The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1645 Li Shilan's Calculation

"Miss Lanlan!"

Soon the sweet voice of an immature girl came on the phone.

"Ningning, come to Taoyuan Elementary School this afternoon!"

Li Shilan said on the phone.

There is no way, Li Shilan lost a lot in today's battle of wits.

Li Shilan must find this place.

"What happened to Sister Lanlan? What happened?"

Ren Ningning on the other end of the phone asked curiously.

"Sister was bullied at school!"

Although it was embarrassing, Li Shilan still had the courage to speak out, after all, she alone could not defeat this cunning Principal Ye.

"What? Sister Lan, someone actually bullied you!"

Ren Ningning was taken aback.

Li Shilan has always been the one who bullied others, when did she get bullied.

He was also bullied to the point of asking for reinforcements.

This made Ren Ningning very curious.

"I can't tell you clearly on the phone, come here first!"

Li Shilan said.

Speaking of this matter, Li Shilan was full of sadness, and Li Shilan didn't want to talk about it on the phone.

"Okay, hang up the phone, we'll take the car to Taoyuan Primary School right away!"

After Ren Ningning said something, he hung up the phone.


"Taoyuan Primary School" implements a semi-closed teaching model, and students who live in the school are not allowed to leave the school unless there is an instruction from the parents or the class teacher.

But this didn't bother Li Shilan, she acted coquettishly with the guard uncle for a while, and repeatedly promised to chat with her former classmates at the school gate before coming back, and promised not to leave the guard's sight, Li Shilan finally left the school gate.

"Sister Lanlan, your school is so strict that you won't let me in after talking for a long time."

Ren Ningning said with an unhappy face.

It turned out that Ren Ningning and the others were about to enter the school gate just now, but were stopped by the guards. No matter what Ren Ningning and the others said, they were not allowed to enter the school gate.

"Hey... don't talk about this, it's annoying!"

Li Shilan said depressedly.

Now Li Shilan really misses the elementary school she used to go to, where she was very free to come and go, where there are so many rules, it is so troublesome to go out of the school gate, and she can't escape the guard's sight.

From Li Shilan's point of view, this is not a school, it's like a prison.

No, worse than a prison!

"Sister Lanlan, you called us here in such a hurry. I heard from Ningning that you were bullied at this school. What's going on?"

A quiet-looking little girl of twelve or thirteen said to Li Shilan.

The biggest impression of this little girl is not her pretty face, but her extremely long hair, which is braided up to her thighs. I don't know why she has such long hair at such a young age.

This little girl's name is Xu Ruifen, and she and Li Shilan are buddies. In Li Shilan's previous school, whenever Li Shilan did bad things, Xu Ruifen was responsible.

It's hard to believe that this quiet looking pretty little girl is actually a bad kid.

"That's right, Miss Lanlan, please tell us who bullied you!"

Ren Ningning also asked curiously.

This Ren Ningning is a tall and beautiful little girl who is about 1.6 meters tall. It is estimated that after a few years of development, she will be able to become a model. With her looks, she can definitely make a living in the modeling industry.

"It's our principal!"

Li Shilan gritted her teeth and said.

Now thinking of what happened to her today, Li Shilan hated Ye Rongrong to death.

"Your principal?"

Ren Ningning and Xu Ruifen looked at Li Shilan in astonishment, wondering why she was fighting with the principal of "Taoyuan Primary School".

"He is now my homeroom teacher. I originally wanted to give him a bad name, but it turned out..."

Speaking of this, Li Shilan was a little embarrassed to continue.

After all, this process is a bit embarrassing.

"What happened?"

"Don't talk halfway, okay, let us come and help you, if you don't make things clear, how can we help you!"

He stopped when he heard Li Shilan say halfway,

It made Ren Ningning and Xu Ruifen's hearts itch.

"Morning, I..."

Although it's embarrassing, Li Shilan also knows that sooner or later her good girlfriends will find out about this matter, and now she needs these two girlfriends to help her avenge her. Gritting her teeth, Li Shilan told her embarrassing things today.

"No way?"

"Why are you so unlucky!"

After listening to Li Shilan's narration, both Ren Ningning and Xu Ruifen were surprised.

"Who says it's not, anyway, I and that surnamed Ye don't share the sky, you must find a way to help me avenge this."

Li Shilan said harshly.

"How do you take revenge? Didn't you say that your headmaster is as strong as a gorilla? We can't beat him!"

Xu Ruifen said.

If Ye Rongrong was here, he would definitely be depressed to death. With such a burly figure, Li Shilan said that he looked like an orangutan. What kind of eyes are these?

"That's right, we three weak girls can't beat him. Besides, your school is so strict that we can't even get in. How can you avenge yourself?"

