The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1664 direct expulsion

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"Principal, I have something to talk to you about."

Duan Hanxiu walked to the door of the principal's office and knocked on the door, and said to Ye Rongrong who was sitting on the desk reading documents.

"Oh, it's Teacher Duan, please come in!"

Ye Rongrong looked up and saw that it was Duan Hanxiu, the only music teacher in Taoyuan Primary School, so he invited her into the office.

"What do you want from me?"

After asking Duan Hanxiu to sit down on the sofa, Ye Rongrong asked.

"Principal, I'm here to tell you about the use of smartphones in school."

Duan Hanxiu said straight to the point.

Duan Hanxiu is a standard mobile phone control, of course, this mobile phone refers to a smart phone, I like to keep my smart phone with me at all times, otherwise I will be upset and feel uncomfortable.

Now the school stipulates that the use of smartphones is not allowed, which is unacceptable to Duan Hanxiu.

You must know that if the smartphone is not with you for more than ten minutes, or if the mobile phone cannot connect to the Internet or receive a signal, Duan Hanxiu will become irritable.

"What is your opinion?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

The reason why he hasn't gone back yet is that Ye Rongrong is waiting for someone to raise objections.

I didn't expect that a teacher would find me so soon.

"Principal, I don't agree with your rule. We come to Taoyuan Primary School to teach, and we also have personal freedom. Your prohibition of us carrying smart phones is a restriction on our personal life, which is illegal."

Duan Hanxiu said.

"Really? As the principal of Taoyuan Primary School, I stipulate that school personnel are not allowed to use smartphones during normal teaching. It is an illegal act. You really think I don't understand the law!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Duan Hanxiu with some displeasure and said.

Some people are so self-righteous that they really think they are characters.

"Principal, I don't care about other people. I hope I can have a smartphone with me."

Duan Hanxiu said.

"It's impossible. The rules are the rules, and everyone is treated equally. Even if I enter this school, I'm not allowed to use a smartphone!"

Ye Rongrong said forcefully.

"Then I won't do it!"

Duan Hanxiu threatened Ye Rongrong and said.

Really not allowing herself to bring a smartphone, this is undoubtedly more uncomfortable for her than killing Duan Hanxiu.

"You can pack up and leave today."

Ye Rongrong glanced at Duan Hanxiu and said.

A person who is controlled by her mobile phone, in Ye Rongrong's opinion, she is not suitable to be a teacher in her school.


Duan Hanxiu did not expect Principal Ye to let her go so simply.

After all, I am the only music teacher in Taoyuan Elementary School. In Duan Hanxiu's original thinking, Principal Ye would try to keep her for a while, and he would satisfy himself when he put forward his own conditions.

But now this result caught Duan Hanxiu by surprise.

Ye Rongrong glanced at Duan Hanxiu, took out his mobile phone and called Chen Manshan, asking her to come to the principal's office.

"Assistant Chen, go through the resignation procedures for Teacher Duan today."

As soon as Chen Manshan walked into the office, Ye Rongrong said directly to Chen Manshan.


Chen Manshan was also bewildered by Ye Rongrong.

I don't understand how this teacher Duan made me, the principal, unhappy. This will directly expel her.

"Hmph, you'll regret it!"

Duan Hanxiu stared at Ye Rongrong and said angrily.

Ever since I was a child, I have been the princess of my family, when did I get angry like this!

Don't mention the displeasure in Duan Hanxiu's heart.

"The earth can turn around without anyone, don't treat yourself too much as a dish."

Ye Rongrong looked at Duan Hanxiu and said something, then ignored her.

I was really spoiled by my family, and I didn't even understand the basic common sense in the workplace.

"Teacher Duan, please!"

Chen Manshan said to Duan Hanxiu.

As for why this Hanxiu angered the principal,

Chen Manshan had an idea in her mind.

It seems that the principal is determined to promote non-smartphones on campus.


"Principal, are you going to fire Teacher Duan Hanxiu?"

After hearing the news, Zhang Hua hurried to the principal's office and asked Ye Rongrong.

After all, there is only such a music teacher in "Taoyuan Primary School", and he was fired by the principal. What about the music class of the entire "Taoyuan Primary School"?

It's easy for the principal to fire someone, but it's not easy for him to be the dean of education.

After all, this primary school must have music classes, which is a mandatory requirement of the education department, and it cannot be canceled just because it is cancelled.

"For this kind of people who don't obey the rules, you must not let it go. Otherwise, it will be difficult to lead the team after the people's hearts are slackened."

Ye Rongrong said.

"But what about the music class?"

Zhang Hua asked worriedly.

It's an honor for the headmaster to open his mouth to make a decision, but the director of academic affairs is about to worry about it.

