The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1637 Sister's Trouble

? "Tired of doing laundry?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xu Mengjiao with some emotion and asked.

Nowadays, the social economy is developing very fast, and people's living standards have also improved rapidly. Such a small child basically enjoys the pampering given to her by her parents. She is like a "little princess" at home. How can she be allowed to do such a thing? Tired!

"Not tired!"

Xu Mengjiao shook her head and said.

It's summer now, Xu Mengjiao doesn't think there's anything wrong with washing clothes, but washing clothes in winter is the most uncomfortable, the biting cold water makes Xu Mengjiao's hands numb.

During the coldest period of winter, every time Xu Mengjiao finished washing her clothes, her hands were red and she was too cold to move.

"Good! What a good boy!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and praised Xu Mengjiao, then walked into the house.

"Dean Ye, you are here."

He Lingfei, who was lying on the bed, saw Ye Rongrong walking into the room, and wanted to get up to greet Ye Rongrong.

"Lie down, lie down, don't get up."

Ye Rongrong walked over to stop He Lingfei from getting up.

Now He Lingfei is still very weak.

"How, are you still used to living here?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"Very good! Everything is fine."

He Lingfei said.

"That's good, how about Xiaojie?"

Ye Rongrong didn't see Xu Mengjie, so he asked suspiciously.

"She went to help the school."

He Lingfei said.

"Oh, by the way, I came here today to bring you a prescription. If you ask Mengjie to take the medicine according to this prescription for a week, your illness will be much better."

Ye Rongrong took out a note from his pocket and handed it to He Lingfei.

"Principal Ye, you are really a good person. Our mother and daughter three don't know how to thank you in this life. We can only be cows and horses in this life to repay your kindness."

He Lingfei said gratefully to Ye Rongrong.

I am really lucky to meet such a good person as Principal Ye during my most difficult time.

"You're welcome. I went to the Taoyuan Home for the Elderly Community Hospital to grab this medicine. You must take it according to the prescription. Remember to take this prescription back and keep it, and you can exchange it for money later."

After Ye Rongrong explained to He Lingfei, he left the dormitory.

After all, this lonely man and widow are alone in a room, so it is easy to be misunderstood.


In three days' time, it will be September 1st, the start of school. At nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Rongrong called all the teachers for a meeting in a large conference room in the teaching building.

During this summer vacation, Ye Rongrong recruited several young teachers, basically new teachers who just came out of school, and of course also recruited some substitute teachers from nearby villages.

Don't underestimate these substitute teachers. These people have rich teaching skills, and the ideology of the teachers of their generation is different from that of many teachers now.

They are really dedicated to the students. When Ye Rongrong was in elementary school, more than half of the teachers were substitute teachers.

It's just that with the change of the national education policy, this group of substitute teachers was dismissed across the board. However, in the case of Ye Rongrong's private school, anyway, Ye Rongrong has the right to recruit some substitute teachers to teach students, and no one will check him. After all, the salary does not need to be paid by the state, it is paid by Ye Rongrong alone.

Of course, no one from the Education Bureau would bother Ye Rongrong.

So far, including Ye Rongrong, Taoyuan Primary School has 45 full-time teachers, which is enough for the normal operation of this semester.

After all, up to now, the number of students enrolled in Taoyuan Primary School has just exceeded 300. Calculating the time, Ye Rongrong estimates that the number of students will be a sky-high 400.

These 300 students cover almost the first grade to the sixth grade of elementary school, with the most students in the first grade,

There are one hundred and twenty students, and the sixth grade is the least, with only two students.

After all, the sixth grade is about to face the senior high school entrance examination, and many parents will not let their children transfer schools, so as not to affect their children's academic performance.

Now the sixth grade students of Taoyuan Primary School are the second child, Ye Guangming, and Chen Shilan. One was sent to Taoyuan Primary School by his father for poor academic performance, and the other came to Taoyuan Primary School after being expelled from the original school.

But no matter what, no matter which class it is, the teacher's configuration is very complete.

In addition to the most basic courses such as Chinese, mathematics, ideological virtues, English, and physical education, Taoyuan Primary School also has music, art, and labor classes.

"Principal, everyone is here."

After counting the number of people, Chen Manshan whispered to Ye Rongrong.

Ye Rongrong nodded, stood up from his seat on the rostrum, cleared his throat, swept the group of teachers sitting below, and said slowly: "Hello teachers, starting today, we will officially start preparing for the start of school." Work, the day after tomorrow, that is, September 1st is the first day of school, and this is also the first class after the establishment of Taoyuan Primary School. I hope everyone will do their best and get back to work as soon as possible.”

