The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1647 Was Calculated

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"Where are people?"

Xu Ruifen came out from behind the tree and asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, this person is amazing, he disappeared in a flash."

Ren Ningning said after looking back from a distance.

Just now Ren Ningning felt dazzled, the uncle disappeared after a few flashes.

It's a hell of a life!

"Forget about that, how about looking at the photos I took?"

As Xu Ruifen spoke, she opened the phone's photo album, and showed Ren Ningning the photos she secretly took just now.

"How about it, isn't the technology good!"

Xu Ruifen proudly pointed to a photo and continued: "Look at this one, this guy surnamed Ye is grabbing your leg, that wretched look, he almost kissed you."

"And this one, his hand is on your chest, did he touch you?"

Xu Ruifen turned to a certain photo and said to Ren Ningning in doubt.


Ren Ningning shook his head and said.

This is just an illusion caused by the camera angle.

"And this photo, Ning Ning, you really kissed me, didn't you just let me take a photo of it?"

Xu Ruifen pointed to a photo on the phone in surprise and said.


Ren Ningning blushed a little, and said hesitantly: "I don't know how to get close to kiss for real, this is my first kiss!"

Ren Ningning feels a little blocked now, this first kiss is gone!

I have lost a lot!

"You don't like him, do you?"

Xu Ruifen stared at Ren Ningning and asked suspiciously.

"How is it possible, but he has a special sense of security!"

Ren Ningning said with a slightly red face.

Just now, Ren Ningning felt so safe after being in close contact with that uncle!

Especially when he examined the injury on his leg so earnestly, that gentle look made Ren Ningning fall into a little bit.

Now Ren Ningning somewhat understands why girls like uncles who are much older than themselves. They are really considerate and feel safe!

"It's over, you are possessed!"

Xu Ruifen shook his head and said.

"Who... who is possessed, you want to beat me!"

After Ren Ningning said that, he chased Xu Ruifen and began to fight.


"Not bad, not bad, these photos are great!"

At the gate of "Taoyuan Primary School", Li Shilan looked at the photos on her phone and became excited.

Heh heh, this time Principal Ye has something in his hands, let's see if he dares to bully and criticize himself.

Especially when she thought that Principal Ye was being blackmailed by her, and she would dominate the "Taoyuan Elementary School" in the future, Li Shilan couldn't help humming and laughing.



Seeing Li Shilan giggling while holding the phone, Ren Ningning and Xu Ruifen shouted with some concern.


Li Shilan was dreaming of her own dream of being king, but was interrupted by Ren Ningning and Xu Ruifen, she looked at them with some displeasure and asked when she came back to her senses.

"You... are you okay?"

Ren Ningning looked at Li Shilan suspiciously and asked.

"I'm fine, Ningning, you haven't really been taken advantage of by that surname Ye, have you?"

Li Shilan looked at Ren Ningning and asked.

After all, from this photo, it can be seen that Ren Ningning was taken advantage of by Ye Rongrong.

"No, no, this is all caused by misplaced photos."

Ren Ningning hurriedly shook his head and said.

"That's good, we can't let that Ye take advantage!"

Li Shilan said.

"Lanlan, what should we do next?"

Xu Ruifen asked.

"You develop these photos and give them to me. With these photos, I don't believe that this surname Ye doesn't obediently listen to us. When the time comes, he will do whatever we ask him to do. If he is disobedient , hum..."

The more she talked, the more excited Li Shilan became.

"Isn't this too cruel?"

Ren Ningning said with some embarrassment.

"No poison, no husband, the most poisonous woman's heart, don't you know?"

Li Shilan looked at Ren Ningning and said.


Time flies, and the first week of Taoyuan Primary School has passed in a blink of an eye. The school is closed for half a day on Sunday afternoon. Except that students cannot leave the school without authorization, they can rest freely in the school. Parents can also come this Sunday afternoon Visit your children.

"Obviously, how is this Taoyuan teacher's class level?"

In the school dormitory, a parent asked his son.

"I think it's pretty good, I can understand it, and I can remember it."

Mingming said excitedly.

After all, I used to study in the elementary school in the town, and the contents of the teacher's lectures were clearly half-understood by the students, and they couldn't remember them. Can understand and remember.

"Wow, that would be great!"

When the parent heard what his son said, he let go of his uneasiness.

The reason why I transferred my son to "Taoyuan Primary School" was because my son's academic performance in the previous school was not good, and he was always at the bottom of the class, which made me feel very embarrassed.

