The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1656 Everyone has a time when they are young and ignorant

Ye Rongrong's body flickered.


"Uh... ah..."


There were bursts of screams, and this group of strangely dressed young men were thrown to the ground by Ye Rongrong, howling.

"Get away from Chen Wei in the future, or I'll hit you once I see you."

Ye Rongrong looked at the group of strangely dressed young people and said.

"Brother Bao, what should we do?"

Several young people covered their stomachs and looked at Ye Rongrong with a little horror.

This person is too powerful, I haven't seen clearly how he made the move, and people like myself were killed.

"let's go!"

The green-haired man gritted his teeth and struggled to get up from the ground. His face was pale, but he didn't complain of pain. It must be said that this guy was still a bit ruthless.

The green-haired young man knew that he had met an expert. Although he felt useless in his heart, he also knew that the best choice at this time was to leave quickly.

"Wait, you can't just leave like this, you have to pay for damages."

The owner of the Internet cafe immediately stopped the green-haired young man and they said.

It turned out that Ye Rongrong knocked down these strangely dressed youths, some of them touched the computers, and several computer monitors were broken.

"We have no money, you ask him for it!"

The green-haired young man pointed at Chen Wei and quickly left the Internet cafe with a group of people.

The owner of the Internet cafe didn't dare to forcefully stop them, after all, this group of people knew at first sight that they were definitely not kind, so the owner of the Internet cafe didn't dare to provoke them.

"Come back with me!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Chen Wei who was staring at him in a daze and said.


Chen Wei looked at Ye Rongrong with some fear, and lowered his head in response.

I really didn't expect my principal to be so powerful, Brother Bao, with so many people, was knocked down by the principal of his school just like this, and now they have all fled.

Usually I often hear Brother Bao say how fierce they fight, and they are all masters of one against ten.

Now Chen Wei really wondered if they were bragging.

So many masters who are one against ten are all beaten to the ground within a few seconds in front of Principal Ye, which is too ridiculous.


The owner of the Internet cafe hurriedly grabbed Ye Rongrong and the others.

"Is there something wrong?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the Internet cafe owner and asked.

"The fight just now broke several computers in my Internet cafe, and I need compensation."

The owner of the Internet cafe said hurriedly.

But he didn't dare to look at Ye Rongrong.

The owner of the Internet cafe saw the fight just now, and knew that Ye Rongrong was a master of fighting, so he didn't dare to offend Ye Rongrong, and he didn't dare to speak in a bad manner.

"How much money, I will pay, I will pay!"

Chen Wei said hastily.

"It's enough to lose a thousand dollars."

Seeing that the little boy was willing to lose money, the owner of the Internet cafe said happily.

Of course, the owner of the Internet cafe didn't dare to open his mouth like a lion, for fear of offending Mao Yerong and getting beaten up.


Chen Wei took out a thick wallet from his pocket, took out ten hundred-yuan bills from the thick stack, and handed them to the owner of the Internet cafe.

But before the owner of the Internet cafe happily accepted the thousand dollars, the thousand dollars was taken away by Ye Guangrong.

"You still have the nerve to ask for compensation?"

Ye Glory stared at the owner of the Internet cafe and asked.

" fight and caused financial losses to my Internet cafe, so why should I be ashamed to pay for it?"

The owner of the Internet cafe bit the bullet and said to Ye Rongrong.

The main reason is that Ye Rongrong's face is a bit fierce, and he looks at the Internet cafe owner coldly, which puts a lot of mental pressure on the Internet cafe owner.

This is also why many girls now like to find a tall and mighty boyfriend, because this is overwhelming in terms of momentum and gives them a sense of security.

"My student is not yet an adult. If you let him surf the Internet at your place, it's not bad that I didn't settle the score with you. Do you still have the face to ask me for compensation?"

Ye Glory stared at the owner of the Internet cafe and said.

"Forget it, I don't want your compensation either.


The owner of the Internet cafe said hurriedly.

After all, it is illegal to allow minors to surf the Internet in Internet cafes. If this person sues him, he will be in trouble.

Although I have some people in the relevant departments, once someone reports it, someone will definitely be sent to check it, and the money to be sent at that time will not be a thousand yuan.

Comparing the gains and losses, the owner of the Internet cafe doesn't want the thousand dollars in compensation.

It's my bad luck.

To be honest, the business of Internet cafes is far worse than before, and it is getting worse day by day. Most young people have their own computers, and they rarely come to Internet cafes for consumption.

Those Internet cafes in the center of the city are okay, relying on the huge flow of people, there are still some people going online, and some earning money.

Internet cafes like myself that are not located in the urban area are doing very poorly now, and many Internet cafes have closed down. I only earn some money by allowing minors to surf the Internet.

Otherwise, I would have closed down like many of my colleagues.

"I don't care about other people. From now on, if you let me know that the students of 'Taoyuan Elementary School' are going to your Internet cafe to surf the Internet, don't blame me for being rude."

Ye Glory stared at the owner of the Internet cafe and said.

