The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1671 Liang Chaoyu attends the interview

"I wet the bed, I didn't mean to, I wet the bed by accident."

Dudu said to Ye Rongrong with the appearance of a good baby who has done something wrong.

"Mom judged you?"

Ye Rongrong patted Dudu's little head and asked.


Dudu nodded and continued: "Dad, I will never wet the bed again."

"A child who knows he is wrong and is willing to correct is still a good child. Dad forgives you this time."

Ye Rongrong touched Dudu's head and said.

"Well, Dudu is a good boy."

Dudu said happily.


Liang Chaoyu sat anxiously in the conference room alone, waiting for the interview.

Liang Chaoyu originally had a happy family with a beautiful wife and lovely daughter-in-law.

But all this changed after he helped an old lady up.

The old lady said that she had injured her, and she would ask for 500,000 yuan in compensation.

He was doing good deeds to help the old lady, but he was blackmailed for money, so Liang Chaoyu naturally quit.

In the end, this matter was brought to the court. Originally, Liang Chaoyu thought that he was helping the old lady out of kindness. His behavior was open and honest, and he was helping others. This lawsuit would definitely win.

But in the end, Liang Chaoyu never imagined that the court would judge him to lose, and he had to compensate the old lady for her damage, mental loss, and post-treatment loss, including paying all the costs of the lawsuit, a total of 400,000 yuan.

In the words of the judge of the court, "You didn't knock it down, why did you help it."

Just such a sentence made Liang Chaoyu bear a debt of 400,000 yuan.

Although Liang Chaoyu spent a lot of money to appeal, it was useless and the original judgment was still upheld.

For Liang Chaoyu, who was from an ordinary family, 400,000 would undoubtedly mean that he would not be able to pay even if he had to go bankrupt.

In the end, the house was sold, and more than 200,000 yuan was borrowed from east to west to get the 400,000 yuan together.

But in this way, Liang Chaoyu's family will be empty, and his wife and children will not be able to support them.

Liang Chaoyu's wife complained that Liang Chaoyu was meddling in his own business, causing the family to owe such a huge debt.

You must know that it was 2008, and Liang Chaoyu was working in a factory, with only 1,200 yuan a month.

In the case of seniors and juniors, such a salary may not be able to repay the huge sum of money in this lifetime. Liang Chaoyu's wife did not want to carry such a huge debt with Liang Chaoyu, so she divorced Liang Chaoyu, and brought her The son left Liang Chaoyu.

Liang Chaoyu's old father couldn't bear this blow either. He obviously did good things for his son, but in the end the law ordered him to pay others a huge amount of compensation.

Is there still justice in the world?

Seeing his son suffer such humiliation, and his wife being separated, Liang Chaoyu's father also left this world depressed and unhappy.

From then on, Liang Chaoyu became a lonely family.

In Liang Chaoyu's view, the main culprit that caused the separation of his wife and children was this bad social atmosphere of "touching porcelain".

Especially after my own case, this kind of "touching porcelain" has become more and more serious, and it has been reduced to the point where drivers install driving recorders in their cars for fear of being touched, and people fall down on the road. I went to help it easily, because there are more and more incidents of being blackmailed like myself.

Since his old father passed away, Liang Chaoyu has resolutely embarked on the road of fighting against those who touch porcelain. He recorded the process of each touch of porcelain and posted it on the Internet to make people vigilant against these people who touch porcelain.

Also let those who have been touched have evidence to prove their innocence, because if there is no evidence, the court will convict you and pay huge compensation.

It was because Liang Chaoyu couldn't produce evidence to prove that he didn't knock down the old lady, but he did a good deed to help the old man up.

As a result, he said, "It wasn't you who knocked him down, why did you help him?" Liang Chaoyu was convicted and paid a huge amount of compensation.

Although there are more and more people touching porcelain now, few people dare to help the elderly who have fallen to the ground, but the virtues of thousands of years will not disappear completely, and there are still some people who use kind hearts to help those who have fallen to the ground people.

But the reality hurts kind people again and again. Many people have paid a heavy price in the end because of their kindness and good intentions to help those who fell to the ground.

There is only one reason, they have no evidence to prove their innocence.

If there is no evidence to prove your innocence, then the final result will definitely award you compensation.

Of course, if you can produce evidence, you don't need to pay compensation at most. For those who touch porcelain, they just can't get your money.

Liang Chaoyu once had contact with a 65-year-old man named Sun Mou in Beijing, who insisted on "touching porcelain" on the zebra crossing in the northwest corner of Beixinqiao intersection in Dongcheng District of Beijing all the year round.

There were 341 cases of "touching porcelain" in 9 years. The amount of private money is at least 400 yuan and the maximum is tens of thousands of yuan. The number of times and the length of time are outrageous.

The 341 times of "Pengci" finally made the police handling the case and the local court realize that the old man was a professional "Pengci".

Liang Chaoyu still clearly remembers that the treatment of Sun was "detention".

