"It must be signed for five years. It is not easy for our school to train a teacher. If you leave after one year, it will have a great impact on the teaching in our school."

Ye Rongrong explained.

This teacher also needs to be cultivated slowly, and Ye Rongrong doesn't want to be poached away by other schools as soon as "Taoyuan Elementary School" has trained a good teacher.

"I understand this!"

Shui Lan nodded and signed her name on the contract without saying much.

"Welcome to Taoyuan Elementary School!"

Seeing that Shuilan finished signing the contract, Ye Rongrong stood up and shook hands with Shuilan and said.

"Well... can I advance three months' salary in advance?"

After shaking hands with Ye Rongrong, Shui Lan looked at Ye Rongrong hesitantly and asked.


Ye Rongrong was stunned for a moment.

The contract has not been signed by herself, and this Shuilan has to pay three months' salary in advance. What does she mean?

"You need money urgently?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Shui Lan and asked.

"It's not in a hurry!"

Shui Lan blushed slightly, and said with some embarrassment.

"Then why did you advance three months' salary?"

Ye Rongrong stared at Shui Lan and asked.

After all, this Shuilan is a doctoral student at Harvard University of Technology in the United States, and he has been an executive in a foreign company in China for more than a year. This must have some savings. Ye Rongrong can't understand why he has to pay three months' salary in advance.

"My family doesn't agree with me working here, and my parents won't give me living expenses."

Shui Lan said with a blushing face.

"Haven't you been working for a year? What about your salary?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

"I...my monthly salary is not enough?"

Shui Lan lowered her head and said embarrassedly.

Living in a wealthy family since she was a child, Shuilan has developed a habit of spending a lot of money. The monthly salary of more than 20,000 yuan is not enough to spend, and her family usually gives her pocket money.

So Shui Lan had to estimate three months' salary from Ye Rongrong, mainly because she was in a hurry to go out and forgot to bring cosmetics, a set of cosmetics would cost 10,000 yuan.

"You can do it!"

Ye Rongrong was speechless for a moment.

It is said that many young people in big cities are "moonlight clan". Ye Rongrong has seen it, and a salary of tens of thousands a month is not enough.

Such a woman, the average man really can't afford it.

"Principal, can you advance three months' salary!"

Now Shuilan finally realizes that a penny is a woman.

"No, at most one month's salary in advance."

Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong doesn't seem to be used to her habit of spending a lot of money.


Being able to advance one month's salary is better than not being able to advance a penny at all.


Not far from the entrance of "Taoyuan Primary School".

"Ningning, why hasn't the principal that Lan Lan mentioned has come out yet?"

Xu Ruifen said impatiently.

On such a hot day, Xu Ruifen has been waiting for more than two hours under the shade of the tree at the gate of "Taoyuan Primary School", but she still hasn't seen that Principal Ye appear.

Xu Ruifen's eyes hurt from looking at it.

"It should be out soon, just keep an eye on it for a while."

Ren Ningning looked at the phone and said without raising his head.

"No, just stare for a while, I want to rest!"

Xu Ruifen said.

"How long has it been, you have to rest again!"

Ren Ningning said with some dissatisfaction.

"You are sitting and playing with your mobile phone, and I want to stare at the inside of this school. Why should I suffer such a big loss!"

Xu Ruifen said with some dissatisfaction.

Every time I let myself do the worst job, Xu Ruifen is not convinced!

"How about you as bait?"

Ren Ningning looked at Xu Ruifen and said.

"Forget it, I can't act well!"

Thinking of being taken advantage of by a man, Xu Ruifen hurriedly waved her hand and said.

"Then you still say it!"

Ren Ningning gave Xu Ruifen a blank look and said.

"Then I'll just keep watching!"

Xu Ruifen said depressedly.

Anyway, every time I reasoned, I couldn't say no to Ren Ningning.

But fortunately, Xu Ruifen was not made to wait long.

"Ningning, Ningning, get up quickly, the principal surnamed Ye is coming out."

Xu Ruifen hurriedly said to Ren Ningning who was still watching Korean dramas with her mobile phone.

"It really came out!"

Ren Ningning looked up at the gate of "Taoyuan Elementary School", and found that Ye Rongrong was walking towards the school gate.

As for how Ren Ningning and the others knew Ye Rongrong, it was too simple. There was a photo of Ye Rongrong in the Taoyuan School brochure.

In addition, Ye Rongrong belongs to the kind of alien that you can recognize at a glance when thrown in the crowd, so Ren Ningning and the others can naturally recognize Ye Rongrong at a glance.

"On your marks!"

Ren Ningning said something to Xu Ruifen, and quickly walked to the pre-arranged place.

This is a bit overstepped, this position is the only way for Ye Rongrong to pass.


"Hi principal!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong approaching, the middle-aged security guard hurriedly opened the school gate and said respectfully to Ye Rongrong.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded to the middle-aged security guard.

