, sister-in-law?"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.


Su Rong grabbed five big buns and handed them to Ye Rongrong.

"how much is the total!"

Ye Rongrong asked after taking another bottle of milk.

"It's not much money, this time it's my sister-in-law who invited you."

Su Rong waved her hand and said.

"How can this be, you are also a small business, how can I let you invite me."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Why don't you look down on my sister-in-law? You can afford as many buns as you want."

Su Rong said immediately.

"Okay, thank you sister-in-law, I'll go out first!"

Indeed, there were not a few dollars, so Ye Rongrong didn't insist anymore, and walked in the gate of "Taoyuan Home for the Elderly" with the buns.

Ye Rongrong's appetite was very good, and before he reached the door of the hospital, the five buns and a bottle of milk had all entered Ye Rongrong's stomach.

"Glory, you are here!"

As soon as Ye Rongrong walked to the hospital gate, Ma Xudong, who was sweating profusely, ran over.

"What's wrong, why are you in such a mess!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Ma Xudong and said with a smile.

"Laugh, you can still laugh, look at your good deeds!"

Ma Xudong glanced at Ye Rongrong and said.

Originally, Ye Rongrong asked the hospital to admit an AIDS patient to Taoyuan Community Hospital for treatment, but Ma Xudong didn't care too much, and just asked the medical staff to do a good job of protection and isolation.

But when the AIDS patient was sent over, everyone was stunned.

This is an AIDS patient whose whole body is highly decomposed, and is a highly contagious pathogen. Anyone who has bad contact with her may be infected with this AIDS.

Moreover, patients with advanced AIDS cannot be saved at all, and if they are sent to the hospital, they are waiting to die.

It's nothing to this AIDS patient, but it is very dangerous to the hospital. If something goes wrong, someone will be infected with this AIDS, and it will even cause medical disputes.

Ma Xudong really couldn't understand how Ye Rongrong brought such a patient back.

"Hehe, I've been doing good things lately!"

Ye Rongrong said jokingly.

"Just laugh, hurry up and follow me to the infectious disease isolation ward!"

As he said that, Ma Xudong led Ye Rongrong to the elevator.

The infectious disease isolation ward area is located on the top floor of the hospital building. It takes time and effort to walk. Generally, everyone is used to taking the elevator.

Soon, Ye Rongrong and Ma Xudong took the elevator to the top floor. As soon as they got out of the elevator, Ye Rongrong could feel the tense atmosphere in the isolation ward area, and a security guard was specially arranged at the entrance of the elevator. , Doctors and nurses in the entire infectious disease quarantine area are wearing protective clothing.

"Dean Ye, Dean Ma, you are here."

A middle-aged doctor came over and said to Ye Rongrong and Ma Xudong.

This middle-aged doctor is the director of the infectious disease isolation ward, named Liao Qiangguo.

"Old Liao, how is the situation?"

Ma Xudong asked Liao Qiangguo.

"The patient has been placed in an isolation room, but the situation is very bad. She is now emotionally unstable and even smashed things in the isolation ward."

Liao Guoqiang said profusely.

From morning to now, Liao Guoqiang has been very nervous. He couldn't figure out why the hospital would take this terminally ill AIDS patient over.

"Taoyuan Home for the Elderly Community Hospital" is not a dedicated hospital for the treatment of AIDS. This patient should be sent to a dedicated hospital, where the isolation conditions are much better than here.

"Let's go in and have a look!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"Dean Ye, Dean Ma, put on protective clothing!"

Liao Guoqiang reminded.

"You put it on, I don't need it!"

Ye Rongrong said to Ma Xudong.

Now Ye Rongrong's body is at the elite level, and his resistance to viruses is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

"Glory, it's better to put on protective clothing. After all, this patient's body is very decomposed. Once touched, it is easy to get infected."

Ma Xudong said.

"Don't worry, I have my own measure."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

The reason why Ye Rongrong is so relieved to contact patients like this is that apart from Ye Rongrong's certainty in treating the AIDS, there is also the fact that he is very clear about the route of AIDS transmission.

The ways of HIV transmission are sex, blood transfusion and mother-to-child transmission. The common point of these three is the most critical part of HIV transmission. To put it bluntly, this AIDS infection must be transmitted in the human body environment.

Although the HIV virus is very stubborn and cunning, it is also very fragile. If the HIV virus is exposed to the air, it will die in just a few minutes, and the water will also destroy its pH value and cause it to collapse. It can be said that once the HIV virus leaves the human body It is impossible to survive in a warm and humid internal environment, let alone through normal contact transmission.

Therefore, ordinary social contact such as hugging, shaking hands, kissing, etc. will not infect HIV carriers. It is also safe to share tableware, toilets, and breathing in the same space with them.


Seeing Ye Rongrong's insistence, Ma Xudong didn't persuade him anymore. After all, Ye Rongrong was the person Ma Xudong saw through the most.

