The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1638 Terrible Notes

"One... one million!"

Zhao Dagang was frightened by this "Brother Long"'s lion's big mouth. You must know that his bento shop has only earned two million until now, and this "Brother Long" asked for one million, which is too cruel up.

"Do you think it's missing? There's no way anyone will make me feel sorry for the beauty. It's easy to soften my heart when I see beautiful women!"

Said "Brother Long", staring at Bai Aiwen and Lin Jie with obscene eyes, as if wishing to swallow Bai Aiwen and Lin Jie in their stomachs.



Lin Jie and Bai Aiwen cursed inwardly.

"A million impossible."

Zhao Dagang shook his head and said.

Although I am afraid of things, I am not easy to bully. I have an awesome brother-in-law, and I will move out my brother-in-law at worst.

"What? You want to renege on your debt!"

"Damn it, your unscrupulous convenience store uses expired food to earn unscrupulous money, almost poisoning our brother, and you still don't want to pay compensation."

"Do you still want to open a shop here!"

As soon as they heard that Zhao Dagang didn't give the money, these gangsters cursed at Zhao Dagang one after another.

"Hey, are you enough? Get out of here quickly, or wait for my younger brother to come over, and you will see me."

Seeing her husband being bullied by these gangsters, Ye Xiaoqin immediately shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Hehe, there's also a Lion Roar from the River East. Who is your brother? He's so awesome, I'm so scared!"

"Brother Long" said fearfully.

"If you are capable, wait for my brother to come over, and see if my brother doesn't beat you all over the place."

Ye Xiaoqin said.

Ye Xiaoqin is very confident about her younger brother's fighting skills. Since she was young, her younger brother has been an expert in fighting.

Not to mention my younger brother now, among other things, the guards with guns in his house can scare these gangsters to death.

"Okay, I'm going to see who gets beaten all over the place!"

"Brother Long" said fearlessly, his eyes were still sweeping over Lin Jie and Bai Aiwen's body, that eyes were full of strong aggression.

Fortunately, this is a busy city, if it didn't mean that "Brother Long" might do something shameless and bad to Lin Jie and Bai Aiwen now.


Ten minutes passed.

"Beauty, what's the matter, women who are brother, as long as you follow brother, you don't have to do this kind of tiring and money-intensive work here, just follow me, and I guarantee that you will eat well, drink hot, and wear gold and silver... ..."

"Brother Long" said to Lin Jie and Bai Aiwen.



Lin Jie and Bai Aiwen couldn't bear the foul language of "Brother Long".

It's really too shameless, don't look at your appearance, what your virtues are, and want both of you to be his girlfriend, why don't you die!

"Bitch, what are you talking about?"

"You guys are tired of work, aren't you?"

As soon as Lin Jie and Bai Aiwen scolded "Brother Long", those young men who were obviously mazi immediately threatened Lin Jie and Bai Aiwen in dissatisfaction.

"Be civilized, be gentle, and be careful not to frighten the beautiful women!"

"Brother Long" immediately said dissatisfiedly to his boys.

"It's Brother Long!"

"It's still Brother Long who pities the fragrance and cherishes the jade!"

"Let me tell you, it's really hard to find a good man in the new century like Brother Long, so hurry up and agree to be Brother Long's girlfriend. If you miss this village, there won't be this shop."



Lin Jie and Bai Aiwen felt like throwing up when they heard what these boys said.

A man like this, a good man in the new century, would be like all the men in this world are dead.

"Don't be shameless!"

"Brother Long" looked at Lin Jie and Bai Aiwen unhappily and said.

I don't have that much patience, I really pissed me off, I pulled them into the room and fucked them.

At this moment, Ye Rongrong opened the door and walked in.

"younger brother,

You are here! "

Seeing Ye Glory enter the door, Ye Xiaoqin hastily greeted her, her uneasy heart calmed down, with her capable younger brother around, Ye Xiaoqin had nothing to be afraid of.

"Brother Ye!"

"Brother Ye!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong come in, Lin Jie and Bai Aiwen shouted happily.

With Big Brother Ye here, Lin Jie and Bai Aiwen are not afraid anymore.

"what happened?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the group of men with patterns all over his body, and asked his sister.

"They deliberately found fault and wanted to extort money!"

Ye Xiaoqin said.

"Damn it, who stole the money? It's because the food in your store is not clean. Our brother ate it and was sent to the hospital. My father came here to ask for medical expenses and mental damage expenses. This is reasonable and legal."

"Boy, don't think that a little height is a big deal. It's very easy for a buddy to kill you."

"Be sensible, ask your sister to give the money, or you will be nice to me!"


