The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1648 Lesson

"Well, the evidence is solid, you have nothing to say now!"

Li Shilan looked at Ye Rongrong proudly and said.

With these photos, Li Shilan felt that she was sure of Ye Glory.

"What do you want?"

Ye Rongrong put the photo in his pocket, looked at Li Shilan indifferently and asked.

"In fact, my request is very simple, that is, I will be free in this school in the future, no one can control me, and I can freely enter and leave the school gate at any time."

Li Shilan said, but soon Li Shilan thought of something, and then said: "By the way, my mobile phone was confiscated by my father. You still have to buy me a mobile phone. I don't want a normal mobile phone. I want an iPhone 7."

"Are there any other requests?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Li Shilan calmly and asked.

Only those who know Ye Rongrong well understand that the seemingly calm Ye Rongrong at this time is like the calm before the eruption of the volcano.

"and also……"

Li Shilan couldn't remember for a while, and looked at her two good girlfriends.

"And we can freely enter and leave this school in the future."

Xu Ruifen said.

"What about you? What do you want?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Ren Ningning and asked.

"I... My request is that you will often go shopping with us in the future."

Ren Ningning said.


Xu Ruifen was stunned, not understanding why her best friend made such a request.

"Ningning, you don't have a fever, do you?"

Li Shilan looked at Ren Ningning suspiciously and asked.

What kind of condition is this? She doesn't dislike letting a married man go shopping with people like herself, but she does.

"I...I mean he went shopping with us, and he paid for everything we ate, played, and used."

Seeing her two girlfriends looking at her in disbelief, Ren Ningning said hastily.

"This can be!"

Li Shilan nodded and said.

"If you have any other requests, let's put them all together!"

Ye Rongrong looked at the three women and said.

Girls nowadays are much smarter and more scheming than girls before.

It seems that with the advent of the Internet age and the upsurge of Gongdou movies, girls nowadays are as young as the women in TV dramas, and they are very scheming.

If I was not careful, I got it right.

"Not for now, I'll let you know when I remember it."

Li Shilan thought for a while and said.

"Very well, what if I don't agree?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the three women and asked.

"No, if you don't agree, we'll post this photo in school and on the Internet. When the time comes,'ll understand even if I don't say it."

Li Shilan looked at Ye Rongrong maliciously and said.

"Really? I'm really scared!"

Ye Rongrong said lightly.

"Let me tell you, don't think that we are afraid, the most poisonous woman's heart, if you don't hide our conditions, these photos will appear in the entire school tomorrow, and by then, your glorious principal image will be completely ruined, even There will be lawsuits."

Li Shilan said threateningly to Ye Rongrong.

"And if your wife finds out, she might divorce you!"

Xu Ruifen also looked at Ye Rongrong threateningly and said.

"Are you finished?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the three women and asked.

"What do you mean?"

Li Shilan looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise, because until now Li Shilan hadn't seen anxiety or fear on Ye Rongrong's face.

This is different from what Li Shilan expected.

In Li Shilan's expectation, as long as she showed this photo, Ye Rongrong would be terrified, and would satisfy her request in every possible way.

I will also please myself and keep myself from leaking these photos.

But now the real situation is different from what I imagined!

Could it be that Principal Ye is really not worried that he will lose his reputation if he publishes this photo.

After all, these photos of myself are real photos.

It's not computer-generated, it's the real thing, it's just a visual misunderstanding caused by the different angles of taking pictures.

But if the three of them don't talk about it, who knows.

Judging from the photos, everyone will definitely feel that Principal Ye has scorned Ren Ningning.

"What do you say!"

As Ye Rongrong spoke, he shot out suddenly, and pressed two palms on the shoulders of Xu Ruifen who was closest to him, and then pressed down.

Xu Ruifen only felt her body sank, and when she looked down, she saw her feet sank into the mud, almost reaching the joints of her ankles.



With Ye Glory's sudden surprise, not only Xu Ruifen screamed in fright, Li Shilan and Ren Ningning both screamed in fright.

Fortunately, they are now in the relatively remote campus of "Taoyuan Elementary School", and no one is passing by, and the screaming did not attract the attention of the nearby people.

" did you do to me?"

Xu Ruifen found that she couldn't move her feet at all, and it was completely impossible to pull them out. It was as if her whole body had grown into the ground suddenly, and she couldn't help feeling terrified.

But Ye Rongrong didn't answer Xu Ruifen's words, but nailed Ren Ningning, who was stunned, to the ground in the same way.

