The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1643 Li Shilan's Counterattack

"Want to know?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xu Qingqing and asked with a smile.


Xu Qingqing nodded heavily in response.

Women are naturally curious creatures, if Xu Qingqing doesn't understand this, she probably won't be able to sleep well at night.

"Hehe, this is a secret, I can't tell you!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and smiled.

In fact, the reason why the water-filled balloon did not fall was mainly because Ye Rongrong used his mind to control the rope that bound the balloon, and when he wanted it to break, it would naturally break! "

"Principal, you..."

Xu Qingqing is so depressed!

It's the same as the sentence on the Internet, "I've taken off my pants, you let me see this!"

Although these words are a little bit that, but Xu Qingqing realizes that she is in such a mood now!

Principal Ye is really too bad!

"Okay, you don't have to worry about it in the future. With me as the head teacher of Class 1, Grade 6, these two little devil kings won't be able to dance."

Ye Rongrong said to Xu Qingqing.

No matter how mischievous the student was, Ye Rongrong felt that he had a way to subdue him.


Xu Qingqing nodded.

Anyway, the head teacher of Class 1, Grade 6 is Principal Ye, and he is just the teacher, so the person who has the most headaches is not himself.

The next class is music class.

Anyway, Ye Rongrong has nothing to do today, so Ye Rongrong is also going to listen to the second class.

On the one hand, examine the level of the music teacher, and on the other hand, supervise these two mischievous students.

"The principal is here, please pay attention to me, don't tell me anything, or I won't be polite to you!"

Li Shilan, who was looking around in the aisle, saw Ye Rongrong walking towards the classroom from a distance, ran into the classroom immediately, and warned Er Wazi.

Li Shilan was worried that the second child would inform Ye Rongrong, or wink at Ye Rongrong, so that her plan would fail.


Erwazi nodded and said.

Anyway, Erwazi didn't believe that Li Shilan could beat Uncle Glory.

"It's good to know!"

After warning the second child, Li Shilan sat down in her own seat, after all, Principal Ye is going to the classroom soon.

Ye Rongrong walked into the classroom door, and vigilantly checked the situation behind the classroom door with the "detection technique".

Proud soldiers are bound to be defeated, Ye Rongrong thinks it's better to be careful.

After all, when get out of class was over just now, Li Shilan's unconvinced eyes could be seen in her eyes!

Who knows if she'll put another water balloon over the door?

However, the results of the detection made Ye Rongrong feel relieved. At the very least, Ye Rongrong didn't find any mechanism hidden behind this door.

Ye Rongrong pushed open the door and walked into the classroom.

The purpose of the entry was that the two students, Li Shilan and Erwazi, sat on the stools obediently.

"Something is abnormal!"

Ye Rongrong was a little wary.

After all, neither Li Shilan nor Erwazi are good students who obediently listen to the class.


Seeing Ye Rongrong looking at her, Li Shilan snorted and turned her head aside.

Thinking of what happened to her last class, Li Shilan hated Ye Rongrong to death.

"Uncle Glory..."

Seeing Ye Rongrong looking at him, Erwazi was a little nervous.

Li Shilan, who originally turned her head away from Ye Rongrong, immediately turned her head behind Ye Rongrong's back and gave Erwazi a warning look.

"Call me the principal at school!"

Ye Rongrong didn't notice that Li Shilan was winking at Erwazi behind him.

"Yes, Principal!"

After being warned by Li Shilan, Erwazi, who originally wanted to remind Ye Rongrong, dared not speak up.

"Take a good class and don't be distracted anymore!"

Ye Rongrong said something to Erwazi, and then walked to the back seat.

Seeing that Erwazi didn't tell the truth, Li Shilan was relieved.

"Wait will make you look good!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong walking towards the seat where he was sitting in the last class, Li Shilan felt secretly happy.

Ye Rongrong walked to the last row, carefully looked at the stool he sat on in the last class,

It's normal, there is no superglue or screws on it.

"It seems that I think too much!"

Ye Rongrong thought to himself.

But just as he was about to sit on the stool, Ye Rongrong stopped!

"Sit down, why don't you sit down!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong didn't sit down on the stool, Li Shilan couldn't help feeling a little nervous!

"Did he find something?"

Li Shilan thought suspiciously.

However, he quickly dismissed this possibility.

After all, my method this time is very clever, unless someone informs, otherwise the headmaster can't find out the abnormality.

But the one who knew that he had tampered with that table was Erwazi, but this Erwazi was stared at by him, and he had never left the classroom, so it was impossible to tell the truth!

Just when Li Shilan was suspicious, Ye Rongrong sat down on the seat.

"It's done, he will be uncomfortable later."

Seeing Ye Rongrong finally sat down at that table, Li Shilan immediately felt better.

Fight with this girl, you are the one to watch!

"Ring ring ring..."

