
Li Shilan looked at Ye Guangming with disdain and said.

"Who... who is a coward!"

Ye Guangming is the most dissatisfied with others saying that he is a coward, especially when he is called a coward by a girl.

"You dare not do it with me, what are you not a coward?"

Li Shilan stared at Ye Guangming and said.

Usually this Ye Guangming listened to him very much, but this time he didn't listen to him, Li Shilan felt a little uncomfortable.

"Anyway, I won't punish Uncle Glory with you. I advise you to stop thinking about it. Uncle Glory is amazing. We are no match for him."

Ye Guangming persuaded.

"It's a shame that you're still a boy. You haven't acted yet, so you lost your courage! I'm ashamed for you!"

Li Shilan gave Ye Guangming a white look and said.

"No matter what you say, I won't do it with you anyway."

Ye Guangming shook his head and said.

Ye Guangming admired Uncle Glory very much, how dare he mess around with Li Shilan!

Thinking of his Uncle Glory's ability, Ye Guangming knew that Li Shilan would lose miserably without even thinking about it.

"Hmph, I can do it by myself without you."

Li Shilan snorted unhappily and said.

In the past, Ye Guangming followed him to do it, so he just had to be the commander, but now the coward Ye Guangming quit, and he had to do everything himself.

It's a pity that there are only two students in the sixth grade class. It would be great if there were more students. I am the eldest sister. Unlike now, Ye Guangming has to do it himself.


"Principal, I really don't want to teach this sixth grade class."

Xu Qingqing said to Ye Rongrong with a depressed face.

Originally thought that Principal Ye would change his class to teach students, but he didn't expect to let him teach mathematics to the sixth grade class.

To be honest, now Xu Qingqing is worried at the door of Class 1 classroom from the first grade to the sixth grade, for fear that something bad will happen.

"Isn't this dismissing your position as head teacher?"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.


"It's nothing to worry about. With my head teacher in Class 1, Grade 6, you can be your math teacher with peace of mind. If these two students dare to play tricks, I will deal with them."

Ye Rongrong interrupted Xu Qingqing.

After all, Ye Rongrong doesn't have time to be the math teacher of the sixth grade class. Being a teacher is also a very hard job. As a lazy person, Ye Rongrong will naturally not tie himself up to the sixth grade class. The head teacher is also under temporary discipline. These two mischievous children will not be the class teacher for a long time.


Xu Qingqing said helplessly.

At the very least, this homeroom teacher doesn't have to be the head teacher himself, Xu Qingqing can barely accept it.

Coupled with the fact that the headmaster personally acted as the head teacher of Class 1, Grade 6, these two students should be restrained.

"Principal, wait!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was about to push open the door of the sixth grade classroom, Xu Qingqing hurriedly pulled Ye Rongrong and said.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xu Qingqing suspiciously and asked.

"Be careful, there might be a mechanism behind this door!"

Xu Qingqing said.

"There is an agency?"

Ye Rongrong was stunned for a moment, and immediately used the "detection technique" to check the situation behind the classroom door.

It really has a mechanism!

I saw a balloon tied with a rope behind the door. The balloon is filled with water. As long as you open the door and walk in, the rope will be broken, and the balloon will fall down instantly and enter the classroom. The head of the person at the door.

If I had just pushed the door and walked in, I would probably have been ruined.

Now Ye Rongrong has seen the means to scare Teacher Xu Qingqing.

This trick is all on the head of the headmaster, which is not bad.

Based on Ye Rongrong's understanding of Erwazi, he didn't have that bear who dared to provoke him, so don't think that it might be Li Shilan's masterpiece.

"It's okay, let's go in!"

After Ye Rongrong was stunned for a while,

After speaking to Xu Qingqing, she pushed open the door of the classroom and walked in.

"There's a good show to watch!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong push open the door of the classroom, Li Shilan looked excited.

Don't think that if you are the principal, I won't dare to punish you. This girl has never been afraid of anyone.

It's fine if you don't care about this girl. If you want to take care of this girl, you are the one who looks good.

"what happened?"

Li Shilan, who was originally planning to watch a good show, was dumbfounded!

The development of the process did not develop according to the scenario I expected. The balloon filled with water hanging on the door did not fall, and the rope did not break.

How is this possible? I have tried this trick countless times, and it has never failed. Why did it fail this time?

"You know that Uncle Glory is amazing!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was not drowned, Er Wazi couldn't help but feel happy.

Erwazi didn't want Uncle Glory to be tricked by Li Shilan.


Walking into the classroom, Xu Qingqing looked at the door of the classroom with some doubts, and found that there was really a balloon filled with water hanging on the door.

"Why didn't the balloon fall?"

Xu Qingqing was a little puzzled.

After all, as soon as I pushed open the door of this classroom last time, the balloon filled with water fell on my head, making myself a drowned chicken.