Most of the security guards in "Taoyuan Elementary School" are middle-aged people in the village, but this middle-aged security guard is the captain of the security team and a comrade-in-arms introduced by Weng Tao.

Ye Rongrong walked towards his home along the village road as usual.

"Ouch... woo woo... It hurts me to death!"

Suddenly a crisp voice sounded, Ye Rongrong looked up, and saw a little girl in a snow-white princess dress sitting on the ground not far away, as if she had sprained her leg.

"What's wrong with you little sister?"

Ye Rongrong walked over and saw clearly that the girl sitting on the ground looked about fourteen years old, but judging from her immature face, this girl should not be fourteen years old.

"I... I twisted my leg!"

Ren Ningning said with a painful face.

That expression was very spot on, as if she had really twisted her leg.

He is really a born good actor, at least Ye Rongrong was confused.

"I'll show you!"

Ye Rongrong squatted down, grabbed Ren Ningning's left leg and looked at it.

"It's not a sprained leg!"

Ye Rongrong could tell at a glance that the left leg was not sprained.


In a corner not far from Ye Rongrong, a mobile phone was mounted on a tree, and was facing Ye Rongrong's direction to record video, while Xu Ruifen hid in a hidden place on the other side and secretly took pictures with his mobile phone.

Because Ye Rongrong's attention was focused on Ren Ningning's legs, he didn't even notice that someone was secretly taking pictures of him.

"Let me see your right leg."

With that said, Ye Rongrong checked Ren Ningning's right leg again.

The right leg is normal, there is no sprain at all.

"Are my legs useless, am I going to become a disabled person?"

Ren Ningning looked at Ye Rongrong with a sad face and asked.

"Hehe, it's okay, your leg is fine, no sprain!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

This little girl did the same, she just fell and didn't hurt anything, and she was so frightened that she sprained her leg.

I also feel like I'm going to be handicapped.

Ye Rongrong was a little skeptical, did parents protect their children too well these days, and if they fell down so lightly, they felt that they would be disabled, and they didn't have basic common sense.


Ren Ningning looked at Ye Rongrong with tears in his eyes and asked.

"I'm really hungry, you're really fine! If you don't believe me, stand up and see for yourself."

Ye Rongrong said with some amusement.

"You help me!"

Ren Ningning looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong didn't think too much, and supported Ren Ningning to stand up with both hands.

Ren Ningning leaned against Ye Rongrong's body and was supported by Ye Rongrong.

"How about it?"

Ye Rongrong asked Ren Ningning with a smile.

"It doesn't hurt, my leg is really fine!"

Ren Ningning said excitedly.

"Thank you!"

Ren Ningning turned around and said to Ye Rongrong.

Due to the difference in height, Ren Ningning could only reach Ye Rongrong's chest.

"Okay, it's okay, go home quickly, lest your parents worry!"

Ye Rongrong said to Ren Ningning.

Ye Rongrong, a child in Taoyuan Village, basically knows Ye Rongrong, so it is certain that this girl is definitely not from Taoyuan Village.


Ren Ningning nodded.


Taking advantage of Ye Rongrong's inattention, Ren Ningning kissed Ye Rongrong's face, and stayed there for a few seconds on purpose.

"What are you doing!"

Ye Rongrong hurriedly pushed Ren Ningning away and said.

After all, this girl is not young anymore, so it's not suitable for her to have such intimate actions with her.

"Uncle, I am thanking you!"

Ren Ningning looked at Ye Rongrong with a puzzled expression and said.

"Your gratitude is so warm, I can't stand it."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Then... how about uncle, I'll let you kiss one, you can kiss anywhere you want!"

Ren Ningning said seriously.

"What are you talking about, I'm leaving!"

Ye Rongrong said a little speechlessly.

What is going on in this society now, this girl is so open at such a young age.

Ye Rongrong suddenly wanted to teach a class of "Female Virtue" in "Taoyuan Primary School".

Seeing how Western thought washes over Chinese civilization, this girl doesn't even know how to be ashamed at such a young age.

"Uncle, there is no one here, what are you afraid of, I don't mind!"

Ren Ningning said indifferently.

Don't men nowadays just like little girls like themselves?

Just pretend!

Ren Ningning didn't believe that such a young and beautiful girl like herself couldn't take down this uncle in front of her.


Ye Rongrong convinced the little girl in front of him.

"Forget it, if you don't go, I'll go!"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

I can't be as knowledgeable as this little girl, I can't afford to provoke her, I can always hide!

"Uncle, don't go, if you want to open a room, there is no problem!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong ignored him and turned around to leave, Ren Ningning shouted loudly behind Ye Rongrong.


Ye Rongrong almost spit out his saliva.

Are girls this bold now? Dare to call open house on this road.

Fortunately, there was no one on the road now, otherwise, his image as the glorious principal would be ruined. Ye Rongbo took a few small steps, and his figure quickly disappeared from Ren Ningning and the others' sight.


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