The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1657 It's actually a light blow

Ye Rongrong looked forward, and saw flames bursting out more than a thousand meters ahead.

"Could it be...?"

Ye Rongrong didn't have time to think about it, so he drove towards the fire.

It was not only Ye Rongrong who saw this scene, but also some people who hadn't slept in Taoyuan Village and the nearby villages of Taoyuan Village. When Ye Rongrong drove there, some villagers had already rushed there.

"Everyone retreat, it's dangerous here."

When Ye Rongrong got out of the car, he heard the police stationed in Taoyuan Village who had arrived at the scene of the accident one step earlier than Ye Rongrong, driving away the villagers who wanted to get closer to watch the accident.

"what happened?"

Ye Rongrong asked a police officer.

"Mr. Ye, it's a reconnaissance plane from the Magnesium country that crashed."

The police officer said to Ye Rongrong.

"A reconnaissance plane from the Magnesium country?"

Ye Rongrong was stunned for a moment, his eyes lit up, and immediately said: "This is a good thing, why are you still standing there, put out the fire quickly!"

The country of Magnesium is the most powerful military country in the world, and its military technology level is much higher than that of China. Many military technologies are kept secret, and China has never been able to obtain them.

It is a good thing that a magnesium country reconnaissance plane has crashed in China.

This reconnaissance plane can not be found in China's airspace, it must have its advanced place, this kind of stealth aircraft is very important for the development of China's military weapons.

I believe that with this plane, Chinese scientists will soon be able to decipher the technology of this reconnaissance plane, which is of great significance to the development of the Chinese Air Force.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that."

The police officer slapped his head and said.

"Everyone help, put out the fire quickly."

The police officer reacted and hurriedly organized everyone to put out the fire.

Now the firefighting facilities in Taoyuan Village are very complete. There are fire hydrants everywhere. With the help of the villagers, the fire was quickly brought under control. The main reason is that the fire from the plane was not particularly big at the beginning.

With the arrival of the fire engine, the fire was quickly extinguished. Although many parts of the plane were burned, the most important position of the cockpit was still intact. The importance of the cockpit of this plane is equivalent to that of the human body. of the brain.

As long as this part is intact, Ye Rongrong believes that Huaxia's scientists can reproduce 90% of the data of this reconnaissance plane.

Don't underestimate the 90% information, it may save ten years or even longer detours in the development of China's stealth fighter.

After all, in terms of military technology, China started a hundred years later than Western countries.

As for how this magnesium country reconnaissance plane appeared in China's airspace, everyone knew it well and didn't say it.

This matter is not everyone's concern, the country will naturally deal with it.

After all, the current country is not more than ten years ago. At that time, the country was not strong enough, and the right to speak was not enough. Now that the country is strong, it is hard to speak.

Whether it is an individual or a country, if you have enough confidence, you will speak hard.

"The pilot was not in the cockpit."

After the fire was extinguished, a policeman hurriedly went to the cockpit of the reconnaissance plane to check, but did not find the driver of the reconnaissance plane.

Since it is inconvenient to use unmanned reconnaissance aircraft for long-range reconnaissance, the magnesium reconnaissance aircraft that cross into China's airspace for reconnaissance are basically flown manually by pilots.

"No pilot?"

Everyone was stunned.

"Could they have escaped by parachute?"

Immediately someone spoke.

"Yes, it must be so."

Everyone also realized that after the reconnaissance plane had an accident, the pilot must have parachuted and escaped immediately.

"Come on, quickly catch the pilots of the magnesium country, and don't let them run away."

"Yes, we must catch this magnesium pilot. He dared to run into China's airspace and act wildly. He deserved to crash."

"Don't let me catch them, don't let me beat them for sure first."

"Go, go home and get a flashlight,

Can't believe how far they can go. "


The people who reacted scattered in all directions. Although it was midnight now, everyone's enthusiasm remained undiminished.

The people of this country have bullied them to their own houses. How can everyone stand by like this? The villagers all took flashlights, hoes, and sticks and started looking for the pilot around the village.

Some people even called more villagers from their homes to join the search team, and everyone dispersed in small groups to look for the pilot.

After all, it can be inferred from the location where the plane crashed that the pilot must have jumped out of a parachute in the vicinity, and must have fallen near here.

Seeing so many villagers volunteering to search for the pilot, the police were also afraid of what might happen, so they hurriedly called their superiors to report the situation.

Ye Guangrong, who was idle, also enthusiastically joined the search team.

Whether the pilot can be found is not important, what is important is the patriotism.

Ordinary people are actually very patriotic and want to do something for the country and the nation, but they just don't know how to do it. Now that there is something to do for the country, everyone is naturally very enthusiastic.