At this moment, the class bell rang, and a young female teacher walked into the classroom.

"Principal, you..."

As soon as Duan Hanxiu entered the classroom, she saw Principal Ye sitting in the last row of the classroom, and couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"It's okay, you go to your class, and I'll just sit here."

Ye Rongrong said to the young female teacher.

This female teacher named Duan Hanxiu is a music teacher who just graduated from Wenzhou Normal University this year. She is mainly in charge of music classes for students of all grades in the whole school, and is also in charge of teaching music interest classes in Taoyuan Primary School.

In Taoyuan Primary School, all classes have a music class every week, but there are not many students in Taoyuan Primary School, and only one music teacher is enough, so Duan Hanxiu is the only music teacher in Taoyuan Primary School.

"it is good!"

Duan Hanxiu took a deep breath, calmed down her nervous emotions, and began to teach the students in Class 1, Grade 6.

Now Duan Hanxiu only hopes that these two troublesome students in class one, grade six, will not create problems for herself.

Because "Taoyuan Elementary School" music class does not have a special teaching book, Duan Hanxiu can only print this textbook by himself. The textbook printed today is a folk song "Prayer".

Duan Hanxiu distributed a copy of the "Prayer" textbook to everyone.

The textbook contains the basic information of the song, as well as the lyrics and sheet music.

Looking at this textbook, Ye Rongrong couldn't help but think of his elementary school. He seemed to have learned this song "Prayer" when he was in the fifth grade.

Ye Rongrong was in elementary school at that time, and there was no sixth grade in Yangping County. After finishing fifth grade, he could directly enter junior high school.

Now Ye Rongrong still remembers the lyrics of this song very clearly.

We ring the bell of hope,

how many prayers in my heart,

Let everyone not see the failure,

call success forever,

Let the earth forget to rotate,

The four seasons lack summer, autumn and winter,


"Teacher, can you stop learning these old-fashioned songs? These songs have been outdated for decades and can't keep up with the times. Let's keep pace with the times!"

Li Shilan glanced at the music textbook in her hand, and immediately said dissatisfied.

This "Prayer" is a song from decades ago. It is a song that my parents learned when I was a child.

It really can't keep up with the trend of young people!

"Then what songs do you think the teacher should teach you?"

Duan Hanxiu looked at Li Shilan and asked.

It is said that the two students in Class 1, Grade 6 are the most troublesome for the teacher. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it. This is the first time I teach Class 1, Grade 6, and I was made things difficult by this student.

It's been almost a week since the school started, and I teach other classes by myself, but no students have any opinions, only the students in the sixth grade class have a lot of things.

"You can teach us songs such as "That Night", "Love Trading", "You Are My Lover", and "I Really Really Like You"."

Li Shilan said.

These songs are the ones that are often sung in ktv. If you sing "prayer" on ktv, it will really make people laugh.

"That's right, that's right, this "Prayer" song is not good at all!"

Erwazi also booed and said.


Duan Hanxiu couldn't help looking at Ye Rongrong.

Although Duan Hanxiu can teach these songs, but this is an elementary school after all, it seems that this kind of love song is not suitable for teaching these elementary school students!

"Teacher Duan, please ignore them. I think this song "Prayer" is very good. This student must learn the songs that these students should learn. No love songs are allowed to be taught."

Ye Rongrong naturally noticed Duan Hanxiu's gaze, so he spoke.

"it is good!"

Seeing the principal supporting her, Duan Hanxiu was relieved.

"Now I will sing this song "Prayer" for everyone. After I finish singing this song, I will teach you this song carefully."

After Duan Hanxiu said that, he started teaching.

We ring the bell of hope,

how many prayers in my heart,

Let everyone not see the failure,

call success forever,


Following Duan Hanxiu's beautiful song, Ye Rongrong's thoughts could not help but go back to his childhood, when he was sitting in the classroom and listening to the young and beautiful music teacher teach him the song "Prayer".

Ye Rongrong still remembers that at that time, boys like himself were ignorant, and they also had a certain judgment on the beauty of girls.

At that time, all the boys in the class liked the beautiful music teacher, and they all wanted to marry a wife as beautiful as the music teacher when they grow up.

But not long after entering junior high school, Ye Rongrong forgot about the beautiful music teacher, and began to like a girl in the class.

I have to say that the love when I was young and ignorant was so unstable.

Suddenly Ye Rongrong missed the beautiful music teacher in his primary school.

She should be almost forty now!

I don't know if she still remembers her student.

But when Ye Rongrong thought about it, this music teacher had already forgotten himself.

After all, he was just one of her countless students.

"What's going on, why is he all right?"

Li Shilan, who was sitting in the front row, turned her head and peeked at Ye Rongrong from time to time, her eyebrows furrowed.


There will be a third one, but it will be very late, please forgive me!

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