"Then I will trouble you."

Ye Rongrong said gratefully.

After all, in a good novel, several chapters are suddenly missing in the middle, which will make readers feel that the story is incoherent and awkward, which will affect the pleasure of reading and the quality of the book.

After all, the incoherence of the story is the taboo of writing novels.

No matter how wonderful your storyline is and how distinctive your characters are, without a coherent description of the story, it will be a failed book.

"Professor Ye, you are too polite, this is what I should do."

Qilin said hastily.

Now Qilin knew Ye Rongrong's real identity, not to mention that Qilin didn't dare to neglect Ye Rongrong's matter, even the whole Yuewen didn't dare to neglect Ye Rongrong's matter.

Throughout the ages, a person's identity and status are the most important factors that determine other people's attitudes towards you.

The person who can not care about these own gains and losses, always treats you as good as it is, and always silently pays for you without asking for anything in return, will always be your parents.

"Why did it come so suddenly this time, it really caught people off guard?"

Ye Rongrong asked doubtfully on the phone.

"It's not like the tree attracts the wind!"

Qilin said helplessly.

Yuewen Group has continuously acquired other reading websites to become bigger and stronger, becoming the No. 1 in China's Internet reading circle and seizing a large market share. This will definitely affect the interests of other websites. Naturally, someone will stab you behind .

"I see!"

Ye Rongrong nodded in understanding.

Big trees attract the wind, and there are many people who are popular. This is a social phenomenon that has existed since ancient times.

In fact, this is like writing a novel. If your writing is poor, no one will make irresponsible remarks in your book reviews, but once your novel has some achievements, many jealous trolls will come out.

In fact, most of these people are colleagues. They are jealous that other people's books are better than themselves, and their income is higher than themselves. .

There are always some people in this world who, when they are not doing well, don't want others to be better than themselves, and try to destroy others' happiness.

Dale Carnegie said: "Envy is the weakness of human nature."

Since it is a weakness, inherent in people, we can only let it go.

After all, such people are still a minority, and most of them belong to the "vulnerable groups". Their words and deeds cannot represent "public opinion" and are not mainstream, just like drinking a stone from a bowl of soup. It will affect our appetite for soup.

If you care too much about other people's gossip, then you will live a particularly tiring life.

Ye Rongrong's current life motto is: "Go your own way, let others say it."

"Professor Ye, let's do this first, I'll help you release the blocked chapters now."

"it is good!"

Professor Ye answered and hung up the phone.

Professor Ye believes that Qilin will take care of this matter soon.

"Husband, Dudu has finished taking a shower, you take her away and put her pajamas on."

Not a while after hanging up the phone, Liu Qingqing's voice came from the bathroom.

"it is good."

Ye Rongrong got up from the bed, carried Dudu out, and put her on the bed.

"Dad, dress me!"

Putting Dudu on the bed, Dudu yelled at Ye Rongrong to dress her.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Before Dudu was born, Ye Rongrong stretched out his hands and opened his mouth to be served by Liu Qingqing, but now that he has this precious girl, Ye Rongrong's status in the family has dropped sharply.

Now it's this precious girl who stretches out her hands for clothes and opens her mouth for food. Ye Rongrong, a big lazy person, also has to serve this precious girl, helping her put on clothes and coaxing her when eating.

But Ye Rongrong enjoyed it, this might be fatherly love.

After dressing Dudu, Ye Guangrong played chess with Dudu, the simplest kind of children's chess.

It's called "Flying Chess".

When this kind of "flying chess" appeared, Ye Rongrong didn't know. Anyway, Ye Rongrong remembered that this kind of "flying chess" had already existed when he was very young. Ye Rongrong played this kind of "flying chess" a lot when he was young. ".

This kind of "flying chess" is composed of four colors, with the figure of an airplane painted on it, and up to four people can play together with one color each.

There is a dice in flying chess, you just need to roll the dice, and when the dice stops, you will take a few steps.

But at the beginning, your plane can only take off if you cast six, and you have a chance to vote again if you cast six.

When the number of steps taken at the end is exactly reached, it is considered a victory, otherwise you have to go back and forth.

When the chess piece moves to one grid during the march, if there is an enemy chess piece staying, the enemy chess piece can be driven back to the base.

When a chess piece walks on the map, if it stays in the grid with the same color as itself, it can jump to the next grid with the same color.

If the chess piece moves to a grid with the same color but connected by a dotted line, follow the route indicated by the dotted arrow, pass the dotted line to the grid with the same color in front, and then jump to the next grid with the same color as the chess piece...

