Soon, Liang Chaoyu was brought into Ye Rongrong's office.

"Mr. Liang Chaoyu, please sit down."

Fang Bolin said to Liang Chaoyu.


Liang Chaoyu nodded to Ye Rongrong and Fang Bolin and said.

"We have read your resume, and also watched the videos you uploaded on the Internet. They are very good. I have ten years of experience in following Pengci people. I would like to ask, what made you so persistent in following this touching place in the past ten years?" Porcelain acts to fight?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liang Chaoyu and asked.

Before the interview, Ye Rongrong read Liang Chaoyu's resume. This is a person who has been hurt by "Pengci". Blackmailed by the Porcelain Man.


Liang Chaoyu looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

"Fair? Can you be more specific?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"You have read my resume, I am a victim of Pengci, because I kindly helped an old lady who fell to the ground, but I was blackmailed, and the court ordered me to pay 400,000 yuan in compensation, causing my wife to be separated. My old father also left me unhappy."

"The source of all this is because I helped an old lady with good intentions. Do I have to suffer such retribution for doing good deeds?"

"However, in the real society, more and more people are being blackmailed for helping people who have fallen to the ground. Good people can't do it, and they dare not do it. The reason for all this is the loss of justice."

"I have been persevering in exposing the ugliness of these people who touch porcelain, just to let people see these people clearly and let justice return to nature."

Liang Chaoyu said emotionally.

"very good."

Ye Rongrong was very satisfied with Liang Chaoyu's answer.

A person who can persevere for a belief for ten years deserves Ye Rongrong's respect.

"If you were asked to be the person in charge of the 'Anti-collision Porcelain Association', how would you carry out your work?"

Ye Rongrong continued to ask.

Liang Chaoyu knew that it was a critical moment. Fortunately, Liang Chaoyu had already thought about this issue before coming here. He was a little prepared and took a deep breath. Form my team, the number of this team cannot be less than five people."

"After the formation is completed, I will organize the photos and videos of Pengci that I have collected and taken over the years, and find someone to build a website against the propaganda of Pengci. These touch porcelain people."

"Secondly, establish a national database and blacklist of people who are involved in the crime, and organize the photos of these people and the videos of them into small files by region and put them on the website. Once someone is touched by these people, you can Bring up these materials and prove to the court and the inspection office that these people are professional poachers, and that they may have been poached, and they will have a certain chance of winning legally."

"Aren't you afraid of violating personal privacy by doing this? You must know that violating personal privacy is illegal."

Fang Bolin interrupted Liang Chaoyu's words.

"These people who touch porcelain have lost even the most basic morality. Do we still need to talk about personal privacy with them? Do we still want to protect them and let them continue to endanger the society?"

Liang Chaoyu didn't answer Fang Bolin's words, but looked at Fang Bolin and asked back.

"But legally, it's illegal to do so."

Fang Bolin said.

"If the law is to protect these bad guys, is there any justice in this world? If one bad guy is hurt and ten, or even a hundred, or a thousand good people can be saved, I am willing to take this responsibility."

Liang Chaoyu said.

"That's right, go ahead and tell me how you do your job."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

The reason why there are more and more villains in this society and become more and more rampant is because the cost of being a villain is too low, and sometimes the law even protects the privacy of the villains.

This also causes bad guys to continue to commit crimes again and again.

In many dynasties in China,

There is zero tolerance for crime, and the doors are closed at night at that time.

Because of the strict punishment for criminals, people dare not commit crimes.

Unlike the current law, which is really too kind to bad guys, the cost of crime is too low, even some zero cost, which makes more and more people commit crimes, even a little arrogant.

Some people are breaking the law by taking advantage of the loopholes of the law, because there is no legal regulation, and morality alone cannot do anything to these people.

It was different in ancient times. In ancient times, morality existed side by side with the law, and sometimes even existed greater than the law, such as the ancient "filial piety".

When there is a gap in the law, morality is the best law.

That's why there are five thousand years of Chinese virtues.

It's a pity that in modern times, the virtues of China's five thousand years are so pale, and the loss of morality is not within the scope of the law and is not punished by the law.

For example, today's society supports the elderly. Unfilial piety was the biggest crime in ancient times, but in modern times...

So Ye Rongrong agrees with Liang Chaoyu's words that there is no need to think so much about these bad guys, they must be announced to let people beware of them.

As for whether they will be sued by these people, with Ye Rongrong's current status and status, he is really not afraid of them.