Immediately, several men with tattoos all over their body surrounded Ye Rongrong. The main reason was that Ye Rongrong was tall and burly, a bit dangerous.

This group of people are all holding a large wrench for repairing cars. If ordinary people are hit by that thing, they will be seriously injured if they don't die.

"younger brother……"

Seeing this posture, Ye Xiaoqin turned pale, looked at her brother anxiously and said.

After all, the other party has a murder weapon in his hand, and there are many people. Originally, Ye Xiaoqin thought that her younger brother would come with his family's guards with guns, but she didn't expect him to come here alone.

Although my younger brother is very powerful in fighting, he can't beat four punches with two hands. If there is a fight, my younger brother will suffer a lot!


Ye Rongrong didn't talk nonsense, snorted coldly, and suddenly leaned forward, his right hand reached out to the man in front of him like lightning, pinched his collar accurately, and lifted him up easily.

Throwing it out casually, the man flew out of the door, only to hear a loud bang, the man directly hit a car parked at the door, smashing the glass of the car, and the man was also knocked unconscious past.


"I rely on..."

But before the rest of the tattooed men recovered from the shock, Ye Rongrong followed the same pattern and asked each of the remaining guys to perform a trapeze.

"Bang bang bang!"

All of a sudden there were loud noises one after another, and these people fell on the car respectively. In the blink of an eye, these people were all knocked out, and the Kia car was also deformed greatly.

"The quality of this car is not very good. It will be broken if it is smashed by someone."

After doing all this, Ye Rongrong said to himself.


Seeing that in the blink of an eye, several of his younger brothers were subdued by the man in front of him, "Brother Long" was also taken aback.

It seems that I have met a tough character this time.

"What are you!"

Ye Rongrong looked at "Brother Long" and said, "You guys should get out by yourself, or should I throw you out one by one!"

"Boy, don't think that you are great because you can fight, offend us..."

A horse boy yelled, but as soon as he finished speaking, his whole body flew up, and with a loud noise, he also flew on the car, and immediately passed out with a bloody head.

For these gangsters who extorted money into his sister's shop, Ye Rongrong would not be polite to them at all.


"Brother Long" looked at Ye Rongrong in horror.

This person must have too much strength, he threw his little brother so far with just such a light throw, which made "Brother Long" feel a little timid in his heart.

"What are you, don't you want money? Okay, I'll give you money, as long as you have the ability to take it away!"

Ye Rongrong took out a hundred banknotes from his pocket as he spoke. Under the puzzled eyes of these people, he held the banknote between two fingers, and then raised it casually. The banknote flew out, but it didn't fly to "Brother Long". Instead, it flew towards the wall behind "Brother Long".

"Damn it, you want to send us off for a hundred dollars, and treat us as beggars?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong give the money, a boy behind this "Brother Long" thought that Ye Rongrong had given in, and immediately became arrogant and cursed angrily. He exclaimed uncontrollably, ", how is this possible?"

The horse boy glanced at Ye Rongrong in horror, and hurriedly exclaimed to "Brother Long" in front of him, "Brother Long, come and see..."

"what happened?"

"Brother Long" frowned and turned his head, his eyes also noticed the place where the hundred-yuan bill landed, and his expression changed drastically, as if he had seen a ghost.

Looking at the hundred-yuan bill sunk into the wall, "Brother Long" turned extremely pale.

"This, how is this possible..."

"Brother Long" stared at the banknote, muttering to himself in disbelief.

It's just such a thin hundred-yuan bill, it doesn't weigh much, and it can't be thrown very far, but now it's stronger than a blade, and more than half of it fell into the wall.

This is a scene that only appears in novels, how could it exist in reality.

"Am I dazzled?"

"Damn it, is that really a hundred yuan note?"

"Illusion, this must be an illusion!"

This group of gangsters stared at the hundred-dollar bill on the wall, each with a look of disbelief on their faces.

"Brother Ye is amazing, how did he do it?"

Bai Aiwen asked Lin Jie beside him in surprise.

"I... how do I know!"

Lin Jie was also frightened by Ye Rongrong's move.

This man is really terrifying, just this hand is stronger than a bullet.


"As long as you can take out this hundred-yuan bill, I will give you the money. If you can't take it out, you don't want to eat and walk away."

Ye Rongrong looked at the group of "Brother Long" coldly and said.

As for these hooligans and hooligans, we must break their courage, so that they dare not come to this store again after they are beaten to death. If they are not frightened, they will definitely come here to make trouble endlessly in the future, which is very annoying.

Ye Rongrong didn't have time to waste time with these people every day, Ye Rongrong was going to scare these people today, making them fearful when they thought of this.


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