341 times of "Pengci", the amount of "Pengci" was nearly one million, and the final punishment was "detention".

You must know that in China, the longest period of detention for general active criminals and major suspects is 14 days, and the longest period of detention for major suspects who commit crimes, commit crimes multiple times, or gang up is 37 days. , while the maximum period of administrative detention is 20 days.

In other words, Sun was detained for 37 days at most.

The cost of crime is so low that the current phenomenon of Porcelain Porcelain is rampant.

Liang Chaoyu is not a savior, nor can he stop this situation from getting worse, but as a former victim, Liang Chaoyu only hopes that through his own efforts, others will encounter Pengci, so that there will be no evidence to prove his innocence.

I also hope that I can post the video and pictures of Pengci that I have taken on the Internet, so as to attract people's attention.

In recent years, Liang Chaoyu has been beaten many times because of the videos and pictures of these people touching porcelain. Liang Chaoyu can't remember exactly how many times.

In short, from the beginning of the individual behavior of Pengci, it has now developed into a gang behavior.

Most of the Pengci that Liang Chaoyu encountered in the past few years were committed by gangs.

Liang Chaoyu's beatings also started in these years. Because someone was watching, Liang Chaoyu's candid photos were also discovered, he was beaten, and several mobile phones were smashed.

However, after being beaten more times, Liang Chaoyu was also shrewd, and could tell at a glance who were Pengci's accomplices.

There is no official salary these years, relying on the sporadic support from netizens, Liang Chaoyu has lived a life of eating enough for one person and not hungry for the whole family. He has been photographing these pottery people across the country to expose their ugly behavior.

As long as there is feedback from netizens that there are people who touch porcelain, Liang Chaoyu will go there, eat the simplest small roadside restaurants, and sleep in the cheapest small hotels.

As the days went by, Liang Chaoyu also lived happily, after all, what he was doing was what he liked to do.

Doing this kind of thing for ten years has made Liang Chaoyu forget the existence of home.

Until last month, Liang Chaoyu received a call from his ex-wife, saying that her son was getting married at the end of the year, and the woman required the man to have a house and a car.

The ex-wife said on the phone that the money she and her current husband had saved from living frugally and frugally over the years could at most be the down payment for a house in the city, and they had no money to buy a car for their son or arrange the marriage.

So he asked Liang Chaoyu, his biological father, to pay 200,000 yuan to marry his son.

After receiving a call from his ex-wife, Liang Chaoyu remembered that he still had a son, and he once had a family.

For the closest person in the world, Liang Chaoyu really wanted to see his son. He remembered that when his son was taken by his ex-wife, he was only fourteen years old. Ten years later, his son was about to get married.

But Liang Chaoyu found that he didn't have the courage to meet his son now.

I owe my son too much these years.

Now that he was getting married, as a father, he couldn't help him at all.

These years, Liang Chaoyu has never had a job, and is living a life of living and sleeping with the help of netizens, so where is there any savings?

To Liang Chaoyu, two hundred thousand was an astronomical figure. Not to mention two hundred thousand, it was one thousand yuan, which Liang Chaoyu couldn't afford now.

With Liang Chaoyu's understanding of his wife's strong character, she knew that she would never call him if she had no other choice.

You must know that in the past ten years, she has lived with her children and never asked herself for a penny.

It's almost October in the Gregorian calendar now, and the end of the year is less than five months away. Where did Liang Chaoyu get so much money?

Especially in these years, Liang Chaoyu has never been to work, so Liang Chaoyu doesn't know what he can do now.

Just when Liang Chaoyu was at a loss, a netizen told him that China's largest private charity "Qingyao Charity Foundation" was going to set up an "Anti-Porcelain Association" and was recruiting people for wages. Let him try it out. try.

So Liang Chaoyu opened the link that the netizen gave him, went in and took a look, and Liang Chaoyu's eyes lit up.

Liang Chaoyu was very excited because the main person in charge of the "Reverse Porcelain Association" had an annual salary of 200,000 yuan.

In the past ten years, what I have done, isn't it against China?

It's just that for so many years, I have been fighting alone, and now someone has finally stood up and established the "Anti-collision Porcelain Association".

Especially the salary, which is what Liang Chaoyu wants most now.

So Liang Chaoyu bought the train station in Yangping County, Wenzhou, and went to the "Qingyao Charity Foundation" to participate in the interview.

For the sake of his son, Liang Chaoyu felt that he had to blog once.

Liang Chaoyu specially spent two hundred yuan to buy a suit of clothes last night, and also had his hair cut and beard shaved to make himself tidy.

You must know that Liang Chaoyu hasn't bought clothes for himself for ten years. In order to save money, he only wears his clothes from ten years ago.

"Mr. Liang?"

Xu Xia came over and asked Liang Chaoyu.


Liang Chaoyu hurriedly responded.

"please follow me!"

After speaking, Xu Xia took Liang Chaoyu to the chairman's office for an interview.

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