"Student Li Shilan!"

Ye Rongrong walked to the podium and shouted to Li Shilan who was still staring at the door of the classroom in a daze.


Li Shilan recovered and looked at Ying and said.

Now Li Shilan's mind is still full of "Why is this rope not broken, why is this balloon filled with water not blowing up?"

"Go and close the door of this classroom."

Ye Rongrong said to Li Shilan.

"I... go to close the door?"

Li Shilan said with a surprised face.

"Why do you have an opinion!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Li Shilan and asked.

"No...no opinion!"

Li Shilan stood up and said.

Now Li Shilan also wanted to understand why this mechanism failed.

Coming to the door of this classroom, Li Shilan carefully closed the door of this classroom, staring at the balloon hanging on the door, avoiding the balloon that might fall at any time.

Seeing that the classroom door was about to be closed and the balloon did not fall, Li Shilan was relieved.

Now Li Shilan suspects that the rope she chose is too strong, so the water balloon does not fall.

Just when Li Shilan breathed a sigh of relief and was about to return to her seat, the balloon that had been hanging on the door suddenly fell down and landed on Li Shilan's head.


With the sound of the balloon exploding, Li Shilan was drenched with water all over her body, as if she was "drowned".

"how so?"

Li Shilan is so depressed!

This institution was made by myself to punish the teacher. I didn't expect to make myself a "drowned chicken" this time.

"Student Li Shilan, please sit down and start class!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Li Shilan and said.

Hmph, you're still young if you want to mess with me!

"Teacher, my clothes are wet, I'm going to the dormitory to change!"

Li Shilan looked at Ye Rongrong with a displeased face and said.

The headmaster must have done it on purpose. He was responsible for being in such a mess.

"It's hot now, and you won't catch cold if you're wet. It will dry out soon. You are about to face the high school entrance examination. This is where learning is the most important thing."

Ye Rongrong said.


Li Shilan didn't expect that the headmaster would be so ruthless that he would let himself be drenched in class.

Immediately, Li Shilan secretly scolded Ye Rongrong for being shameless and perverted in her heart.

Although she wished to cut Ye Glory into pieces, Li Shilan sat down obediently in her seat.

There's no way, this Principal Ye knew at first sight that he was not easy to provoke, unlike the teacher Xu Qingqing, who was made to cry every time by himself.

"Okay, Mr. Xu, you are in class, and I'm sitting in the back listening to the class!"

After Ye Rongrong said something to Xu Qingqing, he sat down in the last row of the classroom.

There are only two students in the sixth grade classroom, and it is empty. The tables and chairs are basically empty.

"Let's start class now. Everyone, please open page 24 of your math textbook. Today we will talk about..."

Seeing Principal Ye supporting herself in the classroom, Xu Qingqing was relieved, opened the teaching notes and started class.

"Go to hell, go to hell!"

Li Shilan didn't attend the class at all, but drew a profile picture on the notebook, and kept poking the head with a pencil.

This Li Shilan's drawing skills are very good, at least the sketched avatar is eight or nine points similar to Ye Rongrong.

"Student Li Shilan, you draw well. If you like drawing, you can enroll in the art class. Now it's time for math class, so listen carefully to me first."

"And Ye Guangming, don't think that if you put on an appearance of listening to the class seriously, you will think that I don't know that you have already lost your mind."

Ye Rongrong, who was sitting in the last row with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and said.

Now that Ye Guangming is teaching at school, Ye Rongrong no longer calls him by his nickname.

Upon hearing Ye Rongrong's words, Li Shilan closed the notebook angrily, and Ye Guangming hurriedly recovered his senses and looked at the blackboard, listening carefully to Teacher Xu's lecture.


Soon one class was over, and Ye Rongrong and Xu Qingqing also left the sixth grade classroom.

"Damn it, you actually bully me like this!"

Li Shilan angrily threw the math book on the table and said angrily.

"I've said it all, don't think about dealing with the principal, or there will be no good fruit to eat."

Erwazi persuaded Li Shilan.

"Hmph, if you don't take revenge on a woman, this matter will never end!"

Li Shilan gritted her teeth and said.

I have always said that I am punishing others, and when I am being punished by others.

Li Shilan couldn't swallow this breath.

Seeing that Li Shilan was going against Uncle Glory, Er Wazi could only shake his head and say nothing.

This Li Shilan was definitely no match for Uncle Glory.


"Principal, how did you keep the balloon on the door from falling?"

Walking out of the classroom, Xu Qingqing couldn't help asking Ye Rongrong curiously.

Until now, Xu Qingqing hadn't figured out how the balloon filled with water on the door wouldn't fall when the two of them entered.

But when Li Shilan went to close the door, it fell down.

This is very abnormal!


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