Ren Ningning also said in embarrassment.

"Our Principal Ye's family lives outside the school. He often comes in and out. You have a chance."

Li Shilan said.

I have been studying in this "Taoyuan Primary School" for a week, and Li Shilan has basically figured out the basic situation of this school.

Naturally, he also has the information that Ye Rongrong often enters and leaves the school.

"But how can we avenge you?"

Ren Ningning asked.

"come over."

Li Shilan pulled Ren Ningning and Xu Ruifen to her, and whispered to them: "You can do this..."

"No way, do you really have to do this?"

"This is too cruel!"

After hearing Li Shilan's plan, Ren Ningning and Xu Ruifen couldn't help saying in surprise.

"Can you help me with this?"

Li Shilan looked at her two girlfriends and asked.

"Then what if..."

"There will be no contingencies. Isn't Ruifen here? She will play by ear."

Li Shilan interrupted Ren Ningning directly.

"Am I sacrificing too much?"

Ren Ningning said depressedly.

"Didn't you always want my game console, as long as you help me do this, I will give you the game console."

Li Shilan said with some pain.

But thinking of how miserable Ye Rongrong was made by herself, Li Shilan felt that the effort was worth it.


Ren Ningning's eyes lit up and asked.

After all, Li Shilan's game console is worth thousands of dollars, so her parents must be reluctant to buy that money for herself.

"I keep my word!"

Li Shilan said with certainty.

"make a deal!"


"Taoyuan Primary School" principal's office.

"You are a top student at Harvard University of Technology in the United States, why did you choose to come to our private rural primary school as an English teacher?"

Ye Rongrong sat on the boss chair, looked at the information in his hand, and raised his head to ask the young woman sitting opposite him.

This young woman is estimated to be about twenty-five or six years old. She is wearing branded clothes. She is not very beautiful, but she is very temperamental. At first glance, she belongs to the kind of social elite who has received higher education. The overall feeling is that The kind of good-looking type.

But these are not important, what is important is her education, a doctoral student in economics at Harvard University in the United States.

What Ye Rongrong can't understand is that a highly educated overseas returnee like her would not work as an executive in a big company, but instead choose to work as a primary school teacher in her rural elementary school.

This made Ye Rongrong a little suspicious of her motives.

"Because I like it here, is that a good reason?"

Shui Lan said with some sadness.

As a doctoral student who graduated from Harvard University of Technology in the United States, I finally chose to be a primary school teacher in a rural school in China. Who would believe me?

If it wasn't for that matter, Shuilan would not have chosen to give up a good job in the big city and choose to be an elementary school teacher in this remote mountain village.

But thinking of that incident, Shuilan felt that there was no meaning for her to stay in the big city of Shanghai anymore. Shuilan wanted to find a remote place to relax her mind.

Perhaps it can be said that let yourself escape from some familiar people and things, go to a completely strange place, where no one you are familiar with can find yourself, and slowly lick this scar in your heart.

Just happened to see the promotion of "Taoyuan Primary School" on the Internet, and the beautiful campus scenery inside made Shuilan's eyes shine.

Looking at the introduction of "Taoyuan Primary School", I know that it is a private elementary school in a remote mountain village in southern Zhejiang Province. This is exactly in line with Shuilan's idea of ​​escaping from the big city of Shanghai and going to a remote place to let her soul fly.

So Shuilan didn't think too much, packed her luggage, said hello to her family, and took the train to "Taoyuan Primary School".

To Shuilan's surprise, the principal of "Taoyuan Primary School" is Ye Rongrong, the world-renowned Nobel Prize winner in medicine and the top medical expert in China.

"Yes, this reason is barely acceptable to me."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Just now, Ye Rongrong communicated with this Shuilan in English, and knew that this Shuilan's English level is very high, not to mention teaching primary school, even if she is teaching college English, she is more than enough.

This is a talent, Ye Rongrong believes in his own vision.

Although it is not clear why she came to Taoyuan Primary School to teach with a bright future, but in Ye Rongrong's view, it seems that it has nothing to do with him.

As long as the person is capable and has no problem with his character, that's fine.

"Your probationary salary is 5,000 yuan a month. After you pass the trial period, your salary will be 6,000 yuan a month. You will be paid a bonus every semester based on your work performance. If you are a part-time class teacher, you can get an extra 1,000 yuan a month." Money subsidy, this is the contract."

This contract is a standard contract, Ye Rongrong only needs to fill in the salary and benefits on it, and the other contents have already been printed in the contract.

Shuilan read the contract carefully. There was nothing wrong with the content. It was similar to the labor contract of a general enterprise, but there was one thing that made Shuilan hesitate. She looked up at Ye Rongrong and asked, "Does this contract have to be signed for five years at once?" ?”


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