"There are so many young female teachers in our school. There must be a few who like music and can sing well. Let them represent the music class. I will recruit this music teacher, and I will soon recruit them."

Ye Rongrong said.

"is this okay?"

Zhang Hua asked with some worry.

"That won't work. I remember that music classes and physical education classes in many schools were not taught by full-time teachers. When I was in the first grade of elementary school, music classes were taught by Chinese teachers."

Ye Rongrong said.

"That's the only way to go."

Zhang Hua thought for a while and said.

In the past, people did not pay much attention to music, and few people studied music, so many schools lacked music teachers, especially some rural schools did not have music teachers at all, and they were all represented by classroom teachers.

But now it is different from before. With the rising income and status of stars, fame and fortune, many people now choose to go to film and television schools and music schools.

After all, there are always a small number of people who can become stars, and many people choose to become music teachers in the end, so now in southern Zhejiang, with such affluent status, basically all schools have full-time music teachers.

"Director Zhang, you have to catch up with the discipline of this school. I don't want my regulations to become a piece of waste paper in the end."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Okay, I'll grab this one."

Zhang Hua nodded and said.

"Work hard, Taoyuan Primary School still lacks a vice-principal."

Ye Rongrong looked at Zhang Hua and said.

For this Zhang Hua, Ye Rongrong is really satisfied. This person works hard and is serious and responsible.

Ye Rongrong intends to promote him to be the vice-principal of "Taoyuan Primary School".

After all, Ye Rongrong was not in the mood to take care of the school's affairs, and this Zhang Hua was the person Ye Rongrong had found to manage the "Taoyuan Primary School" on his behalf.

"Principal, I will work hard, I am going to work."

Zhang Hua was stunned for a moment, calmed down the excitement in his heart, and said gratefully to Ye Rongrong.

Now Zhang Hua is really glad that she chose this "Taoyuan Primary School".

If I were still in the original "small town", I would still be the leader of the language group, and I would not even dare to think about the position of vice principal.

But in this "Taoyuan Primary School", she is expected to become the vice principal, which makes Zhang Hua very excited.


"Have you heard?"

A young female teacher said in a low voice to the female teacher sitting opposite her.

"What did you hear?"

"Teacher Duan Hanxiu has been fired!"

"Fired? Why?"

"I heard that he didn't accept the principal's rule, so he went to the principal to argue, but the principal fired her with one sentence."


"It's still a lie. I heard from the teacher in the same office as Mr. Duan that Mr. Duan has already packed up and left today."

"No way, this principal Ye is too domineering."

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't be heard by others, or you will be in trouble with the principal to sue us."

"I know."


"Have you heard that Teacher Duan has been fired?"

"I heard that Mr. Duan is really serious. This is a private school. The principal has the final say. If you fight against the principal, can you not be expelled?"

"That's true, but the policy made by the principal is really too cruel. Thinking about not being able to use the WeChat group, I feel uncomfortable."

"I think the principal's policy is very good. If it weren't for the fact that you are not allowed to bring your smartphone, you can now chat with me with peace of mind, without looking down and swiping your WeChat circle."

"That's true. This mobile phone brings people who are thousands of miles away closer, but it pulls people around them farther away."

"That's not getting closer, but people are living in a virtual world."


Following the expulsion of Duan Hanxiu, the implementation of the ban on the use of smartphones by teaching staff and staff during normal school days in this campus area has been implemented very smoothly.

Everyone followed the rules, after all, no one wanted to be the second Duan Hanxiu.

With this rectification, the spirit of the entire "Taoyuan Primary School" has taken on a new look. There are more exchanges between teachers and between teachers and students. There are also teachers exercising in the activity room and playground on the campus.

It's no longer the same as before. All you see in school are teachers with their heads down playing with their mobile phones.

Time passed quickly, and another weekend arrived in a blink of an eye.

Many parents come to pick up their students to go home for the weekend, and some students choose to spend the weekend at school.

"Chen Wei, get in the car!"

At the gate of "Taoyuan Primary School", a group of young men riding motorcycles shouted at Chen Wei who was walking out of the school gate.

If Ye Rongrong was here, he would be able to recognize these people at a glance as the group he was taught by him in the Internet cafe last time.

At that time, Ye Rongrong warned them not to pester Chen Wei any more.

It was obvious that these people took Ye Rongrong's words as a deaf ear.

"Brother Bao, no need, my dad asked my driver to pick me up."

Chen Wei shook his head and said.

Since President Ye talked to him last time, Chen Wei doesn't want to play with Brother Bao and the others very much now.

"Don't, my buddy will take you to a very fun place to play today. It's absolutely thrilling and exciting. A good buddy shows loyalty and has fun things. We think of you first. Why don't you give me face and don't want to play with us?"

In the end, Brother Bao's face darkened.


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