The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1662 time is really a butcher's knife

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Chen Manshan looked at Principal Ye carrying the bag with ease, and couldn't help but blushed slightly.

This is really a bit embarrassing.

Fortunately, no one here knows me.

"Principal, wait for me!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong walking away, Chen Manshan hurried to catch up.

"Principal, do you really want to replace everyone's mobile phones in the school with this old man's phone?"

Chen Manshan asked curiously.


Ye Rongrong said affirmatively.

This is something that Ye Rongrong must do, no matter how big the resistance is.

"But now everyone is used to using smart phones. If you let everyone use this kind of elderly phone that can't access the Internet, I guess many people are not willing."

Chen Manshan said.

"That includes you, right?"

Ye Rongrong turned to look at Chen Manshan and said.


Chen Manshan was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Getting used to using a smartphone and suddenly not being allowed to use it is really worse than killing Chen Manshan.

"I don't need that, I've already decided on this matter. Everyone will be replaced with this kind of non-smart phone. In the school area, all non-smart phones must be used."

Ye Rongrong said forcefully.

"Taoyuan Primary School" is a private school with only two shareholders, one is Ye Rongrong himself, and the other is Liu Qingqing. This "Taoyuan Primary School" is Ye Rongrong's private property. His words are the imperial decree, and there is no bargaining.

Ye Rongrong has already decided that all faculty and staff who are unwilling to accept changing their mobile phones will be expelled.


Facing the powerful principal, Chen Manshan didn't even dare to say a word.

I couldn't help but mourn for myself.

How will you live without a smartphone in the future!


When he was about to reach the entrance of the mall, Ye Rongrong suddenly froze.

"Principal, what's the matter?"

Chen Manshan, who was following Ye Rongrong, almost bumped into her, but luckily stopped in time.


Seeing that Ye Rongrong didn't answer himself, he stared straight ahead, and couldn't help waving his hands in front of Ye Rongrong's eyes and shouted.

"Teacher Zhang?"

Ye Rongrong shouted to a middle-aged woman not far away.

"Mom, someone called you."

Lin Fanzhen said to his mother.

"How do you know he called me, maybe someone else?"

Zhang Yinglan shook her head with a smile and said.

"Of course I called you. You are a teacher and your surname is Zhang, and he is still staring at you. He must have called you."

Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Look, he is coming this way, this man is so big!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong walking towards him, Lin Fanzhen said to his mother.

"Could it be the parent of one of my students?"

Zhang Yinglan was a little puzzled.

"Are you Teacher Zhang?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the middle-aged woman in front of him and asked.

Due to the long time, Ye Rongrong has forgotten the name of this teacher Zhang, and only remembers that her name is "Mr. Zhang".

"My surname is Zhang, and I'm also a teacher. I don't know if I am the teacher Zhang you mentioned."

Zhang Yinglan looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

The main reason is that Zhang Yinglan has no impression of Ye Rongrong at all.

However, Zhang Yinglan has been a teacher for more than 20 years and has taught countless students. Zhang Yinglan really can't remember how many students she has.

What's more, what I teach is elementary school music. This elementary school has grown so big, and the whole person has changed a lot. Who can remember it.

"Ten years ago, you were the music teacher of Xiaojiang No. 3 Primary School, right?"

Ye Rongrong stared at the middle-aged woman and asked.

Although the teacher Zhang in front of him has changed, he is no longer as young and beautiful as Ye Rongrong's impression, but Ye Rongrong can still recognize this beautiful teacher he used to be.

After all, this teacher Zhang left a deep impression on his heart during his elementary school days.

"Yes, I'm still working as a music teacher at Xiaojiang No. 3 Primary School."

Zhang Yinglan nodded and said.

Could this burly man in front of him be a student he once taught?

Zhang Yinglan was puzzled.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm your student. You may not remember me, but I still remember you. Although more than ten years have passed, you are still so beautiful."

Ye Rongrong said with some excitement.

When I was listening to Duan Hanxiu's music class a few days ago, I thought of my music teacher in elementary school, and I was still thinking about when I would see this music teacher again.

Unexpectedly, within a few days, I really met my former elementary school music teacher.

"It's old, what's so beautiful about it?"

Zhang Yinglan was very happy to be told by her former students that she was still as beautiful as when she was young.

"No, in my heart, teacher, you will always be so beautiful."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

Time is really a butcher's knife, looking at Teacher Zhang who already has obvious wrinkles on his face, Ye Rongrong feels a little emotional.

Unknowingly, everyone is slowly getting old.

The beauty of the past has also withered into a day lily, only the memories of the past that remain in my heart remain unchanged.