This Internet cafe is full of smog, and Ye Rongrong doesn't want his school's students to come here to surf the Internet.


Stared at by Ye Rongrong, the owner of the Internet cafe nodded hurriedly and said.

"I'll be checking in often."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Principal, don't worry, as long as they are students of 'Taoyuan Primary School', I will absolutely not allow them to surf the Internet at my place."

Hearing that Ye Glory would come to check on him frequently, the owner of the Internet cafe said hastily.

"Chen Wei, let's go!"

Ye Rongrong said something to Chen Wei, then turned around and walked outside the Internet cafe.


Sitting in the car, Chen Wei looked at Ye Rongrong who was driving with uneasy eyes from time to time.

The dull atmosphere of this car made Chen Wei feel uneasy. When the car was about to arrive at "Taoyuan Primary School", Chen Wei couldn't bear it any longer, and said anxiously: "Principal, how are you going to punish me? Give me first." Let’s show the bottom, it makes my heart beat so fast that I can’t get a bottom out of it.”

"Hehe, my heart is in a panic now, why didn't I have a panic when I climbed over the wall and left school?"

Ye Rongrong asked with a smile.

"I have been observing for two weeks. The rules of the dormitory teacher's inspection of the dormitory and the law of the school security guard's monitoring have been calculated. When I ran out at that time, the dormitory teacher would not check the dormitory again. The school security guards will check the dormitory after nine o'clock. Basically, I don’t watch the surveillance when I’m playing on my mobile phone, and everyone won’t notice that I’ve run out, as long as I go back before dawn tomorrow, I can get away without anyone noticing.”

Chen Wei lowered his head and said.

"It seems that today is not the first time you ran out to surf the Internet at night."

Ye Rongrong asked.

"No, this is really my first time."

Chen Wei said hastily.


Ye Rongrong said noncommittally.

"Principal, this is really my first time, a first offense."

Seeing that Ye Rongrong didn't believe what he said, Chen Wei hurriedly said.

"The teacher believes in you."

Ye Rongrong glanced at Chen Wei and said.

"Thank you principal."

I don't know why Chen Wei felt warm when he heard President Ye's words of believing in himself.

"By the way, I just saw that you have a big wallet and several bank cards. How much living expenses do your parents give you a month?"

Ye Rongrong thought of Chen Wei taking out that thick wallet in the Internet cafe just now, so he asked.

"My dad gave me 5,000 yuan a month, and my mother would give me 5,000 to 6,000 yuan, and my grandparents and grandparents would also give me a lot of money to spend."

Chen Wei said honestly.

"No wonder."

Ye Rongrong now somewhat understands that the young green-haired gang will play with this little kid like Chen Wei, because they are eyeing the money in Chen Wei's pocket.

It seems that I need to have a good talk with Chen Wei's parents, and I must take back the money from Chen Wei, otherwise those green hairs will still haunt Chen Wei.

"Principal...Principal, how are you going to punish me?"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong remained silent, Chen Wei asked anxiously.

"Punishment? Why should you be punished?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Chen Wei with a smile and said.

"I climbed over the wall and ran out of school to surf the Internet at night..."

Chen Wei said.

"Who hasn't been young and ignorant. Knowing your mistakes can make a big difference. As long as you know your mistakes, you're fine."

Ye Rongrong said.

For this Chen Wei, Ye Rongrong did not plan to punish him, after all, Ye Rongrong had done such idiot things as climbing over the wall and running out of school to play.

Ye Rongrong was really embarrassed to punish Chen Wei.

From Ye Rongrong's point of view, as long as Chen Wei realizes his mistakes, it will be fine.

In fact, there is another point. From Ye Rongrong's point of view, this Chen Wei is not a bad child in essence, but he was spoiled by the green-haired group of people. He just needs to stay away from this group of people in the future.

"Well, teacher, I will never dare again in the future."

Chen Wei immediately nodded and said.

"And don't play with that group of people in the future."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.


Chen Wei nodded and said.

In the past, the reason why Chen Wei played with the green hair group was because they were very powerful, others were afraid of them, and the fights were particularly fierce, so Chen Wei admired them a little.

However, after seeing them being knocked down by his principal three or two times at night, Chen Wei felt cheated, so he didn't want to play with them very much.

Soon, the Audi q7 drove into "Taoyuan Primary School", and Ye Rongrong and Chen Wei also got out of the car.

"Chen Wei, where did you go? You scared the teacher to death."

Teacher Xu, the head teacher of Class 1, Grade 5, hugged Chen Wei nervously and said.

If something happened to Chen Wei at night, he, the class teacher, would also be responsible, so ever since he knew that Chen Wei ran out of school in the middle of the night, Teacher Xu has never felt at ease.

Fortunately, Principal Ye found this Chen Wei safely.

"Okay, it's very late now, there is still class tomorrow, everyone go back to sleep, if there is anything, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Ye Rongrong looked at the time, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, so he said to everyone.


Ye Rongrong drove the Audi q7 towards his yard, when suddenly a burst of flames fell from the sky in front of Ye Rongrong's eyes, followed by a loud noise.


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