So when I saw the enrollment brochure of "Taoyuan Primary School", I chose to transfer my son to another school for a try. Maybe if I change schools, my son's grades will improve.

What I am most worried about is the teaching level of "Taoyuan Primary School". I have only been in school for a week, and I am eager to come to "Taoyuan Primary School" to see my son and understand his learning situation at school.

The same scene happened on different occasions in Taoyuan Primary School.

"Dad, it's much easier for me to study here than in the previous school. I can remember everything the teacher said, and I can do things that I didn't understand before."

"Really, are the things taught by the teachers in this school too simple?"

"No, the way the teacher teaches here is the same as the way the teacher taught in the school before, but I can remember and understand it!"

"Not bad, not bad, it seems that this transfer is the right one!"

The young man said happily.

It was because his child's grades in the original school were so poor that the young man transferred his child to this private primary school. He did not expect that his child would be able to enter this school.

Although there are no exams and no grades yet, my children can remember and understand the content of the teacher's lectures, which is a great improvement.

"Grandpa, I like this school. I feel that my memory is much better than before in this school."


the old man asked in surprise.

"Really, it took a long time to memorize a textbook before, but now it only takes a few times to recite it."


Along the way, Ye Rongrong vaguely heard the conversations between the students and their parents in the school, which made Ye Rongrong very happy. At least the children who came to this "Taoyuan Elementary School" had much better memory and comprehension than before.

As for the reason, Ye Rongrong knows that it is because of the "intellectual halo" of the "lazy system". As the chairman and vice principal of "Taoyuan Primary School", all the students in this school are his students.

As long as they are their own students, their intelligence can be increased by 30% under the effect of the "intelligence halo".

This 30% intelligence is very impressive, which is why the memory and comprehension of the students of "Taoyuan Elementary School" have been greatly improved compared with before.

But this is Ye Rongrong's secret, so naturally he won't tell anyone.

After walking around the campus, Ye Rongrong was going to sit in the principal's office to see if there were any documents that he needed to deal with.


At this moment, Li Shilan walked towards Ye Rongrong with two girls who were about the same age as her, and shouted at Ye Rongrong's back.

Ye Rongrong looked back, and couldn't help frowning, because besides Li Shilan, Ye Rongrong saw the girl in the white princess dress yesterday again, but today she was wearing a pink dress.

Seeing this girl, Ye Rongrong didn't know why he had a bad feeling.

It seems that something happened!

Ye Rongrong is very confident in his intuition.

"Why are you here?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and asked Ren Ningning.

For this Ren Ningning, Ye Rongrong didn't have a good impression. Ye Rongrong's thinking was a bit feudal, and he didn't have a good impression of this girl who was so casual at a young age.

"Of course I'll settle the score with the principal, you heartless man!"

Li Shilan proudly said to Ye Rongrong.

Now that I have the evidence, I am not afraid that Principal Ye will not submit.

"The heartbroken man?"

Ye Rongrong couldn't help being stunned, he has become a "heartbroker".

"Principal Ye, you will not deny the fact that Ning Ning has always abandoned us!"

Li Shilan stared at Ye Rongrong and said.

"What nonsense, you are still students, where did you learn such a mess."

Ye Rongrong frowned, looked at Li Shilan seriously and said.

"You all know that we are students, and you still molested Ningning, how shameless you are!"

Li Shilan looked at Ye Rongrong with contempt and said.

"What are you talking about, I can't understand at all."

Ye Rongrong looked at Li Shilan suspiciously and asked.

When did I molested a student named Ningning?

"You still don't admit it, Ruifen, you show the photo to Principal Ye."

Li Shilan said to Xu Ruifen.

"it is good!"

Xu Ruifen responded, took out a few photos from her small bag, and handed them to Ye Rongrong.


Ye Rongrong took the photo with some doubts and looked at it.

Soon, Ye Rongrong frowned.

The angles of these photos are very problematic. Judging from these photos, I checked the girl's calf, and was fixed in this photo as stroking the girl's calf; helping the girl up from the ground, but in the photo It became his hand on her chest.

Especially in the last picture, when the girl kissed him forcefully, he pushed her away with his hands, but in the photo it showed that he was holding her and let her kiss his face lightly.

If you just look at a few photos, Ye Rongrong really couldn't wash himself off by jumping into the Yellow River.

Ye Rongrong understood that he had been tricked by the three little girls in front of him.


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