The rules of this "flying chess" are not many and very simple, so even a child as young as Dudu can learn it quickly, and can play chess with Ye Rongrong in a decent manner.

No, he even beat Ye Rongrong once.

"Mom, Mom, I beat Dad, I beat Dad in chess."

Seeing Liu Qingqing coming out of the bathroom, Dudu said excitedly to Liu Qingqing.

"Dudu is so good, he won even Dad."

Liu Qingqing said with a happy expression.

The essential needs of human nature are the desire to be appreciated, respected, understood and loved. No one does not want to hear praise from others, and the same is true for this child.

The correct praise of parents is to discover and appreciate the advantages of children, so as to cultivate children's self-confidence, enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, so as to achieve the purpose of educating children.

Parents' praise is to help children feel the joy of success and a sense of accomplishment while being able to know themselves, so that children will be more confident and willing to put in their own efforts.

Of course, the premise of all this is that what the child does is worthy of praise. If the child does not deserve praise but praises it, it will be harmful to the child's growth.


Dudu nodded with certainty.

"Honey, you play chess with Dudu, I want to rest."

Ye Rongrong lay down on the bed and said to Liu Qingqing.

Playing chess with a child as young as Dudu requires a lot of patience. Ye Rongrong's patience is not good, so when Liu Qingqing came out of the shower, she put down her burden and quit.

In Ye Rongrong's view, the work of raising children is really not something a big man can do.

"it is good!"

Liu Qingqing said with a smile, and took the chess piece from Ye Glory's hand to play chess with Dudu.

Children as old as Dudu usually go to bed early. After playing chess with Liu Qingqing for a while, Dudu wanted to sleep.

"Husband, I turned off the light."

After putting away the chess pieces, let Dudu lie down on the bed, Liu Qingqing said to Ye Rongrong who was watching TV.

"it is good."

Ye Rongrong nodded, and also turned off the TV with the remote control.

Sleep is the most important thing for children now, and it is not too late to watch TV after the child is asleep.

Parents with children are basically child-centered, and Ye Rongrong is no exception.

"Dad, I want to hear a story."

Dudu, who was lying on the bed, turned his head and said to Ye Rongrong.

"Okay, Dad will tell you the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, but Dudu you have to close your eyes and listen to the story."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Dad, Dudu has closed his eyes."

Dudu closed his eyes and said childishly to Ye Rongrong.

"Okay, Dad is starting to tell the story."

"A long time ago, there was a smart and honest young man in Niu's Village in the west of Nanyang City. His parents died early, so he had to live with his elder brother and sister-in-law. His sister-in-law Ma Shi was vicious and often abused him and forced him to do a lot of work. , his sister-in-law forced him to graze the cows, gave him nine cows, but told him not to go home until he had ten cows, the cowherd had no choice but to drive the cows out of the village..."

To lull a child to sleep, the voice of the story teller should be low and not fluctuating. Only in this way will the child fall asleep quickly.

As Ye Rongrong's story continued section by section, Dudu soon fell asleep.

"Honey, Dudu is asleep."

After looking at the sleeping Dudu, Liu Qingqing said softly to Ye Rongrong.


As soon as Dudu fell asleep, Ye Rongrong hugged Liu Qingqing, panting and said: "Honey, I'm coming."

"Honey, don't, don't, I... my 'relative' is here."

Liu Qingqing said with a slightly red face.


Ye Rongrong is so depressed!

The arrow is on the string, but suddenly it can't be fired, one can imagine the pain in it.

"Husband, bear with it. I will accompany you well when my 'relative' is gone."

Seeing Ye Rongrong's depressed look, Liu Qingqing leaned her head on Ye Rongrong's shoulder and said.

"It can only be this way."

Ye Rongrong could only helplessly hug Liu Qingqing to sleep.

Ye Rongrong really doesn't understand that when God created women, why did they always have a few days in a month, is it to punish men?

One night, Ye Rongrong spent in torment, and he didn't know how long it took before he slowly fell asleep.


"Dad, Dad..."

Early the next morning, Ye Guangrong, who was still sound asleep, was woken up by Dudu.

"Its daybreak?"

Ye Rongrong opened his eyes in a daze, looking at the bright sunshine outside the window, he became much more awake.

"Dad, Dudu made a mistake."

Dudu said to Ye Rongrong with a face full of acknowledgment.

"What mistake did Dudu make?"

Ye Rongrong looked at his precious daughter suspiciously and asked.


Sorry, the second update will be later.

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