The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1663 Strong Rules

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Back at school, Ye Rongrong organized a management meeting of "Taoyuan Primary School".

Because "Taoyuan Primary School" has not been established for a long time, the entire management is not perfect. Of course, for the convenience of management, "Taoyuan Primary School" does not have too many key management personnel.

The main management, besides Ye Rongrong, is Chen Manshan, the assistant to the principal and director of personnel, and Zhang Hua, the director of the Academic Affairs Office and the director of logistics support.

The other staff are the team leaders of each department, such as the mathematics team leader, the language team leader, the first-grade teaching and research team leader, the second-grade teaching and research team leader, etc. There are more than a dozen people in the management team.

When Ye Rongrong arrived at the meeting room, all the people had already arrived.

"Everyone is here, let's have a meeting."

Ye Rongrong looked at the people sitting in the meeting room, nodded and said.

Now basically all the people in charge of the school are sitting in this conference room.

"Now I have a meeting with everyone during the lunch break. There is an important decision to be implemented."

Speaking of this, Ye Rongrong glanced at the staff below, seeing that they were all looking at him nervously, Ye Rongrong said with a smile: "Everyone, don't be too nervous, the main purpose of today's meeting is to ask everyone in the school to Faculty and staff, including security guards and support staff, all have replaced their mobile phones with non-smart phones."

As soon as Ye Rongrong's voice fell, the faces of the people sitting below changed.

Most of the people here are young people who are used to using smartphones, but now President Ye asks everyone to switch to non-smart phones, which makes it difficult for everyone to accept.

"I know it's difficult for everyone to accept at the moment, but this is something that must be implemented. Everyone knows that this smartphone makes people's lives easier, but it also makes people lose a lot."

"Walking on the street, all we see are groups of bow-headed party members, each holding a smartphone, either playing games, browsing Moments, or watching movies."

"Even when someone jumps off a building or has a traffic accident, the first thing people do is not to think about how to save people, but to take pictures with their mobile phones and post them on Moments. The warmth and coldness of human nature are all in the smartphone."

"Some people even wish that big things happen every day, someone gets into a car accident every day, someone dies, just because they can post on Moments."

"Some people lost their children because they looked at their smartphones, and some even played with their phones without knowing that their children drowned and died beside them..."

"I think everyone knows about these things, and I won't give examples. We are in the education business, and we want to set an example for the students."

"Children in the primary school age group are eager to learn and like to learn from adults, especially those of us who are teachers and role models. They are also role models for children to learn from."

"But for us, except for class, we just hold our mobile phones to play. When we walk into the teacher's office, 90% of the teachers are playing on their mobile phones, and the voice of WeChat keeps ringing."

"Some teachers even stare at their mobile phones when walking, and the students don't know when they are coming. In the past, students would say hello to the teacher when they met, and the teacher would respond enthusiastically."

"But now?"

"Students say hello to the teacher, but our teacher looks down at the phone and doesn't care, only the phone is left in his eyes."

"Kids like to follow the example of adults. In the long run, our students will only have smartphones in their eyes like our teachers. So I decided that we will not allow all faculty and staff to use smartphones on our campus."

Ye Rongrong said.

After listening to Ye Rongrong's words, the teachers below were all silent.

Everyone knows the dangers President Ye mentioned, but now everyone can't live without this smartphone.

Now you can go out without money, but you can’t without your smartphone, because smartphones can now be used to pay by swiping QR codes.

Whether it is going out by train or by plane to buy tickets,

Or buy various items, you can use your smartphone to complete these without leaving home.

If there is no smartphone in today's life, everyone can believe how dark it would be.

"Do you have any opinions? If you have opinions, you can raise them now."

Ye Rongrong looked at everyone and asked.

The people below were very silent. Although everyone felt a lot of resentment, no one stood up to be this early bird.

No one wants to be the first to stand up and offer opinions, and be remembered by the principal.

Everyone has been working in "Taoyuan Elementary School" for two weeks, and they are very satisfied with the working and living environment here, especially the salary and benefits, and no one wants to be fired.

"If you have no objections, then this is the decision. The non-smartphone has already been bought, and the general affairs department will send a non-smartphone to every teaching staff and staff. After the replacement, all smartphones will be replaced. It is not allowed to be used on campus, and violators are given a warning for the first time, a month’s salary will be deducted for the second time, and they will be directly expelled for the third time.”

Ye Rongrong said.

In Ye Rongrong's view, this matter should be done sooner rather than later.