Maybe he dared to bring this late-stage AIDS patient to the hospital. He must have a way to treat this disease. He can develop a "specific medicine for bird flu", and perhaps a special medicine for treating AIDS.

Suddenly Ma Xudong was looking forward to it.

After Ma Xudong changed his clothes, under the guidance of Liao Guoqiang, he walked to the innermost ward of the isolation area, and Lin Zhiyun was isolated in the innermost ward.

"Dean Ye and the others are here."

Many medical staff around the ward stood up when they saw Ye Rongrong and the others coming.

"How's the situation?"

Liao Guoqiang asked one of the female nurses.

"The patient's mood is still very unstable, and she is still smashing things inside. She can't hear what we say."

said the female nurse.

"Dean Ye, Dean Ma, look..."

Liao Guoqiang said to Ye Rongrong and Ma Xudong.

For this late-stage AIDS patient, Liao Guoqiang is really helpless, there is no cure for this disease.

If it was in the early stage, the HIV virus could be suppressed through drugs, but now it is in the late stage, and no Chinese or Western medicine really has any effect.

The only thing to do is to watch her die slowly and painfully.

"I saw!"

One wall of this ward is transparent glass, so the situation inside can be seen clearly from the outside.

Now in the isolation ward, that Lin Zhiyun was constantly throwing things, and she was in a very bad mood. It seemed that she was not used to this sudden change of environment.

"You all go to work, don't hang around here, it will affect her mood."

Ye Rongrong said to the medical staff gathered here.

In the "Sunshine Children's Home", Lin Zhiyun stayed in a dark room and did not dare to meet strangers. Suddenly, so many strangers looked at her like this, it was no wonder that Lin Zhiyun was not in a good mood Woolen cloth.

"I'll go in and talk to her!"

After a group of medical staff left, Ye Rongrong said to Liao Guoqiang.

"Dean Ye, that's too dangerous!"

Liao Guoqiang was taken aback and said hastily.

Now that the patient's mood is so unstable, once Dean Ye enters, if the patient bites Dean Ye, it's not a joke.

Although President Ye has excellent medical skills, he can't be such a joke!

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

After Ye Rongrong spoke, he opened the door of the isolation ward and walked in, making it too late for Ma Xudong and Liao Guoqiang to stop him.

The main reason is that the door of this isolation ward can only be entered by access control, and it can only be entered but not exited. If you want to go out, someone must use the access control card outside to open the ward.

What Liao Guoqiang couldn't understand was that Dean Ye didn't use any access control card at all, so how could he open the door so easily.

Liao Guoqiang felt like he was living in hell.

"The things in this hospital are all bought with money. If you smash a few things, after you recover from your illness, you must pay for them at the same price."

Ye Rongrong said calmly to Lin Zhiyun who was still smashing things to vent her emotions.

"It's you……"

Lin Zhiyun recognized at a glance that the man in front of her was the man she had seen yesterday.

Lin Zhiyun blushed a little at the thought of being seen naked by him yesterday.

"After smashing so many things, are you in a better mood?"

Ye Rongrong asked Lin Zhiyun with a smile.

"Don't worry about it!"

For some reason, seeing this man, Lin Zhiyun's impatience stabilized a lot.

"I am your attending doctor, of course you are under my care."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Miss Millie said, you are the only person in the world who can possibly cure me, is that true?"

After her emotions stabilized, Lin Zhiyun stared at Ye Rongrong and asked.

If she could survive, of course Lin Zhiyun didn't want to die.

"Yes, as long as you cooperate with my treatment, I guarantee that you will be cured within three months, and you will be restored to your previous appearance."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Really, you didn't lie to me?"

Lin Zhiyun stared at Ye Rongrong with wide eyes and asked.

"Do you think there is anything in you that I can lie to you?"

Ye Rongrong couldn't help laughing.

If it weren't for seeing that Lin Zhiyun was really a very nice girl, Ye Rongrong wouldn't be so enthusiastic about treating her illness.

"Thank you, as long as you can cure my disease, I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life."

Lin Zhiyun looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

Indeed, I look so inhuman now, don't look at myself hiding far away, for fear of being infected by myself, what is there to be deceived by.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhiyun was suddenly full of hope for life.

"If you want to get well soon, you should cooperate with the doctor for treatment, you know?"



After explaining a few words to Lin Zhiyun, Ye Rongrong came out of the isolation ward.

"Ye...Dean Ye, did you come out?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong come out of the isolation ward, Liao Guoqiang asked with wide eyes in disbelief.

You must know that in order to prevent the highly infectious patients from running out, the door can only be opened from the outside. Once people enter, the door will automatically close immediately. People outside must open the door before people inside can come out, otherwise the people inside will not come out at all. not coming.

But now why is this access control completely ineffective in front of Dean Ye?

This is not scientific!


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