The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1639 throw it all out


Brother Long looked at the hundred-yuan bill on the wall, sweating profusely all over his body.

If this banknote had just been scratched his throat, or nailed to his head, he must have died.

No matter how hard my body is, it is not as hard as this wall. You must know that more than half of this banknote has sunk into this wall!

A horse boy tried to pull the banknotes out of the wall with his hands, but unfortunately the banknotes did not move at all.

As for tearing up the banknote, this young man doesn't have the courage.

Who knows if it will offend this terrible existence, if I give myself this note, wouldn't it be my own life!

Everyone in the room looked incredible.

It's a hell of a life!

"Step aside!"

Ye Rongrong pushed the horseman away, clamped two fingers on the banknote, and drew it casually, and the hundred-yuan bill fell into Ye Rongrong's hand so easily.


The boy who couldn't draw the banknote just now had his eyes straightened.

Is it that easy to pull out?

But just now I obviously used up all my breastfeeding strength, and it's obvious that the paper money won't move at all.

Ye Rongrong's move surprised "Brother Long" and others again and again.

"I don't want to do anything, just slap yourselves!"

Seeing "Brother Long" in a daze, Ye Rongrong said lightly.

"Brother, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I will take him away!"

At this time, if "Brother Long" didn't know that the man in front of him was someone he couldn't afford to offend, he could hit a wall.

Now "Brother Long" is thinking about running away.

With such a strong person, today I can only consider myself unlucky.

In fact, "Brother Long" asked people to check the background of this store, and learned that this store came in quickly and had no background.

It is easy to blackmail a large amount of money from such a store, and "Brother Long" will naturally not let it go, how would he know that he would get into trouble with such a terrifying guy as Ye Rongrong.

"If you want to leave, it's not that easy!"

Naturally, Ye Rongrong couldn't let these people go away so easily, otherwise he really thought that he had a good heart and was easy to bully, and in the future, cats and dogs would bully him.

"Why? Don't forget, this is my territory. Don't make things too extreme, or everyone will have a hard time!"

"Brother Long" looked at Ye Rongrong threateningly and said.

I am the local snake in this area, even if you are a raptor, you have to weigh me.

"scare me?"

Ye Rongrong is a little funny, now a gangster dares to threaten him, how ignorant and fearless!

"No matter how powerful you are, just be alone. If you mess with us, if there is something wrong with the people around you, it will be bad!"

"Brother Long" threatened with a bad face.

It was because Ye Rongrong put so much pressure on him that he could only threaten him with Ye Rongrong's family.

I'm a hooligan, I really pissed myself off, but I can do anything.

"court death!"

Ye Rongrong hates others to threaten him with his family, this "Brother Long" violated Ye Rongrong's taboo!

"Brother Long" felt a blur before their eyes, and a figure came towards them, before they could react

"Bang bang bang!"

With the sound of crashes, "Brother Long" and the others were thrown out of the shop and smashed hard on the cars outside.

The huge impact directly caused these people to bleed out and faint.


"Isn't this too fierce?"

"It's so handsome and cool!"


The waiters in the store all looked at Ye Rongrong in shock.

This is simply the Chinese version of Superman, really amazing!

It took so much strength to throw these five big and three thick guys so far, and the speed made everyone dizzy.

"What happened here?"

"Aren't these people the gangsters of the generation nearby? How could they be made so miserable!"

"Isn't that Brother Long with five people and six people? Why was he thrown out!"

"Come on,

Maybe there will be a rush here! "

"Do you want to call the police? These people are bloody, and they might die."

"I wish they would die. What are they? I know they are cheating, abducting and stealing."


The people who originally wanted to watch the excitement, but when they saw that the people who passed out with bloody heads, were local hooligans, they all hid away and turned a blind eye.

"Brother, they won't die, will they?"

Ye Xiaoqin looked at the bloody gangster outside with some anxiety, and asked Ye Rongrong.

After all, if this is fatal, my brother will be more responsible.

"Don't worry, I won't die for a while!"

Ye Rongrong glanced at the gangsters who had been smashed on the car or had fallen to the ground, and turned to Ye Xiaoqin.

Although these gangsters look miserable, there is actually no fatal injury.

Of course, if no one cares about them and let them lose blood like this, they will definitely die, but Ye Rongrong is not worried about anything. If such a big thing happens, the police will definitely arrive soon.

"Brother Ye, you are too powerful!"

"Brother Ye, you were so cool just now!"

Lin Jie and Bai Aiwen ran to Ye Rongrong excitedly and said.

"Hehe, don't worship brother, brother is just a legend!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Glory, it's really thanks to you this time!"

Zhao Dagang said to Ye Rongrong with a look of conviction.

For his brother-in-law, Zhao Dagang is very convinced now.

My brother-in-law is really capable. If someone had been so capable to his brother-in-law two years ago, Zhao Dagang would definitely think that he was telling a joke and it was a fairy tale.

"Brother-in-law, if someone comes to make trouble in the future, you can call him. He is Wang Dafu, chief of Yangping County Police Station."

Ye Rongrong wrote a phone number to his brother-in-law.

After all, letting the police chief handle this matter is much more effective than handling it by himself.


Zhao Dagang carefully put the note into his pocket.

At this moment, a harsh alarm bell sounded from outside.

You don't need to look to know that the police are coming.

"what happened?"

"What's happening here?"

The policemen who arrived at the scene were a little stunned. These bloody people in front of them are very familiar to these policemen. They are all local hooligans and regular visitors to the police station.

Usually they are the ones who bully others, when did they get bullied like this!

"Call an ambulance immediately!"

A leading middle-aged policeman said.

Although these hooligans are not a good thing, the people around here can ignore their life and death, but the policemen themselves can't do it, and they must be rescued.

The responsibility of the middle-aged policeman is also very helpless.

It's a pity that China's laws punish these bad guys too lightly, so that these hooligans are getting more and more arrogant.

Because they understand that the police have nothing to do with them, at most they will detain them for a few days, and after they come out, they will eat delicious food and drink spicy food, and live a very chic life.

Soon, the police learned from passers-by that these hooligans were thrown out of this convenience store.

"You come in with me!"

The middle-aged policeman said to the people around him.

Now the middle-aged policeman is very curious about who is so powerful that he left these gangsters so miserable.

But when he walked into the convenience store and glanced at it, the middle-aged policeman was stunned.

"Ye... Mr. Ye, hello!"

When he came back to his senses, the middle-aged policeman immediately said respectfully to Ye Rongrong.

Now the middle-aged policeman understands why these hooligans were beaten so miserably. Mr. Ye's martial arts are amazing.

Not to mention just a few hooligans, even if there were twice as many hooligans, they would still be beaten badly.

"Captain Li, you came just in time. These hooligans came to my brother-in-law's store to extort money, and even threatened me. You can't be arrogant. You policemen must crack down on these hooligans who endanger social stability."

Ye Rongrong said to the middle-aged policeman in front of him.

This Captain Li, whom Ye Rongrong knew, was the deputy captain of the County Security Brigade, and had several contacts with Ye Rongrong.

"Mr. Ye, don't worry, we will definitely clean up the hooligans in this area, and we will never let this kind of thing happen again."

Captain Li immediately patted his chest and said.

It's unlucky enough for these hooligans to blackmail them into Mr. Ye's sister's shop.

Isn't this suicidal?

"That's good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said with satisfaction.

Soon, the police took these hooligans away, and the car was also towed away.



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