The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1644 Unlucky Li Shilan


Ye Rongrong, who was sitting in the last row, recovered from his thoughts.

I don't know why, but now Ye Rongrong feels a slight itching from his hands.

Although it was not very strong, it also made Ye Rongrong feel a little uncomfortable.

It's the itchy feeling you get when a caterpillar crawls over you.

"what happened?"

Ye Rongrong was a little puzzled, and didn't understand why he felt itchy when he was doing well.

However, the itching was not very strong, and soon Ye Rongrong couldn't feel the itching, so he didn't think much about it, and continued to listen to Duan Hanxiu's music class.

"What's going on? Could it be that the tickling powder has failed?"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was not abnormal at all, Li Shilan couldn't help muttering in her heart.

Li Shilan thinks this is very likely. After all, it has been almost half a year since I bought this bottle of itching powder, and I haven't used it for more than three months. It may have expired, and the effect of this medicine has lost its effect.

It turned out that before class, Li Shilan sprinkled some itching powder on the seat where Ye Rongrong was sitting now.

This itch powder is very fine white powdery particles. If you sprinkle a little on the stools and tables, it's hard to spot. What's more, Li Shilan sprinkles it very skillfully. Even Li Shilan herself can't find that the itch powder has been sprinkled on the table. I believe Ye Rongrong can find out.

Facts proved that Li Shilan's judgment was correct. Ye Rongrong didn't notice that the table and chairs were sprinkled with itch powder at all, so he just sat down.

It's just that the development of the plot is different from what Li Shilan imagined.

In Li Shilan's imagination, after sitting down for five or six minutes, Principal Ye would feel so itchy that he would scratch it vigorously with his hands in class.

But it turned out that Principal Ye seemed to be a normal person!

Li Shilan is so depressed!

"Ring ring ring..."

Soon after the get out of class bell rang, Ye Rongrong walked out of the classroom with Teacher Duan Hanxiu.

"what happened?"

Seeing Ye Glory and the others walk out of the classroom, Li Shilan immediately ran to the last row of the classroom where Ye Glory was sitting just now.

Li Shilan really couldn't understand how Principal Ye could act like a normal person.

"Could it be that the itch powder really didn't work?"

Thinking of this, Li Shilan sat down where Ye Rongrong was sitting just now, and imitated Ye Rongrong's posture just now and put her hands on the table.

"Lanlan, stop fighting with the principal, you can't beat him!"

Erwazi walked up to Li Shilan and persuaded her.

"It's nothing to you, just shut up!"

Li Shilan was in a bad mood, and the second child came here to scold her.

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say it!"

Seeing that Li Shilan didn't listen to his persuasion, Erwazi didn't say much.

Anyway, the person who suffers is not himself.

Now that Uncle Glory is the head teacher of Class 1, Grade 6, Er Wazi doesn't dare to mess around with Li Shilan anymore.

Erwazi is not afraid of his parents, but this Uncle Glory.

"Looks like I have to ask Ningning and the others to buy a bottle of itching powder for myself tomorrow!"

Li Shilan thought to herself.

Now Li Shilan hates this "Taoyuan Primary School" to death. Before starting school, this school inhumanely asks parents to confiscate their children's mobile phones. In this school, all students are not allowed to use mobile phones.

To make phone calls, only use the phones in the school pay phone booths.

Are you kidding me, this kind of coin-operated telephone booth was eliminated more than ten years ago, but this "Taoyuan Primary School" still exists.

At this point, Li Shilan really convinced Principal Ye.

Elementary school students who are used to using smartphones now hate this Principal Ye to death.

But there is no way, children are vulnerable groups.

When the parent heard that in order not to affect the students' study, all students are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school, and the parents are very supportive.

In the end, it was so pitiful that Li Shilan even wanted to borrow a mobile phone to surf the Internet.

Originally, Li Shilan also wanted her friend Ning Ning to bring her a mobile phone, and Li Shilan had already thought about the way to bring it in.

It was thrown in from outside the school's fence.

As long as the package is good, this phone will not be broken.

However, I saw a fifth grade boy who used the same method to get someone to throw a mobile phone in from outside the school fence. Before he was far away from the fence, he was stopped by the teaching director and confiscated the phone. Li Shilan took it. I thought of throwing the phone in from outside the fence.

From Li Shilan's point of view, there must be surveillance on the side of the school wall, and every move is under the surveillance of the school. This method will not work.

This is not the most depressing thing, the most depressing thing is that this school actually has a mobile phone detection device, as long as any student brings a mobile phone into the school, it will be detected immediately.

In just this week, several students in "Taoyuan Elementary School" had cellphones they got in through special channels, but they were confiscated by the director of the Academic Affairs Office who fell from the sky before warming them up in their hands.

What has been puzzling to everyone is how the academic director knows who has a mobile phone and can accurately find where the mobile phone is hidden.