"Hehe, Mom, it seems that this is your loyal fan!"

Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Really, I don't know your name yet?"

Zhang Yinglan looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

It is really that I have taught too many students, and I can't remember clearly.

After all, I don't teach the main courses, but elective courses. A class only has one music class a week. As for the students she has taught, Zhang Yinglan really can't name a few students.

"Mr. Zhang, my name is Ye Rongrong."

Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong is not surprised at all that his teacher can't remember himself.

When I was in elementary school, Ye Rongrong always sat in the last row because of her height. During the music class, Zhang Zhang didn't take roll calls. It would be strange if she could call her own name.

"Hello, this is your wife, she looks so beautiful."

After Zhang Yinglan glanced at Chen Manshan, she said to Ye Rongrong.

This is not a compliment, Chen Manshan is indeed beautiful.

"Teacher, you misunderstood, she is not my wife."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Mr. Zhang, our principal's wife is much prettier than mine, she looks like a fairy."

Chen Manshan said.

"Really? It seems that Glory is very blessed to marry such a beautiful wife."

Zhang Yinglan said with a smile.

Anyway, as a teacher, I am very happy to see that my students are living a good life and marrying a good wife.

"Well, that's what I'm most proud of."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

From Ye Rongrong's point of view, the most proud thing in his life is that he met Liu Qingqing and married such a good wife as her.

"By the way, she called you the principal just now, have you become the principal?"

Zhang Yinglan looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

"Well, I run a private school by myself, and I call myself the headmaster. Hehe, I am the headmaster."

Ye Rongrong nodded and smiled.

"It's really promising."

Zhang Yinglan said with emotion.

More than ten years have passed, and all my former students have become principals, but I am still standing still, and I am still just a primary school music teacher.

The only thing that really changed was her appearance, from a beautiful and curvaceous girl to the current middle-aged aunt.

My kids are about to go to college.

"Ms. Zhang, are you here to buy a mobile phone?"

Ye Rongrong asked,

"We are going to buy me a mobile phone, brother, I am your little junior sister, will you give me a mobile phone?"

Lin Fan said jokingly.

"Okay, I'll give you a mobile phone!"

As Ye Rongrong said, he was about to take a mobile phone from his bag and give it to Lin Fanzhen.

"Glory, I'm really joking with you, don't take it seriously."

Zhang Yinglan hurriedly said to Ye Rongrong.

"It's okay, there are not many other things, but this mobile phone."

As Ye Rongrong said, he handed the phone case in his hand to Lin Fanzhen and said, "Here, I'll give you the phone."

"No way? You really gave me a mobile phone?"

Lin Fanzhen looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and said.

I was really just joking, but the uncle in front of me actually took it seriously, and actually gave me a mobile phone.

But when Lin Fan really took a closer look at the phone case, he was immediately depressed.

"I said, brother, why did you give me an elderly phone? I'm such a young and beautiful girl, and it's really out of place to use this kind of old-fashioned elderly phone. Fortunately, you are still my mother's admirer."

Lin Fan rolled his eyes at Ye Rongrong and said dissatisfiedly.

"Really, what are you talking nonsense about?"

When her daughter said this, Zhang Yinglan couldn't help but blushed slightly, and said to Lin Fanzhen unhappily.

My own daughter was spoiled by my husband and wife, and she actually made such a joke.

If this is heard by others, it will have a bad influence.

"Mom, just kidding, you're nervous."

Lin Fanzhen said to his mother with a smile.

My mother is good at everything, but she can't joke around.

"You are not allowed to make such jokes in the future. When your father heard it, he became suspicious again."

Zhang Yinglan said.

The one in my family is a big jealousy. They have been married for more than ten years, and they still haven't got rid of their jealousy.


Lin Fan really rolled his eyes and said.

Who let me have such a top-notch jealous dad.

"If you don't like this phone, you can choose it yourself. If you choose it, I'll just pay for it."

Ye Rongrong looked at Lin Fanzhen with a smile and said.

Ye Rongrong was in a very good mood to see his former elementary school music teacher here.

"Thank you brother, I was joking with you."

Lin Fanzhen said to Ye Rongrong with a smile.

"Glory, you are busy, we still need to buy something."

Zhang Yinglan said.

"Okay, teacher, here is my business card. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, please call me."

Ye Rongrong gave Zhang Yinglan a business card.

The business card is very simple, just the name and mobile phone number, there are no fancy things like titles or titles.

After bidding farewell to Teacher Zhang, mother and daughter, Ye Rongrong walked out of the mall with his bag.


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