"At this meeting today, we will first assign teachers to each class, and then each teacher will work on a class basis. Teacher Li Hua is the head teacher of Class 1 of the first grade, and also the Chinese teacher of Classes 1, 2, and 3 of the first grade. Teacher Liu Kaibo is the head teacher of the second class of the first grade, and also the math teacher of the first, second and third classes of the first grade..."

Ye Rongrong was speaking on the rostrum, and no matter what the teachers below were thinking, they were carefully recording with their notebooks.

This is all to impress Ye Rongrong, the leader.

"After the work assignment is over, I would like to remind everyone that after the new semester begins, we must pay attention to strengthening the moral education of students, and we must pay more attention to our own moral cultivation. To be a teacher, you must have the appearance of being a teacher."

"I don't want our school to have beastly teachers like the ones reported on the Internet, who want to think about their own students. Here I want to remind mainly male teachers."

"I'm the one who put the ugly words to the fore. If anyone corrupts the school's ethos and morals, and does something that is unacceptable, he will not be simply expelled, but I will peel his skin."

"Finally, I want to talk about rewards. Taoyuan Primary School will select excellent teachers every month. As long as everyone has good grades in teaching, or the students they lead have outstanding performance, they will receive corresponding bonuses."

"There are three excellent teachers every month, each with a bonus of 1,000 yuan. Every quarterly exam, the homeroom teacher and the teacher of the class with good grades will receive a corresponding bonus. The specific plan will be announced soon..."

After talking about the "reward mechanism", the meeting was almost over. Ye Rongrong was about to let Zhang Hua, the director of the Academic Affairs Office, speak, when the phone in his pocket vibrated.

Speaking of which, it's also fortunate that Ye Rongrong turned his mobile phone to vibrate mode before the meeting, otherwise, if it rang during the meeting, it would definitely affect his tall image as the principal.

Ye Rongrong took out his mobile phone and was about to hang up, but when he saw the caller information, Ye Rongrong stopped planning to hang up.

"Mr. Zhang, I have something to do here. You can preside over the rest of the meeting."

After speaking hastily, Ye Rongrong left the meeting room.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Ye Rongrong pressed the answer button and said.

At this time, when my sister's shop is busy making dishes, I suddenly call myself, there must be something wrong.

"Brother, something happened in the store, can you come here?"

Ye Xiaoqin said on the phone.

It could be heard from the voice of the phone that Ye Xiaoqin was very anxious.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Ye Rongrong knew that his sister must have encountered a problem that she couldn't solve, so he called himself.

Thinking of this, Ye Rongrong immediately went downstairs, drove the Borui car parked in the parking lot, and left the school gate.


"Boss, after my brother ate at your place, he had diarrhea and vomited endlessly. The doctor said it was food poisoning, and he was almost about to see Hades. What do you think?"

A young man with a dragon tattooed on his body looked at Zhao Dagang and said.

His gaze was still sweeping back and forth on Lin Jie and Bai Aiwen wantonly, making Lin Jie and the others very annoyed, but concerned about the identity of the other party, Lin Jie and the others suppressed their anger and dared not speak out.

After all, there were more than a dozen people on the other side, all of them had tattoos on their bodies, and they didn't need to look to know that they were not good people.

"Brother Long, this is impossible, did you make a mistake!"

Zhao Dagang said in a low voice.

There is no way, he is a local snake, if he wants to keep his store here, he will definitely not be able to offend him.

"Wrong, you said I was wrong, my brother ate in your store last night, and then he was rushed to the hospital, and he survived, you know what you are doing, this is Murder, do you know about murder?"

That Brother Long shouted at Zhao Dagang fiercely.

"Brother Long, what do you say?"

Zhao Dagang frowned, looked at this "Brother Long" and asked.

With this posture, Zhao Gang knew that this group of people deliberately found fault, and they wanted money.

"What should I do? Naturally, we have to accompany our brother for medical expenses and mental loss. You must know that we, Brother Long, are very busy. We came to your store specially for our brother's business. You have to pay for the hard work."

A young man said grinningly.

"How much?"

Zhao Gang frowned and asked.

The business people hate this kind of gangsters coming to the door, not to mention the bad luck, and scare away the customers. If the money is not much, Zhao Dagang will bear it and give it to them.

"Not much, just one million!"

Brother Long glanced at Zhao Dagang and said.

The reason why they focus on this convenience store is that the business of this convenience store is so good that there is a constant flow of customers every day, and the daily income is more than 30,000 yuan, which makes Brother Long and the others very jealous.

It never occurred to him that just such a convenience store would earn millions of dollars a month. Brother Long felt itchy if he didn't make some money out of it.

So after a few people discussed it, it came out like this.

This is a common method used by Brother Long and his gang to extort money. Most people who do business are afraid of offending people in the society, and are basically willing to spend money to buy peace.


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