So now, if Li Shilan wants to buy a bottle of "itch powder" online, she has to go to the coin-operated phone booth at school to call her friend and ask her to buy it for her.


Li Shilan, who was about to stand up from her seat, suddenly felt abnormal.

There is an itching sensation on the body.

"Isn't it possible that I got the itch powder myself? Isn't the effect of the medicine out of order?"

Li Shilan couldn't help being a little puzzled.

But before Li Shilan could think about it, a strong itching sensation made Li Shilan so uncomfortable that she couldn't think about other things.

"It's itchy, it's itchy!"

Li Shilan kept scratching her body, it was too itchy, now Li Shilan felt like thousands of mosquitoes were biting her body.

"Lanlan, what's wrong with you?"

Erwazi noticed Li Shilan's abnormality and asked with concern.

"I... my whole body is itchy!"

Now Li Shilan really has the urge to cry.

Originally, I wanted to punish the principal, but in the end, the principal didn't make it, and I was recruited instead.

"How about I take you to the infirmary!"

Erwazi suggested.

This "Taoyuan Elementary School" has an infirmary. Usually, if students catch a cold, the doctors in the infirmary will treat them for free.

This is also the reason why many parents put their children at ease in "Taoyuan Primary School", which has complete supporting facilities.

"Do you tube!"

Li Shilan gave Erwazi a blank look and said.

If he went to the school infirmary by himself now, wouldn't everything be known.

If you can't fix the principal by yourself, you can put yourself in the hospital.

Li Shilan felt that she couldn't afford to lose that face!

Now Li Shilan felt that Principal Ye must also have fallen for this itch fan, but he just held it back. Li Shilan didn't believe that Principal Ye could hold it back, so she couldn't help it.

Soon, the class bell rang again. This time Ye Rongrong didn't come to Class 1 of Grade 6, but Zhang Hua, the Chinese teacher of Class 1 of Grade 6, came in.

"Student Li Shilan, what are you doing?"

As soon as Zhang Hua saw the classroom, she realized that Li Shilan was a little abnormal. It was already class time, and her hands kept scratching her body.

"Teacher, I..."

Li Shilan didn't know how to speak.

Now Li Shilan was so itchy that she couldn't take it anymore, it was too itchy.

In the past, Li Shilan used this itch powder to torture others, and it was very funny to see other people's whole body itch.

But now Li Shilan didn't find it funny at all, but felt that it was too terrible. This extremely itchy feeling made Li Shilan have the urge to hit the wall.

Li Shilan really couldn't understand how Principal Ye could hold back such an extremely itchy feeling.

Is his physique different from ordinary people?

Li Shilan didn't know that she really guessed right. Ye Rongrong's physique was really different from ordinary people. Ye Rongrong's physical fitness was at the elite level.

This physical quality makes Ye Rongrong's physique more than ten times stronger than that of ordinary people, and his resistance to viruses is also more than ten times stronger than that of ordinary people.

In addition to Ye Rongrong's "Iron Cloth Shirt" Dacheng, this itch powder has very little effect on Ye Rongrong's body, which is why Ye Rongrong felt a little itchy, but it passed quickly.

It's a pity that Li Shilan didn't have as good a physique as Ye Rongrong, so she was a little bit overwhelmed by the extremely itchy feeling when she got itchy powder.

"Physical discomfort?"

Zhang Hua asked with concern.

Although this Li Shilan was a problem student who caused the teacher a headache, as a teacher, Zhang Hua also cared about her health.


Li Shilan nodded in response.

It was so itchy that Li Shilan couldn't bear it anymore.

"Then I'll take you to the infirmary now."

Zhang Hua also felt that Li Shilan's condition was very bad. How could she have two hands scratching her body like this? Her arm was bleeding from her grasping.


"Ms. Bai, is she all right?"

Zhang Hua asked Bai Ping worriedly.

This Bai Ping is a young female doctor transferred from "Taoyuan Home for the Elderly Community Hospital" to "Taoyuan Primary School" as a school doctor.

"Fortunately, it's just a skin allergy. It should be better to hang a few bottles of drip."

Bai Ping said.

As for why Li Shilan had skin allergies, Li Shilan refused to say, and Bai Ping couldn't find out.

But with this little bit in, Li Shilan's situation is much better.

"Why are you doing well, allergies? It seems that the classrooms in the school have to be disinfected."

Zhang Hua couldn't understand why Li Shilan had such skin allergies, and thought that there might be some germs in the classroom that caused Li Shilan's skin allergies.


Coming out of the infirmary, Li Shilan's body was no longer itchy and uncomfortable.

"No, this matter can't just end like this."

Thinking of the torture she had just suffered, Li Shilan suddenly became angry.

It was Principal Ye who made him suffer, and Li Shilan couldn't swallow it.

This revenge, I must avenge it!

Thinking of this, Li Shilan came to a pay phone booth in the school.

After putting in one dollar, Li Shilan picked up the phone receiver and dialed a series of numbers on the dial key.


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