Seeing that Ye Rongrong agreed with his point of view, Liang Chaoyu's uneasy heart also calmed down a little.

After all, this job is very important to Liang Chaoyu.

After sorting out his thoughts, Liang Chaoyu continued: "Thirdly, establish a national mutual aid system for anti-preaching porcelain, and give legal and financial support to those who have been touched, so that they can win these lawsuits and return justice to society."

"Fourth, set up public welfare anti-bangci groups all over the country to publicize the social harm of bangci, forming a situation where people who bangci are like rats crossing the street and everyone shouts and beats them."



Liang Chaoyu recounted the plan he had been thinking about last night.

"not bad!"

Ye Rongrong is very satisfied with Liang Chaoyu's plan for the future of the "Reverse Porcelain Association".

"Then what position am I applying for?"

Liang Chaoyu asked nervously.

Liang Chaoyu applied for the position of assistant to the president and vice president of the "Reverse Porcelain Association".

This is the position second only to the president, and it is also the highest among all positions. The annual salary is 200,000 yuan. In addition to five social insurances and one housing fund, there are bonuses at the end of the year according to the situation.


Ye Rongrong stood up and said to Liang Chaoyu.

"thanks, thanks!"

When he heard that he had been admitted, Liang Chaoyu became excited.

Since the incident ten years ago, Liang Chaoyu has not been to work, relying on the support of netizens to live a life of living and sleeping.

I really didn't expect that ten years later, I would still find such a good job.

The annual salary is 200,000, which is a salary that only social elites can get. Liang Chaoyu did not expect that one day he would be able to get such a high salary after graduating from elementary school.

Now with an annual salary of 200,000, including bonuses, this is close to a person with a monthly salary of 20,000.

This gave Liang Chaoyu some face to meet his son and attend his son's wedding, at least not to embarrass his son at the wedding.

Liang Chaoyu was really grateful to the young man in front of him for giving him the opportunity to work.

"Just work hard."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Then...boss, when will I come to work?"

Liang Chaoyu didn't know how to address Ye Rongrong. After all, no one introduced him, so he called him the boss.

"Go to work now!"

Ye Rongrong said.


Liang Chao was stunned for a moment, he didn't prepare anything, and started working now.

"Now is the time to employ people. There are less than ten days left in this month. I will give you half a month's salary."

Ye Rongrong said.

"thanks, thanks!"

Liang Chaoyu was very happy when he heard it.

The reason why Liang Chaoyu asked when to go to work was that he wanted to get his salary earlier, um, he also wanted to get more salary.

"By the way, where do you live now?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"Stay in a hotel temporarily!"

Liang Chaoyu said with some embarrassment.

After all, people rarely live in small roadside hotels nowadays. After all, the environment of the hotel is poor, but fortunately, it is cheap, twenty yuan a night is enough.

"Linlin, you are in charge of finding accommodation and work places for them. It's better to be closer to here, so that you can help each other if you have something to do."

Ye Rongrong thought about it, and Fang Bolin confessed.


Fang Bolin nodded and said.

"You stay with me to interview the people behind. In the future, you will be mainly responsible for leading their work."

Ye Rongrong said to Liang Chaoyu.

"it is good!"

Liang Chaoyu nodded excitedly.

Under Ye Rongrong's signal, Liang Chaoyu sat down on Ye Rongrong's left seat.

Liang Chaoyu was very excited. He used to watch the leaders interview those interviewees on TV, but he never thought that he would interview others today.

However, Liang Chaoyu knew his current position, and he was only participating. The real interviewer was the young man sitting next to him, who was also his future boss.

Soon, Xu Xia brought a young man in his thirties, who looked a bit scruffy.

"Xu Liangchen, right?"

Fang Bolin frowned and said as she looked at the young man who came in.

This man looked so sloppy, Fang Bolin rejected him at a glance!

If the examiner who interviewed today was not his boss, Fang Bolin would have told him to leave now.


Xu Liangchen nodded and said.

"Why did you choose to join the Anti-Bump Porcelain Association? Know that this job can be dangerous."

Ye Rongrong looked at this scruffy young man and asked.

A person cannot be judged by his appearance, and the sea cannot be measured. Ye Guangrong did not deny this young man just because he was sloppy.

Judging people by their appearance is the most inadvisable.

"I know, but for the sake of atonement, I'm here to interview for this job, even if I don't pay wages, I can just provide room and board."

The young man looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

"Atonement? Can you be more specific?"

Ye Rongrong was very interested in this answer.


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