There was even a family of men, women and children who came out to join the search team.

Because of the large number of people, everyone was not worried about any danger, but they frightened the police stationed in Taoyuan Village.

After all, no one knew whether the magnesium soldiers had guns in their hands, so it would be troublesome if there was an accident.

But no matter how much I persuaded the villagers, the villagers didn't listen, and the villagers all wanted to capture the Magnesium pilot.

These police officers can only keep calling to apply for support.

But fortunately, because this matter involved a lot, the government reacted very quickly. Within ten minutes, a lot of special police with live ammunition came, followed by a lot of soldiers from the army.

With these special police and soldiers joining the search team, the safety of the villagers is also greatly guaranteed.

There are many people and strength, and soon the village was searched, and no trace of the pilots of the magnesium country was found. Everyone suspected that these pilots of the magnesium country might have landed on the back mountain, so a large group of people went to the back mountain to search .

Normally, it would be so late, but not many people would dare to go up this back mountain, after all, there are ferocious beasts coming to this back mountain.

But now the team of hundreds or thousands of people is searching for this mountain, even the wild wolves living in packs have to hide as far away as possible, fearing that they will be discovered by humans.

"Caught it, caught this foreign devil!"

"Haha, let's see where you are going."

Suddenly, people's excited voices sounded from the mountains.

Nowadays, Chinese people are accustomed to using "laowai" to refer to non-citizens of their country, but some elderly people in rural areas are still accustomed to calling foreigners "foreign devils".

The names of Chinese people for foreigners have changed from the earliest foreigners-foreigners-foreign devils-foreigners-laowai.

In fact, this also reflects a history of the rise and fall of the Chinese nation and the mentality of the Chinese people in various historical periods.

The original "Yi" was the Chinese people's contempt for the people in the surrounding areas. At that time, the Chinese countries were economically developed, culturally prosperous, and national power was strong, so they regarded themselves as the center of the world, and called the Quartet "Yi", which means that China is condescending. .

This situation has been maintained for more than two thousand years, and "Yi" has been called for more than two thousand years.

However, the condescending Chinese people have forgotten the ancestral motto of "full recruiting loses, modesty benefits", and they are complacent and lag behind.

However, the "Yangyi" became stronger and came to fight with warships. At this time, the Chinese monarchs stepped down the steps and changed the name "Yangyi" to "foreigners", and signed unequal treaties with foreigners that forfeited their rights and humiliated the country.

Although there is only one word difference between Yangyi and Foreigners, the meanings of "Yang" in Yangyi and "Yang" in Foreigners have subtle changes.

The latter's "foreign" not only refers to the ocean, but also includes the meaning of advanced civilization, so when "foreigners" are exported, they are half shorter.

During the period when the foreigners launched wars and invaded China, they burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of crimes, which fully exposed their barbarism and aroused the great resentment of the Chinese people. Therefore, they naturally became devils in the eyes and mouth of the Chinese people, so there was "" The title of "foreign devil".

Now that the country is strong, the era when Chinese people were bullied is gone forever. People can now straighten up and call Westerners "foreigners" and "foreigners".

This is a title of equality, and it also represents the pride of the Chinese people. In just half a century, China has been bullied by the great powers to the current strength of the world. This is the effort of countless Chinese ancestors.

"It's great to have caught this Magnesian pilot."

"Go and see!"

"No, I'm going to punch you twice."

"Anyone who dares to offend Huaxia Xia's prestige will be punished even if he is far away."

As soon as they heard that the magnesium pilot had been captured, everyone ran to that location one after another.

When Ye Rongrong and a group of armed police arrived, the two magnesium pilots had already fallen to the ground and were beaten so badly that their noses and faces were swollen and they were out of shape.

"what happened?"

A leading armed police major asked with a frown.

"Damn it, this bastard dared to fly into our country's airspace, it would be polite not to kill him."

"That's right, we can't be polite to this kind of bad guest."

"My friend is here, and we want to entertain him with fine wine. When this rich wolf comes, we must give him a fist."


The armed police major hadn't said anything yet, but the villagers were already talking about their reasons.

This made the armed police major a little speechless.

In fact, what the armed police major wanted to say in his heart was, "Good fight, good fight!"

After all, the two pilots of the Magnesium country fell into the hands of the army. Out of humanitarianism, not only could they not beat and scold the two magnesium countrymen, but they had to serve them with good wine and good food.

To be honest, the armed police major felt that the villagers were too light-handed. Although the two magnesium pilots looked bruised and swollen, they were not seriously injured.

"Take these two Magnesium soldiers away."

The armed police major said to the armed police soldiers around him.


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