" did you do it."

Compared to Xu Ruifen who was nailed into the soil by Ye Rongrong, Ren Ningning was much calmer, and even wondered how Ye Rongrong could sink his feet into the soil so easily.

"You still worry about how you get out!"

Ye Rongrong didn't answer Ren Ningning's question, but said something to her with a smile, then turned to look at Li Shilan.

"You... what did you do to them?"

Li Shilan looked at Ye Rongrong in fear and asked.

Now Li Shilan felt that Principal Ye was too scary. She patted the shoulders of her two girlfriends lightly, and the feet of her two girlfriends were patted into the ground.

"It's nothing, just let them reflect in the soil, we are still our account now!"

Ye Rongrong said, and walked towards Li Shilan.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Li Shilan looked at Ye Rongrong who was approaching him in fear and said.

He wouldn't put himself in the field like Xu Ruifen, would he?

Thinking of this, Li Shilan was really scared!

"Don't worry, I won't punish you like them. They are not my students. Just give some punishment, but you can't. Do you know what you are doing now?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Li Shilan coldly and said.

"I... I don't know."

At this time, Li Shilan really panicked, she backed up with her whole body, and distanced herself from Ye Rongrong.

Now Li Shilan felt a little regretful, and called Principal Ye to this remote place to talk about things.

"This is called deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors. In ancient times, this was the greatest crime, so today I must teach you a good lesson."

Ye Rongrong was really angry.

One of his students dared to plot against him and even used it to threaten him.

If I don't teach her a good lesson today, what face do I have as a teacher!

"Teacher, I was wrong... I dare not do it again!"

Li Shilan hurriedly admitted her mistake.

A woman who can bend and stretch is a real woman.

It seems that I still underestimated Principal Ye, and I must learn this lesson next time.

"Now I know I was wrong, it's too late!"

Ye Rongrong walked towards Li Shilan slowly as he spoke.

"Don't come here, if you come here again, I will call someone, and this place is under surveillance, the security guard will come here soon."

Li Shilan shouted to Ye Rongrong in fear.

"You shout and try!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Li Shilan and said.

"Do you think I dare not?"

Li Shilan really shouted.

What frightened Li Shilan was that no matter how hard she shouted, the voice was very small, pitifully small.

Don't say that others have heard it, even you can't hear it clearly.

Li Shilan wanted to run, but found that she couldn't move her legs.

"You... what did you do to me?"

Li Shilan was so frightened that she looked at Ye Rongrong palely and asked.

"For a student like you who bullies teachers and destroys ancestors, today I will educate you well so that you understand how to respect teachers and respect morals."

Hearing that Li Shilan dared to call someone, Ye Rongrong was furious, and went directly to turn Li Shilan's body and pressed her tightly under his feet, and slapped her hard on the buttocks.

Under Ye Rongrong's anger, this slap was not light. Although the delicate buttocks felt good, Ye Rongrong completely ignored it in his anger.

For the students who beat him, Ye Rongrong has a sense of proportion, this position has a lot of meat, and the focus will not cause any major damage.

Anyway, this Li Shilan is still a child and also his student, Ye Rongrong naturally wouldn't beat her seriously.

It's just to teach her a little lesson, so that she can be nice to herself in the future.

Ye Rongrong didn't have the patience to spend time with her.

This is all done to plot against my teacher, if I don't give her a good lesson, I will pay for it in the future.

"Ah... Whoops... It hurts..."

"Woo woo woo..."

Li Shilan burst into tears in pain.


"Let go of Lan Lan!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong hit Li Shilan's stock, Xu Ruifen and Ren Ningning immediately shouted loudly.

But soon their mouths were so wide that they couldn't make a sound, and they were acupointed by Ye Rongrong.


Ye Rongrong's slap seemed to have a strange magical power, and it hit his shameful place, which made Li Shilan feel a strange feeling in his heart.

Li Shilan was startled, angry, afraid and ashamed, because her back was facing Ye Rongrong, she struggled desperately, kicking her two calves back and forth, trying to struggle out of Ye Rongrong's control.

It's a pity that with this little strength, she couldn't break free from Ye Rongrong's grasp.

"Do you know now that you were wrong?"

Ye Rongrong saw that the fight was almost over, so he asked like Li Shilan.

"Woooo, I don't want to live anymore, just kill me."

Li Shilan said stubbornly.

She has never been beaten like this since she was a child, and Li Shilan now has the heart to die with Ye Glory.


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