"Principal, I... I have a little opinion."

Hu Lili raised her hand and said anxiously.

"Don't be nervous, we will not retaliate, it is normal to have opinions, maybe I will adopt your opinions, and it is possible."

Ye Rongrong looked at Hu Lili with a smile and said.

In this "Taoyuan Primary School", this teacher Hu Lili is one of the few teachers Ye Rongrong is familiar with.

"Principal, now everyone's life is inseparable from this smartphone. We can use non-smartphones during class time. Can we use smartphones when we are not in class?"

Hu Lili looked at Ye Rongrong anxiously and said.

Because Hu Lili doesn't know whether Principal Ye will accept her opinion, but if she really wants to keep herself away from the smartphone, Hu Lili feels that she really can't do it.


Ye Rongrong thought for a while and continued: "Smartphones can be used in school during holidays, and smartphones can also be used in personal dormitories on weekdays. During other time periods, smartphones are prohibited on campus."

After all, the lives of young people are now inseparable from smartphones, especially young women. It is impossible to prevent them from using smartphones at all.

What Ye Rongrong can do now is to narrow down the area and time they use their smartphones.

The faculty and staff in the school can use smartphones only when the school students are on vacation during the holidays. Normally, they use smartphones in the private space of their dormitories.

When the principal said that smartphones can be used on holidays and in private dormitories, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

so far so good!

Everyone is a little thankful that the principal didn't shoot him dead and can't use a smartphone.

"What else do you think?"

Ye Rongrong looked at everyone again and asked.

The people sitting below looked at each other, and no one gnawed anymore for a long time.

"Everyone has no opinions, so it's decided. Everyone will do ideological work for everyone when they go back. If you don't understand, or don't want to follow this regulation, you can hand him over to me."

Ye Rongrong looked at the people below and said.

Anyway, this rule will be implemented today.

"Assistant Chen, you will issue the regulatory documents today, and give every teacher a non-smart phone, by the way, and all the faculty and staff who use non-smart phones will be given 200 yuan a month cost subsidy."

Ye Rongrong said something to Chen Manshan and announced the end of the meeting.


"Mr. Zhang, are you kidding me? We are not allowed to use smartphones. What era is this? There are still such regulations."

In the first grade teacher's office, a young female teacher said to the leader of the first grade teaching and research group in surprise.

"It's not that the use of smartphones is not allowed. The main thing is that smartphones are not allowed to be used during working hours. Smartphones can be used during holidays or in personal dormitories, and the principal also gives each student a subsidy of 200 yuan for phone calls."

Teacher Zhang said.

"Ms. Zhang, we are all used to using smartphones now, and it requires us to use outdated non-smartphones. Isn't this torture?"

Another young female teacher said.

"That's right, that's right."

"We don't use smartphones during class time, so why can't we use this smartphone during get out of class time? It's unreasonable."

"Mr. Zhang, this rule is unreasonable."

A large group of young teachers surrounded Teacher Zhang and said dissatisfiedly.

Teacher Zhang didn't even have a chance to speak with so much chatter.

"Give me silence, do you still want me to talk like this?"

Seeing that he didn't even have a chance to speak, Teacher Zhang immediately shouted loudly.

Immediately, the teachers in the office quieted down, looking straight at Mr. Zhang.

"This is the iron rule set by Principal Ye. If any of you have any objections, you can go to Principal Ye and talk to him. It's useless to tell me. I'm just passing it on. There will be a document later."

Teacher Zhang said loudly.

Don't say that these young teachers have opinions, they have opinions too.

Can an opinion be useful?

Principal Ye has said that there is no need to discuss this matter, and there is no need to bargain.

Unless you choose to leave "Taoyuan Primary School", you have to accept it silently.

"To find Principal Ye?"

Hearing this, these young female teachers were all dumb, and sat back to their seats in silence.

Although Principal Ye is not usually angry with everyone, every time we see Principal Ye, everyone is a little nervous and uneasy, and they are a little afraid of Principal Ye.

No one dared to talk to President Ye about this, for fear of being scolded.

This kind of scene is also staged in other teachers' offices, but the result is the same, and in the end basically everyone chooses to accept it.

After all, everyone still wants to work in "Taoyuan Primary School".

Of course, there is an exception. She is Duan Hanxiu, the music teacher of "Taoyuan Elementary School". She cannot accept such a request.

So Duan Hanxiu went to the principal's office upstairs to talk to Principal Ye.


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